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针对如何准确测定混合染液染料浓度,尤其当混合染液浓度太大时由于染料自身发生如水解等化学变化以及染料之间的相互作用,其吸光度体系呈非线性的情况,提出了通过建立非线性吸光度模型,并利用粒子滤波算法同时测定混合染液中各染料浓度的解决方法。以3种活性染料的混合染液为例,对该方法的可行性进行验证,并与扩展卡尔曼滤波算法进行滤波效果对比。实例证明,非线性吸光度模型是准确的,基于粒子滤波算法的测定方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

用浸没式超滤膜深度回用污水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张国杰  张伟星 《氯碱工业》2011,47(11):29-32
通过中试试验,研究了ZeeWeed(R) 500d浸没式超滤膜的反洗条件对跨膜压差的影响,确定了最佳反洗时间及水量,考察了ZeeWeed(R) 500d浸没式超滤膜对浊度、有机物的去除效果.  相似文献   

当今社会,超滤作为一种新型膜分离技术,应用的领域十分广泛,而且也获得了良好的效果。本文首先介绍了超滤技术的原理、四大有机高分子膜材料和相转化制膜中常用的浸没沉淀法和溶剂蒸发法,然后简述了超滤膜的优点、四大领域的应用、三大污染物质及防治措施,并把超滤膜技术多年后的研究方向和未来前景总结出来。指出超滤膜具有在水处理净化、食品提纯和中药分离等方面的诸多优势,接下来在广泛总结颗粒物、有机物和微生物污染的基础上,通过针对性的污染类别,遴选出高效的处理措施,并且能够显著提升超滤膜的抗菌抗污染性能,从而为超滤膜发展和实践运用提供可能。文中提出:今后研究的重点将是制备高性能、低成本、绿色化的超滤膜,并与其他膜分离技术协同作用于生产生活。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the factors affecting pretreatment conditions for hybrid UF membrane processes for reuse of secondary effluent from the sewage treatment plant. The experimental results obtained from the ultrafiltration (UF) membrane process showed that the particles of the size range between 0.2 and 1.2 μm caused a significant impact on membrane fouling in all cases even with or without the coagulation process. As pretreatment of UF membrane process, the coagulation significantly improved the permeate flux. Optimal flux improvement was seen at an alum dose of 50 mg/L. In addition, it was found that the permeate flux was least declined under the coagulation condition of charge neutralization (pH 5.0). Also, the powdered activated carbon (PAC) adsorption enhanced the permeate flux. Application of the direct filtration as a pretreatment of UF membrane process was also very effective in reducing the UF membrane fouling.  相似文献   

电渗析-超滤耦合技术(EDUF)是一项用于分离带电有机物的新型技术,用超滤膜替换一部分离子交换膜,或将超滤膜嵌入到传统电渗析器中,从而形成一种超滤与电渗析内部结合的新型分离技术。该技术一方面利用超滤膜的孔径差异性分离不同分子量的带电有机物,另一方面利用电驱动原理克服压力驱动式超滤膜的膜污染问题,在营养食品、生物制药等领域用于分离提纯活性有机物组分,展示出了良好的应用优势。本文聚焦于电渗析-超滤耦合技术的产生和发展,详细介绍了该技术的技术原理及应用优势,重点阐述了影响其分离效率的主要因素,包括pH、超滤膜切割分子量(MWCO)、电场强度、膜对结构等。最后,从提高分离效率、降低系统能耗、超滤膜材质、水解液预处理、系统泄漏等角度提出了未来的研究方向,为该技术的研究和应用提供指导。  相似文献   

In the ultrafiltration (UF) of disperse dye solutions using ceramic membrane, backflushing is necessary to minimize the formation of fouling by disperse dye, and to enhance the permeate flux. In this work, the effects of backflushing on the ultrafiltration performance and decolorization were investigated. In the optimum backflushing condition, the permeate flux increased slightly and the filtration performance was stable during filtration process.  相似文献   

