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OFDM系统的性能对频率偏移非常敏感。该文针对频偏估计中所产生的模糊度问题提出了一种基于零子载波检测的频偏估计模糊度校正算法。它利用OFDM符号中不传输信息的子载波进行频偏估计模糊度校正。文中分析了定时误差对算法性能的影响并分析比较了算法的复杂度。仿真结果表明,在性能相近的前提下,该文提出的频偏估计模糊度校正算法与传统的算法相比具有运算量小的优点。  相似文献   

OFDM系统的性能对频率偏移非常敏感。该文针对OFDM系统频偏估计中所产生的模糊度问题提出了一种基于符号间相位差分调制的频偏估计模糊度校正算法。它通过在相邻OFDM符号中相同子载波间进行相位差分调制来校正频偏估计模糊度。文中从理论上给出并证明了算法具有唯 可辨识性的充分条件,并分析比较了算法的复杂度和定时误差对算法性能的影响。理论分析和仿真结果表明,在性能相近的前提下,该文提出的频偏估计模糊度校正算法具有运算量小和对定时误差不敏感的优点。  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) has been considered as a strong candidate for next-generation wireless communication systems to achieve high rate data transmission in a mobile environment. However, the performance of OFDM systems may be degraded when inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels have spectral nulls, and the data rate overhead due to the insertion of cyclic prefix is high when ISI channels have many taps. Recently, the precoded OFDM systems and vector OFDM (VOFDM) systems were proposed to combat these two problems, respectively. We propose a novel modulated coded OFDM system with special precoder that is robust to spectral nulls and with reduced cyclic prefix length. The precoder can be easily formulated by channel coding and digital modulation. This precoding scheme uses the redundancy information introduced by channel coding (such as zeros inserted in precoded OFDM system). It is able to remove the spectral nulls of an ISI channel without knowing the ISI. Simulation results show that our proposed OFDM system performance is better than precoded OFDM and VOFDM system.  相似文献   

The lane ambiguity problem prevents the utilization of the Omega system for many applications such as locating buoys and balloons. The method of multiple lines of position introduced herein uses signals from four or more Omega stations for ambiguity resolution. The coordinates of the candidate points are determined first through the use of the Newton iterative procedure. Subsequently, a likelihood function is generated for each point, and the ambiguity is resolved by selecting the most likely point. The method was tested through simulation.  相似文献   

基于正交频分复用的放大转发协作中继系统,为了减少系统误比特率、增加信道容量和增强实用性,该文提出一种实用的源节点预编码和中继节点预编码的联合优化有限比特反馈的预编码方法。利用3节点构成的两个下行链路,实现两跳协作通信方式;采用SVD分解和QR(orthogonal triangular)分解相结合设计预编码,其中源节点预编码每帧只要一个;优选量化码本,把预编码矩阵量化后反馈到发射端。仿真结果表明,该方案能提高平均和速率、降低误码率和改善中断概率特性,且反馈比特数较少具有更好的实用价值。  相似文献   


In this paper a sequential algorithm is proposed for joint blind channel equalization and decoding for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) in frequency selective channels. This algorithm offers a recursive method to sequentially calculate the posterior probability for maximum a posteriori detection. Recursive calculations are done along the indexes in each OFDM symbol using a particle filter. By defining an appropriate importance function, and a proper prior probability distribution function for the channel tap coefficients (and marginalizing it), an efficient method is presented for joint equalization and channel decoding in OFDM based systems. Performance of the proposed detector is evaluated using computer simulations and its bit error rate is compared with the trained turbo equalizer and a conventional particle filter-based method. The results show that the proposed method outperforms the previously presented particle filter-based method without a need for training data.


OFDM系统中的盲信道估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从OFDM信号的矩阵表示出发,分析比较了OFDM系统中现有的各种盲信道估计方法。OFDM盲信道估计方法分为两类,一类是统计型方法,它利用了发送信号和接收信号的统计特性;另一类是确定型方法,它利用了发送调制信号的固有特性。一般而言,统计型方法的计算量较小,但是估计精度不高且估计的实时性不好;而确定型方法的估计精度较高,实时性较好,但是其计算量较大。计算机仿真表明,这些盲信道估计方法的性能受信道参数尤其是多普勒频率影响很大,盲信道估计的实用化有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a numerical technique based on the Newton-Raphson method for blind maximum-likelihood estimation of carrier frequency offset in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing systems. The proposed technique is characterized by low complexity and fast convergence while maintaining the estimation accuracy  相似文献   

