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A new nonlinear adaptive minimum mean squared error (MMSE) receiver performing a successful cancellation of multiple access interference in multipath fading channels is proposed. It is observed that the proposed receiver could achieve a significant performance gain over any currently used adaptive MMSE receivers, at the cost of a relatively small increase in complexity and modification of the conventional DS/CDMA system  相似文献   

This paper proposes an asynchronous code-division multiple-access multiuser detector, zero-insertion adaptive minimum mean-square error (ZA-MMSE) multiuser detector, in which a data stream is partitioned into blocks by inserted zero bits and detection proceeds block by block to ensure a balance between processing delay and detection efficiency. The bit error rate performance of the ZA-MMSE detector is evaluated under different multipath scenarios with varying severity characterized by average relative strength of the paths. The results are compared with decorrelator, revealing that the ZA-MMSE detector offers promising detection efficiency at a relatively low complexity, which is linear to the product of the number of users and block length. As an effort to implement it adaptively, the transient behavior of the ZA-MMSE detector with different recursive algorithms is studied. It is concluded that the least mean square algorithm is not suitable due to its power-dependent convergence; whereas the recursive least square algorithm offers a consistently fast convergence regardless of the received power, making it ideal for application in a time-varying channel with near-far effect  相似文献   

MMSE detection of multicarrier CDMA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) detection of multicarrier code-division multiple-access (CDMA) signals is investigated. The theoretical performance of two different design strategies for MMSE detection are compared. In one case, the MMSE filters are designed separately for each carrier, while in the other case the optimization of the filters is done jointly. Naturally, the joint optimization produces a better receiver, but the difference in performance is shown to be substantial. The multicarrier CDMA performance is then compared to that of a single-carrier CDMA system on a frequency-selective fading channel. A mechanism is then developed to track the channel fading parameters for all the users' signals so that joint optimization of the receiver filters is possible in a time-varying channel. Simulation results show that the performance of this receiver is close to ideal theoretical results for moderate vehicle speeds. The performance begins to degrade when the normalized Doppler rate is higher than about 1%  相似文献   

In multiuser code-division multiple-access (CDMA) environments, the ill-conditioning of the covariance matrix of the received signal may degrade the performance of minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) detectors, especially when few samples are available for the covariance matrix estimation. In order to mitigate this performance degradation, we propose a full-rank regularized MMSE detector based on the covariance matrix tapering (CMT) technique. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors consider an asynchronous direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) system wherein users are allowed to transmit their symbols at one out of two available data rates. Three possible access schemes are considered, namely, the variable spreading length (VSL), the variable chip rate (VCR), and the variable chip rate with frequency shift (VCRFS) formats. Their performance is compared for the case that a linear one-shot multiuser receiver is employed. It is also shown that detection of the users transmitting at the higher rate requires a periodically time-varying processing of the observables. Moreover, the problem of blind adaptive receiver implementation is studied, and a cyclic blind recursive-least-squares (RLS) algorithm is provided which is capable of converging to the periodically time-varying high-rate users detection structure. Numerical results show that the proposed receivers are near-far resistant, and that the VCRFS access technique achieves the best performance. Finally as to the adaptive blind receiver implementation, computer simulations have revealed that the cyclic RLS algorithm for blind adaptive high-rate users demodulation outperforms the conventional RLS algorithm in most cases of primary importance  相似文献   

Since optical code division multiple access (CDMA) is an interference-limited system, we propose a system employing trellis-coded scheme and double optical hardlimiters (TC-DHLs) to alleviate the adverse impact of multiple access interference. For asynchronous transmission, optical orthogonal code (OOC) is utilized as signature sequence. System performance is evaluated under the chip synchronous case among different users, and thermal noise, avalanche photodiode (APD) noise, and interference are taken into consideration. Numerical results show that our proposed scheme can further reduce the error floor up to several orders over systems that using only double optical hardlimiters  相似文献   

The well-known code division multiple access maximum likelihood receiver (MF-ML) uses a bank of matched filters as a generator of sufficient statistics for maximum likelihood detection of users transmitted symbols. In this paper, the bank of matched filters is replaced by a bank of adaptive minimum mean squared error (MMSE) filters as the generator of sufficient statistics. This formal replacement of the MF bank by the adaptive MMSE filter bank has significant conceptual consequences and provides improvement by several performance measures. The adaptive MMSE-ML receiver's digital implementation is significantly computationally simplified. The advantages of the proposed adaptive MMSE-ML receiver over the MF-ML receiver are: (1) ability to perform joint synchronization, channel parameter estimation, and signal detection where the signal is sent over an unknown, slowly time-varying, frequency-selective multipath fading channel; (2) increased information capacity in a multicellular environment; and (3) significantly improved bit error rate (BER) performance in a multicellular mobile communications environment. The information capacity and the BER of the proposed MMSE-ML receiver are analyzed. Numerical results showing the BER performance of the MMSE-ML receiver in a multipath channel environment are presented  相似文献   

