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硫磺仓库防火设计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硫磺具有较强的化学活泼性,属易燃物质,在一定条件下会发生自身自燃,因此硫磺贮存应注意防火。结合湖南铁合金厂硫磺仓库爆炸事件,分析了硫磺仓库发生火灾的原因及硫磺仓库的防火设计要点,指出还应加强硫磺仓库的防火管理。从根本上杜绝硫磺仓库发生火灾。  相似文献   

国家经贸委确定 ,凡是新建或改造的硫磺制酸装置 (包括单独建设或配套建设的 )都需报审批。经国家石化局提出行业意见后 ,上报国家经贸委批准 ,防止硫磺制酸装置的无序建设和盲目扩大生产能力 ,从源头上控制进口硫磺的继续增长。进口硫磺应当本着优先考虑大型磷复肥基地和高浓度磷复肥企业的生产需求的原则 ,以促进磷复肥产品结构的调整。对环境保护有特殊要求的大、中城市和地区 ,可适当选用硫磺制酸装置 ,主要建在沿海靠近港口的地区 ,以降低原料成本 ,真正体现进口硫磺的优势。国内硫铁矿制酸企业 ,在国际硫磺价格走低时 ,可以考虑适当进…  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,江苏沿海各市大力实施海洋开发战略,沿海地区正面临大规模工业化和城市化进程。与此同时,大面积的滩涂围垦开发对海洋生态系统带来的恶化趋势尚未得到有效缓解,因此,在沿海开发背景下研究连云港滩涂围垦开发利用过程中的生态环境保护措施具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着沿海经济发展和城市扩张,大规模围垦滩涂活动已对滨海湿地和海洋环境造成了很大损害,迫切需要开展规划层面的环境影响评价工作。目前,国内在滩涂湿地开发方面的规划环境影响评价研究尚在起步阶段,还未建立起具体的评价指标体系。文章基于"压力-状态-响应"的评价模型,从海洋环境、湿地生态系统、旅游开发可行性3方面,设立12个环境主题,选取了55个评价指标,构建出基于旅游资源开发的沿海滩涂湿地规划环境影响评价指标体系,并结合广东银湖湾旅游概念性规划进行了实例探讨。  相似文献   

1 整顿硫磺制酸项目的审批手续 :凡是新建或改造的硫磺制酸装置 (包括单独建设或配套建设的 )经各级审批后 ,均应报国家石油和化学工业局提出行业意见后 ,上报国家经贸委批准 ,以统一归口 ,防止硫磺制酸装置的无序建设和盲目扩大生产能力 ,从源头上控制进口硫磺的继续增长。2 进口硫磺应当本着优先考虑大型磷复肥基地和高浓度磷复肥企业的生产需求的原则 ,以促进磷复肥产品结构的调整。3 对环境保护有特殊要求的大、中城市和地区 ,可适当选用硫磺制酸装置 ,但应从区域的硫酸平衡 ,从严控制建设规模。4 其他进口硫磺制酸装置 ,应当主要建在…  相似文献   

正山东恒舜新材料有限公司6万吨/年高性能不溶性硫磺项目列入山东省2020年重大项目名单,日前已取得了山东省发改委的批准。该项目分两期工程建设,分别计划于2022年年初和年底投产,每期工程均建设2条年产1.5万吨高性能不溶性硫磺生产线,将新建车间、仓库、综合楼、控制室等总建筑面积59 553.32平方米,购置主要生产设备631台(套)。  相似文献   

硫磺回收装置是石油、石化等领域环境保护装置,液体硫磺作为产品被提炼出来,为了便于包装、储存或长途运输,将液体硫磺转换成性能稳定、形状规整的固态颗粒造粒,这种设备即为硫磺造粒设备。随着国内外原油品质裂化以及环保的要求,逐渐衍生出多种硫磺造粒成型设备。文章介绍了硫磺造粒成型领域主流设备的工作原理,综合成型设备稳定性、硫磺产量及产品品质等因素,对硫磺造粒成型设备的选型提出建议。  相似文献   

2009年3月21日上午,法国北部敦刻尔克附近一个储存硫磺的仓库发生火灾,令当地上空升起一片刺激性的云雾并导致8入受伤。  相似文献   

沿海滩涂软土地基含水量大、淤泥层厚,处理方案十分关键且工程造价高,淤泥固化在其他行业的软基处理已大量应用,但在沿海滩涂地的公路工程中应用较少,结合公路应用实例,从技术方案及经济等方面分析该技术的优势。  相似文献   

