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This paper will develop a new robust topology optimization method for the concurrent design of cellular composites with an array of identical microstructures subject to random‐interval hybrid uncertainties. A concurrent topology optimization framework is formulated to optimize both the composite macrostructure and the material microstructure. The robust objective function is defined based on the interval mean and interval variance of the corresponding objective function. A new uncertain propagation approach, termed as a hybrid univariate dimension reduction method, is proposed to estimate the interval mean and variance. The sensitivity information of the robust objective function can be obtained after the uncertainty analysis. Several numerical examples are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed robust topology optimization method.  相似文献   

In this article, a unified framework is introduced for robust structural topology optimization for 2D and 3D continuum and truss problems. The uncertain material parameters are modelled using a spatially correlated random field which is discretized using the Karhunen–Loève expansion. The spectral stochastic finite element method is used, with a polynomial chaos expansion to propagate uncertainties in the material characteristics to the response quantities. In continuum structures, either 2D or 3D random fields are modelled across the structural domain, while representation of the material uncertainties in linear truss elements is achieved by expanding 1D random fields along the length of the elements. Several examples demonstrate the method on both 2D and 3D continuum and truss structures, showing that this common framework provides an interesting insight into robustness versus optimality for the test problems considered.  相似文献   

This work addresses the topology optimization approach to design robust compliant mechanisms with respect to uncertainties in the output stiffness, when compared to the traditional deterministic approach. To this end, two formulations are proposed: probabilistic and nonprobabilistic. The probabilistic formulation minimizes a joint objective function of expected output displacement plus a measure of its standard deviations, for given statistical distribution of the output stiffness. The nonprobabilistic formulation is written as minimization of a joint function of the median of output displacements, plus the width of the intervals that contains the extreme values of the output displacements, for a given interval of output stiffness. The Monte Carlo simulation method is used to evaluate expected values and standard deviations of output displacements in the probabilistic formulation and to assess results obtained with the deterministic approach. It is shown that both formulations lead to designs where output displacements are less sensitive to variations of output stiffness when compared to the traditional deterministic approach. Furthermore, as an additional benefit, it is observed that large variations of output stiffness can hinder the appearance of one-node connected hinges, usually found in the deterministic design of compliant mechanisms.  相似文献   

This work addresses the use of the topology optimization approach to the design of robust continuum structures under the hypothesis of uncertainties with known second‐order statistics. To this end, the second‐order perturbation approach is used to model the response of the structure, and the midpoint discretization technique is used to discretize the random field. The objective function is a weighted sum of the expected compliance and its standard deviation. The optimization problem is solved using a traditional optimality criteria method. It is shown that the correlation length plays an important role in the obtained topology and statistical moments when only the minimization of the standard deviation is considered, resulting in more and thinner reinforcements as the correlation length decreases. It is also shown that the minimization of the expected value is close to the minimization of the deterministic compliance for small variations of Young's modulus. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an approach for reliability‐based design optimization where a structure of minimum weight subject to reliability constraints on the effective stresses is sought. The reliability‐based topology optimization problem is formulated by using the performance measure approach, and the sequential optimization and reliability assessment method is employed. This strategy allows for decoupling the reliability‐based topology optimization problem into 2 steps, namely, deterministic topology optimization and reliability analysis. In particular, the deterministic structural optimization problem subject to stress constraints is addressed with an efficient methodology based on the topological derivative concept together with a level‐set domain representation method. The resulting algorithm is applied to some benchmark problems, showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Topology optimization using stress constraints and considering uncertainties is a serious challenge, since a reliability problem has to be solved for each stress constraint, for each element in the mesh. In this paper, an alternative way of solving this problem is used, where uncertainty quantification is performed through the first‐order perturbation approach, with proper validation by Monte Carlo simulation. Uncertainties are considered in the loading magnitude and direction. The minimum volume problem subjected to local stress constraints is formulated as a robust problem, where the stress constraints are written as a weighted average between their expected value and standard deviation. The augmented Lagrangian method is used for handling the large set of local stress constraints, whereas a gradient‐based algorithm is used for handling the bounding constraints. It is shown that even in the presence of small uncertainties in loading direction, different topologies are obtained when compared to a deterministic approach. The effect of correlation between uncertainties in loading magnitude and direction on optimal topologies is also studied, where the main observed result is loss of symmetry in optimal topologies.  相似文献   

