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The turbulent drag reduction characteristics in a rotating disk apparatus were investigated by using polysaccharide guar gum in deionized water. The ultrasonic degradation method was adopted to obtain different molecular weight fractions of guar gum for this study. The stability of guar gum over time was observed to be better than the typical synthetic water‐soluble drag reducers [e.g., poly(ethylene oxide)]. A linear correlation between polymer concentration and the concentration/(drag reduction) for different molecular weights of guar gum was obtained, and the universal drag reduction curve for the guar gum/deionized water system was constructed. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 83: 2938–2944, 2002; DOI 10.1002/app.10300  相似文献   

Velocity profiles for the inner and outer flow regions of annuli are proposed for the turbulent flow of drag reducing fluids. Theoretical expressions for friction factors are developed. From the shear stress equations and the velocity profiles, estimates for the entrance lengths are given.  相似文献   

孙斌  张志敏  杨迪  李洪伟 《化工学报》2015,66(11):4401-4411
实验测定了在Reynolds数4000~16000范围内,质量分数0~0.5%的石墨、多壁碳纳米管、Al2O3、Cu、Al、Fe2O3、Zn纳米粒子加入到100~400 mg·kg-1浓度的十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)减阻剂中所制备的减阻型纳米流体的摩擦阻力系数和对流传热系数。结果表明:在CTAC中加入水杨酸钠(NaSal)与去离子水所配制的减阻剂具有一定的稳定性和很强的减阻特性,当减阻剂浓度为200 mg·kg-1时其减阻特性最优。石墨纳米粒子在增强对流换热和减少流动阻力方面具有较佳的综合性能,当石墨纳米颗粒质量分数为0.4%时,其综合性能因子K是去离子水的5倍。最后给出了减阻型石墨纳米流体在圆管内的流动阻力和换热关联式,其计算值和实验值吻合良好。  相似文献   

Models available in literature for predicting drag reduction scale-up are inadequate as they have been successful only over a narrow range of diameters. A new scale-up model is presented which equates dampening of turbulent velocity fluctuations by drag reducing additives to a reduction in the Prandtl mixing length. Flow and pressure drop data from a laboratory scale pipe along with shear viscosity measurements are sufficient to predict drag reduction scale-up in bigger diameter pipes. Using this approach, scale-up was successfully predicted over a diameter range of 7 to 154 mm for a surfactant-water system and 26.6 to 1194 mm for a polymer-oil system.  相似文献   

The definition of the pipe flow friction factor has been extended to include the effect of fluid viscoelastic properties on energy dissipation in turbulent tube flow. The resulting friction factor includes a characteristic fluid relaxation time, which can be determined directly from rheological measurements, and reduces to the usual Fanning friction factor for inelastic fluids. The use of this more general friction factor enables turbulent tube flow data for both fresh and shear degraded “concentrated” drag reducing polymer solutions of various concentrations in various tube sizes to be correlated by the usual f vs. NRe relation for Newtonian fluids in smooth tubes.  相似文献   

Turbulent drag reduction data were obtained at Re = 9000 in a 0.62-cm-I.D. pipe for five Polyox compounds covering a wide range of molecular weights. The concentration dependence of drag reduction was shown to obey an improved form of Virk's drag reduction equation, which was previously applied only to flows in capillary tubes. The efficiency of the drag-reducing polymer additives on a unit concentration basis at infinite dilution was determined by using a characteristic parameter, DRm/[c], for each compound. A linear relationship was found to exist between this parameter and polymer molecular weight. The polymer degradation data were analyzed through use of a variable related to the dissipated energy in the wall region. The polymer molecular weight was found to decrease as a hyperbolic function of the dissipated energy function. By examining the change of molecular weight with respect to this function, a degradation index characteristic of the entire Polyox polymer family was established. This index may be of general application and provide a method by which the shear stability of various species of drag-reducing polymers may be meaningfully compared.  相似文献   

There have been many attempts in the literature to develop analogies for momentum, heat and mass transfer to drag reducing fluids; however, none have considered the presence of a pressure gradient when formulating the analogies. In the present work, a momentum/heat transfer analogy has been developed under the influence of small pressure gradient for drag reducing fluids using the Nakayama et al. (1984) solution methodology for Newtonian fluids. The results of the present analysis have been found to compare well with existing theoretical expressions.  相似文献   