为了缓解液体硫磺供应的紧张状况,某公司筹建了一套80kt/a固体硫磺熔融装置,以配合硫磺制酸装置的生产。针对固体硫磺熔融装置生产中出现的管线经常堵塞、快速熔硫槽溢流口位置偏高和助滤泵叶轮选型等问题,提出了相应的改造措施,满足了生产要求,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

论述微量养分对植物生产的重要性和Envirosul微量养分的配制。硫磺作为其中的重要组分,对于Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn微量养分的控释具有关键作用。当微量养分以不溶性氧化物的形式与硫一道施入土壤时,存在于土壤中的硫氧化细菌将硫转化为硫酸,这些硫酸又将不溶性微量养分氧化物转化为易溶性硫酸盐,以供植物吸收。由于硫被氧化菌氧化为硫酸的速率取决于硫磺的粒度,因此可通过控制硫磺粒度的大小来控制微量养分的释放速率。  相似文献   

During recent decades the problem of the sulphur cycle in the agroecosystem has become increasingly urgent due to the improvements in agricultural technologies and reduction of environmental pollution. The extremely moist climatic conditions prevailing in Lithuania predetermine rather significant losses of sulphur by leaching and also its negative balance. Thus, sulphur deficiency may become a limiting factor in crop productivity in both organic and intensive cropping systems. This paper summarises the results of investigations on sulphur migration and balance in Luvisols carried out from 1994–1998 under both cropping systems. In an intensive cropping system with programmed mineral fertilization the yield of all crops was 54% higher compared to the organic one, where only manure was applied. Liming, used as a means of chemically improving soil, not only neutralizes soil acidity, but also its sulphureous regime. The amount of mobile sulphur in soil is reduced by up to 7–8 times by this treatment. This reduction is even more evident in intensive cropping systems. Mineral fertilization is the main means of regulating nutrient balance. The balance of N and P was negative in organic cropping systems. In contrast, it was positive under the conditions of intensive cropping. Neither the organic nor the intensive cropping systems ensured a positive sulphur balance. The average annual sulphur deficit was 91 kg ha–1 in intensive cropping systems and rose even to 142 kg ha–1 in organic cropping systems. In order to avoid sulphur deficiency as a factor limiting crop productivity and to ensure a positive balance of sulphur in agroecosystems, additional usage of S-rich fertilizers is a necessary condition for rationally farming Lithuanian acid soils.  相似文献   

To a soil artificially contaminated with cadmium, orthorhombic sulphur flower and a hydrophillic microbially produced elemental sulphur were added to induce the soil acidification. The soil was incubated in pots under opensky conditions. pH, sulphate, and cadmium solubility were recorded in time. Soil acidification with microbially produced sulphur proceeded without any delay and at considerably higher rates, compared to the sulphur flower. Cadmium solubilization was solely controlled by the soil pH during the experiments. Similar experiments with cultivation of common mustard (Sinapis alba, cultivar JARA) were performed, evaluating both changes of cadmium solubilization and uptake by biomass. Cadmium concentration in shoots increased with decreasing pH. However, biomass was negatively affected by the decreasing pH. Combining these two effects, a pH-optimum for maximum cadmium removal from the soil by plants was found at pH=5–5.5.  相似文献   

A method for producing and incorporating fine elemental sulphur into high analysis fertilisers based on phosphoric acid is described. Molten sulphur is added to phosphoric acid under high shear conditions to produce a slurry containing fine sulphur. The slurry is subsequently used to acidulate phosphate rock and the resultant high analysis fertiliser contains sulphur which is sufficiently fine to ensure reasonably rapid oxidation to sulphate by soil micro-organisms. A small pilot plant has been used to produce a triple superphosphate containing 15% elemental sulphur which has a particle size distribution of: 95% < 0.5 mm, 76% < 0.25 mm and 57% < 0.15 mm.  相似文献   

盐城滩涂土壤中镉含量分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱露山  吴社富 《化工时刊》2007,21(11):31-33
以盐城滩涂土壤为例,通过对土壤剖面采样与室内分析测定,研究土壤中镉的含量及其分布特征。结果表明,滩涂土壤中镉的平均含量为1.66 mg/kg。重金属元素Cd含量变化趋势是随着土壤深度的增加而增大。研究区土壤Cd重金属元素属于中等变异。  相似文献   

