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This paper considers voltage control in restoration of EHV power systems. Restoration of a power system is performed by energizing transmission lines sequentially from initial power sources. These operations have already been programmed into an expert system developed by the authors. However, energizing no-load transmission lines causes some bus voltages to rise 20 percent more than rated voltages, and transformers can tolerate a 20 percent voltage rise only for 1 min. Here, the expert system is supplemented with a function for checking bus voltages and reactive powers of initial sources, and which automatically switches on reactors. Conditions for switching reactors and selecting appropriate reactors are written by rules, hence they are easy to modify. The target of voltage control is to keep bus voltages with in ±5 percent, and to keep reactive powers of generators within 30 percent of generator capacity. Applying this method to three basic restoration patterns of a model power system shows that small adjustment of switching conditions is sufficient for two patterns, and some modification of the restoration procedure is necessary for the other pattern to obtain good voltage profiles through the restoration process.  相似文献   

A method of restoration in power systems is developed by using sensitivity analysis. Heuristic rules are used in the plan to restore the blackout area that is recognized by the network topology and on/off status of switches (circuit breakers, line switches). The rules are categorized as flow-control rules, energization rules and line switching rules. A set of network switching changes not only the network topology but also the state of power systems. The switching for alleviating overloads is determined by analyzing the line power variations using sensitivities with respect to line switching and load shedding. This paper deals with each feeder power in a substation as a unit power, so the sum of load shedding can be reduced by the methodology proposed in this study. The representation of the power system components has hierarchical data structures for the real time recognition of network topology.  相似文献   

蒙定中 《广东电力》2005,18(3):1-12
根据我国电网发展的经验和美加大停电的教训,针对广东电网的特点。研究了充分发挥原有电网和直流输电受电的优势。特别建议发挥潜力,增加电网无功紧急储备以防止电压崩溃,并提出了具体措施。同时建议建立稳固的无限大目标受端系统,并加强大电网和大机组的协调,既要保电网。又要保机组安全。以达到长远防止大停电的目的。  相似文献   

2006年,欧洲发生了"11.4"大停电事故,引起了电力行业的广泛关注。根据欧洲输电联盟(Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity,简称UCTE)公布的最终事故调查和分析报告,主要介绍归纳了2006年西欧"11.4"停电事故发生的主要原因和各方面因素,结合湖南电网的实际情况,探讨了应对措施。  相似文献   

为了实现电力调度中心的平稳搬迁,调度自动化系统的搬迁是关键和基础.以上海电力调度中心的搬迁为例,主要介绍了自动化系统的搬迁原则以及从设备、网络、应用系统、数据库等4个方面阐述搬迁的解决方案,并介绍了在搬迁中进行系统改造和新技术的应用.从而实现自动化系统的无缝搬迁,为调度运行提供可靠保障.  相似文献   

全局安时无功优化调度的MAS方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张勇军  任震 《中国电力》2003,36(11):7-11
电力系统无功优化调度问题在数学上属于一种具有多目标、多不确定因素、多约束、多极值、非线性的组合最优化问题。通常的寻优方法遇到了许多困难,因此目前无功优化调度技术的应用还停留在计算规模较小的地区局部电网中。为实现电网全局实时的无功优化调度,提出一种基于分布式人工智能中多Agent系统(MAS)的无功优化调度模型。将全网无功调度按区域分解为若干个相互关联的调度子系统进行分布式求解,全局调度系统采用网络控制结构,各调度子系统则采用分层控制结构。在各子网局部实现无功优化的基础上,采用多Agent智能协调技术实现全网的全局无功优化。  相似文献   

面向事件的电网调度日志系统研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对新时期下电网调度的现状,阐述分析了电网调度日志系统的业务需求,在指出原有应用系统不足的基础上提出并实现了面向事件的电网调度日志系统.面向事件的电网调度日志系统符合调度员工作习惯的内在逻辑模式,不但提高了调度员工作的效率,而且有利于调度员清晰地把握电网运行的当前状态和设备状态的历史演变过程,从而为安全调度奠定扎实基础.  相似文献   

介绍了广东省电力中心调度所现有调度通信系统的工作情况及存在问题,提出了把网络和多媒体等技术融合到新系统中,新系统的投入使用将会极大地提高调度员及维护人员的工作效率。  相似文献   

陈晓东 《广东电力》2005,18(8):20-22
通过对目前地区电力调度自动化控制系统运行现状的介绍,结合目前国内地区电力调度自动化系统管理模式的实际情况,提出了“分区管理”的概念,并就“分区管理”的功能和有关技术问题进行了探讨。最后指出:采用分区控制的方式管理和规划电网,可以提高电网控制中心稳定的冗余度,提高系统运行的可靠性。  相似文献   

In a multi-area power system, power exchange through tie lines such that the overall cost of the system operation is a minimum is a major economic dispatch problem. In this paper, techniques and methods are presented for solving the economic dispatch problem of radially interconnected power systems. The proposed method, based on a multi-area approach, uses an hierarchical control concept to improve the computation efficiency and accuracy; it has certain advantages over the conventional single-area approach. Theoretical formulations are derived and discussed from a simple power transfer concept. An efficient algorithm is organized. Numerical examples have been tested for a fictitious three-area system. The simulation results strongly support the proposed method with real-time application capability.  相似文献   

