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Emissions from "low emitting" modern vehicles were measured on-road using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) on-board emissions measurement system. Twenty vehicles were tested on road and on a chassis dynamometer. A subset of four vehicles was tested on a test track as well as on the dynamometer. Comparison of on-board measurements with laboratory measurements while operating on the dynamometer showed agreement within measurement and test to test variability. Comparison of dynamometer measurements with test track measurements showed some larger differences attributable to track test conditions. On-road and dynamometer tests were conducted on the remaining 16 vehicles, with the on-road testing including freeway, arterial, and residential streets. The on-road testing showed that most of the low emitting vehicles under most operating conditions are operating below certification levels. Most vehicles reached a hot stabilized condition within 60 to 100 s. Hot running emissions were on average very low once the catalyst lights off. For NMHC, the majority of the "certification" emissions occur during the start-up, especially for PZEVs. NOx and CO also showed a high fraction of "certification" emissions during start-up, but also showed emission spikes under hot running conditions, especially during transients.  相似文献   

A logistic regression model was built using vehicle emissions test data collected in 2003 for 129 604 motor vehicles in Beijing. The regression model uses vehicle model, model year, inspection station, ownership, and vehicle registration area as covariates to predict the probability that a vehicle fails an annual emissions test on the first try. Vehicle model is the most influential predictor variable: some vehicle models are much more likely to fail in emissions tests than an "average" vehicle. Five out of 14 vehicle models that performed the worst (out of a total of 52 models) were manufactured by foreign companies or by their joint ventures with Chinese enterprises. These 14 vehicle model types may have failed at relatively high rates because of design and manufacturing deficiencies, and such deficiencies cannot be easily detected and corrected without further efforts, such as programs for in-use surveillance and vehicle recall.  相似文献   

New diesel engine technologies and alternative fuel engines are being introduced into fleets of mass transit buses to try to meet stricter emission regulations of nitrogen oxides and particulates: Real-time instruments including an Aerodyne Research tunable infrared laser differential absorption spectrometer (TILDAS) were deployed in a mobile laboratory to assess the impact of the implementation of the new technologies on nitrogen oxide emissions in real world driving conditions. Using a "chase" vehicle sampling strategy, the mobile laboratory followed target vehicles, repeatedly sampling their exhaust. Nitrogen oxides from approximately 170 in-use New York City mass transit buses were sampled during the field campaigns. Emissions from conventional diesel buses, diesel buses with continuously regenerating technology (CRT), diesel hybrid electric buses, and compressed natural gas (CNG) buses were compared. The chase vehicle sampling method yields real world emissions that can be included in more realistic emission inventories. The NO, emissions from the diesel and CNG buses were comparable. The hybrid electric buses had approximately one-half the NOx emissions. In CRT diesels, NO2 accounts for about one-third of the NOx emitted in the exhaust, while for non-CRT buses the NO2 fraction is less than 10%.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS) for emission inventory and regulatory applications. For this study, four commercial PEMS were compared with a Federal Reference Method (FRM) for measuring emissions from a back-up generator (BUG) over steady-state loads and a diesel truck on transient and steady-state chassis dynamometer tests. The agreement between the PEMS and the FRM varied depending on the pollutant and the particular PEMS tested for both the BUG and chassis dynamometer testing. The best performing PEMS for both the BUG and chassis testing was within approximately 12% for NOx of the FRM. For the BUG testing, several PEMS showed agreement with the FRM within approximately 5% for CO2. For the chassis dynamometer testing, the best PEMS showed agreement typically within approximately 5% for CO2. PM measurements for the BUG testing were low compared to the FRM, with the best measurements approximately 20% lower. For the chassis testing, two PM PEMS showed a good correlation but a high bias, while the correlation was worse for the other two PEMS. For each emissions component, some PEMS under different test conditions showed considerably larger deviations than those for the best performing PEMS.  相似文献   

