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社会主义改造使我国社会中介组织消失,改革开放后方又重新萌生,并随着社会主义市场经济的深化和中国加入WTO而迅猛发展.社会中介组织党的建设也经历了初步探索、在重点行业建立党组织和中介机构全面推进党建工作的发展过程.对我国社会中介组织及其党的建设的历史进程进行考察,对于新形势下加强社会中介组织党的建设工作具有重要的理论价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

在梳理现存社会建设理论成果的基础上,提出社会建设不能等同于整个国家的全部建设事业;不能将社会建设局限于社会学的学术范畴之内,不宜将社会建设分为所谓广义、狭义甚至中义等不同的层次;不应将社会建设表述为一些似是而非的说法.用具体指称的方法界定社会建设范畴比较恰当,有利于社会建设实际工作的推进.时下中国已经进入了制度建设的年代,要运用制度创新推进社会建设.指出创立具有中国特色的社会建设的一系列体制是建设一个现代化国家不可缺少的组成部分,也是社会建设相反的有效切入口.  相似文献   

体育文化是人类文化的一个组成部分,它蕴涵丰富内涵和功能.闽台体育文化交流与合作是促进海峡西岸经济区文化建设的重要手段之一.在海西建设的背景下双方在交流与合作仍需不断完善,为此应当在完善领导协调、资源整合、多元化交流与合作内容等方面加以改进.  相似文献   

社会环境文明是构建和谐社会不可缺少的有机组成部分,是社会文明主体生存和发展的社会条件.加快海西建设离不开社会环境文明这一必要条件.探究分析海西社会环境文明建设现状,找出存在的主要问题并提出解决问题的现实路径,这对构建和谐海西具有重大的实践指导意义.  相似文献   

文章在充分剖析企业科研管理的基础上,阐述了企业科研管理体制的创新与发展,可供企业制定科技发展规划时借鉴。  相似文献   

针对当前我国经济社会发展的战略机遇期和社会矛盾凸显的现实,指出信访工作作为社会建设与社会管理的基础性工作,担负着繁重艰巨的任务.探讨了新时期信访工作的新特点、新要求,提出了信访工作科学化、学科化、专业化和数字化的理念.  相似文献   

实验室建设与创新人才的培养   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
实验室是"知识创新的源头、人才培育的基地",我校一直高度重视实验室建设.近三年来已投入约三千万元经费,学校实验室特别是各类基础课教学实验室面貌发生了巨大变化,为培养学生的创新能力、实践能力和社会竞争力提供了现代化的新型平台.  相似文献   

作为职工利益的代表者和维护者,企业工会参与社会管理创新,目的是把各种不稳定因素化解在基层和萌芽状态,进而促进的社会和谐稳定。  相似文献   

作为对特定时空和社会条件下的社会共同体的调控,社会管理必须顺应社会环境的变化而变化.当今中国体制转轨和社会转型的全面推进以及市场化、工业化、城镇化、信息化、国际化进程的不断加快,致使中国进入社会问题多发期和社会矛盾凸显期,社会管理体制因而需要以理念改革与创新为先导和指针,以社会管理统筹协调体制的改革与创新以及社会矛盾发现化解体制的改革与创新为两大入手点,实现全面的改革与创新.  相似文献   

人的全面发展是社会主义社会的本质要求,公民道德建设的最终目标是促进人的全面发展。最近,中共中央印发了《公民道德建设实施纲要》,这对建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的社会主义道德体系,提高整个民族素质,促进人的全面发展,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Learning Organizations in Construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transformation of organizations from production-oriented entities to proactive learning entities that continuously leverage the knowledge of the workforce is a primary objective of management researchers. This focus has significant relevance to the construction industry where production-related research has predominantly overshadowed organizational development research. As one effort to change this emphasis, the writers present a research effort designed to study current organization learning techniques and technologies fielded by organizations both inside and outside of the construction industry. Through a series of exploratory case studies, the writers developed a maturity model together with the Construction Industry Institute that provides construction organizations with a framework for developing a learning organization culture. The maturity model focuses on learning organization characteristics of leadership, processes and infrastructure, communication/collaboration, education, and culture at the organization, community, and individual levels. This paper introduces the results of that effort including a presentation of the learning organization maturity model, framework application, and the overall characteristics of a learning organization.  相似文献   

