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以扩展徳拜介质响应等值模型为出发点,获得可辨识等值电路的数学模型,对如何准确辨识模型参数展开研究,首次在变压器介质响应模型参数辨识中引入分层思路,并提出分层-压缩因子法,实现基于回复电压现场测试数据的等值模型参数辨识。通过对结果对比分析得出,该算法具有使用灵活、精确高效等特点;本文分别对两台实际变压器进行建模研究,结果表明,该优化算法所辨识的等值模型能有效反映两变压器实际情况,为进一步分析变压器绝缘状态与回复电压特征量之间的关系打下基础。 相似文献
变压器用绝缘纸胶带的研制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了适应变压器绝缘新工艺的技术发展要求,研究开发了绝缘纸胶带;以环氧树脂、酸酐、咪唑等为主要原料并添加改性剂,配制了一种能在中温下快速固化的胶粘剂;经过工艺试验,找出了制备绝缘纸胶带的较佳工艺条件;样品性能测试结果表明:固化剂、促进剂、改性剂的组份含量对胶化时间、剥离强度、击穿电压、储存期等均有影响,所制绝缘纸胶带达到预期指标的要求。 相似文献
为利用频域介电谱准确分析变压器油纸绝缘状态,引入考虑直流电导率与跳跃电导率的改进DavidsonCole介电模型。运用测量的频域介电谱数据参数化改进Davidson-Cole介电模型,将其转化为非线性优化问题。选用混合蛙跳优化算法对改进Davidson-Cole介电模型参数进行辨识,得到了弛豫时间τ、圆弧不对称度β和直流电导率σ_(dc)等特征参数。研究了老化与受潮对油纸绝缘试样的改进Davidson-Cole模型参数的影响特性,结果表明β与糠醛含量、σ_(dc)与水分含量有着良好的指数关系;τ与糠醛含量、水分含量有着良好的对数关系。通过线性拟合获得了糠醛含量、水分含量与模型参数的量化关系式,其拟合优度较高,因此可利用改进Davidson-Cole模型定量评估变压器油纸绝缘状态。 相似文献
针对电力变压器油纸绝缘系统由于自身老化产气、换油处理不当等引入气隙(空穴)的影响绝缘性能研究方法的不足,引入回复电压法有效诊断油纸绝缘状态来判断气隙状况。在理解介质响应理论基础上,建立了油纸绝缘模拟实验,统计分析并拟合了测量数据,研究了不同充电时间下绝缘系统中气隙含量的变化对回复电压特征参数的影响规律。结果表明:回复电压最大值随绝缘系统中气隙含量的增加呈二次线性规律增大,而中心时间常数随绝缘系统中气隙含量的增加呈二次线性规律减小,初始斜率随着绝缘系统中气隙含量增加呈三次线性规律增大,最后对多台实际变压器进行测试分析,验证了回复电压法可对油纸绝缘系统中气泡情况有效诊断的结论。 相似文献
针对油中糠醛含量随变压器运行时间变化的分散性较大,难以准确评估油浸式变压器纸绝缘老化状态的不足,对甲醇、乙醇等低分子醇作为变压器纸绝缘老化评估新特征量进行了理论分析与实验研究。对绝缘纸的老化机理以及化学键断裂进行分析,从理论上探究甲醇、乙醇等低分子醇的产生原理及主要生成途径。采用气相色谱-质谱联用法对现场2台老旧变压器绝缘油样品中的甲醇、乙醇及糠醛含量进行了测定。实验结果表明,2组样品中均未检测到糠醛,但却检测到数量可观的乙醇。进一步地,对现场2台刚投运变压器的检测结果对比分析,分析结果揭示了乙醇可以作为一种有效表征变压器绝缘纸老化的新特征量,且比糠醛特征量相比更为有效。 相似文献
The paper discusses an improved modelling of transformer windings based on bacterial swarming algorithm (BSA) and frequency response analysis (FRA). With the purpose to accurately identify transformer windings parameters a model-based identification approach is introduced using a well-known lumped parameter model. It includes search space estimation using analytical calculations, which is used for the subsequent model parameters identification with a novel BSA. The newly introduced BSA, being developed upon a bacterial foraging behavior, is described in detail. Simulations and discussions are presented to explore the potential of the proposed approach using simulated and experimentally measured FRA responses taken from two transformers. The BSA identification results are compared with those using genetic algorithm. It is shown that the proposed BSA delivers satisfactory parameter identification and improved modelling can be used for FRA results interpretation. 相似文献
为了研究间位芳纶短切纤维和浆粕的配比对间位芳纶绝缘纸机械性能和介电性能的影响规律及机理,实验室制备了不同纤维配比的芳纶绝缘纸,测量了芳纶纸的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率,芳纶纸的相对介电常数和介质损耗的频域介电曲线,以及在工频电压下的击穿场强。对比了芳纶绝缘纸和410型Nomex纸的拉伸性能、介电性能以及热稳定性,并结合芳纶纤维的结晶性能及形态分析了纤维配比对芳纶纸拉伸性能和介电性能的影响机理。实验结果表明:随着短切纤维含量的增加,芳纶纸的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率先增大后减小,相对介电常数逐渐减小,介质损耗在低频段(10-1~102 Hz)逐渐增大而在高频段(104~106 Hz)变化不大,击穿场强随有较大幅度的降低。实验室自制的芳纶绝缘纸的热稳定性已达到Nomex纸的水平,拉伸性能介于Nomex纸横、纵向性能之间。当短切纤维含量较多时,会向芳纶纸中引入较多的微小孔洞,导致芳纶纸的击穿场强有所降低。 相似文献
为研究重复脉冲电压上升时间对变频电机绝缘的局部放电特征影响规律,基于超高频天线、检波技术和宽带、高速数据采集和传输技术设计了重复脉冲电压下变频电机绝缘局部放电检测系统。研究了变频电机匝间绝缘在不同上升时间重复脉冲电压下的局部放电统计特性并对其机理进行了分析。结果表明:在微秒级的上升时间下,脉冲电压极性快速翻转导致变频电机绝缘薄弱处空间电荷电场和外部电场叠加,易超过局部放电起始电压,从而产生次数较多的小幅值放电,且放电幅值随着上升时间的减小而增大,但单个周期放电总量逐渐减少。因此设计耦合传感器时应根据重复脉冲上升时间和局部放电脉冲频域能量分布特点,设计高频响应较好的传感器,避免脉冲电源干扰使测试灵敏度降低,从而得到准确反映电机绝缘水平的PDIV和RPDIV。 相似文献
应用极化谱分析油纸变压器绝缘纸板水分含量的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
油纸绝缘电力变压器受潮会加速固体绝缘材料老化,严重影响其运行寿命,因此评估变压器的绝缘纸板中的水分含量对确保其安全可靠运行具有重要意义.变压器绝缘纸板中的水分含量是评估其是否受潮和老化的重要指标之一,然而传统的化学分析方法需要在实验室环境下进行,有些甚至需要获取变压器内部纸样.基于回复电压的极化谱方法是一种无损的绝缘诊断方法,已经被用来评估变压器的绝缘状态,特别是绝缘纸板的水分含量.本文研究了回复电压极化谱评估变压器纸绝缘的受潮的有效性,提出了评估的判断方法.试验结果表明利用极化谱的主时间常数评估其水分含量是有效的. 相似文献