An approach to evaluate the representativeness of site-specific fuel-based vehicle emission factors, such as would be obtained using Remote Sensing Devices (RSDs) is demonstrated based on real-world data for 23 selected light duty gasoline vehicles. Real time vehicle route-average emissions rates were measured using a Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) for a variety of road types and traffic characteristics. Several hypothetical remote sensing sites were selected to estimate site-specific fuel-based emission factors. The average fuel-based emission factors increased with vehicle specific power (VSP) and varied by a factor of 3 and 4 for NO(x) and CO, respectively. The route average emission factors varied by approximately 20% for either NO(x) or CO. The site-specific emission factors varied among specific sites by 20 and 30% for NO(x) and CO, respectively. Fuel-based HC emission rates had little variability with engine load, among routes, or between sites. Arbitrarily chosen sites can lead to potential biases for CO and NO(x) if measured emission factors are used for route average rates and, therefore, for area-wide inventories. However, site-specific emission factors have the potential to be representative of area-wide emission rates if the distribution of positive VSP at the site is similar to that of routes or area-wide cycles of interest.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first use of a remote sensing device to measure emissions from in-use marine vessels. Emissions from 307 small marine vessels were measured as they passed through the Hiram M. Chittenden locks near Seattle, WA. Of these vessels, 89 were matched to state registration information to allow for further analysis of emissions vs model year, fuel type, and engine type. Emission factors are reported for CO, HC, and NOx in grams of pollutant per kilogram of fuel. The measured emission factors generally agreed with those derived from laboratory studies. HC emissions are disproportionately skewed across the fleet where 40% of the emissions come from just 10% of the fleet. These are most likely due to the remaining two-stroke engines in the fleet. CO and HC emissions show no improvement with newer vessels.  相似文献   

The objective here is to quantify the variability in emissions of selected light duty gasoline vehicles by routes, time of day, road grade, and vehicle with a focus on the impact of routes and road grade. Field experiments using a portable emission measurement system were conducted under real-world driving cycles. The study area included two origin/destination pairs, each with three alternative routes. Total emissions varied from trip to trip and from route to route due to variations in average speed and travel time. On an average trip basis, the total NO emissions differed by 24% when comparing alternative routes and by 19% when comparing congested travel time with less congested traffic time. Positive road grades were associated with an approximately 20% increase in localized emissions rates, while negative road grades were associated with a similar relative decrease. The average vehicle-specific power based NO modal emission rates differed by more than 2 orders of magnitude when comparing different vehicles. The results demonstrate that alternative routing can significantly impact trip emissions. Furthermore, road grade should be taken into account for localized emissions estimation. Vehicle-specific models are needed to capture episodic effects of emissions for near-road short-term human exposure assessment.  相似文献   

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) could reduce transportation air emissions and energy use. However, a method is needed for estimating on-road emissions of PHEVs. To develop a framework for quantifying microscale energy use and emissions (EU&E), measurements were conducted on a Toyota Prius retrofitted with a plug-in battery system on eight routes. Measurements were made using the following: (1) a data logger for the hybrid control system; (2) a portable emissions measurement system; and (3) a global positioning system with barometric altimeter. Trends in EU&E are estimated based on vehicle specific power. Energy economy is quantified based on gasoline consumed by the engine and grid energy consumed by the plug-in battery. Emissions from electricity consumption are estimated based on the power generation mix. Fuel use is approximately 30% lower during plug-in battery use. Grid emissions were higher for CO?, NO(x), SO?, and PM compared to tailpipe emissions but lower for CO and hydrocarbons. EU&E depends on engine and plug-in battery operation. The use of two energy sources must be addressed in characterizing fuel economy; overall energy economy is 11% lower if including grid energy use than accounting only for fuel consumption.  相似文献   

A model of a heavy-duty vehicle driveline with automatic transmission has been developed for estimating engine speed and load from vehicle speed. The model has been validated using emissions tests conducted on three diesel vehicles on a chassis dynamometer and then on the engines removed from the vehicles tested on an engine dynamometer. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions were proportional to work done by the engine. For two of the engines, the NOx/horsepower(HP) ratio was the same on the engine and on the chassis dynamometer tests. For the third engine NOx/HP was significantly higher from the chassis test, possibly due to the use of dual engine maps. The engine certification test generated consistently less particulate matter emissions on a gram per brake horsepower-hour basis than the Heavy Duty Transient and Central Business District chassis cycles. A good linear correlation (r2 = 0.97 and 0.91) was found between rates of HP increase integrated over the test cycle and PM emissions for both the chassis and the engine tests for two of the vehicles. The model also shows how small changes in vehicle speeds can lead to a doubling of load on the engine. Additionally, the model showed that it is impossible to drive a vehicle cycle equivalent to the heavy-duty engine federal test procedure on these vehicles.  相似文献   

The Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory "chased" in-use curbside passenger buses operated by various operators in New York City. With the cooperation of New York State's Metropolitan Transit Authority, the relationships between the emissions of the several gas-phase species and particulate loadings were investigated across several bus technologies, bus types, and fuels (diesel, ultralow sulfur diesel, and compressed natural gas, CNG). The CNG buses followed did not employ an oxidation catalyst. The buses characterized were not prescreened in any fashion and were measured while deployed on their normal in-service routes. This paper focuses on the fuel-based mass emissions of SO2, H2CO, and CH4, measured using tunable infrared laser differential absorption spectroscopy. Sulfur dioxide emissions from buses known to be burning ultralow sulfur diesel (<30 ppm(m) S) were 16 times lower than those from buses burning normal commercial diesel fuel, nominally less than 300 ppm(m) sulfur. Emissions of formaldehyde and methane from in-use CNG buses were approximately 15 times greater than those from diesel powered buses.  相似文献   

