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Changes in the proximate composition of developing seeds of sandalwood (Santalum spicatum R Br) were quantified. The developing fruits were collected regularly over a period of 5 months commencing 14 days after flower opening. Rapid deposition of seed lipid began at about 91 days after flowering (DAF) at a level of 4 g kg−1 and continued to about 396 g kg−1 at 147 DAF. Protein and ash contents displayed similar trends to that of lipid with a corresponding decrease in moisture content. Fatty acid analysis of the seed oil demonstrated marked changes in composition during seed development. In particular, major increases in oleic and ximenynic acids were noted with corresponding decreases in the other fatty acids. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

The fibre composition of four spelt genotypes and of three wheat genotypes was studied on three grindings: bran, whole bare grains flour for all genotypes, and whole hulled grains flour for spelt only. Insoluble fibre and soluble fibre contents were measured after removal of proteins, starch and ashes from the sample (Lee, Prosky, & De Vries, 1992). Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contents were measured according to the same principles with different chemical degradations of the sample (Van Soest & Wine, 1967). Spelt and wheat bran and whole grain flour displayed significant statistical differences for hemicellulose and cellulose contents. Variability amongst the spelt genotypes was much higher than amongst the wheat genotypes. The study also highlighted the special profile of the true baking variety Ressac and the richness in fibres of the landrace 140. Finally, various methods of measurement were compared and a combination of these methods was proposed for cereal grains dietary fibre analysis.  相似文献   

Five cultivars of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L) and four cultivars of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) were harvested at vegetative, boot and heading stages of maturity. Leaf and stem fractions were analysed for detergent fibre composition and 48-h ruminal in-vitro degradability, ester- and ether-linked non-core lignin phenolic acids, and core lignin composition. Big bluestem leaves contained more neutral detergent fibre than switchgrass, but general composition of the fibre did not differ. Stem fibre of switchgrass had relatively lower levels of cellulose and lignin at the vegetative stage than observed in big bluestem. Esterified and etherified p-coumaric and ferulic acid concentrations were generally higher in switchgrass plant parts. Yield of nitrobenzene oxidation products from core lignin was greater for switchgrass leaves, but very little difference in composition was noted. Leaf tissue contained lower concentrations of all lignin components than stems. Maturation resulted in increased total lignification, but all components did not respond in the same manner. Variation for all measures of lignification seemed to be as great within species as between the grass species. Degradability of fibre declined with maturation. The only species difference was that switchgrass fibre was more degradable at the vegetative stage. Relationships between lignification and fibre degradability were in agreement with some, but not all, previously reported relationships. Concentration of core lignin was only a significant predictor of fibre degradability when the relationship was examined across maturity stages. Within a stage of maturity, lignin composition was more closely related to fibre degradability than was concentration. However, the best predictors of fibre digestibility differed among species, plant part and maturity.  相似文献   

Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis was investigated as a means of predicting quality parameters in semi-exotic maize stover. These parameters included crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Samples of semi-exotic maize stover were collected during three growing seasons (1989, 1990, 1991) from three locations in Catalonia, Spain. Calibration equations were obtained by multiple linear regression of conventional laboratory values on NIRS data from 84 samples and verified with 20 additional samples. Separate NIRS calibration were developed also within year (1989 and 1990, respectively). A Bran + Luebbe InfraAnalyzer model 450 was used for the study. In the multi-year calibration the coefficients of squared multiple correlation (R2) ranged from 0–81 for IVDMD to 0–92 for CP and the standard errors of calibration (SEC) ranged from 0–35 for CP to 1–46 for IVDMD. The study showed that NIRS analysis can be used to evaluate the quality of semi-exotic maize in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6639-6653
This study was performed to determine the early-life (first month of age) supplementation of liquid feed with fennel seed powder (FSP) or oregano leaf powder (OLP) on growth performance, health, and blood biochemical attributes in preweaning dairy calves. Holstein female calves (n = 57; 1 d of age; 34.1 ± 0.97 kg of BW; mean ± SE) were assigned randomly to receive liquid feed (colostrum and milk) with no added herbal plants (CON) or supplemented with FSP (3 g/d) or OLP (30 g/d) during the first month of age. The calves received pooled colostrum (4.5 kg/d on the first 2 d of life; total solids = 25.0% ± 1.24; mean ± SD) and then pooled waste milk (6 kg/d from d 3 to 44, 5 kg/d from d 45 to 46, 4 kg/d from d 47 to 48, and 3 kg/d from d 49 to 50 of the trial; total solids = 12.54% ± 0.50) to ensure they receive same mixed liquid feed daily. The calves had unlimited access to the starter feed and fresh water and remained in the study until weaning on d 51 of age. The average mean temperature-humidity index was 70.1 units (ranging between 61.9 to 78.2) during the experiment, indicating a borderline degree of environmental heat-load. The amount of starter feed offered and refused was recorded daily. The calves were weighed immediately after birth and every 10 d thereafter, before the morning feeding. Jugular blood samples were taken immediately before and 24 h after colostrum feeding, at first month of age, and at weaning to quantify serum concentrations of glucose, urea N, cholesterol, triglycerides, total proteins, albumin, globulin, aspartate transferase, alanine transferase, total antioxidant status, and malondialdehyde. Health checks including rectal temperature, general appearance (on a 1–5 score system), fecal score (on a 1–5 score system), and bovine respiratory disease (BRD; scored using the University of Wisconsin Calf Health Chart) were performed daily, by a veterinarian who was unaware of the calf treatment allocations, for all calves over the study period. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used to compare growth performance and blood metabolites among treatment groups, and a logistic regression model using a binomial distribution (PROC GLIMMIX, SAS v. 9.4, SAS Institute Inc.) was used to assess the chance of elevated rectal temperature (≥39.4°C), general appearance (≥2), diarrhea (≥3), and BRD. A Poisson regression model (PROC GENMOD) was also used to test group differences in the experience of days with elevated rectal temperature and general appearance, and frequency and duration of diarrhea or BRD. Total nutrient intake (DM, CP, and ME, but not ether extract) originating from milk and starter feed was greater in OLP- (but not FSP-) supplemented calves compared with CON group, being partially associated with difference in milk refusal. Calves receiving FSP and OLP had greater average daily gain, BW gain, skeletal gain (withers height or heart girth, respectively), and feed efficiency compared with CON animals with no difference between FSP and OLP. Rectal temperature was lower in FSP- (but not OLP-) supplemented calves compared with CON animals. The CON animals had a greater chance of experiencing higher rectal temperature (≥39.4°C; odds ratio = 1.55 and confidence interval = 1.12–2.15 and odds ratio = 1.33 and confidence interval = 0.92–1.90, respectively, compared with FSP and OLP) and general appearance (≥2; odds ratio = 1.99 and confidence interval = 1.45–2.74 and odds ratio = 1.45 and confidence interval = 1.03–2.05), and diarrhea (odds ratio = 1.47 and confidence interval = 1.11–1.97 and odds ratio = 1.49 and confidence interval = 1.07–2.08) compared with those receiving FSP or OLP; with the chance of BRD being lower in FSP- (but not OLP-) supplemented versus CON animals (odds ratio = 1.59 and confidence interval = 1.13–2.23). As compared with OLP and CON groups, FSP treatment resulted in shorter days with elevated rectal temperature and general appearance. Supplementing FSP or OLP decreased the duration of diarrhea and BRD but not their frequency compared with CON. Duration of diarrhea was not different between FSP- or OLP-supplemented calves but calves supplemented with FSP had shorter days with BRD compared with OLP-supplemented calves. Of the blood constituents measured on d 30, concentration of aspartate transferase was higher in FSP- (but not CON) versus OLP-supplemented calves, indicating a transient liver tissue damage or dysfunction which was subsequently ameliorated. At weaning, blood concentration of triglycerides was higher in FSP and OLP groups compared with CON group. Supplementation of the liquid feed with FSP or OLP, especially FSP, had beneficial effects on calf growth performance and health. Further experiments are warranted for optimizing the dosage and duration of feeding FSP or OLP as feed additives for dairy calves.  相似文献   

The moisture, ash, free reducing sugar, starch, ether extractive, crude protein, amino acid and the heat energy contents of young and mature cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica, with or without fruits, are described. The measurements were made in each of the following stages of development: vegetative growth (March), full vegetative development, and at the beginning of fructification (October). Independently of developmental stage (different cladode types) the highest values were reached always in young cladodes in the following months: moisture content in March and October; ash and free reducing sugars in March; starch and ether extractive in September and October; crude protein in March and July. Crude fibre was maximal in September and global heat energy in October. The nutritive and caloric value of cladodes are compared to other products used for livestock nutrition.  相似文献   

