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甲状腺癌是最常见的内分泌系统肿瘤,术前诊断的金标准细针抽吸仍有10%-20%病例不能确诊。miRNA具有潜在诊断价值,对miRNA表达的检测可以帮助鉴别病变的良恶性。文章整理近年关于miRNA与甲状腺癌研究文献,就miRNA与甲状腺癌发生发展、诊断以及治疗的关系进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:分析体检人群中,经高频彩超检查对早期检出甲状腺癌的情况,并且探讨甲状腺癌易感因素,指导临床中对甲状腺癌的防范。方法:选取体检者1000例,均是进行高频彩超检查,筛查甲状腺癌,收集体检者的一般资料,通过单因素与多因素Logistic回归分析甲状腺癌易感因素。结果:高龄彩超筛查及最终确诊甲状腺癌42例(4.20%),女性甲状腺癌检出率高于男性,不同年龄段甲状腺癌检出率存在差异,年龄增加甲状腺癌检出率增加;多因素Logistic回归分析显示工作场所、家族病史、近5年重大负性生活事件、经常摄入海产品、甲状腺自身抗体增高的人群均是甲状腺易感因素。结论:女性甲状腺癌发病高于男性,61~70岁人群甲状腺癌发病率高,甲状腺易感因素包括家族史、工作场所、负性生活事件等。  相似文献   

目的 探讨病理切片机在甲状腺癌手术患者术中应用效果及治疗指导价值。方法 选择2018年4月—2019年6月甲状腺癌手术患者87例为对象,入组患者均采用手术治疗并取切除组织样本,分别对采集的样本完成术中快速石蜡切片和病理切片机,比较两种切片下诊断准确率、甲状腺癌结果及病理切片机病理结果。对所有手术患者完成3年随访,以临床最终检查结果作为“金标准”,分析病理切片机在甲状腺癌手术患者治疗中的指导效能。结果 两种不同切片方式良性、恶性病例检出率无统计差异(P>0.05),但术中快速石蜡切片患者中出现1例延时诊断;病理切片机下良性肿瘤中排在前两位的分别为纤维肿瘤和纤维腺病,分别占:26.44%和19.54%;恶性肿瘤主要以乳腺癌和乳腺肉瘤为主,占14.94%和11.49%;87例患者均顺利完成手术,并于病理切片机下确定病灶切除范围,3年门诊随访存活率为81.61%(71/87)。ROC曲线结果表明:病理切片机用于甲状腺癌治疗中AUC值为0.758,指导灵敏度为83.81%,特异度为78.47。结论 与术中快速石蜡切片相比,病理切片机诊断准确率更高,能实现甲状腺癌良恶性的区分和鉴别,且用于甲...  相似文献   

目的 :分析桥本氏甲状腺炎(HT)与甲状腺癌发病的相关性,为甲状腺癌的预防提供参考依据。方法 :随机选择2014年3月至2018年3月于我院就诊的404例甲状腺结节患者纳入此次研究,按照其病变性质,将患者分别纳入甲状腺乳头状癌组(n=159)、甲状腺良性结节组(n=245),对比两组患者临床资料并归纳影响甲状腺癌发生的危险因素。此外,按照甲状腺癌患者是否合并HT,将其分别纳入合并HT组(n=46)、未合并HT组(n=113),比较两组患者临床资料,分析HT与甲状腺癌发病的相关性。结果 :Logistic多因素回归分析显示,年龄≥45岁为甲状腺乳头状癌的保护因素,合并HT、结节直径≥2 cm为影响甲状腺乳头状癌发生的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。合并HT组TgAb阳性率、TPOAb阳性率及TSH水平高于未合并HT组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 :HT为甲状腺乳头状癌发病的独立危险因素,监测HT患者血清甲状腺激素水平及甲状腺自身抗体阳性率,有望为甲状腺乳头状癌的早期诊治提供参考。  相似文献   

贰胡 《钟表研究》2009,(11):40-43
在从十九世纪到二十世纪的相当长一段时间里,人们都是戴着有色眼睛看待男性饰品的。对男人来说,与其将精力花在自己身上,不如将女伴打扮得尽可能美艳动人,这样反而更能显示自己的地位和重要性。如果根据当时的标准评判,如今职场中的大部分男性白领和设备人士都应算作自恋狂。  相似文献   

目的探讨速尿对131I 治疗分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)效果的影响.方法:将符合入选标准的32 例DTC 术后患者随机分为速尿组与对照组,速尿组给予131I 0.37Mbq 同时口服速尿30mg,每天一次,连用4 天,对照组按照常规给予131I 0.37Mbq,两组患者分别于24、48、96h 测量摄碘率和计算有效半衰期、24h 尿碘量.结果:速尿组用药前、后相比24h 测量摄碘率增加(t=3.5,P 〈 0.05),有效半衰期无明显改变(t=0.96,P〉0.05),速尿组与对照组24h 测量131I 摄碘率和24h 尿碘排出量比较差异有统计学意义(t=2.79 t=7.2,P 〈 0.05),有效半衰期差异无统计学意义(t=0.78,P〉0.05).结论:速尿能提高DTC 患者术后残留甲状腺摄取131I 功能,增加病灶辐射吸收剂量,从而对治疗效果有益,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