针对现场电化学测试中电化学工作站携带不便、供电困难等问题,设计了一种基于核酸适体生物传感器的便携式循环伏安测试系统.该系统采用实验室研发制备的核酸适体生物传感器设计了锁定放大电路、恒电位电路及相敏检测程序,可实现微弱信号提取,从而有效克服电路系统噪声.实验结果表明,该系统能实现循环伏安测试,具有较高的信噪比,测试精度达到1μA,省电、操作简单,能够满足现场快速准确地进行循环伏安测试的需要.  相似文献   

The Dekati mass monitor (OMM) is an instrument which measures the mass concentration of airborne particles in real time by combining aerodynamic and mobility size particle classification. In this study, we evaluate the performance of the DMM by sampling exhaust from five engines and vehicles of different technologies in both steady-state and transient tests. DMM results are found higher than the filter-based particulate matter (PM) by 39 +/- 24% (range stands for +/- one standard deviation) for 62 diesel tests conducted in total and 3% and 14% higher, respectively, in two gasoline tests. To explore whether the difference occurs because of the different measurement principles of DMM and filter-based PM, the DMM operation is replicated over steady-state tests by combining an electrical low-pressure impactor (ELPI) and a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). The correlation of ELPI and SMPS derived mass and filter-based PM is satisfactory (R2 = 0.95) with a mean deviation of 5 +/- 15%. For the same tests, the correlation of DMM with PM was also high (R2 = 0.95), but DMM exceeded PM by 44 +/- 23% on average. The comparison of ELPI and SMPS and DMM results reveals that the latter overestimates both the geometric mean diameter and especially the width of the particle mass-weighted size distribution. These findings demonstrate thatthe statistically significant difference between the DMM and the filter-based PM cannot just originate from the different measurement principles but also from the actual implementation of the combined aerodynamic-mobility measurement in the DMM. Optimizing the DMM will require changes in its design and/or the calculation algorithm to improve the resolution and width of the aerodynamic size distribution recorded.  相似文献   

The emissions from in-use commercial aircraft engines have been analyzed for selected gas-phase species and particulate characteristics using continuous extractive sampling 1-2 min downwind from operational taxi- and runways at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Using the aircraft tail numbers, 376 plumes were associated with specific engine models. In general, for takeoff plumes, the measured NOx emission index is lower (approximately 18%) than that predicted by engine certification data corrected for ambient conditions. These results are an in-service observation of the practice of "reduced thrust takeoff". The CO emission index observed in ground idle plumes was greater (up to 100%) than predicted by engine certification data for the 7% thrust condition. Significant differences are observed in the emissions of black carbon and particle number among different engine models/technologies. The presence of a mode at approximately 65 nm (mobility diameter) associated with takeoff plumes and a smaller mode at approximately 25 nm associated with idle plumes has been observed. An anticorrelation between particle mass loading and particle number concentration is observed.  相似文献   

Emissions from gasoline and diesel engines vary on time scales including diurnal, weekly, and decadal. Temporal patterns differ for these two engine types that are used predominantly for passenger travel and goods movement, respectively. Rapid growth in diesel fuel use and decreasing NOx emission rates from gasoline engines have led to altered emission profiles. During the 1990s, on-road use of diesel fuel grew 3 times faster than gasoline. Over the same time period, the NOx emission rate from gasoline engines in California was reduced by a factor of approximately 2, while the NOx emission rate from diesel engines decreased only slightly. Diesel engines therefore grew in both relative and absolute terms as a source of NOx, accounting for about half of all on-road NO, emissions as of 2000. Diesel truck emissions decrease by 60-80% on weekends. Counterintuitive responses to these emission changes are seen in measured concentrations of ozone. In contrast, elemental carbon (EC) concentrations decrease on weekends as expected. Weekly and diurnal patterns in diesel truck activity contribute to variability in the ratio of organic carbon (OC) to EC in primary source emissions, and this could be a source of bias in assessments of the importance of secondary organic aerosol.  相似文献   

