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ABSTRACT: In poultry processing, carcasses are chilled in water that is replenished at 1.9 L/bird. The high costs of water usage, wastewater treatment and refrigeration energy have raised the need for developing means for the safe reuse of processing water. An electroflotation device that concurrently disinfects and removes solids from overflow water was developed. At a charge of 280 C/L, electroflotation reduced aerobic bacteria and coliforms by 6 and 5 log CFU/mL, respectively, 1000-fold more efficient than dosing with 150 mg/mL chlorine. Electroflotation removed 82% of the suspended solids and 14% of the soluble organic matter without the use of flocculant, indicating its potential for treating overflow water for reuse.  相似文献   

王耀峰  宫智勇  方敏  刘良忠 《食品科学》2009,30(23):150-153
研究二氧化氯(ClO2)与超声波协同作用对鲜蛋表面大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌的杀灭效果。二氧化氯浓度为0、30、40、50、60mg/L,单独作用及在59kHz 超声波协同作用下分别处理1、5、10min。结果表明:二氧化氯与超声波协同作用与二氧化氯单独作用相比,处理时间10min,对3 个菌种的杀菌量> 4.00(lg(CFU/ml)),二氧化氯浓度从60mg/L 降低为50mg/L;协同作条件下二氧化氯浓度50mg/L,对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的杀菌量> 4.00(lg(CFU/ml)),处理时间与单独作用相比从10min 缩短为5min。  相似文献   

二氧化氯在鲜蛋消毒保鲜中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新鲜鸡蛋为原料,研究二氧化氯对其进行处理后消毒保鲜的效果。经挑选、分级后,分别将鸡蛋置于浓度为30、40、50mg/L的ClO2溶液中,各浸泡5、10、15min,另取二氧化氯浓度为50mg/L浸泡10min的处理组置于密封袋中为密封袋组,未做任何处理的鸡蛋设为对照组。所有实验组均在室温条件下贮藏,分别在第10、20、30、40d测定鸡蛋的失重率、蛋黄系数、哈夫值、挥发性盐基氮等指标。结果表明,二氧化氯对鸡蛋蛋壳有很好的灭菌作用,对鸡蛋的保鲜效果不显著,消毒后置于密封袋中的鸡蛋保鲜效果较好。  相似文献   

目的评价微酸性电解水对黄瓜的消毒效果及安全性能。方法以黄瓜为载体,以大肠杆菌及黄瓜表面的自然菌为指标菌,探究微酸性电解水的消毒效果,并通过一次性皮肤刺激试验及急性经口毒性试验,评价其安全性能。结果 1%大豆卵磷脂、1%硫代硫酸钠、3%吐温80的复配使用能有效中和有效氯浓度为50 mg/L、pH值为6.5的微酸性电解水;微酸性电解水对黄瓜表面的自然菌及添加的大肠杆菌的杀菌效果显著,30次消毒试验后的平均杀灭对数值分别达到2.18和3.08;微酸性电解水小鼠急性经口毒性评价属实际无毒级别,家兔皮肤刺激强度属无刺激。结论微酸性电解水对黄瓜表面的消毒效果显著,且安全、绿色、环保,是一种比较理想的食品消毒剂。  相似文献   

Disinfection of Rice Seeds Prior to Sprouting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Different methods of rice seeds disinfection were investigated in order to limit the development of micro-organisms during sprouting. At room temperature, sodium hypochlorite at 1000 ppm or hydrogen peroxide resulted in a 2 to 3 log decrease in aerobic plate counts. Ethanol was found to inhibit germination, thus prohibiting its use. The limited effectiveness of decontaminating solutions could be because they did not access the bacteria, which was supported by the results of washing with benzalkonium chloride. Greater reduction (up to 5 log) was obtained by soaking seeds for 5 min in a sodium hypochlorite solution at 60°C.  相似文献   