Adaptive MMSE receiver for multirate CDMA systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider the adaptive receiver for multirate code division multiple access (CDMA) systems under a fading channel environment. The main difficulty that arises in the use of the adaptive receiver for multirate CDMA systems is that the adaptation should resume after the rate change. Hence, the adaptive receiver may not provide a reasonable performance during the transient after the rate change. In order to overcome this difficulty, we investigate an approach that allows updating the weight vectors for all rates simultaneously. For example, in a dual-rate system, the weight vector for the lower rate (the higher rate) can be updated during the period of the higher rate (resp., the lower rate) to avoid the transient after the rate change. The resulting adaptive receiver has multiple parallel adaptive filters. The adaptive filters for each rate can carry out the adaptation simultaneously, regardless of what the current rate is. As a result, the performance is not degraded by the rate change.  相似文献   

An adaptive receiver solution for an asynchronous DS-CDMA system in an indoor powerline network is proposed. A combination of different receiver structures with binary and complex-polyphase sequences is evaluated and compared in terms of bit error rate. The simulation results based on a complete powerline channel model are reported.  相似文献   

In an asynchronous direct-sequence code-division multiple-access, a specific bit of the reference user is interfered by two asynchronously arriving surrounding bits of all the other users supported by the system. Hence, for optimum multiuser detection, the entire input bit sequence influencing the current bit decisions must be considered, which results in a high detection delay as well as a high receiver complexity. Suboptimal multiuser-detection methods have been proposed based on a truncated observation window, in which the so-called "edge" bits are tentatively estimated by some other means. Using a similar approach, a multiuser detector is developed in this contribution that invokes genetic algorithms (GAs) in order to estimate both the desired bits as well as the edge bits within the truncated observation window. Using computer simulations, we showed that by employing GAs for improving the estimation reliability of the edge bits, our proposed multiuser detector is capable of achieving a near-optimum bit-error-rate performance, while imposing a lower complexity than the optimum multiuser detector.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel technique for blindly starting up a minimum-mean-squared-error (MMSE) receiver for a user newly entering a code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system. It is assumed that only one user at a time is admitted into the system and that data before and after the onset of the new transmission are available. The technique is based on the generalized eigendecomposition of the two corresponding autocorrelation matrices (before and after the new user is admitted). In general, the two autocorrelation matrices differ by a low-rank matrix contributed by the autocorrelation of the new user signal. This fact yields the useful property that the generalized eigenvectors corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue span the noise subspace of the low-rank signal term. Exploiting this subspace relation, the signature of the new user can be identified. If, in particular, the difference between the two autocorrelation matrices is exactly a rank-one matrix, then there is only one maximum eigenvalue, and the corresponding eigenvector coincides with the MMSE receiver corresponding to the rank-one signal term. These properties are also applicable to long-code CDMA systems to provide an optimal multipath combining method  相似文献   

This paper analyzes combinations of the linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) detector and a nonlinear parallel interference canceller (PIC) for multiuser code-division multiple-access (CDMA) detection. Both the case where all users' codes are known at the receiver and the case where only some codes are known are considered. An upper bound and an approximate formula for the error probability are derived and verified through simulation. It is shown that the combined MMSE/PIC detector can have a considerable performance gain over the MMSE. It is also shown that while the MMSE detector is sensitive to large code cross-correlation values, the combined MMSE/PIC detector is robust to code cross correlations. Finally, use of the MMSE/PIC detector for cellular systems with both inter- and intra-cell interference is considered  相似文献   

In this paper, receiver design and performance analysis for coded asynchronous code-division multiple access (CDMA) systems is considered. The receiver front-end consists of the near-far resistant multiuser detector known as the projection receiver (PR). The PR performs multiple-access interference resolution and is followed by error-control decoding. The output of the projection receiver yields the appropriate metric (i.e., soft information) for decoding of the coded sequences. An expression for the metric is derived that allows the use of a standard sequence decoder (e.g., Viterbi algorithm, M-algorithm) for the error-control code. It is then shown that the metric computer has an elegant adaptive implementation based on an extension of the familiar recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm. The adaptive PR operates on a single sample per chip and achieves a performance virtually identical to the algebraic PR, but with significantly less complexity. The receiver performance is studied for CDMA systems with fixed and random spreading sequences, and theoretical performance degradations with regard to the single-user bound are derived. The near-far resistance of the PR is also proven, and demonstrated by simulation  相似文献   

