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The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) curriculum was recently modified by replacing laboratory courses in electrical circuits, fluid mechanics and stress analysis with a sequence of Multidisciplinary Engineering Laboratory courses (MEL I, II, and III). The MEL sequence prepares students for their professional careers by integrating discipline-specific components into systems and building subject-matter depth through a vertical sequence. The experiments move beyond basic theory verification by requiring students to practice higher level thinking. In addition, the systems experiments encourage students to reorganize knowledge and discover the connections among concepts in several courses. The MEL sequence helps students understand relationships among science, engineering science, and engineering design. The MEL experiments develop life-long learning skills by encouraging higher levels of thinking on the Perry scale and requiring students to use a variety of Kolb's learning styles. This paper describes the educational objectives and experiments for the MEL I course. The paper gives assessment results for MEL I and compares it with traditional laboratories.  相似文献   

结合作者在企业长期工作积累的经验,对强化工程意识与工程图样绘制能力的工程图学教学进行了探讨,通过化整为零、见缝插针的教学方式,将与工程图样绘制相关的工程实践知识作为补充内容,安插在相应的章节,以开拓知识面的形式进行介绍,然后在装配图绘制等实践教学环节中,鼓励学生将学到的工程实践知识运用到零件构型设计与工程图样绘制之中,培养学生工程图样绘制的工程背景意识,为将来绘制出符合工程实际要求的工程图奠定基础.  相似文献   

空间想象能力的强弱是直接影响制图课程学习兴趣和学习效果的主要因素之一."捏泥构形法"是该校近几年教改探索中寻找出的最有效的制图教学方法.它以橡皮泥为教学工具,通过不同阶段、不同方法的培训,让学生始终在手脑并用和自我参与的状态中,并在捏泥兴趣的驱动下充分接受"照体捏体→观体画图→看图捏体→看图补图"的进阶式训练,使学习兴趣和学习能力有了很大的改观.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine a method for the application of learning style theory to engineering education. Research has shown that students learn in a variety of different ways, and that each student has a preferred style of learning. Teaching effectiveness may be enhanced by teaching to each of the preferred styles at least a portion of the time. The application of learning style theory in this paper is based on the work of Kolb who identified four principal learning styles or types. The process of teaching to each of the four learning styles is referred to as “teaching through the cycle.” The learning cycle consists of four quadrants, each of which is associated with a particular learning style or preference. This paper defines specific objectives for each of the four learning quadrants. In addition, activities which can be used to accomplish these objectives are presented and discussed. Sample lesson plans have also been included in order to illustrate application of the learning cycle to the teaching of specific engineering topics.  相似文献   

A number of themes, including interest in first year design courses, commitment to active learning approaches, and desires for changes in course structures and costs have come together in a variety of teaching approaches. Some of these approaches have been referred to as using “studio” methods, although the particular pedagogy appears to vary greatly. In this paper, some of these experiments are briefly reviewed and placed in a larger context of studio education in other disciplines. The paper seeks to differentiate studio education from other active learning approaches. An introductory engineering design course was taught using an architecture studio model for two semesters. The experiment demonstrated that the studio method can be very effective in teaching design concepts, but because students are likely to be unfamiliar with this approach, care must be taken to reassure students regarding grades and expectations.  相似文献   

工程图学课程是面向工科学生的一门实践性很强的技术基础课,在近几年的教学改革与实践中,最具体、最迫切、也是最突出的矛盾是:工程图学课程教学内容的增加和课时减少的矛盾;以及引入计算机绘图以后教学方法、教学手段与传统的以图板、尺规绘图为特点、注重图面质量的手工绘图的矛盾."单元目标教学法"的探讨就是解决这些矛盾的一种尝试和努力.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a recent experiment in student performance evaluation. A criterion-referenced, rather than the typical norm-referenced scheme, was supplemented with a reward system designed to value students with a diverse set of academic talents. For example, the ability to solve “traditional looking” engineering analysis problems and the ability to thoroughly explain how phenomena occur (independent of the ability to work to a final “answer”) were equally valued. Value was measured by the course grade. The goals of the experiment were: (1) to ensure that all students who succeeded in the class possessed a baseline competence in the subject matter; (2) to value (in the form of high grades) a diverse set of talents; and (3) to encourage students to develop good learning habits. The experiment was implemented by teaching a sophomore core engineering course with a team of two faculty members and two graduate teaching assistants handling 187 students. One faculty member was responsible for the classroom teaching activities while the other focused exclusively on developing and implementing the evaluation instruments. The instruments consisted of four types of examinations, each designed for a specific purpose and administered at distinct times during the semester. Quantitative results, including associated statistical analyses, are given. We conclude that it is possible to establish criterion-referenced schemes that value student skill diversity while encouraging good study and learning habits. The assessment instruments, however, are psychologically stressful to many students who are unaccustomed to them.  相似文献   