In recent years, the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables has greatly increased, and so has its association with contamination of several foodborne pathogens (Listeria, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli). Hence, there is a need to investigate effective sanitizer systems for produce decontamination. Chlorine dioxide (ClO(2)), a strong oxidizing gas with broad spectrum and sanitizing properties, has previously been studied for use on selected fruits and vegetables. ClO(2) gas treatments show great potential for surface pathogen reduction; however its use from a residue safety standpoint has yet to be assessed. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate residues of ClO(2), chlorite, chlorate, and chloride on selected fresh produce surfaces after treatment with ClO(2) gas. A rinse procedure was used and water samples were analyzed by N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine and ion chromatography method (300.0). Seven different foods--tomatoes, oranges, apples, strawberries, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, and cantaloupe--were analyzed after ClO(2) treatment for surface residues. Very low residues were detectable for all the food products except lettuce and alfalfa sprouts, where the measured concentrations were significantly higher. Chlorine dioxide technology leaves minimal to no detectable chemical residues in several food products, thus result in no significant risks to consumers. Practical Application: Potential for chlorine dioxide gas treatments as an effective pathogen inactivation technology to produce with minimal risk for consumers.  相似文献   

活性炭过滤是饮用水生产过程中常用的过滤工艺,其表面的多孔性使其可以脱除余氯、嗅味及消毒副产物.余氯脱除且吸附了大量有机物后,活性炭较易富集微生物,因此定期消毒对于过程管控及品质安全必不可少.传统的活性炭消毒常采用热蒸汽消毒,需消耗大量的蒸汽,耗时较长,不符合低碳环保的新发展理念.为节约能源并提高效率,该课题研究了使用热...  相似文献   

饮用水消毒是控制水中致病菌、保障人类安全使用的重要技术手段,但因此而产生的消毒副产物却危害着人类的健康,直接影响饮用水的质量安全。本文通过不同水文条件下和不同贮存条件下消毒副产物的检测,分析了饮用水中消毒副产物在不同条件下的变化,并通过安全指数来评价饮用水的质量安全。  相似文献   

In industrialized countries, the epidemiology of infec- tious diseases with indirect transmission through water and foodstuffs has undergone considerable changes over the past decades with the almost total disappearance of some traditional pathogen microo…  相似文献   

电位滴定法测定漂白废水中总有机氯化物的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王双飞  高扬 《中国造纸》1997,16(4):43-46
利用电位滴定法测定漂白废水中的氯离子用银量法简单,终点判断容易,准确度高。以Schoniger燃烧法和电位滴定法测定漂白废水中的总有机氯化物,操作简单、准确度较高、测定时间短且费用低,适于国内纸厂日常检测。  相似文献   

二氧化氯在食品保鲜中的应用   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
对近几年来国内外将二氧化氯 (ClO2 )应用于食品保鲜的研究概况进行了综述 ,其中包括在果蔬、畜禽制品、奶制品、水产品和饮料保鲜中的最新研究进展。ClO2 是一种高效安全的杀菌剂、食品保鲜剂 ,能够有效杀死微生物、无气味残留 ,可以阻止蛋氨酸生成乙烯 ,破坏已生成的乙烯 ,并对动植物机体不产生毒效 ,在食品保鲜中具有独特的性能优势。文中还对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

二氧化氯在食品灭菌消毒上的应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
综述了二氧化氯在果蔬、水产品、禽畜肉、饮料等各种食品以及食品包装工业上的灭菌消毒应用研究进展。二氧化氯在对食品灭菌消毒上具有高效性、安全性和广谱性的特点,是目前国际公认的最理想的灭菌消毒剂。一般而言,二氧化氯浓度在1~10mg/L时,就能对食品中的多数致病菌产生良好的灭菌效果,同时作用时间比较短,大约在10min。并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

二氧化氯对肉制品保鲜的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
二氧化氯是一种有效的食品保鲜剂 ,目前在水处理、食品加工、保鲜等方面已得到广泛应用。试验研究了不同浓度二氧化氯对酱鸭的保鲜效果及其对酱鸭品质的影响。结果表明 ,酱鸭经浓度为 10 0~ 2 0 0mg/kg的二氧化氯溶液处理 2min后 ,常温下贮存 2 6~ 3 0d仍可保持较好的品质。  相似文献   

