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ABSTRACT:  Lipid oxidation and oxidative products as affected by pork meat cut, packaging method, and storage time were evaluated during refrigerated storage. Pork belly had higher pH and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) values than pork loin, and aerobic-packaged belly had higher TBARS than vacuum-packaged counterparts. Loin had higher free fatty acid (FFA) values than belly, and increased FFA values were observed with increased storage time. Peroxide values increased up to 7 d and decreased thereafter. Volatile compounds such as alkanes, aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols with high volatility in belly were higher than those in loin. Nonanoic acid, ethyl ester in belly, and hexadecanoic acid in loin might be considered as indices of lipid oxidation. Overall, vacuum packaging was better than aerobic packaging to retard lipid oxidation and production of oxidative products, and loin was more sensitive to lipid oxidation than belly.  相似文献   

The efficacy of varying concentration of mustard leaf kimchi ethanolic extracts (MK) in retarding oxidative rancidity was tested with raw ground pork. Freshly ground pork meat was assigned to one of the following five treatments: control (no antioxidants); AC-0.02 (0.02% ascorbic acid); MK-0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 (0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% MK, respectively). The pH of the samples decreased and the TBARS values and free fatty acids (%) increased considerably (P < 0.05) during storage. The total bacterial count was lower in MK-0.1 and MK-0.2 than the control during storage. The internal L∗ value and a∗ value decreased (P < 0.05) with the addition of MK. The internal b∗ value of MK treatments were higher (P < 0.05) than that for the control and increased incrementally with MK concentration. The TBARS values and free fatty acids (%) of MK-0.02 was lowest among the treatments. The peroxide value of the control increased until 7 days and reached the maximum value at a certain storage time and decreased thereafter. In the other treatments it increased. All treatments had lower concentration of conjugated dienes (P < 0.05) compared to the control sample, after the first day. Mustard leaf kimchi ethanolic extracts exhibited a protective effect against lipid oxidation in raw ground pork.  相似文献   

将肥瘦比为1:1的猪糜于-18、-24、-40℃三种条件下贮藏,每10d取样一次,通过测定酸价(AV)、过氧化值(POV)和硫代巴比妥酸(TBARS)值,研究贮藏温度、贮藏时间对猪肉糜氧化效应的影响。结果表明,贮藏时间和温度显著影响肉糜的氧化进程(p<0.05),随贮藏时间的延长,酸价整体呈先上升后下降的趋势,而过氧化值、硫代巴比妥酸值整体呈上升趋势;贮藏温度越低,肉糜的AV值、POV值和TBARS值也越低,且变化缓慢。缩短贮藏时间和降低贮藏温度有利于控制肉糜脂肪氧化,研究表明,贮藏时间小于20d时效果最佳,30d时脂肪水解与氧化达到了动态平衡;-40℃贮藏效果最好,但从节能等角度综合考虑,-24℃更适合作为肉糜长期贮藏的温度。   相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding condensed tannins in the form of non-purified (Liposterine®) or purified (Exxenterol®) extracts obtained from Carob fruit to prevent lipid cooked pork meat systems from oxidising during chilling and frozen storage. The antioxidant activity of these extracts was compared with that of α-tocopherol. Meat lipid alteration was evaluated as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances content (TBARS) and polar material-related triglyceride compounds followed by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). TBARS levels were lower (P < 0.05) in samples containing Liposterine (LM), Exxenterol (EM), and α-tocopherol (TM) than in control sample (CM) under chilled storage. TBARS formation was similar (P > 0.05) for LM and EM but lower (P < 0.05) than for TM. Polar material increased several times in all samples, but significantly less in TM and EM than in LM. Thermal oxidation compounds determined by HPSEC were lower (P < 0.05) in EM than in LM or TM. The changes in polar material were proportionally smaller after six months frozen storage than after chilled storage, with Exxenterol displaying the highest antioxidant protection. Therefore Carob fruit extracts can be successfully used to reduce fat alteration in cooked pork meat at chilled and frozen temperatures.  相似文献   

The effect of combinations of sage, oregano and honey on lipid oxidation in cooked chicken meat during refrigeration at 4°C for 96h was determined. Chicken samples (thigh and breast) were then separated into five groups: control; butylated hydroxytoluene; oregano+sage; oregano+sage+5%honey and oregano+sage+10%honey. Quantitative measurements of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, conjugated dienes, hexanal, fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesterol oxides were used as indicators of lipid oxidation. Acceptability and preference were also evaluated. The effectiveness of the natural antioxidants for reducing the velocity of lipid oxidation in cooked chicken thigh and breast was demonstrated after 48 and 96h of refrigeration at 4°C. The treatments that presented the lowest hexanal values after 96h of refrigeration were oregano+sage+5%honey and oregano+sage+10%honey. Only traces of free cholesterol oxides were found (25-OH, 7-k, 7α-OH and 7β-OH). The natural antioxidants protected cooked chicken meat from oxidation processes and resulted in great acceptability.  相似文献   