Mohamad Ghaffarian Niasar Respicius Clemence Kiiza Nathaniel Taylor Hans Edin 《IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering》2015,10(Z1):S14-S18
In this paper, we investigate the effect of partial discharges (PDs) on the thermal breakdown voltage of oil‐impregnated paper (OIP). A disk‐shaped cavity in a stack of paper sheets formed the PD source. The paper sample was exposed to PDs for 18 h. Dielectric spectroscopy measurements were performed on the samples before and after exposure to PD activity. The dielectric spectroscopy results showed a big change in the real and imaginary part of the permittivity. These results were used to calculate the activation energy and heat losses inside the insulation. In order to investigate the possibility of thermal breakdown in the system, the OIP system was simulated by using the FEM software COMSOL Multiphysics. The heat produced by PD pulses and dielectric losses was considered in the simulation. The results show that for the OIP insulation, PD activity can reduce the thermal breakdown voltage by a factor up to 4 times. © 2015 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Wen Cao Wei Shen Kai Wu 《IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering》2015,10(4):364-367
The properties of space charge and breakdown in epoxy/paper composites are studied in this paper. The results show that the breakdown voltage of the epoxy/paper composite is lower than that of the epoxy under AC voltage but is higher under DC voltage. In order to explain this phenomenon, the space charge behavior is investigated. In epoxy/paper composites, the space charges easily accumulate at the epoxy/paper interface at low fields, and the electric field distribution is highly deformed. However, the amount of interface charges decreases with increasing voltage, leading to a more uniform field distribution in the composites. This behavior is different from that of the pure epoxy, resulting in the different breakdown properties of pure epoxy and epoxy/paper composites. © 2015 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Guzmán Díaz Pablo Arboleya Javier Gómez-Aleixandre 《Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)》2005,87(3):129-135
Transformer differential protection is exposed to faulty operation related to abnormal operation conditions (inrush, overexcitation, etc.). In this paper a new approach to improve the relay security and dependability is proposed, based on the space-vector analysis of the differential signal, and on their time characteristic shapes in Parks plane. The approach is supported by an introductory formulation and later validated. The technique has been shown to be robust and very simple for the purpose of detecting internal faults. 相似文献
This paper describes the influences of a surfactant on crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation. Several kinds of additives are mixed into the insulation in order to improve the dielectric breakdown strength of XLPE cables. It has been verified that the interfacial diffusion method, which modifies the interfacial region between the insulation and the semiconducting layer by a surfactant, is effective. The effects of the surfactant on the morphology in the XLPE insulation were studied with two kinds of specimens. In the first kind of specimens, a mill was used to disperse the surfactant throughout the insulation material. Alternating current dielectric breakdown tests were performed on disk specimens. Their average breakdown strengths were improved, but the breakdown strengths were not increased at the low probabilities of the hazard function. In the other specimens, the surfactant was milled into the semiconducting layer, and later allowed to enter the