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胡锦涛总书记关于《在共建中共享,在共享中共建》的重要讲话,进一步明确了构建社会主义和谐社会全过程都必须贯穿和坚持的思想原则,从中使人感受到我们党理论与实践统一的思想作风。人民既是构建和谐社会的主体,也是享有和谙社会成果的主人。共建和共享就是这样相互推动.相互促进、不断前进的。项目部作为施工企业最基本的生产单元,既是企业的主战场,又是其形象窗口和利润来源。高速路建设过程中常常会出现种种的矛盾和冲突,如何有效避免冲突,化解矛盾,构建和谐嚼目对于每个施工企业而言至关重要。本文主要从项目与建设方、项目与地方政府.  相似文献   

为在寻优过程中有效地保持算法的种群多样性,提出了一种改进的PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) 算法--PSOPC(Particle Swarm Optimizer based on Predator-prey Coevolution).PSOPC算法将生态系统中捕食者和猎物的竞争协同进化机制嵌入到PSO算法中.基于PSOPC进行RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification)读写器网络调度模型的求解,根据读写器冲突关系的变化在线进行读写器的时隙分配求解与控制,在不影响读写器工作效率的同时,有效消除密集读写器环境下的读写器冲突问题,并优化整个读写器网络的工作效率.  相似文献   

用于金属物体的标签天线一直是RFID标签天线研究的热点和难点,提出了一种新的低剖面用于金属物体的宽带超高频(ultta high frequency,UHF)射频识别(radio frequency identification,RFID)标签天线.采用增加2个耦合的寄生贴片来激发新的谐振波模,极大地改善了RFID标签天线的带宽,测量结果得到的标签天线半功率带宽为148 MHz,覆盖了所有的超高频RFlD系统的频段.  相似文献   

为了协调各节点的数据在同-信道中的传送,避免冲突.针对无线传感器网络的节点资源有限和网络拓扑动态变换的特点,本文提出了一种改进的MAC协议--ES-MAC(Energy effect-Medium Access Control,ES-MAC)协议.这种改进的协议利用动态的侦听睡眠周期既保证了系统性能,又节省了能量.仿真结果表明:ES-MAC协议不仅在网络性能方面比S-MAC协议、T-MAC协议有所提高,在节能方面也优于这二者.  相似文献   

RFID技术在矿山井下人车智能安全管理系统中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张水平  袁非亮 《南方金属》2006,(1):12-14,30
介绍射频识别(RFID)技术及其在矿山井下人车安全管理系统中的应用,以及RFID技术在采矿领域应用中的展望.  相似文献   

徐平 《天津冶金》2012,(5):24-26,29
针对鞍钢天铁冷轧钢卷库在物流管理流程中存在的库位信息紊乱、系统信息实时性不强、吊卷效率不高等问题,分析出其产生的主要原因为吊卷完全依赖地面库管指挥执行,缺少与应用系统之间的直接交互;系统信息通过手工记录后批量更新,实时性不强等。利用RFID和WI-FI技术,增加无线车载终端和电子标签系统,通过对冷轧钢卷库物流的优化和对应用系统程序的改造,实现了冷轧钢卷库的自动化管理,保证了信息及时准确更新,便于生产的实时指挥协调,提高了公司钢卷库物流的效率。  相似文献   

A collision-avoidance (CA) algorithm is developed and implemented that is applicable to many different unmanned aerial systems (UAS), ranging from a single platform with the ability to perform all collision-avoidance functions independently to multiple vehicles performing functions as a cooperative group with collision-avoidance commands computed at a ground station. The algorithm leverages advances in several theoretical fields, including robotics, homing guidance, and airspace management, and considers several approaches to conflict detection and resolution, including the collision cone approach. The collision-avoidance system is exercised and tested by using operational hardware and platforms. Novel developments by using an aggregated collision cone approach allow each unmanned aircraft to detect and avoid collisions with two or more other aircraft simultaneously. The collision-avoidance system is implemented by using a miniature unmanned aircraft with an onboard autopilot. Various simulation and flight test cases are used to demonstrate the algorithm’s robustness to different collision encounters at various engagement angles. The flight test results are compared with ideal, software-in-the-loop, and hardware-in-the-loop tests. The results presented are the first known flight tests of two or more unmanned aircraft systems equipped with the same global, three-dimensional, geometric collision-avoidance system.  相似文献   