Processing of avocados generates an important amount of by-products such as peels and seeds that are rich in bioactive substances with proven radical suppressing activities. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of peel and seed extracts from two avocado varieties-'Hass' and 'Fuerte'-as inhibitors of lipid and protein oxidation and color deterioration of raw porcine patties during chilled storage (4 °C/15 days). Avocado extracts significantly (p<0.05) reduced the loss of redness and the increase of lightness during storage of porcine patties. 'Fuerte' extracts were more efficient at inhibiting discoloration of chilled patties than 'Hass' extracts. Patties treated with avocado extracts had significantly lower amounts of TBA-RS than control ones throughout the storage. 'Hass' avocado extracts significantly inhibited the formation of protein carbonyls in chilled patties at day 15. The present results highlight the potential usage of extracts from avocado by-products as ingredients for the production of muscle foods with enhanced quality traits.  相似文献   

The effect of dried spices and the ethanol extract of those spices was studied on the stability of fresh chicken minced meat, and fresh and cooked pork patties pretreated with NaCl during refrigerated and frozen storage. The antioxidant activities of the spices were measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and peroxide value (POV) in meat samples. The lipid oxidation was effectively inhibited in the chicken meat treated with several dry spices diminishing the TBARS to a range of 32% and 83% of those found in the control samples in frozen stored meat for 6 months. Marjoram, wild marjoram and caraway were the most effective dry spices. Ethanolic extracts of the same spices were more potent as antioxidants by lowering the concentration of the TBARS to a range of 20–27% of those found in the control samples. Addition of sodium salt to the minced pork resulted very high concentrations of the oxidation products originated from the polyunsaturated fatty acids. The treatment with ethanolic extract of spices (sage, basil, thyme and ginger) significantly inhibited the lipid peroxidation in refrigerated and chilled pork patties pretreated with NaCl by reducing both POV and TBARS. Heat treatment with microwaves produced significantly elevated levels of both lipid peroxides and TBARS, but the amount of these oxidation products was less than 10% in spice‐treated salted meat samples compared to that in untreated ones. Lipid peroxidation also grew continuously during the storage period at −18°C in raw and cooked samples. Ethanolic extracts of spices had a very strong antioxidative effect inhibiting lipid peroxidation in heat‐treated meat products during frozen storage. The highest antioxidant activity was observed in the case of ginger. High correlation coefficients were found between TBARS and POV both in raw and cooked pork patties (0.86, 0.91, respectively) during frozen storage. It is supposed that these compounds originated from the polyunsaturated fatty acids during oxidation processes but at different stages. Utilization of spices, spice mixtures or spice extracts in semi‐prepared meat products intended to be frozen for up to 6 months or more before consumption is proved to be advantageous in regard of shelf life of the food, as well as of human health, because of the beneficial effect of spices in inhibition of lipid peroxidation during heat treatment and chilling storage. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Efficacy of varying concentrations of dried Holy basil powder and its ethanolic extracts in retarding oxidative rancidity was tested with cooked ground pork. The development of lipid oxidation products during 14 days refrigerated storage (5 °C) was evaluated by means of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) value, peroxide value (POV), conjugated diene and hexanal content. In the amounts studied, dried Holy basil powder and its ethanolic extract significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited the formation of TBARS, peroxide, conjugated dienes and hexanal in a dose-dependent manner. The oxidation process was significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by the type of antioxidant and its concentration. Addition of dried Holy basil powder to cooked ground pork was more effective in inhibiting lipid oxidation than its ethanolic extracts. Additionally, TBARS values and hexanal contents in cooked ground pork were highly correlated (r2 = 0.95; P < 0.05) with each other.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to find natural spice and herb extracts with antibacterial and antioxidant capacities that could be potentially used as natural preservatives in raw pork. RESULTS: The inhibitory effects of cinnamon stick, oregano, clove, pomegranate peel and grape seed extracts on Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica were evaluated in raw pork at room temperature (~20 °C). The influences of these extracts on lipid oxidation in the meat were also investigated. The pH, colour parameters and TBARS (thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances) values were tested periodically. The results showed that all five natural extracts, especially clove, were effective against the bacteria. During storage the colour parameters of the extract‐treated pork samples changed slightly, in comparison with significant changes in the control. Treatments with these extracts increased the stability of raw pork against lipid oxidation. Clove was the most effective for retarding lipid oxidation and presented the highest antioxidant activity in raw pork. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the tested extracts, especially clove, have potential as natural preservatives to reduce numbers of pathogenic bacteria, colour degradation and lipid oxidation in raw pork. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