The drag and mass-transfer characteristics of a gas bubble moving in power-law non-Newtonian fluids are examined analytically in terms of the rheological properties of the system. An approximate solution for the case of creeping flow around circulating bubbles shows that the mass-transfer coefficient is enhanced for pseudoplastics and depressed for dilatants compared to the situation for Newtonian fluids. Some preliminary experimental results in support of the analysis are presented.  相似文献   

Turbulent flow drag reduction is governed by elastic effects within the boundary layer of the flow. The effect of elasticity is to reduce the radial momentum transfer rates of large eddies that exist near the tube wall, and in so doing a reduction in the turbulent flow drag occurs. A recent theoretical analysis is used to formulate a general discussion of the significant features of drag reducing systems and is used to predict quantitatively the percentage reductions in drag for systems of practical significance. It is shown that little or no drag reduction can be expected in large tubes using polymeric materials that are presently available though micellar systems show effects of substantial magnitude which appear to be exploitable. An analysis is presented which indicates that laminar annular films of dilute polymeric fluids, used to enable the core fluid or a capsule to “slide” through a pipeline at reduced pressure drop, are of especial interest in that the normal stress field may generate forces which increase the concentricity of the core in the presence of major density differences. This exploitation of non-Newtonian fluid properties, suggested some years ago by Lummus, does not appear to have been subjected to analysis before, nor do verifying experimental data appear to be available.  相似文献   

鲍晋 《精细化工》2015,32(3):327-332
该文采用自行设计的气驱流体摩阻测试装置,研究了分子量、疏水单体比例和水解度对疏水缔合聚合物(HAWP)湍流减阻特性的影响;并且与ESEM观测不同质量浓度范围的HAWP水溶液的微观结构进行比对,讨论了HAWP的减阻机理。结果表明,当分子量大于1 000×104g/mol时,其减阻率在质量浓度为200 mg/L处和临界缔合质量浓度(CAC)处存在双峰值,对应两种不同的减阻机理;当分子量小于1 000×104g/mol时,仅在CAC处存在单一峰值;分子量越大第一峰值越高,分子量越小第二峰值越高。质量浓度小于CAC时,HAWP疏水单体比例越大,减阻率越小;而随着质量浓度的增大,疏水单体比例越大的,减阻率上升越快;而当质量浓度大于CAC时,则出现疏水单体比例越大减阻率越高的现象。HAWP在实验质量浓度范围内,减阻率均随着水解度的增大而增大。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of injection position on drag reduction as well as further the effects of polymer additives on turbulent structures, LDA measurements of turbulent pipe flows were conducted. The results show that the amount of drag reduction grows with the increase of the Reynolds number, and injecting the polymer at the centre of pipe is more effective than at the wall. Due to the addition of polymer solution, the axial, radial r.m.s. velocity fluctuations and Reynolds stress decrease over the entire pipe cross‐section, the time auto‐correlation coefficients of axial and radial velocity fluctuation at the centre of pipe decay more slowly, the number of spectrum peaks is decreased, and the peak shifts towards lower wave numbers. The results also reveal that, due to the addition of polymer solution, the large‐scale vortices are enhanced and small‐scale vortices are suppressed.  相似文献   

The effect of adding carboxymethylcellulose drag reducing polymer on the rate of corrosion of aluminium tube through which sodium hydroxide solution flows, was studied by a weight loss technique. The variables studied were solution flow rate and polymer concentration. Reynolds number and polymer concentration were varied over the range 3500 to 30 000 and 10 to 500 ppm, respectively. Polymer addition was found to decrease the rate of corrosion by a maximum of 63% depending on polymer concentration and Reynolds number.Nomenclature Re Reynolds number - Solution density - d tube diameter - u solution viscosity  相似文献   

The forced convective heat transfer characteristics for incompressible power-law fluids past a bundle of circular cylinders have been investigated numerically. The cylinder-to-cylinder hydrodynamic interactions have been approximated via a simple cell model. The momentum and energy equations have been solved using a finite difference based numerical method for a range of physical and kinematic conditions. The role of the two commonly used thermal boundary conditions, namely, constant temperature or constant heat flux, on heat transfer characteristics has also been studied. Extensive numerical results elucidating the effect of shear-thinning viscosity on the values of Nusselt number have been obtained for Peclet numbers ranging from 1 to 5000, Reynolds number in the range 1-500, flow behaviour index 1?n?0.5 and three values of voidages, namely, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, typical of tubular heat exchangers and tube banks. Under all conditions, varying levels of enhancement in Nusselt number are observed due to shear-thinning behaviour. The surface averaged Nusselt number shows strong dependence on the values of voidage, power-law index, Reynolds and Peclet numbers. The paper is concluded by presenting comparisons with the scant experimental results available in the literature.  相似文献   