In this letter, a blind joint carrier frequency offset and DC offset (DCO) estimator for OFDM systems is proposed. By exploiting the underlying subspace of the received OFDM signals after the time-domain-average based coarse DCO cancellation, the proposed estimator can achieve excellent performance, which is demonstrated by simulations.  相似文献   

为了消除短波OFDM通信中的频率偏移问题,对差分OFDM信号进行了分析,并对最大 后验概率(MAP)译码的性质进行了研究,提出了一种似然比最大化的迭代盲频偏估计 算法。由于该算法充分利用了软译码得到的似然比信息,因此可以实现最优信号检测。计算 机仿真证明了该算法的有效性。进行了短波OFDM信号通信实验,得到了实测数据。实测数据 检测结果表明,该算法的误码率性能随着迭代次数的增加而提高,且一发两收系统性能要比 单发单收系统性能至少提高2 dB。  相似文献   

This paper presents a blind integer carrier frequency offset (IFO) estimator for the constant modulus (CM) signaling based OFDM systems. The key idea behind this method is a power reallocation technique which modifies the power of data in some predefined subcarriers over two consecutive OFDM symbols, thus the IFO can be estimated in the receiver via analyzing the distribution of these subcarriers. Instead of the exhaustive search, a low-complexity algorithm is proposed. The selection criterions of these predefined subcarriers are carefully designed and more than two OFDM symbols are employed to improve the robustness of this method to the multipath effect. Furthermore, this method can be applicable in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) OFDM systems with the orthogonal space-time block coding (OSTBC).  相似文献   

Blind Frequency Synchronization in OFDM via Diagonality Criterion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we address the problem of blind carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems in the case of frequency-selective channels. CFO destroys the orthogonality between the carriers leading to nondiagonal signal covariance matrices in frequency domain. The proposed blind method enforces a diagonal structure by minimizing the power of nondiagonal elements. Hence, the orthogonality property inherent to OFDM transmission with cyclic prefix is restored. The method is blind since it does not require a priori knowledge of the transmitted data or the channel, and does not need any virtual subcarriers. A closed-form solution is derived, which leads to accurate and computationally efficient CFO estimation in multipath fading environments. Consistency of the estimator is proved and the convergence rate as a function of the sample size is analyzed as well. To assess the large sample performance, we derive the CramÉr–Rao bound (CRB) for the blind CFO estimation problem. The CRB is derived assuming a general Gaussian model for the OFDM signal, which may be applied to both circular and noncircular modulations. Finally, simulation results on CFO estimation are reported using a realistic channel model.  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier modulation scheme, which has been adopted for several wireless standards. In order to fully exploit the benefits of an OFDM system, estimation of the channel state information must be performed. Moreover a well-known problem of OFDM is its sensitivity to frequency offset between the transmitted and received carrier frequencies. This frequency offset introduces inter-carrier interference in the OFDM signal. In this paper we address the problem of jointly tracking the channel and frequency offset based on a Sequential Monte Carlo filtering approach. The proposed algorithm works in a decision-directed way, thus does not require the use of pilot symbols, providing a worth-mentioned increase in the useful data rate. Through simulations we demonstrate the efficiency of this approach against a similar approach where the Extended Kalman Filter is used. Moreover our method is compared with two recently proposed pilot-based methods.  相似文献   

一种基于时域相关的OFDM时域参数盲估计方法   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
文中针对多载波通信系统均采用添加循环前缀的方法来消除ISI和ICI的特点,提出一种基于时域相关的OFDM信号时域参数的盲估计算法。该算法利用循环前缀中的数据与对应OFDM符号尾部数据的相关性以及与其他数据的近似独立性,实现对OFDM符号周期及有效长度等时域参数进行估计。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法无需信号的先验知识,在低信噪比下具有很好的估计性能。  相似文献   

High peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) has always been as a major problem in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) that leads to a severe nonlinear distortion in practical hardware implementations of high power amplifier. In this article, a new PAPR reduction method is proposed based on linear predictive coding (LPC). This method proposes the use of signal whitening property of LPC as a preprocessing step in OFDM systems. Error filtering of the proposed method removes the predictable content of stationary stochastic processes which can reduce the autocorrelation of input data sequences and is shown to be very effective solution for PAPR problem in OFDM transmissions. It is shown that the proposed method can achieve a significant reduction in PAPR without degrading the power spectral level, error performance or computational complexity of the systems. It is also shown that the proposed method is independent of modulation schemes and can be applied to any number of subcarriers under both additive white gaussian noise and wireless Rayleigh fading channel.  相似文献   