光照对猪肉脂肪氧化影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了4±0.5℃贮存温度下,避光和光照条件对通脊肉肌内和皮下脂肪氧化程度的影响,同时比较9±1℃贮存温度下,不同光源(日光灯和白炽灯)照射对猪肉肌内脂肪氧化程度的影响。结果表明,无论是避光条件还是光照条件下,肌内脂肪氧化程度均远远大于皮下脂肪的氧化程度(p<0.05)。因此,控制肌内脂肪氧化是保证冷却肉良好品质的关键。光照可以明显加快脂肪氧化速度,并加深氧化程度,且对肌内脂肪氧化程度的加深远大于对皮下脂肪氧化程度的加深,同时研究发现,日光灯照射对脂肪氧化程度的加深远大于白炽灯照射对脂肪氧化程度的影响。  相似文献   

Colorifico is a spice consisting essentially of a mixture of annatto (Bixa orellana) and corn flour. The effects of colorifico addition (0.4 g/100 g) to chicken meat on the development of lipid oxidation, colour stability, and degradation of bixin and vitamin E was investigated in raw and grilled patties during storage at −18 °C for 120 days. Colorifico was able to provide a more stable and intense red and yellow colour in both raw and grilled chicken patties when compared to the meat without spice. Lipid oxidation was delayed by colorifico in the grilled patties until 30 days of storage; however, no effect was observed in the raw patties. Vitamin E content was significantly higher in raw meat with colorifico and heat treatment resulted in relatively less loss when compared to the meat without spice; however, during storage both presented the same degradation pattern. Bixin content was stable during storage but not after grilling. The observed antioxidant mechanism suggests that vitamin E, probably the tocotrienols, is acting along with bixin to protect the unsaturated lipids from oxidation.  相似文献   

The effect of Isabel (IGE) and Niagara (NGE) grape seed and peel extracts on lipid oxidation, instrumental colour, pH and sensory properties of raw and cooked processed chicken meat stored at -18°C for nine months was evaluated. The pH of raw and cooked samples was not affected by the addition of grape extracts. IGE and NGE were effective in inhibiting the lipid oxidation of raw and cooked chicken meat, with results comparable to synthetic antioxidants. The extracts caused alterations in colour, as evidenced by the instrumental (darkening and lower intensity of red and yellow colour) and sensory results of cooked samples. In the sensory evaluation of odour and flavour, IGE produced satisfactory results, which did not differ from synthetic antioxidants. These findings suggest that the IGE and NGE are effective in retarding lipid oxidation of raw and cooked chicken meat during frozen storage.  相似文献   

Effects of salt, kinnow and pomegranate fruit by-product powders on color and oxidative stability of raw ground goat meat stored at 4 ± 1 °C was evaluated. Five treatments evaluated include: control (only meat), MS (meat + 2% salt), KRP (meat + 2% salt + 2% kinnow rind powder), PRP (meat + 2% salt + 2% pomegranate rind powder) and PSP (meat + 2% salt + 2% pomegranate seed powder). Addition of salt resulted in reduction of redness scores. Lightness increased in control and unchanged in others during storage. Redness scores declined and yellowness showed inconsistent changes during storage. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values were higher (P < 0.05) in MS followed by control and KRP samples compared to PRP and PSP samples throughout storage. The PSP treated samples showed lowest TBARS values than others. Percent reduction of TBARS values was highest in PSP (443%) followed by PRP (227%) and KRP (123%). Salt accelerated the TBARS formation and by-products of kinnow and pomegranate fruits counteracted this effect. The overall antioxidant effect was in the order of PSP > PRP > KRP > control > MS. Therefore, these powders have potential to be used as natural antioxidants to minimize the auto-oxidation and salt induced lipid oxidation in raw ground goat meat.  相似文献   