为了解决隐藏终端和暴露终端的问题,在多信道接入协议(MCMP,Multi-Channel MAC Protocol)基础上,提出了改进的多信道接入协议(IMCMP,Improved MCMP),并在NS2(Network Simulator2)下,对单信道及多信道MAJC协议进行了仿真实验.仿真结果表明:多信道MAC协议的性能优于单信道MAC协议;而IMCMP在数据包分组投递率、平均发送延时及网络吞吐总量上,都要优于MCMP.  相似文献   

以锚节点与监测区域相距很远的无线传感器网络为研究对象,提出了一种能量均衡的组播路由算法.该算法分成两个阶段:在第一阶段,前向转发区域内的候选节点通过依据自己的剩余能量及到接入点的距离设定定时器来竞争转发数据包;在第二阶段,算法在多播区构建一棵以接入节点为根节点的组播树,树中的节点根据当前父节点及候选节点的剩余能量更新父节点.  相似文献   

RFID系统内通信的安全性已经受到了用户的关注。由于低成本标签无法执行对称和非对称密码算法,为安全方案的设计造成了很大的困难。目前常见的安全方案采用Hash函数为RFID系统内通信提供保护。总结了一些常见的RFID安全协议,并分析了它们的安全性,为以后的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In this paper, the problems of target tracking and obstacle avoidance for multi-agent networks with input constraints are investigated.When there is a moving obstacle, the control objectives are to make the agents track a moving target and to avoid collisions among agcnts.First, without considering the input constraints, a novel distributed controller can be obtained based on the potential function.Second, at each sampling time, the control algorithm is optimized.Furthermore, to solve the problem that agents cannot effectively avoid the obstacles in dynamic environment where the obstacles are moving, a new velocity repulsive potential is designed.One advantage of the designed control algorithm is that each agent only requires local knowledge of its neighboring agents.Finally, simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Design Method II for vessel collision design is recommended by AASHTO specifications for most bridges. With its required resources more elaborate than Method I, Method II classifies vessel traffic passing under a specific bridge into different categories. To achieve an economical vessel collision design, a strategy is proposed to perform design Method II analysis on a statewide basis. In association with the waterways of Florida, the vessel traffic data are collected from available resources and a synthesizing methodology is developed to statistically process these data by vessel types, sizes, and loading condition. This study provides statewide input data ready for vessel collision analysis adopting Method II. As a numerical example, an illustrative bridge with multiple piers is designed in accordance with Method II. Waterborne traffic data from Indian River in Florida are utilized as input data. Comparison among annual frequencies of collapse due to various vessel categories indicates that barge trains are statistically significant in the collision design. Future traffic growth is considered using two different approaches and the possible difference is studied.  相似文献   

王保明  冯梅 《山东冶金》2005,27(2):47-49
钢铁产品经营中存在资产风险和市场风险两类风险因素。针对市场风险影响因素,应采取关注市场、开发市场、努力保持低库存等措施;针对资产风险因素,应采取加强合同管理、收款管理、产品交付管理等措施。  相似文献   

为了对基于动量定理建立的汽车二维碰撞模型进行快速求解,利用矩阵分块处理原理建立了一种简便算法.通过矩阵分块处理可以降低所求模型的矩阵阶数,从而简化了求解过程.对典型汽车碰撞实例的分析表明:应用该方法能够迅速、准确地进行汽车碰撞事故的分析计算.  相似文献   

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