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本文详细介绍了流媒体下载工具Streambox的功能、安装、配置及用法,以及与其他下载工具相比的优缺点.  相似文献   

小陈 《软件》2002,(6):69-71
请问你通常使用什么下载工具?Netants、Flashget还是GetRight?或者Go!zilla?的确,它们都是下载工具中的精品,无论你用其中哪一款,都是不错的选择。这些工具支持多线程下载,可以明显加快下载速度,这对于广大拨号上网的用户而言,显然是非常重要的。不过,遇到有一种情况,这些精品就无能为力了。那就是,现在某些藏有好东西的站点,往往会限制带宽、限制单个IP连接数目。这样,精品也只能降格为次品,打开一个线程慢慢下载吧,一部一小时左右的电影,有时要下载一天时间。如果谁不信邪,硬要打开多线程,结果可能更惨,IP被对方封掉,反而一个字节也下不了!现在,有人培育出了一种“神奇动物”,专门破解这种阵法,  相似文献   

肖杭  徐芳 《微型电脑应用》2003,19(11):54-56,59
本文介绍了使用Java技术实现整个Web网站下载和解析的方法。根据该方法开发的系统采用灵活的可定制的方式实现下载,下载过程中对网站的各种类型资源进行解析并分类保存到本地文件或者数据库中,以方便今后对这些数据进行进一步的操作。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel approach for reducing the download time of large files over the Internet. Our approach, known as Parallelized File Transport Protocol (P-FTP), proposes simultaneous downloads of disjoint file portions from multiple file servers. P-FTP server selects file servers for the requesting client on the basis of a variety of QoS parameters, such as available bandwidth and server utilization. The sensitivity analysis of our file server selection technique shows that it performs significantly better than random selection. During the file transfer, P-FTP client monitors the file transfer flows to detect slow servers and congested links and adjusts the file distributions accordingly. P-FTP is evaluated with simulations and real-world implementation. The results show at least 50 percent reduction in download time when compared to the traditional file-transfer approach. Moreover, we have also carried out a simulation-based study to investigate the issues related to large scale deployment of our approach on the Internet. Our results demonstrate that a large number of P-FTP users has no adverse effect on the performance perceived by non-P-FTP users. In addition, the file servers and network are not significantly affected by large scale deployment of P-FTP.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine a content-based method to download/record digital video from networks to client stations and home VCRs. The method examined is an alternative to the conventional time-based method used for recording analogue video. Various approaches to probing the video content and to triggering the VCR operations are considered, including frame signature matching, program bar-code matching, preloaded pattern search, and annotation signal search in a hypermedia environment. A concept of go-ahead-downloading is introduced and system capacity of the downloading device is evaluated. Some experimental studies are conducted on preloaded pattern search to provide more insights into this approach. Our results show that with the option of go-ahead-downloading, some content-based search operations can be effectively used for downloading digital video.  相似文献   

介绍了基于Intel PXA270处理器平台,利用CF卡烧写Linux映像文件的BootLoader实现方法.在叙述了用CF卡烧写Linux的优势后,介绍了CF卡烧写BootLoader的流程,并详细阐明了CF卡的读取方法和FAT格式的代码实现流程.  相似文献   

空想着长大 奈良美智(Yoshitomo Nara)已经非常有名,稍微有些美术常识的人都能说出一两句话来概括他:日本人,艺术家,画里常常出现个既甜蜜又邪恶的小女孩的形象;再进出一步,他最近几年还做了一些雕塑作品,主角还是那个小女孩……也许有人要摇头,说真烦人,老是那套,没什么新鲜的。  相似文献   

重点讲述了SIP(School Infomation Portal校园内部统一信息平台)的主要功能架构以及开发的技术架构,讨论了如何满足学校越来越多的信息化需求,并实现校园内的信息共享,避免了不同部门,不同应用系统的信息孤岛问题.  相似文献   

During the last 12 months, there has been a noticeable improvement in the quality of publicly-available encryption and in its appropriate use. The results of last-year’s relaxation in US crypto export regulations have begun to trickle through to improved (or at least, not crippled) browsers, Web-servers and E-mail clients. The application of the EU Data Protection Directive and its associated national legislation has meant that it is no longer just financially sensitive data that is being encrypted. The efforts of groups such as OpenSSL and Fortify, as well as the AES contestants, and the release of the RSA patent restrictions, have also helped significantly.  相似文献   