二氧化氯的制备方法及我国用于纸浆漂白的现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗巨生 《纸和造纸》2007,26(4):48-50
介绍二氧化氯漂白剂的几种常见制备方法,阐述二氧化氯的漂白机理、适用范围和应用方式。对二氧化氯在我国纸浆漂白中的应用现况和前景做分析和评价。  相似文献   

通过对金属钠生产中副产物——氯气处理工艺的研究,分析和总结了目前利用竖档板式降尘室和水浴除尘在氯气净化过程中出现的问题和缺陷,并针对上述问题和缺陷提出改用横档板式降尘室和布袋除尘器作为主要除尘净化设备,通过提高重力除尘效率和过滤除尘高效地除去氯气中的粉尘,提高净化效率。  相似文献   

新型杀菌剂--固体二氧化氯在食品包装工业中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了新型杀菌剂——固体二氧化氯的特性和杀菌原理,探讨了在食品包装工业中广泛应用的优势以及必须解决的问题。  相似文献   

目的研究2,4-二氯苄醇的消毒性能。方法采用载体定量杀菌实验和文献调研相结合的方式,研究2,4-二氯苄醇有效杀菌浓度和安全性。结果 2,4-二氯苄醇浓度在0.2%~0.3%之间,对大肠杆菌、白色念珠菌、金黄色葡萄球菌作用1min,菌落杀灭对数值均3.00。经文献检索,大鼠经口LD50为3000 mg/kg,亚急性毒性结果为阴性;1%的2,4-二氯苄醇对皮肤无刺激。结论 2,4-二氯苄醇可用于皮肤消毒和卫生手消毒,具有良好的安全性。  相似文献   

Abstract: Suspension quantitative germicidal test showed that electrolyzed oxidizing water (EO water) was an efficient and rapid disinfectant. Disinfection rates towards E. coli (available chlorine concentration ACC: 12.40 mg/L) and Staphylococcus aureus (ACC: 37.30 mg/L) could reach 100% at 1 and 3 min, respectively. Disinfection mechanism of EO water was investigated at a molecular biological level by detecting a series of biochemical indices. The results showed that the dehydrogenase activities of E. coli and S. aureus decreased rapidly, respectively, at the rates of 45.9% and 32% in the 1st minute treatment with EO water. EO water also improved the bacterial membrane permeability, causing the rise of conductivities and the rapid leakages of intracellular DNA, K+, and proteins in 1 min. The leakages of DNA and K+ tended to slow down after about 1 min while those of proteins began to decrease a little after reaching the peak values. The sodium dodecyl sulfonate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed that EO water destroyed intracellular proteins. The protein bands got fainter and even disappeared as the treatment proceeded. EO water's effects on the bacterial ultrastructures were also verified by the transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) photos. The disinfection mechanism of EO water was composed of several comprehensive factors including the destruction of bacterial protective barriers, the increase of membrane permeability, the leakage of cellular inclusions, and the activity decrease of some key enzymes. Practical Application: Large-scale communicable diseases have often occurred due to the infectious pathogenic microorganism. EO water is a novel environment-friendly disinfectant characterized by its high efficiency, broad spectrum, and no side effects. It has been greatly used in agriculture, food industry, and medicine. Our research lays the foundation for further research of EO water and we can predict that EO water will continue to be broadly used in daily life, health care, sanitation, and so on.  相似文献   

A commercial ClO2-producing solution killed mostly Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes Scott A and its streptomycin-resistant (StrR) strain at 15, 10, and 7.5 ppm, respectively, while aqueous ClO2 and chlorine achieved similar results against the tested strains at 20 and 25 ppm, respectively. Aqueous ClO2 and the commercial solution were more effective than aqueous chlorine in killing StrR-L. monocytogenes inoculated on fish cubes (mangrove snapper) at 3.4 × 103 or 2.4 × 106 CFU/g, as well as in solutions washed off the cubes. Fish cubes treated with aqueous chlorine or ClO2 contained negligible chlorine residues, while the commercial treatment samples contained chlorite and some free and combined available chlorine.  相似文献   

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