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A combustion method, relying on the Dumas principle, for the determination of total nitrogen in barley and malt, has been collaboratively tested by the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention. Repeatability, r95, and reproducibility, R95, values were 0.063 and 0.116% of dry matter, respectively, for samples with nitrogen contents in the range 1.23 to 1.86% N of dry matter. There was no significant difference between these values for barley and malt. The Analysis Committee approved the adoption of the combustion method for inclusion in Analytica EBC as an alternative method.  相似文献   

The international method for the determination of the soluble iron content of filter aids has been collaboratively tested by members of the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention to obtain repeatability (r98) and reproducibility (R98) values. It was Judged that precision values were dependent on the quantity of the soluble iron content of the filter aids over the range 32 to 220 mg/kg. Repeatability (r98) value of 0.050 m and reproducibility value (R98) of 0.255 m were obtained over this range.  相似文献   

The determination of the moisture and nitrogen contents of barley and malt by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been tested by the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention. In the collaborative trial four samples of barley and malt were analysed by 17 laboratories. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values of 0.3 and 1.5% m/m respectively were obtained for barley moisture over the range 12.7 to 15.8% m/m. For malt moisture these values were 0.2 and 1.3% m/m over the range 4.0 to 4.3% m/m, for barley nitrogen 0.1 and 0.3% m/m on dry matter over the range 1.57 to 2.14% m/m, and for malt nitrogen 0.1 and 0.2% m/m on dry matter over the range 1.58 to 1.82% m/m, respectively.  相似文献   

The International Method for the determination of the colour of beer has been tested by members of the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention on samples of wort produced from a laboratory extract of malt using methods EBC 4.4 and EBC 4.4.5. The method, which relies on the spectrophotometric determination of colour at 430 nm, on clarified worts, is recommended as the designated reference method in place of the current visual method using EBC colour discs. The change will take effect from 1st January 1996. It was judged that precision values were dependent on the intensity of the colour of the sample over the range 3.6 to 25.3 EBC units. Repeatability (r98) and Reproducibility (R98) values of r98 0.18Mean ? 0.28 and R98 = 0.13Mean + 0.46 were obtained over this range.  相似文献   

The Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention has recommended that the Hot Water Extract procedure for malt, which relies on a coarse grind and single temperature mash (65°C), is included in Analytica-EBC, as an additional method to that of the EBC Extract procedure. The Committee accepted the precision values obtained by the Institute of Brewing on the 1984 Check Malt. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values in litre degrees/kg were 2.14 and 3.48 respectively, for mean value of 295.3 at a Miag 0.7 mm setting, and 1.93 and 2.90 respectively, for a mean value of 298.2 at a Miag 0.2 mm setting.  相似文献   

The Institute of Brewing and International Standards Organization methods for barley moisture have been compared. The precision of both methods is similar but the International Standards Organization method has given slightly higher values.  相似文献   

The determination of total vicinal diketones in beer by the headspace capillary gas chromatography method of the Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee has been collaboratively tested by the members of the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention. Two collaborative trials on three beer samples were performed in 14 laboratories. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (Ras) values were obtained for 9 laboratories over the range of 20 to 90 μg. It was judged that reproducibility coefficients ranging after the second test from 32 to 94 were poor but it was decided that the method should nevertheless be included in the Analytica EBC as a guideline method with notice on its poor precision .  相似文献   

A method relying on ion chromatography, with suppressed ion detection, for the determination of anions in beer, has been collaboratively tested by members of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, the European Brewery Convention and the Brewery Convention of Japan. Precision values obtained for the determination of chloride, sulphate and phosphate in beer were judged to be acceptable. Repeatability (r98) and reproducibility (R98) values for chloride were 5.7, 12.6, 12.5 and 15.0, 38.4, 36.8 respectively at corresponding mean levels of 68.7, 218.6 and 322.5 mg/litre. r98 and R98 values for sulphate were 7.5, 6.2, 7.6 and 44.8, 54.0, 46.5 respectively at corresponding mean levels of 101.4, 205.1 and 122.6 mg/litre. r98 and R99 values for phosphate were 14.1, 11.9, 24.9 and 78.7, 53.8, 84.0 at corresponding mean levels of 411.5, 224.1 and 397.5 mg/litre. Whilst the r98 value for nitrate was acceptable, the value for R98 was unsatisfactory. The ion chromatographic method for determining chloride, sulphate and phosphate in beer is recommended for use and inclusion in Analytica -EBC as an International Method.  相似文献   

The method of preparation of laboratory wort by the Tepral mashing system provides a clear improvement in the evaluation of industrial malts and in the optimization of malting procedures. The equipment required is simple and easy to operate. The use of the method has shown significant differences in terms of both wort viscosity and extract yield between malt from 2-row spring barley (variety Carina) and malt from 2-row winter barley (variety Sonja), produced under identical industrial conditions: the Sonja malt gave fewer good results for finely ground malt than did the Carina malt.  相似文献   

The Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention carried out a collaborative trial on malts using the specific analysis methods for α- and β-amylase activities based on dyed substrates supplied by MegaZyme (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. The repeatability and reproducibility values for the methods were judged to be unsatisfactory and consequently the methods were not recommended for Analytica-EBC.  相似文献   

1A method, relying on ion chromatography, for the determination of nitrate in beer, has been collaboratively tested by members of the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the Brewery Convention of Japan (BCOJ). Precision values were judged to be acceptable. Repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values were 1.5, 0.96, 5.1, and 9.3, 10.4, 13.5 respectively for corresponding mean levels of 6.5, 26.2 and 52.8 mg/litre. However, r95 and R95 values of 1.5 and 2.3 respectively were obtained for an aqueous solution of nitrate ions at a mean level of 20.7 mg/litre. The determination of nitrate is recommended for use and inclusion in Analytica-EBC, as an additional analyte in the International Method which relies on ion chromatography for estimating chloride, sulphate and phosphate.  相似文献   

ATP, measured using a bioluminescence technique, is higher in viable barley than in dead grain. This is observed for both Spring and Winter varieties. More ATP is extracted from corns whose moisture content is increased, though increasing the moisture content of dead grain has no effect on the levels of ATP extracted. The ATP measurement method, as it stands however, is insufficiently discriminatory for the absolute selection of barleys at intake.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of the filterability of beer has been evaluated by members of the European Brewery Convention Analysis Committee. The method is based on the filtration of a beer sample, with a standard amount of diatomaceous earth (DE), under standardised conditions. Repeatability of the test was quite good, however the predictive value of the test is still questionable since no direct correlation could be established between the different filtercake values and industrial filtration problems. No collaborative test was performed as the filterability has to be determined on unfiltered beer; the test is easy to run, and as for the other filterability tests, day to day practice in a brewery will reveal its usefulness.  相似文献   

A procedure for preparing torrefied products for analysis has been examined and the effects of this procedure on the determination of laboratory extract and colour have been collaboratively tested by the Analysis Committee of the Institute of Brewing. White malts of DP levels 50° and 100° IOB were used as the sources of enzymes in the mixed mash procedure. With these malts r95 and R95 values for extract of the torrefied products ranged from 1.7 to 10.2 and 12.4 to 21.9 resp. on mean extracts ranging from 244 to 270 litre °/kg. The r95 and R95 values for colour ranged from 1.6 to 2.3 and 2.2 to 3.8 resp. on mean colours ranging from 2.7 to 3.5 EBC units.  相似文献   

Two new methods—moisture at 130–133°C and fatty substances extracted by petroleum ether—were collaboratively tested by 14 laboratories (EBC and IOB Analysis Committee members and other laboratories). For moisture the following values were obtained in the range 12 to 15% m/m, repeatability=0.13% m/m and reproducibility=0.60% m/m. For fatty substances in the range 0.3 to 0.9% m/m the following values were obtained: repeatability=(0.06 m+0.02)% m/m and reproducibility=(0.14 m+0.09)% m/m. Both methods were accepted and will replace methods 6.1 and 6.4 respectively in Analytica EBC. The method for Fatty Substances will replace IoB methods 4.1.3 and 4.2.3. These modifications will become operative on 1 September, 1996.  相似文献   

介绍了粮食水分检测系统在我库的应用情况,实践证明该技术具有快速检测粮食水分,帮助准确掌握粮情,提高仓储管理水平的优点,值得在储粮行业推广应用。  相似文献   

For the determination of extract content of maize Termamyl® 60L NOVO is recommended as the enzyme source.  相似文献   

A technique is described for the selection of low extractable non-starch polysaccharide content in early generations of barley breeding programmes. An estimate of extractable β-glucan is obtained from the viscosity of an extract prepared by mashing barley at 50°C in an α-amylase-papain solution. The procedure is calibrated using solutions of known concentration of β-glucan precipitated from barley extract by ethanol.  相似文献   

A method for determining germinated grains in barley by detecting the presence of α-amylase activity in individual corns is recommended.  相似文献   

以建立测定叶绿素类产品中脱镁叶绿酸含量方法为主要目的,采用85%丙酮和乙醚萃取色素,经17%的盐酸溶液酸化后,用可见分光光度计测定667 nm下样品的吸光值,计算出脱镁叶绿酸的含量.结果表明:脱镁叶绿酸浓度在0.13mg/L~127mg/L范围内具有良好的线性关系,回归方程为Y=0.027 5X+0.002 5,R2=0.999 8.加样平均回收率为90.0%.  相似文献   

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