2004年7月22日,曾经是美国电信业的骄傲也是全球电信业发展楷模的AT&T,宣布将从美国住宅电话用户市场撤退,这在全球电信业犹如一颗重磅炸弹.全球传统电信运营商不禁扪心自问:难道全球电信业进入2003年后的缓慢复苏仅仅是昙花一现?电信业将何去何从?  相似文献   

蔡翔 《信息网络》2004,(9):27-32
2004年7月22日,曾经是美国电信业的骄傲也是全球电信业发展楷模的AT&T,宣布将从美国住宅电话用户市场撤退,这在全球电信业犹如一颗重磅炸弹。全球传统电信运营商不禁扪心自问:难道全球电信业进入2003年后的缓慢复苏仅仅是昙花一现?电信业将何去何从?AT&T滑入深渊1876年,贝尔发明了电话,同时创立了贝尔系统。20世纪初,原贝尔系统通过自身发展和兼并竞争对手(独立电话公司)形成了AT&T。回顾AT&T的百年发展,虽然合并不断,但内部主要经历了四次重大变革(拆分)。1.1984年1月,AT&T“一分为八”1912年,美国联邦政府以“AT&T奉行扩张主义,企…  相似文献   

Where We At? Mobile Phones Bring GPS to the Masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Child tracking is just one of a host of mobile-phone applications that use GPS technology. Other applications include those for tracking the whereabouts of friends, pets, and employees, and those that let farmers survey and navigate their land, hikers create routes and download maps, and skiers check snow conditions and reserve seats on backcountry helicopters. Although consumers have yet to embrace such products en masse, application vendors who follow market predictions are no doubt hopeful. In its September 2006 US Wireless Business Location-Based Services 2006-2010 Forecast report, IDC predicted that more than half of US mobile-phone users will begin using location-based services within four years. The report also notes, however, that fewer than 2 percent of US mobile-phone users currently take advantage of such applications  相似文献   

We present the work that allowed us to win the Next-Place Prediction task of the Nokia Mobile Data Challenge. Using data collected from the smartphones of 80 users, we explore the characteristics of their mobility traces. We then develop three families of predictors, including tailored models and generic algorithms, to predict, based on instantaneous information only, the next place a user will visit. These predictors are enhanced with aging techniques that allow them to adapt quickly to the users’ changes of habit. Finally, we devise various strategies to blend predictors together and take advantage of their diversity, leading to relative improvements of up to 4%.  相似文献   

陈莲娜 《计算机应用》2001,21(12):73-74
利用三给管的导通、截止特性(0、1特性),实现当地无源总线式数据传输,其硬件结构简单,传输可靠,成本低廉。  相似文献   

One of the key promises of the Semantic Web is its potential to enable and facilitate data interoperability. The ability of data providers and application developers to share and reuse ontologies is a critical component of this data interoperability: if different applications and data sources use the same set of well defined terms for describing their domain and data, it will be much easier for them to “talk” to one another. Ontology libraries are the systems that collect ontologies from different sources and facilitate the tasks of finding, exploring, and using these ontologies. Thus ontology libraries can serve as a link in enabling diverse users and applications to discover, evaluate, use, and publish ontologies. In this paper, we provide a survey of the growing—and surprisingly diverse—landscape of ontology libraries. We highlight how the varying scope and intended use of the libraries affects their features, content, and potential exploitation in applications. From reviewing 11 ontology libraries, we identify a core set of questions that ontology practitioners and users should consider in choosing an ontology library for finding ontologies or publishing their own. We also discuss the research challenges that emerge from this survey, for the developers of ontology libraries to address.  相似文献   

An investigation on the impact and significance of the Alpha Go vs. Lee Sedol Go match is conducted, and concludes with a conjecture of the Alpha Go Thesis and its extension in accordance with the Church-Turing Thesis in the history of computing. It is postulated that the architecture and method utilized by the Alpha Go program provide an engineering solution for tackling issues in complexity and intelligence. Specifically,the Alpha Go Thesis implies that any effective procedure for hard decision problems such as NP-hard can be implemented with Alpha Go-like approach. Deep rule-based networks are proposed in attempt to establish an understandable structure for deep neural networks in deep learning. The success of Alpha Go and corresponding thesis ensure the technical soundness of the parallel intelligence approach for intelligent control and management of complex systems and knowledge automation.  相似文献   

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