广东电网操作票专家系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李剑辉 《广东电力》1998,11(5):1-4,25
广东电网操作票专家系统是生产一线人员在总线电网操作中基本原理的基础上开发出来的实用系统,它具有操作票智能生成、操作演示和练习等功能。在实际应用中,该系统对防误操作、提高调度员的工作质量、加强调度现代化管理有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文根据万安水库电站目前的现状,利用已有的长系列入库径流资料,采用动态规划方法进行了长系列的发电优化调度计算和分析。本文的特点在于,一是考虑了主汛期和后汛期运行水位的不同组合对发电调度的影响;二是对优化计算结果进行了大量统计分析,分析得出了水库水位变化规律、水库汛末蓄满概率、发电调度规律等,并归纳出实用的发电调度函数(指导线)。  相似文献   

电力系统经济负荷分配的量子粒子群算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次将量子粒子群算法用于电力系统经济负荷分配中。该算法是以粒子群中粒子的收敛特性为基础,依据量子物理理论提出的,改变了传统粒子群算法的搜索策略,可使粒子在整个可行解空间中搜索寻求全局最优解。同时该算法的进化方程中不需要速度向量,而且进化方程的形式更简单,参数较少且容易控制。对两个算例进行仿真测试,证实该算法可有效解决经济负荷分配问题;性能对比显示,该算法求得的解优于已有的改进粒子群算法及其它优化算法所求得的解。本文为量子粒子群算法用于经济负荷分配的实用化研究奠定了必要的理论基础。  相似文献   

With the advent of new technology based on power electronics, power systems may attain better voltage profile. This implies the proposition of careful strategies to dispatch reactive power in order to take advantage of all reactive sources, depending on size, location, and availability. This paper proposes an optimal reactive power dispatch strategy taking care of the steady state voltage stability implications. Two power systems of the open publications are studied. Power flow analysis has been carried out, which are the initial conditions for Transient Stability (TS), Small Disturbance (SD), and Continuation Power Flow (CPF) studies. Steady state voltage stability analysis is used to verify the impact of the optimization strategy. To demonstrate the proposal, PV curves, eigenvalue analyses, and time domain simulations, are utilized.  相似文献   

汪琳瑛  何胜伟 《广东电力》2006,19(12):61-63
语音报警在电力调度自动化系统中起着关键的作用,然而,语音的人为录制生成不仅方式烦琐,而且出错的可能性大。广东电网公司韶关供电局在更新电力调度自动化系统时,利用语音合成技术,开发出语音合成(TTS)系统采实现语音报警功能,解决人为录制语音文件所存在的弊端。TTS系统具有支持多种语种、合成音色多样化、短语合成效果佳、语气表现力强、数字与数值类型识别率高、支持MP3格式背景音乐、预录音批量处理、图形界面远程监控、网络语音合成服务和资源服务等特点,应用中具有免语音维护、语音报警准确性高、升级方便、语音合成速度快等优势。在电力调度自动化系统中应用时,采用侍输控制协议的客户一服务器方式实现语音报警,客户端运行TTS语音软件,并需硬件把关器支持,数据采集与监控(SCADA)服务器为服务器端。  相似文献   

针对风电机组并网规模的增加使火电系统面临平频繁启停、运行效率低的问题,建立考虑风电机组不确定性的电力系统多目标调度模型.在一定的风险情况下,对电力系统进行调度,对机组按照能耗量高低进行排序,安排机组开停机顺序,既提高机组运行效率又符合节能调度的要求.在传统经济调度模型的基础上,考虑机组运行稳定性,建立电力系统经济平稳调度模型,引入maxmin函数和ε支配的多目标粒子群算法对模型进行求解.算例分析表明,该模型能够在一定的风险情况下取得较好的经济性和平稳性。  相似文献   

广州市电网大面积停电演习的组织与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内外许多城市相继发生大面积停电事故,给社会造成了巨大的损失。我国供电企业积极配合政府部门迅速建立电网事故状态下的应急处理机制,并开展社会综合应急演习势在必行。为此,广州市政府牵头组织、广州供电局具体筹划了2005年广州市大面积停电事故联合演习。通过演习,政府部门、供电企业、用电单位和普通市民都对停电危机有了更深刻的认识,同时,演习也为城市电力应急机制的完善做出了有益的探索。广州供电局通过组织演习和建设应急指挥中心,大大提高了对大面积停电事故处理的应急指挥能力和对外协调能力。  相似文献   

叙述了企业电力调度一体化管理的概念及其意义,并结合当下社会网络化大背景,对传统电力调度管理缺陷进行分析,同时对当下企业电力调度一体化管理新方式加以总结分析。  相似文献   

An optimization algorithm is proposed in this paper to solve the problem of the economic dispatch that includes wind power generation using quantum genetic algorithm (QGA). In additional to the detail introduction for models of general economic dispatch as well as their associated constraints, the effect of wind power generation is also included in this paper. On the other hand, the use of quantum genetic algorithms to solve the process of economic dispatch is also discussed and real scenarios are used for simulation tests later on. After comparing the algorithm used in this paper with several other algorithms commonly used to solve optimization problems, the results show that the algorithm used in this paper is able to find the optimal solution most quickly and accurately (i.e. to obtain the minimum cost for power generation in the shortest time). At the end, the impact to the total cost saving for the power generation after adding (or not adding) wind power generation is also discussed. The actual operating results prove that the algorithm proposed in this paper is economical and practical as well as superior. They are quite valuable for further research.  相似文献   

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