目的:观察完全腔镜甲状腺癌的手术效果,探讨并发症处理策略。方法:分析2013年4月至2016年11月184例行完全腔镜手术的甲状腺癌患者手术情况、恢复情况、术后并发症发生情况及随访期间复发情况,总结术后并发症的处理策略。结果:184例患者手术均顺利实施,无中转开放手术者。患者手术时间(93.46±21.87)min,术中出血量(16.08±3.71)mL;术后引流量(50.28±11.47)mL,术后住院时间(5.69±1.17)d。患者术后均自述有术区麻木感,术后2例患者发生甲状旁腺损伤,3例患者发生喉返神经麻痹,1例患者可见分离间隙淤血。随访6~31个月,均未见复发,末次随访时全部患者对切口美观度均满意。结论:完全腔镜甲状腺癌手术效果确切且安全可靠,需注重建立空间相关、甲状腺切除及淋巴清扫相关并发症的防治。  相似文献   

目的:探讨速尿对131I治疗分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)效果的影响。方法:将符合入选标准的32例DTC术后患者随机分为速尿组与对照组,速尿组给予131I 0.37Mbq同时口服速尿30mg,每天一次,连用4天,对照组按照常规给予131I 0.37Mbq,两组患者分别于24、48、96h测量摄碘率和计算有效半衰期、24h尿碘量。结果:速尿组用药前、后相比24h测量摄碘率增加(t=3.5,P<0.05),有效半衰期无明显改变(t=0.96,P>0.05),速尿组与对照组24h测量131I摄碘率和24h尿碘排出量比较差异有统计学意义(t=2.79 t=7.2,P<0.05),有效半衰期差异无统计学意义(t=0.78,P>0.05)。结论:速尿能提高DTC患者术后残留甲状腺摄取131I功能,增加病灶辐射吸收剂量,从而对治疗效果有益,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨纳米碳负显影甲状旁腺和淋巴结在甲状腺癌手术中应用价值。方法 :选取73例甲状腺癌患者随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组术中以纳米碳黑染淋巴结,甲状旁腺负显影,对照组未采取黑染,比较2组术后甲状旁腺功能及淋巴结清扫情况。结果:观察组发现清扫淋巴结(9.2±1.2)枚/例,高于对照组的(7.8±1.0)枚/例,暂时性甲旁减恢复时间为(15.8±5.2)d,明显少于对照组(46.2±16.0)d,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组甲状旁腺误切率及低钙血症、暂时性甲旁减发生率均明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 :纳米碳负显影有助于甲状旁腺识别和定位,可在彻底清扫淋巴结同时保护甲状旁腺。  相似文献   

Nodular disease of the thyroid gland is widespread that affects more women than men. The term thyroid nodule refers to any abnormal growth that forms a lump in the thyroid gland which is located low in the front of the neck, below the Adam’s apple. It is shaped like a butterfly and wraps around the windpipe or trachea.In this paper, we have proposed two segmentation methods for thyroid nodule detection by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These methods are region based active contour (RBAC) and single seeded region growing (SSRG) methods. The pre-processed MR images are segmented and obtained cross sectional areas of nodules are compared with those which are manually identified nodule areas by trained readers. Detection success of both methods is calculated by comparing their segmentation results with the manually obtained one. For this purpose, Correlation Coefficient (CC) and Zijdenbos Similarity Index (ZSI) have been used to have accuracy measures of two methods. Although both methods have acceptable ZSI values, RBAC method has yielded (average 0.938) higher ZSI values than SSRG method (average 0.906). Similar results are obtained by calculating average cross-correlation values (RBAC method: 0.919 and SSRG: 0.911).Also two error analysis methods, namely Area Error Rate (AER) and Overlap Error (OE) rate employed. RBAC method has yielded (average error rate 9.3%) lower AER values than SSRG method (average error rate 18%). Similar results are obtained by calculating average error rate values (RBAC method: 8.9% and SSRG: 16.3%) by using OE.According to the analysis results it can be concluded that RBAC method gives better segmentation accuracy rates in MRI thyroid nodule detection. High accuracy rates are achieved with the algorithms implies that the proposed study can be suitable and have high capability to be used as an image extraction technique that would assist radiologists and otorhinolaryngologists in the thyroid nodule screening by providing accurate value of size.  相似文献   