The topology optimization problem of a continuum structure is further investigated under the independent position uncertainties of multiple external loads, which are now described with an interval vector of uncertain-but-bounded variables. In this study, the structural compliance is formulated with the quadratic Taylor series expansion of multiple loading positions. As a result, the objective gradient information to the topological variables can be evaluated efficiently upon an explicit quadratic expression as the loads deviate from their ideal application points. Based on the minimum (largest absolute) value of design sensitivities, which corresponds to the most sensitive compliance to the load position variations, a two-level optimization algorithm within the non-probabilistic approach is developed upon a gradient-based optimization method. The proposed framework is then performed to achieve the robust optimal configurations of four benchmark examples, and the final designs are compared comprehensively with the traditional topology optimizations under the loading point fixation. It will be observed that the present methodology can provide a remarkably different structural layout with the auxiliary components in the design domain to counteract the load position uncertainties. The numerical results also show that the present robust topology optimization can effectively prevent the structural performance from a noticeable deterioration than the deterministic optimization in the presence of load position disturbances.  相似文献   

This article presents a robust topology optimization method for optical cloaks under uncertainties in the wave number and angle in the incident wave. We first discuss the governing equation derived from Maxwell's equation, and extend it to the entire domain including the dielectric material and air, based on the level set-based topology optimization method. Next, a robust optimization problem is formulated as a minimization problem of the weighted sum of the scattered wave norm and its standard deviation with respect to the wave number and angle of the incident wave. The standard deviation is mathematically expressed by the Taylor series approximation and the use of the adjoint variable method. The design sensitivity of the objective functional is also derived by the adjoint variable method. An optimization algorithm is then constructed, based on the proposed formulation for robust designs of optical cloaks. Several numerical examples are finally provided to demonstrate the validity and utility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to present a topology optimization methodology for obtaining robust designs insensitive to small uncertainties in the geometry. The variations are modeled using a stochastic field. The model can represent spatially varying geometry imperfections in devices produced by etching techniques. Because of under‐etching or over‐etching parts of the structure may become thinner or thicker than a reference design supplied to the manufacturer. The uncertainties are assumed to be small and their influence on the system response is evaluated using perturbation techniques. Under the above assumptions, the proposed algorithm provides a computationally cheap alternative to previously introduced stochastic optimization methods based on Monte Carlo sampling. The method is demonstrated on the design of a minimum compliance cantilever beam and a compliant mechanism. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new method for hybrid reliability-based design optimization under random and interval uncertainties (HRBDO-RI). In this method, Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is employed to estimate the upper bound of failure probability, and stochastic sensitivity analysis (SSA) is extended to calculate the sensitivity information of failure probability in HRBDO-RI. Due to a large number of samples involved in MCS and SSA, Kriging metamodels are constructed to substitute true constraints. To avoid unnecessary computational cost on Kriging metamodel construction, a new screening criterion based on the coefficient of variation of failure probability is developed to judge active constraints in HRBDO-RI. Then a projection-outline-based active learning Kriging is achieved by sequentially select update points around the projection outlines on the limit-state surfaces of active constraints. Furthermore, the prediction uncertainty of Kriging metamodel is quantified and considered in the termination of Kriging update. Several examples, including a piezoelectric energy harvester design, are presented to test the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method for HRBDO-RI.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach for robust compliance topology optimization under volume constraint. The compliance is evaluated considering a point‐wise worst‐case scenario. Analogously to sequential optimization and reliability assessment, the resulting robust optimization problem can be decoupled into a deterministic topology optimization step and a reliability analysis step. This procedure allows us to use topology optimization algorithms already developed with only small modifications. Here, the deterministic topology optimization problem is addressed with an efficient algorithm based on the topological derivative concept and a level‐set domain representation method. The reliability analysis step is handled as in the performance measure approach. Several numerical examples are presented showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When geometric uncertainties arising from manufacturing errors are comparable with the characteristic length or the product responses are sensitive to such uncertainties, the products of deterministic design cannot perform robustly. This paper presents a new level set‐based framework for robust shape and topology optimization against geometric uncertainties. We first propose a stochastic level set perturbation model of uncertain topology/shape to characterize manufacturing errors in conjunction with Karhunen–Loève (K–L) expansion. We then utilize polynomial chaos expansion to implement the stochastic response analysis. In this context, the mathematical formulation of the considered robust shape and topology optimization problem is developed, and the adjoint‐variable shape sensitivity scheme is derived. An advantage of this method is that relatively large shape variations and even topological changes can be accounted for with desired accuracy and efficiency. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity of the present formulation and numerical techniques. In particular, this method is justified by the observations in minimum compliance problems, where slender bars vanish when the manufacturing errors become comparable with the characteristic length of the structures. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenge of design optimization under uncertainty when the designer only has limited data to characterize uncertain variables. We demonstrate that the error incurred when estimating a probability distribution from limited data affects the out-of-sample performance (ie, performance under the true distribution) of optimized designs. We demonstrate how this can be mitigated by reformulating the engineering design problem as a distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problem. We present computationally efficient algorithms for solving the resulting DRO problem. The performance of the DRO approach is explored in a practical setting by applying it to an acoustic horn design problem. The DRO approach is compared against traditional approaches to optimization under uncertainty, namely, sample-average approximation and multiobjective optimization incorporating a risk reduction objective. In contrast with the multiobjective approach, the proposed DRO approach does not use an explicit risk reduction objective but rather specifies a so-called ambiguity set of possible distributions and optimizes against the worst-case distribution in this set. Our results show that the DRO designs, in some cases, significantly outperform those designs found using the sample-average or the multiobjective approach.  相似文献   

