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徐芳 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》2012,32(6):49
依据YB/T5086-2005工业蒽中蒽含量测定方法进行优化改进,使其更适合于蒽油中蒽含量的测定。在此方法基础上,将蒽油样称取量定于0.5~0.7g,加入氯苯量增加到15ml,可使滴定终点明显易辨,比直接依照YB/T5086-2005测定的平行样结果更接近,误差较小。 相似文献
结晶温度对粗蒽产量与质量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
几年来,我公司生产的粗蒽中的油含量和水分指标均能达到国家标准,只是含蒽量的波动较大,低时不足25%,高时可达44%,严重影响粗蒽深加工产品的质量和生产成本。在粗蒽生产中,我们一直采用一段结晶法,提高粗蒽含蒽量的关键是提高I蒽油的质量和控制适宜的结晶温度。为此,我们在实验室条件下,进行了不同结晶温度对粗蒽含蒽量影响的对比试验。1试验情况1.1I蒽油的组成表1列出了用毛细管气相色谱法分析的I蒽油组成。1.2试验步骤将400g左右的I蒽油倒人600mL烧杯中,在超级恒温水浴中升温至I蒽油全部熔化,此时… 相似文献
从粗蒽中提取精蒽和精咔唑的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了以粗蒽为原料,轻苯作溶剂,经溶剂萃取、恒沸蒸馏制取94%的精蒽,再以蒸馏残渣为原料,经升华提取91%的咔唑的试验情况,同时优选出了最佳的工艺参数。 相似文献
焦油中精蒽/咔唑提取工艺的评述 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
介绍了近年来从焦油中提取精蒽和咔唑产品工艺的现状,并对两种常用工艺从工艺方案合理性、技术先进性及经济技术三方面做了较详尽的比较分析和综合评述。提出结晶-蒸馏法是目前提取精蒽/咔唑技术先进、工艺合理、有发展前途的工艺。同时提出了对现有溶剂洗涤法制取精蒽和咔唑工艺状况的改进设想。 相似文献
我厂焦油蒸馏装置采用两塔式切取混合馏分工艺,从蒽塔切取I蒽油,经结晶和真空过滤后,滤饼在立式离心机中离心分离得产品粗蒽。由于我厂的过滤机和离心机设备陈旧,近几年来粗蒽的质量难以达到国家标准,含蒽量仅在33%左右。为此,我们在分析影响粗蒽质量和收率各因素的基础上,对生产工艺进行了适当的调整,取得了很好的效果。1影响粗蒽质量和收率的因素(1)I蒽油对粗蒽质量的影响。控制I蒽油的主要质量指标是300℃和360℃前馏出量。360℃前馏出量直接影响I蒽油的粘度,同时也代表了I蒽油的含蒽量。对于360℃前馏… 相似文献
王高峰 《精细与专用化学品》2001,9(13):11-12
兖矿集团公司和济宁煤化公司采用闪蒸、结晶、蒸馏、氧化等技术生产氧化蒽醌,联产咔唑,副产脱晶蒽油和萘油。该工艺技术先进,自动化程度高,三废排放少,符合环保要求,所得产品质量好,收率高。其中蒽的收率大于70%,蒽醌纯度达99%以上,咔唑收率大于60%,纯度达95%-98%。产品在市场上都具有较强的竞争力。 相似文献
Abstract A method of anthracene purification by extraction of impurities with a methanol-benzene solvent mixture is proposed. In the first stage the anthracene cake is dissolved in the solvent mixture at the boiling temperature of the system. Subsequently the precipitation of the great part of anthracene takes place by cooling the system to room temperature. The solid phase is removed by filtration while the liquid phase is arranged in the last stage by stripping. After this operation the solvent can be reused in the anthracene recovery process. In this paper the results obtained on the recovery of anthracene from anthracene cake are reported. The influence of solvent mixture composition, solvent mixture volume/anthracene cake weight ratio, and operation time are studied. According to the experimental results, 90% of the anthracene from the anthracene cake can be recovered. The anthracene purity attained is close to 90%. 相似文献
Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is a relatively new separation technique that has received much attention in recent years. This process is an alternative to distillation or liquid extraction. Its main advantage over the conventional ones is that the dissolved extract may be completely separated from the supercritical fluid simply by decreasing the pressure. In recent years considerable effort has been devoted to the measurement of equilibrium solubility data for solids in supercritical fluids. A coal tar distillate, anthracene oil, which contains 34.46 mass‐% phenanthrene, 33.8 mass‐% anthracene, 13.89 mass‐% carbazole and other impurities, was used as the model mixture. In this study, an experimental flow‐type apparatus has been designed to determine solubility data for the main components of anthracene oil (phenanthrene, anthracene, and carbazole) as a binary, quaternary, and multi component mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide. The equilibrium solubilities were measured at 45 °C isotherm, over a pressure range of 98–200 bar. The separation of phenanthrene from anthracene oil has been also studied by supercritical carbon dioxide at different temperatures and pressure in an extracting vessel containing 27 sieve trays. 相似文献
探索了肉桂油的水酶法提油工艺.研究了不同酶系以及酶解条件对肉桂油得率的影响.结果表明,果胶酶的作用效果好;酶解条件中,加酶量、酶解时间都对肉桂油得率有显著的影响,通过单因素分析及正交试验的结果,得出在固液比1∶6、酶解pH=3.5、酶解温度40℃、加酶量1.5%、酶解时间2h条件下,肉桂油得率能达到1.72%.经检测得到处理得到的肉桂油中桂皮醛含量达到83.6%. 相似文献
利用微生物体内生物合成的方法制取微生物油脂,是开发油脂资源一条新途径。霉菌因其油脂含量高,并含有丰富的γ-亚麻酸、花生四烯酸等功能性多不饱和脂肪酸而被广泛深入的研究。本论文以前期获得的7株产油脂较好的菌株为研究对象,通过苏丹混合液染色法观察油滴颗粒的大小及密集程度,酸热法测粗油脂含量,获得1株油脂含量达37.4%的菌株,经菌株形态观察分析初步鉴定为霉菌。 相似文献