Multipath fading severely limits the performances of conventional code division multiple-access (CDMA) systems. Since every signal passes through an independent frequency-selective fading channel, even modest cross-correlations among signature sequences may induce severe near-far effects in a central multiuser receiver. This paper presents a systematic approach to the detection problem in CDMA frequency-selective fading channels and proposes a low complexity linear multiuser receiver, which eliminates fading induced near-far problem.We initially analyze an optimal multiuser detector, consisting of a bank of RAKE filters followed by a dynamic programming algorithm and evaluate its performance through error probability bounds. The concepts of error sequence decomposition and asymptotic multiuser efficiency, used to characterize the optimal receiver performance, are extended to multipath fading channels.The complexity of the optimal detector motivates the work on a near-far resistant, low complexity decorrelating multiuser detector, which exploits multipath diversity by using a multipath decorrelating filter followed by maximal-ratio combining. Analytic expressions for error probability and asymptotic multiuser efficiency of the suboptimal receiver are derived that include the effects of multipath fading, multiple-access interference and signature sequences correlation on the receiver's performance.The results indicate that multiuser detectors not only alleviate the near-far problem but approach single-user RAKE performance, while preserving the multipath diversity gain. In interference-limited scenarios multiuser receivers significantly outperform the RAKE receiver.This paper was presented in part at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, NJ, March 1992 and MILCOM'92, San Diego, CA, October 1992. This work was performed while author was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, USA.  相似文献   

Blind multiuser channel estimation in asynchronous CDMA systems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In asynchronous code division multiple access (A-CDMA) systems transmitting over multipath channels, both intersymbol interference (ISI) as a result of interchip interference (ICI) and multiple access interference (MAI) cannot be easily eliminated. Although it is possible to design multiuser detectors that suppress MAI and ISI, these detectors often require explicit knowledge of at least the desired users' signature waveform. Recently, Liu and Xu (see Proc. 29th Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, 1996) introduced a blind estimation algorithm for synchronous CDMA (S-CDMA) systems to estimate the multiuser channels. However, this algorithm cannot be directly applied to an asynchronous CDMA (A-CDMA) system. In this paper, we study a similar blind estimation scheme that provides estimates of the multiuser channels by exploiting the structure information of the data output and the users' delays. In particular, we show that the subspace of the data matrix contains sufficient information for unique determination of channels and, hence, the signature waveforms. By utilizing antenna arrays, we extended our approach to overloaded systems, where the number of users may exceed the spreading factor  相似文献   

Adaptive receiver structures for asynchronous CDMA systems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Adaptive linear and decision feedback receiver structures for coherent demodulation in asynchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) systems are considered. It is assumed that the adaptive receiver has no knowledge of the signature waveforms and timing of other users. The receiver is trained by a known training sequence prior to data transmission and continuously adjusted by an adaptive algorithm during data transmission. The proposed linear receiver is as simple as a standard single-user detector receiver consisting of a matched filter with constant coefficients, but achieves essential advantages with respect to timing recovery, multiple access interference elimination, near/far effect, narrowband and frequency-selective fading interference suppression, and user privacy. An adaptive centralized decision feedback receiver has the same advantages of the linear receiver but, in addition, achieves a further improvement in multiple access interference cancellation at the expense of higher complexity. The proposed receiver structures are tested by simulation over a channel with multipath propagation, multiple access interference, narrowband interference, and additive white Gaussian noise  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new downlink transmit antenna processing (TAP) technique for code division multiple access (CDMA) equipped with multiple transmit antennas. In order to find the weight vectors for downlink signals, a minimum mean square error (MMSE) performance criterion is used. Since the multiuser interference is taken into account in the calculation of the weighting vectors for TAP, the proposed method is a multiuser downlink TAP method. It is assumed that the downlink channels are known by the downlink TAP. For given channel conditions, the optimal weight vectors are found with a closed-form expression under both flat and frequency-selective fading channel assumptions.  相似文献   

A constrained minimum mean square error (CMMSE)-RAKE receiver for multipath fading channels is developed by extending the CMMSE receiver for flat fading channels. Based on the observation that interpath interference causes a bias of the channel estimator in , a receiver that can remove such a bias is proposed, plus a closed-form expression of the bit-error rate of the receiver is derived. Computer simulation is used to demonstrate that the proposed receiver can outperform existing RAKE receivers.  相似文献   

Code-division multiple-access is a promising technique for communication systems. Many demodulation schemes have been proposed which take account of inherent multiple-access interference. In this paper, linear interference suppression as proposed by for example Madhow and Honig (194), is compared with conventional demodulation based on power-bandwidth plane. This approach is much more general than the comparison of error rates for specific scenarios as used previously. In case of interference suppression, the spectral efficiency is calculated by a combination of analysis and simulation. The coding and modulation scheme used is characterized within the power-bandwidth plane for a single-cell scenario as well as for a cellular system. In the latter case, some statements which are valid for the single-cell scenario have to be revised  相似文献   

In this paper, a fully distributed power control algorithm (PCA) based on the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver is introduced. We study the convergence of the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) and the total transmitted power and we compare, in terms of the capacity, the performance of a system in which the proposed PCA has been implemented and compared with a system with perfect power control. We show that capacity improvement of the order of 20% is obtained by using the proposed PCA  相似文献   

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