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This paper investigates a classical problem in computer vision: Given corresponding points in multiple images, when is there a unique projective reconstruction of the 3D geometry of the scene points and the camera positions? A set of points and cameras is said to be critical when there is more than one way of realizing the resulting image points. For two views, it has been known for almost a century that the critical configurations consist of points and camera lying on a ruled quadric surface. We give a classification of all possible critical configurations for any number of points in three images, and show that in most cases, the ambiguity extends to any number of cameras.The underlying framework for deriving the critical sets is projective geometry. Using a generalization of Pascal's Theorem, we prove that any number of cameras and scene points on an elliptic quartic form a critical set. Another important class of critical configurations consists of cameras and points on rational quartics. The theoretical results are accompanied by many examples and illustrations.  相似文献   

In this paper algorithms for affine reconstruction from translational motion under various auto calibration constraints are presented. A general geometric constraint, expressed using the camera matrices, is derived and this constraint is used in a least square solution to the problem. Necessary and sufficient conditions for critical motions are derived and shown to depend on the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera. Experiments on simulated data are performed to evaluate the noise sensitivity of the algorithms and the reconstruction quality for motions close to being critical. An experiment is performed on real data to illustrate that the method works in practice.  相似文献   

Methods for reconstruction and camera estimation from miminal data are often used to boot-strap robust (RANSAC and LMS) and optimal (bundle adjustment) structure and motion estimates. Minimal methods are known for projective reconstruction from two or more uncalibrated images, and for “5 point” relative orientation and Euclidean reconstruction from two calibrated parameters, but we know of no efficient minimal method for three or more calibrated cameras except the uniqueness proof by Holt and Netravali. We reformulate the problem of Euclidean reconstruction from minimal data of four points in three or more calibrated images, and develop a random rational simulation method to show some new results on this problem. In addition to an alternative proof of the uniqueness of the solutions in general cases, we further show that unknown coplanar configurations are not singular, but the true solution is a double root. The solution from a known coplanar configuration is also generally unique. Some especially symmetric point-camera configurations lead to multiple solutions, but only symmetry of points or the cameras gives a unique solution.  相似文献   

This paper first introduces a canonical representation for cylinders. The canonical representation introduced here is closely related to the Plücker line representation. In this paper, we show that this representation is an appropriate one for computer vision applications. In particular, it allows us to easily develop a series of mathematical methods for pose estimation, 3D reconstruction, and motion estimation. One of the major novelties in this paper is the introduction of the main equations dominating the three view geometry of cylinders. We show the relationship between cylinders’ three-view geometry and that of lines (Spetsakis and Aloimonos, 1990; Weng et al., 1993) and points (Shashua, 1995) defined by the trilinear tensor (Hartley, 1997), and propose a linear method, which uses the correspondences between six cylinders across three views in order to recover the motion and structure. Cylindrical pipes and containers are the main components in the majority of chemical, water treatment and power plants, oil platforms, refineries and many other industrial installations. We have developed a professional software, called CyliCon, which allows efficient as-built reconstruction of such installations from a series of pre-calibrated images. Markers are used for this pre-calibration process. The theoretical and practical results in this paper represent the first steps towards marker-less calibration and reconstruction of such industrial sites. Here, the experimental results take advantage of the two-view and three-view geometry of cylinders introduced in this paper to provide initial camera calibration results.  相似文献   