针对我国原油加工量的增长和炼油企业加工高硫原油比例的增加,硫磺回收装置规模趋于大型化。从选材、结构和设计计算等方面阐述了大型硫冷凝器的设计,着重介绍了大型硫冷凝器的薄管板结构型式及其计算等。  相似文献   

In a long-term field experiment, involving multiple cropping (pearl millet-wheat-cowpea) and use of fertilizer based on soil tests for a slightly alkaline alluvial soil, an attempt has been made to examine the pattern of crop removal of sulphur and zinc and their availability in the soil during a 7 to 8 year period. Additions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) enhanced the sulphur uptake over the control and treatment N, by 60.8 and 23.4% respectively. Both sulphur (through superphosphate) and farm manure raised the removal of S to the same extent. NPK applied at 50, 100 and 150% of the optimum recommended dose showed an increase of 63.2, 26.5 and 17.1% respectively, over control, 50 and 100% level of application. Treatments N, NP and NPK promoted the uptake of zinc by 67.4, 23.4 and 14.0% over the control, treatment N and treatment NP respectively. An increase of 7.1 and 17.7% in Zn uptake was noticed with farm manure and zinc sulphate incorporations. As has been seen in the case of sulphur, graded doses of NPK showed respective increases of 49.8, 27.0 and 8.6% in Zn removal. There was a marked depletion by 54.8 to 67.1% in available S in soil in all the treatments except the one where sulphur was being supplied every year. Without zinc being added, the extent of decrease in Zn in soil ranged from 18.9 to 30.6%. Addition of zinc improved the availability by 128.0% over the initial status.  相似文献   

着重介绍了熔硫装置中快速熔硫槽搅拌桨应用情况,分析了熔硫能力下降的原因,重点阐述了通过优化快速熔硫槽搅拌浆结构设计,改善了设备的运行状况,延长了装置的停产检修时间间隔,较大地提高了快速熔硫槽的熔硫能力。  相似文献   

The pot experiment conducted in calcareous soil of Saurashtra, India showed that application of lime (20% CaCO3) and excess water (irrigation at –0.3 bar) to the soil enhanced chlorosis in groundnut leaves caused by induced deficiencies of iron, sulphur and zinc, which was recovered by applying agricultural grade chemicals containing iron, sulphur and zinc. This chlorosis caused 29.8 and 19.1% reduction in pod yield of groundnut due to lime and excess water, respectively in the untreated control pot and 17.1 and 9.6%, respectively in the pot treated with different chemicals.Application of iron sulphate, zinc sulphate, iron pyrite, gypsum, phospho-gypsum, elemental sulphur, wettable sulphur and Fe-EDTA decreased chlorosis and increased chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of leaves, uptake of Fe, S and Zn and pod yield of groundnut significantly. The foliar spray of 0.5% aqueous solution of iron sulphate, zinc sulphate and Fe-EDTA at 20, 35, 50 and 65 days after emergence (DAE) was more effective than their soil applications. The Fe-EDTA corrected only iron chlorosis, and gypsum, phosphogypsum and elemental sulphur only sulphur chlorosis. However, iron sulphate and iron pyrite corrected iron and sulphur and zinc sulphate corrected zinc and sulphur chlorosis. Among the soil amendments, application of iron sulphate and iron pyrite showed better responses to groundnut and showed higher Fe and S uptake than other treatments. The responses of gypsum, phosphogypsum and elemental sulphur were at par. The correlation study showed that pod yield of groundnut was negatively correlated with chlorosis and positively correlated with the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in groundnut leaves.  相似文献   

有机中微肥在沃土工程建设中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵建华 《化肥工业》2006,33(6):16-19
围绕沃土工程建设,分析了肥料的生产和应用中存在的“三重三轻”的问题。笔者认为:测土平衡施肥是沃土工程建设的关键;土壤营养元素的丰缺是肥料二次加工的理论依据;必需元素的有效性是优质配方肥料质量的重要指标;活性必需元素的生产成本是配方肥能否推广的重要因素;肥料生产企业应把提高肥料利用率作为研究的课题。有机中微肥在肥料生产,尤其是二次加工中扮演了重要角色,是沃土工程建设中必不可少的要素。  相似文献   

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