农业服务组织的建构是影响农业社会化服务体系建设的重要因素,建构与农业产前、产中、产后相适应的、多形式的服务组织是完善农业社会化服务体系运行的保障.本研究在梳理新中国成立以来农业社会化服务组织的发展轨迹和分析农业社会化服务组织建构存在问题的基础上,提出中国目前农业社会化服务体系组织的建构思路主要有"统一主体"、"多元主体"和"统一主体和多元主体相结合"三种思路;在对每一种思路比较和分析的基础上,本研究认为未来农业社会化服务组织建构的发展方向或是"统一主体和多元主体相结合"的权变性建构,这既利于发挥各种社会力量服务于农业的积极性,也利于农业社会化服务组织适应复杂多样的现代化农业发展需求.  相似文献   

This research examines how managers in contractors' organizations make decisions to adopt a new technology. This paper presents the decision-making processes managers use in the adoption of new technologies, the factors affecting these processes, and the strategies managers use to deal with the uncertainty involved in such decisions. The study focused on eight cases of adoption of two commercially available information technologies: (1) Electronic data interchange; and (2) 3D computer-aided design systems. This paper summarizes relevant background, briefly describes the decisions studied, presents the major findings, and highlights practical applications. The recommendations focus on the strategies that managers can use to increase the likelihood of successful adoption of new technologies.  相似文献   

分析大学生社团的现状及存在问题,找出制约大学生社团发展的因素,根据这些问题提出构建大学生社团学习型组织的具体方法,结合现有的学习型组织理论体系和社团状况,提出大学生社团创建学习型组织的方法和相应推进措施.  相似文献   

高质量Mg-Zr中间合金的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以KCl、NaCl为熔剂,用液态Mg还原K2ZrR6,通过控制炉料配比、还原温度、还原时问,并用机械正反向交替搅拌,成功地解决了传统生产工艺中渣相与Mg-Zr中问合金难以分离、合金杂质含量偏高、合金成分偏析的难题,获得了高质量的Mg—Zr中间合金。  相似文献   

The costs of construction injuries can have a substantial impact on the financial success of construction organizations and increase the overall costs of construction up to 15%. Following the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, construction firms began to implement a variety of management techniques to reduce the frequency of injuries. Although these strategies decrease the cost of injuries, they consume time and other significant resources. Thus, it is imperative for construction organizations to objectively evaluate the cost-benefit of investments in injury prevention through formal and robust processes. This paper presents a risk-based framework that can be used to evaluate the incremental return on investment of a series of investments in highly effective injury prevention strategies. The framework was developed using foundational risk quantification and analysis techniques and is illustrated using a hypothetical case study that is based on archival data published by United States government agencies. The conclusion of this study is that the optimal investment strategy can be identified through a formal analysis and that optimization depends on the frequency and cost of injuries, the sequence in which the specific injury prevention techniques are implemented, the risk mitigated by each strategy, and the organization’s attitude toward acceptable risk.  相似文献   

介绍了存储各种石油套管及管坯的大型无人自动化仓库控制系统的硬件结构、软件功能及控制思想。该系统运行可靠、具有广泛的通用性和较大的推广价值  相似文献   

周坚 《特钢技术》2007,12(2):62-64
创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。面对日益残酷的钢铁市场竞争,如何通过加强科技创新支撑体系建设,塑造宽松和谐的创新环境,培养精干高效的人才队伍,培植强大的核心竞争力,是坚持“以特求特”方针的攀长钢面临的一项长期而艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

This paper explores change management for restructuring a public construction organization. The paper presents a model for organizational change and studies 20 change-management parameters for three engineering management levels—area engineers, project managers, and project engineers. The researchers studied the perception of engineers and the change process from initiation through completion, starting with forces that destabilize, spreading to awareness and management of anxiety, then acceptance and management of tasks, and finishing with integration and restart. These were examined quantitatively and qualitatively. The study concluded that engineers realize that changes are necessary but they perceive change management negatively. Though most engineers are aware of and committed to change, they perceive the communication of changes to be poor. Recommendations were made to adopt a participative style, improve the commitment of upper leadership, and apply incentives to implement changes. The organizational change model provides a simplified approach for any organization going through the process of change and reengineering.  相似文献   

高校公益性社团是校园文化建设的重要组成部分,它开拓了学生提升自我价值的新途径,开辟了高校思政教育工作的新平台,有利于促进社会的和谐.近年来,高校公益社团蓬勃发展的同时,在社团活动开展的方式与动机、社团组织管理、参与社团活动的持续性、活动经费等方面暴露出一些问题,采取相应的对策解决这些问题,是高校社团工作者的责任.  相似文献   

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