系统分析了造成膜污染的成因及污染物种类,并指出物理、化学两种清洗方法适用于处理不同种类的污染。总结了近年来浸没式超滤清洗技术的研究进展及实际工程中的应用情况。  相似文献   

膜集成技术在印染废水回用中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用膜集成技术对经生化处理法处理后的印染废水进行深度处理实验,结果表明:经超滤和反渗透膜处理后的出水水质稳定,废水回收率达到70%以上,化学需氧量(COD)去除率90%以上,脱盐率97%以上,完全可回用于高质量的印染生产线中,膜集成技术深度处理印染废水在工程上的应用是可行的.  相似文献   

选择中空纤维超滤膜作为炼化废水回用工程中反渗透系统的预处理工艺,给出了中空纤维超滤系统预处理工艺和膜组件的选择、运行方式和运行参数、反洗和化学清洗周期的优化设计数据,并得到多个实际工程的验证。  相似文献   

The β-sulphatoethylsulphone dye, Remazol Orange 3R, was converted to its vinylsulphone form and then reacted with diethanolamine- O -disulphate (DES) to produce a new type of reactive dye carrying pendent amino-di(ethyl- O -sulphate) groups. Application of the latter dye to cotton, using the pad–dry–steam process in the presence of alkali, resulted in a good level of dye–fibre covalent fixation. It had been expected that the sulphate ester would react by nucleophilic substitution to give bifunctional covalent attachment of the dye to cotton. It was shown, however, that an intermediate dye containing an aziridine residue was produced, which under hot alkaline conditions was converted by β-elimination to the vinylsulphone dye, and it was in this form that reaction with cotton took place.  相似文献   

化妆品生产过程中产生大量的阴离子表面活性剂废水,具有有机物浓度高和易产生泡沫的特点,影响普通超滤膜生物反应器(UMBR)的处理效果和稳定运行。采用自制的电极超滤膜生物反应器(EMBR)处理阴离子表面活性剂废水,考察电流强度对EMBR污染物处理效果和活性污泥性质的影响,探索膜污染的机理。结果表明:与UMBR相比,在电场能的作用下,EMBR滤饼层的有机物含量较低,跨膜压差(TMP)降低50%左右,膜污染较轻。当电流强度为10 mA时,COD去除率和微生物活性最高,分别为97.92%和41.6 mg/(g TSS·h);滤饼层有机物含量最低,PN、PS和HA的浓度分别为5.6、8.02、0.85 mg/L。较低的电流强度即可促进微生物活性和污染物去除率的提高,有效控制膜污染。  相似文献   

化妆品生产过程中产生大量的阴离子表面活性剂废水,具有有机物浓度高和易产生泡沫的特点,影响普通超滤膜生物反应器(UMBR)的处理效果和稳定运行。采用自制的电极超滤膜生物反应器(EMBR)处理阴离子表面活性剂废水,考察电流强度对EMBR污染物处理效果和活性污泥性质的影响,探索膜污染的机理。结果表明:与UMBR相比,在电场能的作用下,EMBR滤饼层的有机物含量较低,跨膜压差(TMP)降低50%左右,膜污染较轻。当电流强度为10 mA时,COD去除率和微生物活性最高,分别为97.92%和41.6 mg/(g TSS·h);滤饼层有机物含量最低,PN、PS和HA的浓度分别为5.6、8.02、0.85 mg/L。较低的电流强度即可促进微生物活性和污染物去除率的提高,有效控制膜污染。  相似文献   

超滤污水回用试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超滤膜在污水处理厂进行了污水回用处理试验.实验结果表明,超滤具有良好的除浊功能和消毒作用.但是对溶解性物质如色度、TOC、UV254的去除效果不明显,通过混凝和粉末活性炭吸附预处理后可增加去除效率和渗透通量,反冲洗可提高渗透通量.  相似文献   