A new nonprobabilistic reliability-based topology optimization method for continuum structures with displacement constraints is proposed in this paper, in which the optimal layout consists of solid material and truss-like microstructure material simultaneously. The unknown-but-bounded uncertainties that exist in material properties, external loads, and safety displacements are considered. By utilizing the representative volume element analysis, rules of macro-micro stiffness performance equivalence can be confirmed. A solid material and truss-like microstructure material structure integrated design interpolation model is firstly constructed, in which design domain elements can be conducted to select solid material or truss-like microstructure material by a combination of the finite element method in the topology optimization process. Moreover, a new nonprobabilistic reliability measuring index, namely, the optimization feature distance is defined by making use of the area-ratio ideas. Furthermore, the adjoint vector method is employed to obtain the sensitivity information between the reliability measure and design variables. By utilizing the method of moving asymptotes, the investigated optimization problem can be iteratively solved. The effectiveness of the developed methodology is eventually demonstrated by two examples.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation for robust topology optimization of trusses subjected to the stress constraints under the uncertain load. A design‐dependent uncertainty model of the external load is proposed for dealing with the variation of truss topology in the course of optimization. For a truss with the discrete member cross‐sectional areas, it is shown that the robust topology optimization problem can be reduced to an MIP problem, which is solved globally. Numerical examples illustrate that the robust optimal topology of a truss depends on the magnitude of uncertainty. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method to aid robust design in the presence of design parameter uncertainty is described. For a given relationship between a performance measure (or output parameter) and the uncertain design parameters a probabilistic simulation is used to obtain the variance of the performance measure as a function of the nominal design parameter values. The optimum values of the latter are then obtained as those corresponding to a minimum of the computed variance, determined by means of a particular non-linear optimization algorithm in the presence of constraints. The latter are in the form of limits on the nominal values of the design parameters and a specified value for the performance measure at the nominal design point, i.e. the deterministic design target. Some problems inherent in this type of procedure are discussed and methods of solution are described. A specific example is studied and the results from the present method are compared with those previously obtained by use of another procedure. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structural designers are reconsidering traditional design procedures using structural optimization techniques. Although shape and sizing optimization techniques have facilitated a great improvement in the emergence of new optimum designs, they are still limited by the fact that a suitable topology must be assumed initially. In this paper a hybrid algorithm entitled constrained adaptive topology optimization, or CATO is introduced. The algorithm, based on an artificial material model and an adaptive updating scheme, combines ideas from the mathematically rigorous homogenization (h) methods and the intuitive evolutionary (e) methods. The algorithm is applied to shell structures under static or free vibration situations. For the static situation, the objective is to produce the stiffest structure subject to given loading conditions, boundary conditions and material properties. For the free vibration situation, the objective is to maximize or minimize a chosen frequency. In both cases, a constraint on the structural volume/mass is applied and the optimization process is achieved by redistributing the material through the shell structure. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated through several numerical examples of shells under either static or free vibration situations. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dual optimization algorithms for the topology optimization of continuum structures in discrete variables are gaining popularity in recent times since, in topology design problems, the number of constraints is small in comparison to the number of design variables. Good topologies can be obtained for the minimum compliance design problem when the perimeter constraint is imposed in addition to the volume constraint. However, when the perimeter constraint is relaxed, the dual algorithm tends to give bad results, even with the use of higher‐order finite element models as we demonstrate in this work. Since, a priori, one does not know what a good value of the perimeter to be specified is, it is essential to have an algorithm which generates good topologies even in the absence of the perimeter constraint. We show how the dual algorithm can be made more robust so that it yields good designs consistently in the absence of the perimeter constraint. In particular, we show that the problem of checkerboarding which is frequently observed with the use of lower‐order finite elements is eliminated. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Design of reinforced concrete structures is governed by the nonlinear behavior of concrete and by its different strengths in tension and compression. The purpose of this article is to present a computational procedure for optimal conceptual design of reinforced concrete structures on the basis of topology optimization with elastoplastic material modeling. Concrete and steel are both considered as elastoplastic materials, including the appropriate yield criteria and post‐yielding response. The same approach can be applied also for topology optimization of other material compositions where nonlinear response must be considered. Optimized distribution of materials is achieved by introducing interpolation rules for both elastic and plastic material properties. Several numerical examples illustrate the capability and potential of the proposed procedure. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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