Near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict the chemical composition of whole maize plants (Zea mays L) in breeding programmes at INIA La Estanzuela, Uruguay. Four hundred samples (n = 400) were scanned from 400 to 2500 nm in an NIRS 6500 monochromator (NIRSystems, Silver Spring, MD, USA). Modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression was applied to scatter‐corrected spectra (SNV and detrend). Calibration models for NIRS measurements gave multivariate correlation coefficients of determination (R2) and standard errors of cross‐validation (SECV) of 0.72 (SECV 9.5), 0.96 (SECV 7.7), 0.98 (SECV 16.5), 0.96 (SECV 34.3), 0.98 (SECV 17.8) and 0.98 (SECV 6.1) for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and ash in g kg−1 on a dry weight basis respectively. This paper shows the potential of NIRS to predict the chemical composition of whole maize plants as a routine method in breeding programmes and for farmer advice. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effect has been studied of a range of concentrations of ochratoxin A on some biochemical parameters, viz chlorophyll, protein and nucleic acid concentrations during seed germination and seedling growth in mung beans (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek, var Pusa 119). Reduction in levels of all the parameters resulted from ochratoxin A treatment, and the extent of reduction was directly influenced by the concentration of toxin applied.  相似文献   

Changes in the muscle proteins of frozen cod fillets, which produce significant amounts of formaldehyde, and frozen haddock fillets, which produce negligible formaldehyde, were compared. Protein extractability and hydrophobicity and the amino acid contents of soluble and insoluble proteins, as well as formaldehyde formation, were investigated in matching pairs of cod and haddock fillets stored at ?10 and ?30 °C (control). Formaldehyde production in cod was much higher (845 and 1065 nmol g?1 at 20 and 30 weeks respectively) than in haddock (93 and 101 nmol g?1 after 20 and 30 weeks respectively) at ?10 °C. However, a rapid decrease in solubility of proteins, increase in hydrophobicity and decrease in the amino acid content of salt‐soluble proteins at ?10 compared with ?30 °C were observed in both species. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the nature of the protein changes between these two species, thus indicating that factors other than formaldehyde were involved in the denaturation of proteins and the formation of aggregates during frozen storage of cod and haddock fillets, especially at ?10 °C. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Hake mince was stored in frozen condition at ?5°C, ?18°C and ?40°C. Samples were withdrawn periodically, and the lipids were extracted and analysed for free fatty acid and phosphorus (P) content. The free fatty acid contents were corrected for the presence of acidic phospholipids and converted into genuine free fatty acid contents. The results at ?5°C and ?18°C showed an initial rapid surge of free fatty acid formation with a concomitant decrease in P content, followed by a second phase of slower free fatty acid generation and loss of lipid-P. At ?40°C only one phase of free fatty acid generation and loss of lipid-P was observed. The rates of the enzymic hydrolyses of the phospholipids and the neutral lipids were calculated at the three temperatures. An Arrhenius plot showed that the decrease in rate of free fatty acid formation with decreasing temperature was greater for the phospholipids than for the neutral lipids. In the rapid and more important phase, the two rates were identical at about ?12°C while above this temperature the phospholipids hydrolysed faster and below it the neutral lipids. Activation energies for the enzymic hydrolyses were calculated.  相似文献   

Proximate composition (ash, moisture, total protein, and fat contents) and fatty acid profile of Balistes capriscus (grey triggerfish) were assessed over a 6‐months period (April to September, 2011) in animals captured along the coast of Peniche (Portugal). High protein (18.9% to 21.4%) and low lipid (0.5% to 0.8%) contents were determined. The highest lipid level was found in June‐captured animals. High proportions of n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n‐3 PUFA) were observed (53.87 ± 2.00%) together with substantial quantities of oleic acid (27.58 ± 1.09%) and palmitic acid (16.52 ± 0.93%). Docosahexaenoic acid accounted for 77% of the total PUFA and was 7 times more abundant than eicosapentaenoic acid, and the n‐3/n‐6 ratio was 7.2. Gender did not influence lipid levels and the fatty acid profile, but seasonal variations were observed for PUFA and monounsaturated fatty acid contents. Overall, the nutritional properties of this underexploited species may be comparable to those of other lean fish species with higher economic value.  相似文献   

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