Charged ultrafiltration membranes were prepared by photografting sodium styrene sulfonate onto photosensitive polyacrylonitrile membrane containing bromine atoms. The degree of the photografting was characterized by contact angles of air or n-octane in water and FTIR spectra for the negatively charged membrane. Permeations of dextran and dextransulfate through the negatively charged membranes were studied by ultrafiltration in the aqueous solutions of both solutes. With an increase of photoirradiation, the permeability of the solutes decreased. Also, an electrostatic repulsion of the solute and the membrane was confirmed by direct comparison between the permeability of the solutes, dextran, and dextransulfate, each having similar molecular size.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation is presented of the thin-channel ultrafiltration of 0.6 × 10?3 M to 15.0 × 10?3 M aqueous solutions of Cu2+, Ni2+, or Zn2+ sulfate or chloride salts through a negatively-charged, non-cellulosic membrane. Multi-salt solutions and the actual rinse water from a Watts-type-nickel-plating process are also ultrafiltered. The membrane provides a Ni2+ rejection of 0.83 and water flux of 1.0 × 103 cm/sec (23 gal/ft2 day) at a transmembrane pressure difference of 4.0 × 105 N/m2 (3.9 atm). The membrane rejection and water flux data are utilized in a computer simulation procedure for scale-up to a multi-module, two-staged process for the closed-loop operation of a plating plant.  相似文献   

随着超滤膜离线清洗技术的进步及降低真空超滤膜运行成本的要求,企业由传统的定期更换超滤膜模式逐步向离线清洗复苏过渡.对炼化企业污水回用中超滤膜的污染物种类、含量、分配情况进行理化分析和综合评价,设计出不损伤膜丝的清洗技术方案并进行应用,取得明显的清洗效果.  相似文献   

The electrochemical degradation of a commonly used textile dye, Reactive Green HE4BD, employing solar energy has been investigated. The influence of parameters such as electrolyte concentration, current density, pH and initial dye concentration were studied. Under optimal conditions, 99% decoloration and a significant reduction in chemical oxygen demand were observed after 5 h treatment. Evaluation of the process showed that degradation of the dye followed pseudo first-order kinetics.  相似文献   

阴离子交换纤维对活性染料废水的脱色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自制的聚丙烯基强碱阴离子交换纤维(IEF)处理活性染料模拟废水,讨论了IEF用量、介质pH值、温度等对活性艳黄X-RG溶液的脱色率和脱色速率的影响。对比了IEF与树脂、锰钾矿的脱色效果, 进行了动态脱色和再生实验。结果表明,IEF用量、pH值和温度的增加有利于脱色速率的提高,对活性艳黄和活性艳红染料的脱色率在96%以上,脱色40 mm即能达到高脱色率IEF对活性染料的脱色效果明显优于天然锰钾矿和D296强碱性阴离子交换树稽,IEF能够再生重复使用  相似文献   

双膜法处理印染废水及其回用的工程应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用双膜法工艺处理某印染厂印染废水并回用,结果表明,系统运行良好,对COD的去除率达到了99%以上,对浊度、色度的去除率均接近100%,反渗透对盐分的去除率在98%以上。产水水质及水量稳定,满足回用印染要求,工程投资回报率高,经济和环境效益显著。  相似文献   

膜分离技术在染料行业中的应用研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
姚红娟  丁宁  王晓琳 《现代化工》2003,23(12):15-18
介绍了粗制染料的脱盐与浓缩纯化生产的研究进展。膜分离作为一种清洁生产工艺技术,使合成染料的脱盐和浓缩同时进行,从而成功地得到高浓度、低盐的染料产品如活性染料、荧光增白剂和酸性染料等。在膜法治理染料废水方面,介绍了膜分离、预处理/膜分离组合和膜分离/氧化组合等3种工艺及其应用实例,并简要介绍了新型膜材料和膜过程的发展状况。  相似文献   

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