Plant extracts as natural antioxidants in meat and meat products   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Antioxidants are used to minimize the oxidative changes in meat and meat products. Oxidative changes may have negative effects on the quality of meat and meat products, causing changes in their sensory and nutritional properties. Although synthetic antioxidants have already been used but in recent years, the demand for natural antioxidants has been increased mainly because of adverse effects of synthetic antioxidants. Thus most of the recent investigations have been directed towards the identification of natural antioxidants from various plant sources. Plant extracts have been prepared using different solvents and extraction methods. Grape seed, green tea, pine bark, rosemary, pomegranate, nettle and cinnamon have exhibited similar or better antioxidant properties compared to some synthetic ones. This review provides the recent information on plant extracts used as natural antioxidants in meat and meat products, specifically red meat.  相似文献   

Raw and cooked chicken breasts were stored at ?18 °C for 3 months under aerobic and vacuum conditions, and the intensity of lipid oxidation and the formation of COP (cholesterol oxidation products) were studied. Raw samples showed low COP levels (4.60–7.40 µg g?1 fat), TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) levels (0.01–0.03 mg kg?1) and peroxide values (not detected) under both aerobic and vacuum conditions. Cooked samples (grilled and roasted) showed TBARS levels of 0.36–0.99 mg kg?1 in aerobic conditions and 0.21–0.70 mg kg?1 in vacuum conditions, whilst peroxide levels reached 38–40 and 19–23 meq O2 kg?1 in samples stored under aerobic and vacuum conditions respectively. Total COP levels in grilled and roasted samples were 28.91 and 39.34 µg g?1 fat in aerobic packaging and 4.90 and 20.24 µ g g?1 fat in vacuum packaging respectively. Significant correlations were found between the lipid oxidation parameters and cholesterol oxidation indices. In general, TBARS were better correlated with total COP than with only 7‐ketocholesterol. Vacuum packaging was particularly efficient in slowing down the oxidation process during frozen storage of cooked samples. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

泡酒肥肉是豉香型白酒(玉冰烧)生产过程\  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Lipid oxidation and oxidative volatiles as affected by pork meat cut and packaging method during frozen storage at –10 °C were evaluated. Pork belly cut had higher thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) and pH values than did the loin, whereas the loin had higher free fatty acid (FFA) values than that of the belly cut. Peroxide values increased with increased storage time, but were not affected by pork meat cut and packaging method. Volatiles with carbon numbers less than 10 in the belly cut were higher than those in the loin cut, whereas those with carbon numbers greater than 10 in the loin cut were higher than those in belly cut. Most volatiles were decreased with increased storage time, except for propane. Both 4-pentenal and 4-methyl-2-hexanone in the belly cut showed a positive correlation with FFA, whereas 2,4-dimethyl-1-heptene and 9-octadecenal in the loin cut were positively correlated with TBARS and FFA, respectively, even though the values were not high enough to predict the degree of lipid oxidation.  相似文献   

茶多酚和TBHQ对猪肉脯贮藏过程中色泽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为防止脂质氧化,常在猪肉脯中添加抗氧化剂,但对于添加抗氧化剂对猪肉脯色泽的影响研究鲜有报道。通过在猪肉脯中分别添加0.02%的天然抗氧化剂茶多酚和0.02%的化学抗氧化剂TBHQ(特丁基对苯二酚),在其他实验条件相同的情况下,研究猪肉脯贮藏过程中两种抗氧化剂对色泽的影响。结果表明,在猪肉脯中添加两种抗氧化剂,CIEL*、CIEa*、CIEb*值均呈显著性下降趋势(p<0.05);POV(过氧化值)总体先增加后下降并且添加组小于对照组,且添加组的POV与各自的CIEL*、CIEa*、CIEb*均呈极显著相关性(p<0.01);pH整体变化趋势基本一致,都是先增加而后下降,且各组pH与其CIEL*、CIEa*、POV之间均呈现显著相关性(p<0.05)。结果表明,抗氧化剂对猪肉脯贮藏过程中色泽变化具有显著性影响。  相似文献   

生猪肉中沙门氏菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立一套高效的沙门氏菌分离和鉴定方法,同时对本地区生猪肉中沙门氏菌的污染情况做初步评估。方法分别从本地区屠宰场、农贸市场和超市各采集10份生猪肉样品,共计30份。然后对采集的样品进行选择性培养,初步筛选疑似菌株,通过对疑似菌株进一步进行生理生化鉴定、16S rDNA基因序列的比对并构建系统发育树,最终确认沙门氏菌。结果研究表明在采集的30份样品中共获得1株疑似菌株,并通过一系列试验鉴定为沙门氏菌,同时表明该地区生猪肉中沙门氏菌的检出率为3.3%。结论该研究为丰富沙门氏菌数据库资料和流行病学的研究提供一定的理论依据,同时为进一步对该地区肉及肉制品中沙门氏菌的风险评估奠定基础。  相似文献   

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