吴杰  李建东 《电子与信息学报》2006,28(10):1854-1857
该文分析了利用空载波进行频率偏移估计的一般方法,着重分析了在任意空载波分布下,包含有信道零点的频率同步算法。文章指出了空载波分布与信道零点分布对载波同步算法的影响,并提出了自适应的分布空载波以消除频率估计误差的方法,该方法在任意子载波分布时比常规方法性能有明显提高。  相似文献   

Blind Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems via a Generalized Precoding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we consider the problem of blind channel estimation for single-input-single-output (SISO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) system via second-order statistics only. Based on the assumption that the transmitted symbols are independent and identically distributed, we develop a simple blind channel estimation technique for OFDM systems by utilizing a generalized linear nonredundant block precoding. Instead of using partial information from the signal covariance matrix, as done in previous works where a specific precoder is designed and only one column of the signal covariance matrix is exploited, our work jointly considers all the information contained in the signal covariance matrix. Compared to the popular subspace-based blind channel estimation methods, the proposed algorithm is much more computationally efficient. A design criterion of the precoders by which the performance can be improved is provided, and the closed-form stochastic Crameacuter-Rao bound is derived. The numerical results clearly show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, as well as its improvement over the existing techniques  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are highly sensitive to carrier frequency errors. In this paper, a new method utilizing pilots to do frequency synchronization in frequency domain is proposed with large estimation range. It needs no such prerequisite assumption that a perfect symbol timing synchronization [IEEE Transactions on Communications 42 (1994) 2908; 45 (1997) 1613] has been done before performing integer carrier frequency synchronization. Also, a new adjusting model for fine carrier frequency is proposed. Simulation and performance analysis show that our overall frequency estimator has high accuracy. The corresponding FPGA circuit through test in high definition TV (HDTV) prototype in Team of Expert Engineering Group (TEEG) in China proves its availability and feasibility.Bo Ai (M2001) was born in Shannxi Province in China on February 7, 1974. He received a B.Sc. degree from Engineering Institute of Armed Police Force and a Master degree, a Ph.D degree from Xidian University in 1997, 2002 and 2004 in China respectively. He has once participated in the key research project on HDTV in TEEG (Team of Engineering Expert Group) of China, and has published over forty papers in his research area till now. He is senior member of Chinese Electronics Institute (CIE), an editorial commitee member of journal of Computer Simulations. His current interests are the research and applications of OFDM technique with emphasis on synchronization.Jian-hua Ge was born in September, 1961 in JiangSu Province in China. He received the B.Sc., Master and Ph.D. degree from Xidian University in 1982, 1985 and 1989 respectively. He is now the professor in both Xidian University in Xian and Shanghai Jiaotong University in Shanghai. He is the senior member of Chinese Electronics Institute. He has won lots of scientific and technical prizes in China and published many papers. His interests are transmission communications and web security.Yong Wang (M2003) was born in Shannxi Province in China in 1976. He received a B.Sc. and Master degree from Xidian University in China in 1997 and 2002 respectively, and is now working towards the Ph.D. degree on communications in the Key Laboratory of ISN in Xidian University. He has once participated in the key research project on HDTV in TEEG of China and his interests are broadband multimedia communications.Dian-fu Zhang was born in Shannxi Province in China in 1954. He received a B.Sc. degree from Xidian University in China in 1977. He is now working as a professor and the chairman of the telecommunication department in Engineering College of Armed Police Force. His interests are mobile communications.Jun Liu was born in Beijing in China in 1963. He received his B.Sc. degree from Nanjing University Of Aeronautics and Astronautics in China in 1984. He is now a professor in Engineering College Of Armed Police Force. His research interests include integrated circuit design and artificial intelligence.  相似文献   

研究了OFDM系统中的最大似然估计(ML)算法,并使用数据循环移位以及多符号联合估计等技术对ML算法进行了改进,随后提出了一个综合性的新方案。仿真结果显示,在AWGN和瑞利多径衰落信道中,该方案可以有效提高符号定时偏差(STO)和载波频率偏移(CFO)的估计性能。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种时变正交频分复用(OFDM)系统信道盲估计算法。在二次规范( Quadratic Program, QP)模型的基础上,采用半定松弛技术,把OFDM信道盲估计转换为一个可以在多项式时间内求解的半定规划问题。为了进一步降低半定规划问题的转换复杂度,考虑到OFDM各个子载波和各个时刻的响应之间的紧相关性,该文提出了一种新的随机转换策略,仿真表明,该文所提出的算法,其误码率逼近最佳估计,且复杂度大幅降低。  相似文献   

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