insulation by diffusion during the high-temperature crosslinking process. It was found that the average breakdown strengths were improved further. Moreover, the breakdown strengths were found to increase significantly at the low probabilities of the hazard function. The two kinds of specimens were followed by material analysis using analytical methods, such as TEM, FT-IR, etc. Results from the milled specimen indicated that the improvement in property was probably due to the increase in density of the amorphous portion, the increase in the lamella thickness, and the increase in spherulite radius created by the additive content. Therefore the insulation near the interface where a concentration gradient was established by diffusion from the semiconducting layer is considered to have similar morphological changes caused by the additive. In addition, the diffusion specimen was observed to have an absence of introduced microdefects that existed in the milled specimen. 相似文献
Hirofumi Maruyama Kensuke Matsuo Masahiro Kozako Masayuki Hikita Kazuo Iida Tokihiro Umemura Yusuke Nakamura Tetsuo Nakamae Teruhiko Maeda Masakazu Higashiyama 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2019,208(1-2):10-16
It is crucial for cast resin transformer to detect void and delamination existing in the cast resin because these defects reduce insulation performance of cast resin equipment. Furthermore, defects are likely to be mixed in cast resin because of several surface boundaries between resin and conductor. It is considered that detecting partial discharge (PD) is effective to diagnose equipment of power equipment. However, it is reported that withstand lightning impulse voltage test may give influence on AC partial discharge test, especially partial discharge inception voltage. This paper deals with accumulated charge in a void under AC voltage to investigate the effect of the impulse voltage prestress on subsequent AC PD characteristics in cast resin transformer. AC PD characteristics were compared before and after impulse application. In addition, recovery of PD characteristics was measured to investigate charge decay. As a result, the mechanism of prestress effect is revealed and surface charge density is estimated quantitatively in cast resin transformer. 相似文献
Koji Takano Shunsuke Matsuura Jiang Yan Junya Suehiro Masanori Hara 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1999,127(4):18-28
The effect of a thin insulation film on breakdown phenomena in liquid nitrogen in the presence of thermally induced bubbles is investigated with a cylinder‐to‐plane electrode. Bubbles were produced by a heater mounted in the cylinder, which is partially covered with an insulation film. The results show that the film's effect on the breakdown voltage is insignificant until a pore is formed on the film by a previous breakdown, but it becomes substantial after pore formation. The reduction rate in breakdown voltage after the pore formation depends on the gap length and heater power. The minimum breakdown voltage drops to the magnitude of the breakdown voltage in the gaseous phase at normal boiling temperature. The breakdown mechanism is discussed on the basis of bubble observation and numerical calculation of suspended‐bubble motion. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electgr Eng Jpn, 127(4): 18–28, 1999 相似文献
为更准确的利用频域介电特征量评估对变压器油纸绝缘受潮状态,本文提出了复介电常数实部在f=10-4 Hz时变化率的绝对值|k|作为表征油纸受潮程度的频域特征参量。实验研究了不同水分含量的油纸绝缘试品复介电常数及|k|的变化规律,研究结果表明:随着绝缘纸水分含量的上升,油纸试品的复介电常数虚部在测试频段内逐步增大,实部曲线呈向高频段平移趋势,且低频段复介电常数实部变化幅度随水分含量的上升而增大。通过实测ε′-f曲线拟合,计算得到了不同含水量油纸试品的|k|,拟合发现|k|与油纸水分含量间有着较优的指数函数关系,可用于油纸绝缘受潮程度的定量评估,最后通过实验实例,验证了特征参量|k|评估油纸绝缘受潮程度的可行性。 相似文献