Background Case studies have been found to increase students' critical thinking and problem‐solving skills, higher‐order thinking skills, conceptual change, and their motivation to learn. Despite the popularity of the case study approach within engineering, the empirical research on the effectiveness of case studies is limited and the research that does exist has primarily focused on student perceptions of their learning rather than actual learning outcomes. Purpose (Hypothesis ) This paper describes an investigation of the impact of case‐based instruction on undergraduate mechanical engineering students' conceptual understanding and their attitudes towards the use of case studies. Design /Method Seventy‐three students from two sections of the same mechanical engineering course participated in this study. The two sections were both taught using traditional lecture and case teaching methods. Participants completed pre‐tests, post‐tests, and a survey to assess their conceptual understanding and engagement. Results Results suggested that the majority of participants felt the use of case studies was engaging and added a lot of realism to the class. There were no significant differences between traditional lecture and case teaching method on students' conceptual understanding. However, the use of case studies did no harm to students' understanding while making the content more relevant to students. Conclusions Case‐based instruction can be beneficial for students in terms of actively engaging them and allowing them to see the application and/or relevance of engineering to the real world.  相似文献   

During the 1994-95 academic year, Catalano taught a first-time senior capstone design class with the goal of entering a student-designed and built, solar-powered race car in the Department of Energy's Sunrayce '95 competition. This course came from an effort to move toward a more fully integrated mechanical engineering curriculum designed to supplement the learning experiences of students in their more traditional engineering courses. In this paper, we summarize the planning for the course, the design and construction phases of the class—especially how students and faculty perceived their design work, the cadets' perceptions of their learning during the class, and experiences of the students and faculty during the race. Teaching this new course provided insights into some of the dilemmas raised when changes to an existing curriculum are made.  相似文献   

Teaching operations engineering to traditional and non‐traditional engineering students using case learning methods presents both instructional challenges and provides learning rewards when performed properly. Unfortunately, few engineering faculty have had exposure to this learning approach. However, the skills are learnable and the results satisfying to instructor and student alike. The purpose of this paper is to explore case learning methods and illustrate their appropriateness for a course in operations engineering.  相似文献   

Many recent studies demonstrate that cooperative learning provides a variety of educational advantages over more traditional instructional models, both in general and specifically in engineering education. Little is known, however, about the interactional dynamics among students in engineering work groups. To explore these dynamics and their implications for engineering education, we analyzed work sessions of student groups in a sophomore‐level chemical engineering course at North Carolina State University. Using conversation analysis as a methodology for understanding how students taught and learned from one another, we found that group members generally engaged in two types of teaching‐learning interactions. In the first type, transfer‐of‐knowledge (TK) sequences, they took on distinct teacher and pupil roles, and in the second, collaborative sequences (CS), they worked together with no clear role differentiation. The interactional problems that occurred during the work sessions were associated primarily with TK sequences, and had to do with students who either habitually assumed the pupil's role (constant pupils) or habitually discouraged others' contributions (blockers). Our findings suggest that professors can facilitate student group interactions by introducing students to the two modes of teaching interaction so group members can effectively manage exchanges of knowledge, and also by helping students distribute tasks in a way that minimizes role imbalances.  相似文献   

基于以学生为主体、教师为主导的问卷调查和师生座谈的方法,了解学生在运用现代计算机多媒体技术进行"工程制图"课程学习中遇到的问题,在教师积极引导和学生主动参与的基础上分析产生问题的原因,提出改进"工程制图"课程教学的新方法,并在教学实践中不断创新。该方法充分体现了"教师是主导,学生是主体"这一现代教学理念,使现代教育思想与先进教育观念在"工程制图"课程教学实践中成功实施。  相似文献   