Multiple View Geometry of General Algebraic Curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We introduce a number of new results in the context of multi-view geometry from general algebraic curves. We start with the recovery of camera geometry from matching curves. We first show how one can compute, without any knowledge on the camera, the homography induced by a single planar curve. Then we continue with the derivation of the extended Kruppa's equations which are responsible for describing the epipolar constraint of two projections of a general algebraic curve. As part of the derivation of those constraints we address the issue of dimension analysis and as a result establish the minimal number of algebraic curves required for a solution of the epipolar geometry as a function of their degree and genus.We then establish new results on the reconstruction of general algebraic curves from multiple views. We address three different representations of curves: (i) the regular point representation in which we show that the reconstruction from two views of a curve of degree d admits two solutions, one of degree d and the other of degree d(d – 1). Moreover using this representation, we address the problem of homography recovery for planar curves, (ii) dual space representation (tangents) for which we derive a lower bound for the number of views necessary for reconstruction as a function of the curve degree and genus, and (iii) a new representation (to computer vision) based on the set of lines meeting the curve which does not require any curve fitting in image space, for which we also derive lower bounds for the number of views necessary for reconstruction as a function of curve degree alone.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors introduce the conformal geometric algebra in the field of visually guided robotics. This mathematical system keeps our intuitions and insight of the geometry of the problem at hand and it helps us to reduce considerably the computational burden of the problems. As opposite to the standard projective geometry, in conformal geometric algebra we can deal simultaneously with incidence algebra operations (meet and join) and conformal transformations represented effectively using spinors. In this regard, this framework appears promising for dealing with kinematics, dynamics and projective geometry problems without the need to resort to different mathematical systems (as most current approaches do). This paper presents real tasks of perception and action, treated in a very elegant and efficient way: body–eye calibration, 3D reconstruction and robot navigation, the computation of 3D kinematics of a robot arm in terms of spheres, visually guided 3D object grasping making use of the directed distance and intersections of lines, planes and spheres both involving conformal transformations. We strongly believe that the framework of conformal geometric algebra can be, in general, of great advantage for applications using stereo vision, range data, laser, omnidirectional and odometry based systems. Eduardo Jose Bayro-Corrochano gained his Ph.D. in Cognitive Computer Science in 1993 from the University of Wales at Cardiff. From 1995 to 1999 he has been Researcher and Lecturer at the Institute for Computer Science, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany, working on applications of geometric Clifford algebra to cognitive systems.  His current research interest focuses on geometric methods for artificial perception and action systems. It includes geometric neural networks, visually guidevsd robotics, color image processing, Lie bivector algebras for early vision and robot maneuvering. He is editor and author of the following books: Geometric Computing for Perception Action Systems, E. Bayro-Corrochano, Springer Verlag, 2001; Geometric Algebra with Applications in Science and Engineering, E. Bayro-Corrochano and G. Sobczyk (Eds.), Birkahauser 2001; Handbook of Computational Geometry for Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neurocomputing and Robotics, E. Bayro-Corrochano, Springer Verlag, 2005. He authored more than 90 strictly reviewed papers. Leo Hendrick Reyes-Lozano received his degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Guadalajara in 1999. He earned his MSc. and Ph.D. from the Center of Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) Guadalajara in 2001 and 2004, respectively. His research interests include Computer Vision, Geometric Algebra and Computer Graphics. Julio Zamora-Esquivel received his degree in Electronic Engineering at the Guzman City Institute of Tecnology in 2000. He earned his MSc. at the Center of Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) in Guadalajara in 2003. He is currently a Ph.D Candidate at CINVESTAV. His research interests include Computer Vision, Geometric Algebra and Robotics.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the recovery of structure and motion from uncalibrated images of a scene under full perspective or under affine projection. Particular emphasis is placed on the configuration of two views, while the extension to $N$ views is given in Appendix. A unified expression of the fundamental matrix is derived which is valid for any projection model without lens distortion (including full perspective and affine camera). Affine reconstruction is considered as a special projective reconstruction. The theory is elaborated in a way such that everyone having knowledge of linear algebra can understand the discussion without difficulty. A new technique for affine reconstruction is developed, which consists in first estimating the affine epipolar geometry and then performing a triangulation for each point match with respect to an implicit common affine basis.  相似文献   

This paper is about multi-view modeling of a rigid scene. We merge the traditional approaches of reconstructing image-extractable features and of modeling via user-provided geometry. We use features to obtain a first guess for structure and motion, fit geometric primitives, correct the structure so that reconstructed features lie exactly on geometric primitives and optimize both structure and motion in a bundle adjustment manner while enforcing the underlying constraints. We specialize this general scheme to the point features and the plane geometric primitives. The underlying geometric relationships are described by multi-coplanarity constraints. We propose a minimal parameterization of the structure enforcing these constraints and use it to devise the corresponding maximum likelihood estimator. The recovered primitives are then textured from the input images. The result is an accurate and photorealistic model.Experimental results using simulated data confirm that the accuracy of the model using the constrained methods is of clearly superior quality compared to that of traditional methods and that our approach performs better than existing ones, for various scene configurations. In addition, we observe that the method still performs better in a number of configurations when the observed surfaces are not exactly planar. We also validate our method using real images.  相似文献   

基于直线光流场的三维运动和结构重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用直线间运动对应关系,将像素点光流的概念和定义方法应用于直线,提出了直线光流的概念,建立了求解空间物体运动参数的线性方程组,利用三幅图像21条直线的光流场,可以求得物体运动的12个参数以及空间直线坐标.但是在实际应用当中,要找出这21条直线的光流场是很困难的,因此该文提出了运用解非线性方程组的方法,只需要6条直线的光流.就可以分步求出物体的12个运动参数,并根据求得的12个运动参数和一致的图像坐标系中的直线坐标,求得空间直线的坐标,从而实现了三维场景的重建.  相似文献   

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