介绍了减阻剂的国内外研究与应用现状,综述了减阻剂的生产工艺,并对减阻剂今后发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

The pressure drops and the suspension velocities for hydrodynamically suspended aluminum and steel cylindrical bodies were measured for a range of aspect ratios (L/d) in a 5 cm vertical plexiglass tube. Four different body-to-tube diameter ratios (d/D) from 0.432 to 0.864 were investigated. Both water and drag reducing aqueous polymer solutions of Reten 423* having concentrations in the range 20 to 100 ppm by weight were used. In all cases, the addition of polymer reduced the drag coefficient and the drag coefficient per aspect ratio approached a constant value as (L/d) approaches 14. The available data for cylindrical bodies in vertical pipelines were correlated to obtain semi-empirical equations relating pressure drops, drag coefficients and suspension velocities.  相似文献   

Roles of drag reducing polymers in single- and multi-phase flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has become a well-known fact that finding sustainable solutions to the unavoidable high pressure losses accompanying pipeline flows to increase the pumping capacity without necessarily adding more pump stations is inevitable. Polymers, as one of the drag reducing agents which have been found to offer such an economic relieve, is the most widely investigated and most often employed in industries because they can produce drag reduction up to 80% when they are added in minute concentrations. In addition, polymer additives modify the flow configurations of multiphase flows to such an extent that stratification of individual phases is enhanced thereby making the separation of the phases at the fluid destination much easier. The achievements so far made and the challenges facing the use of polymers as drag reducers in turbulent single and multiphase flows are comprehensively reviewed. This review discusses the experimental studies of the effects of polymer additives in turbulent flows, the analytical studies, and the proposed models as well as the suggested mechanisms that explain the drag reduction. Likewise, specific areas of interest in the review include phenomena of drag reduction by polymers, factors influencing the effectiveness of the drag reducing polymers, methods of injecting the polymers into the base fluids, degradation of the polymers and industrial applications of polymers as drag reducing agents. The current and future research interests are also addressed. Although finding reveals that there are quite a lot of research in this area, most of the experimental and theoretical works are devoted to single phase flows while the remaining ones are mostly directed towards gas–liquid flows except in very recent time when investigation into the use of polymers in liquid–liquid flows is being focused. Despite this voluminous works on drag reducing polymers, there are no universally accepted models and hence the mechanisms of drag reductions by polymers.  相似文献   

以与温度相关的指数定律作为本构方程,应用无网格方法模拟了外表面为恒温时的圆管内具有黏性耗散的聚合物流动热传导问题,给出了离入口不同位置处的温度分布。计算结果表明:根据黏性耗散模型计算的温度比无黏性耗散模型高出64℃,从而说明了黏性耗散在聚合物流动热传导问题中具有举足轻重的作用。并且, 无论是无黏性耗散模型,还是黏性耗散模型,其极限温度与壁面温度有很大的关系,但与入口温度无关。  相似文献   

Results from two pilot studies using White Carneau pigeons on high cholesterol diets have demonstrated substantial reduction in arterial plaque accumulations when the birds were periodically injected with dilute aqueous solutions of a drag reducing polymer (Separan AP-30) so as to maintain circulating blood concentrations of approximately 60 ppm. Initiation of arterial plaque formation may be fluid-mechanically motivated such that regions subjected to fluid turbulence, rapidly developing boundary layers, and alternate separation and reattachment, arc; the most prone lo attack. Viscoelastic fluid response, as seen in drag reducing media, is known to alter such phenomena. Comparative documentation of plaque deposition in experimental as well as control birds shows significant differences in both the aortas and coronary arteries, at optical magnifications from 20 to 15000X.  相似文献   

提高表面活性剂减阻溶液传热研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析总结了表面活性剂减阻溶液的传热特性和提高传热特性的方法,介绍了各种方法提高传热的机理。对各种方法取得最佳效果作了比较,分析了各种方法的影响因素及优缺点。分析表明,表面活性剂溶液与水的温度分布不同,存在双热边界层,热阻不在近壁层,是在10<y+<100的过渡层;提高传热的方法可概括为破坏胶束结构、制造湍流和强化传热的过程。同时,对今后改善传热提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

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