Landfills are the third largest source of anthropogenic CH4 in the United States, and there is potential for reduction in this source of greenhouse gases and other contaminants. The objective of this work was to contrast emissions of CH4 and non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs) from landfill cells covered with soil or a biologically active cover consisting of yard waste compost. On the basis of four field campaigns over 14 months, CH4 emissions from the biocover (BC) varied from -1.73 to 1.33 g m(-2) d(-1), with atmospheric uptake measured in 52% of tests. BC emissions did not increase when the gas collection system was turned off. Uptake of atmospheric CH4 was measured in 54% of tests on the soil cover (SC) when the gas collection was system active and 12% when the gas collection system was off. Many (26%) relatively high fluxes (>15 g m(-2) d(-1)) were measured from the SC as were some dramatic effects due to deactivation of the gas collection system. In tests with positive emissions, stable isotope measurements showed that the BC and SC were responsible for oxidation of 55% and 21% of the CH4 reaching the bottom of the respective cover. Seven of the highest 10 NMOC emissions were measured in the SC, and 17 of 21 fluxes for speciated organic compounds were higher in the SC. The relationship between CH4, NMOC, and individual organic compound emissions suggested a correlation between CH4 and trace organic oxidation. BCs can reduce landfill gas emissions in the absence of a gas collection system and can serve as a polishing step in the presence of an active system.  相似文献   

In this study, 28 light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDV) were operated on a chassis dynamometer at the California Air Resources Board Haagen-Smit Facility in El Monte, CA. The mass spectra of individual particles emitted from these vehicles were measured using aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS). A primary goal of this study involves determining representative size-resolved single particle mass spectral signatures that can be used in future ambient particulate matter source apportionment studies. Different cycles were used to simulate urban driving conditions including the federal testing procedure (FTP), unified cycle (UC), and the correction cycle (CC). The vehicles were selected to span a range of catalytic converter (three-way, oxidation, and no catalysts) and engine technologies (vehicles models from 1953 to 2003). Exhaust particles were sampled directly from a dilution and residence chamber system using particle sizing instruments and an ATOFMS equipped with an aerodynamic lens (UF-ATOFMS) analyzing particles between 50 and 300 nm. On the basis of chemical composition, 10 unique chemical types describe the majority of the particles with distinct size and temporal characteristics. In the ultrafine size range (between 50 and 100 nm), three elemental carbon (EC) particle types dominated, all showing distinct EC signatures combined with Ca, phosphate, sulfate, and a lower abundance of organic carbon (OC). The relative fraction of EC particle types decreased as particle size increased with OC particles becoming more prevalent above 100 nm. Depending on the vehicle and cycle, several distinct OC particle types produced distinct ion patterns, including substituted aromatic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), coupled with other chemical species including ammonium, EC, nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, V, and Ca. The most likely source of the Ca and phosphate in the particles is attributed to the lubricating oil. Significant variability was observed in the chemical composition of particles emitted within the different car categories as well as for the same car operating under different driving conditions. Two-minute temporal resolution measurements provide information on the chemical classes as they evolved during the FTP cycle. The first two minutes of the cold start produced more than 5 times the number of particles than any other portion of the cycle, with one class of ultrafine particles (EC coupled with Ca, OC, and phosphate) preferentially produced. By number, the three EC with Ca classes (which also contained OC, phosphate, and sulfate) were the most abundant classes produced by the nonsmoking vehicles. The smoker category produced the highest number of particles, with the dominant classes being OC comprised of substituted monoaromatic compounds and PAHs, coupled with Ca and phosphate, thus suggesting used lubricating oil was associated with many of these particles. These studies show, by number, EC particles dominate gasoline emissions in the ultrafine size range particularlyforthe lowest emitting newer vehicles, suggesting the EC signature alone cannot be used as a unique tracer for diesels. This represents the first report of high time- and size-resolved chemical composition data showing the mixing state of nonrefractory elements in particles such as EC for vehicle emissions during dynamometer source testing.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure ammonia (NH3) emissions from modern technology vehicles since information is scarce aboutthis importantsource of particulate matter (PM) precursors. Test variables included the emission level to which the vehicle was certified, the vehicle operating conditions, and catalyst age. Eight vehicles with low-emission vehicle (LEV) to super-ultralow-emission vehicle (SULEV) certification levels were tested over the Federal Test Procedure (FTP75), a US06 cycle, a hot running 505, a New York City Cycle (NYCC), and a specially designed Modal Emissions Cycle (MEC01v7) using both as-received and bench-aged catalysts. NH3 emissions in the raw exhaust were measured by tunable diode laser (TDL) absorption spectroscopy. The results show that NH3 emissions depend on driving mode and are primarily generated during acceleration events. More specifically, high NH3 emissions were found for high vehicle specific power (VSP) events and rich operating conditions. For some vehicles, NH3 emissions formed immediately after catalyst light-off during a cold start.  相似文献   

食品水分活度测量不确定度的评定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以饱和盐溶液作为相对湿度标准,通过测量一系列饱和盐溶液的水分活度值,经修正、标准差计算以及重复测量,得到水分活度测量不确定度.  相似文献   

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