浅谈工科学生创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芦丽君  文世平 《包装工程》2002,23(3):105-106
主要从教育思想、课程体系、实践教学、考核方式等方面对工科专业学生创新能力的培养进行了探讨。  相似文献   

从实践的角度出发,结合“卓越工程师培养计划”、金工的实训课程、以及绘制“减速箱”的要求,论述了在工程图学实践教学过程中以任务为驱动,以学生为主体的教学方法,该方法将图学知识与图学实践相结合,并将该实践融入大学整个教学之中,有助于培养学生的工程意识和创新能力.  相似文献   

研究了以"房屋建筑施工图"为研究性教学的载体,采用任务驱动教学法,设计适应学生特点的教学方案。抓住课堂、课外、训练等几个主要环节,引导学生进行研究性学习。从"图纸规范"、"图示内容"、"尺寸标注"、"符号表达"、"文字书写"以及"总体印象"等几个方面对学生作业进行全面的评价。实践表明,研究性学习调动了学生的积极性,扩大了知识面,培养了工程素质和团队合作精神,绘图质量明显提高,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Many believe that spatial reasoning and visualization contribute to success in engineering. To investigate this view, we a) studied how students in engineering and engineers in professional practice solved spatial reasoning problems, b) designed and implemented spatial strategy instruction, and c) characterized the impact of spatial instruction on engineering course performance. In the span of 4 years, over 500 students have used our spatial strategy instruction that includes hands-on activities, innovative computer courseware, and problem-solving assessments. We studied 153 students in an introductory engineering course. Overall, students made significant progress in spatial reasoning. In addition, gender differences in the ability to generate orthographic projections on the pre-test disappeared on the post-test. Spatial reasoning ability was a significant predictor of overall course grade, and strong spatial skills were necessary for success on the course exams. Spatial strategy instruction helps students build a repertoire of approaches for engineering problem solving and contributes to confidence in engineering, especially for women. We recommend starting instruction on spatial strategies used by practicing engineers in introductory engineering courses and building on these skills throughout the curriculum.  相似文献   

从工程化的视角构建工程制图的教学模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工程图学系列课程的教学基本上沿用"传递--接受式"教学模式,但该教学模式不适应工程类课程的教学,其不良后果直接体现在缺乏对工程师工程素质的培养.本文结合工程制图的教学目的,从工程化的视角出发,以"抛锚式"教学模式为框架,以培养解决实际问题的能力为目标,构建了适合工程图学系列课程的教学模式.  相似文献   

VizClass, a university classroom visualization environment, was developed to bridge the gap between high‐tech engineering practice and low‐tech engineering pedagogy. It contains a suite of digital whiteboards, a three‐dimensional stereoscopic display, and specialized software for engineering visualization. Through observations, interviews, surveys, and examination of student work, we investigated student and teacher attitudes toward VizClass and its effect on teaching and learning processes. Observed benefits of teaching in the new environment include increased ability of faculty to visually explain complex problems, increased ability of students to conceptualize engineering problems, and increased engagement of students in after‐class collaboration.  相似文献   

包装工程专业《机械设计基础》课程的教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗陈 《包装工程》2003,24(4):205-206
《机械设计基础》是包装工程专业的一门主干技术基础课、具有较强的理论性、实践性和综合性。文中从课程内容、教学方法、实践性教学环节、学生能力培养等方面,进行了初步的教学改革探索。  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study at North Carolina State University, a cohort of students took five chemical engineering courses taught by the same instructor in five consecutive semesters. The courses made extensive use of active and cooperative learning and a variety of other techniques designed to address a broad spectrum of learning styles. Previous reports on the study summarized the instructional methods used in the experimental course sequence, described the performance of the cohort in the introductory chemical engineering course, and examined performance and attitude differences between students from rural and urban backgrounds and between male and female students.1–4 This paper compares outcomes for the experimental cohort with outcomes for students in a traditionally-taught comparison group. The experimental group outperformed the comparison group on a number of measures, including retention and graduation in chemical engineering, and many more of the graduates in this group chose to pursue advanced study in the field. Since the experimental instructional model did not require small classes (the smallest of the experimental classes had 90 students) or specially equipped classrooms, it should be adaptable to any engineering curriculum at any institution.  相似文献   

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