Morphometry of the lymphoid cells was performed with a computerized image analyzer. Database formation was performed automatically using our own new software. The initial database of calculated mean values, of constructed histograms, of regression, and of discriminant analysis was transformed into a set of morphometric features. Eight morphometric features were selected for characterizing two separate populations of the lymphoid cells: one from the lymph node tissue with a malignant tumor and the other without any tumor (control). The eight features ensured the least overlap between the two groups of lymphoid cells. The eight features formed the basis of the decision criteria for identifying a patient with a malignant pathology. A weighting coefficient was calculated for each feature. It was ascertained that the presence of the regional papillary thyroid cancer metastases causes significant changes in the relationship between small (diameter 7.5 mum) lymphoid cells of the cervical lymph nodes. The morphometric changes were assessed by our diagnostic index. The expert diagnostic system was developed on the basis of a set of quantitative features and their boundary values. This system highlights the morphometric changes in the population of the cervical lymph nodes lymphoid cell with metastases versus control. Clinical trials have shown that the expert diagnostic system's conclusions coincided with the histological diagnosis in all the cases. The expert diagnostic system, image processing, database formation, assessment of lymphoid cells morphometric features formed the basis of the rapid method of diagnosing regional metastases of papillary thyroid cancer. The diagnosis was performed in automatic mode. Taking into account that about 30-50% of aspiration smears contain only blood cells (absence of specialized cells such as thyrocytes), the use of our method should greatly improve the cytologic diagnosis of regional metastases of papillary thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

方法:利用MIAS-2000型图像分析系统对低碘绒猴分次口服碘油后不同时间分析甲状腺形态的变化,利用放免法测定血清甲状腺激素水平。结果;口服碘油后低碘绒猴的TT4显著性升高,甲状腺组织结构尚未恢复正常。结论:分次口服200mg碘油有效期大于5个月,甲状腺结构的恢复晚于功能的改变。  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the effects of a training system based on an unstable platform and a visual interactive system in improving the postural control ability. In order to verify the training effects, fifteen elderly volunteers took part in a series of balance training using this system. An additional fifteen elderly volunteers which were employed as the control group, were also tested for comparison with the training group. To evaluate the effects of the training, we measured the relevant parameters, such as the sway path and the sway area of center of pressure in the different visual conditions and standing positions, the concentric isokinetic strength of ankle and knee joints prior to and after the training. The results indicated that the training system could be used to assess successfully the gradual improvement of the postural control capability of the volunteers in the system, and showed promise in terms of improving the balance capabilities of the volunteers. Moreover, the observed significant improvement in the postural capability of the elderly subjects indicated that elderly subjects may benefit more from training using the system described herein for the improvement of postural control ability.  相似文献   

很多元素与肿瘤的发生、发展有着密切关系。为对肺癌与元素之间关系有一个更加完整认识,本研究测定17对肺癌及癌旁组织中54种元素含量,结果发现Sc、Fe、Co、Ga、Ag、CdI、n、Sn、Sb、Pb、Bi等11种元素在癌组织中含量显著低于癌旁组织。本文对其降低原因和机理进行初步讨论。  相似文献   

Different balance tests are used to assess age-related decline of movement function. Good basic metric characteristics are in order for a balance test to become a useful assessment tool for clinical and research practice. By measuring balance of 27 young (22.3 ± 3.6 years) and 23 elderly (82.3 ± 9.6 years) adults discrimination power (ROC curve) of five common and one novel balance test was assessed (maximal lunge, quick step, leaning forwards and backwards, star excursion balance test, forward reach and centre-of-pressure (CoP) tracking, respectively). In all of the tests at least one parameter had high discriminating power (ROC area > 0.8, p < 0.05; d > 0.8). CoP displacement derived parameters in the star excursion balance test had high discrimination power and had the potential to give additional information on balance, besides the outreach distance. The interaction effect between age and direction of reach or lean proved to be insignificant, with the frequency of CoP direction changes in anterior–posterior direction during star excursion balance test being the only exception. The results of this study add to the methodological ground base in clinical balance assessment protocols by identifying parameters with the highest discriminating power of the most commonly applied balance assessment tests.  相似文献   

This study describes a new training system based on an unstable platform and a visual interactive system, that was designed to improve postural control ability. The training system consists of an unstable platform, a safety harness, a monitoring device, and a personal computer. To confirm the effects of the training system, a performance test and a training effect test were conducted. The performance test included calibration and the test-retest experiments. The training effect test was conducted on elderly adults. The results of the calibration demonstrated that the average deviations of COP (center of pressure) in all of the other directions were all less than 0.4cm. The results of the test-retest experiment demonstrated that the ICC (intraclass correlation coefficient) of repeatability was reflective of excellent reliability in both the COP maintenance test and the COP movement test. The training reduced the COP sway path by 5% and the average distance of the COP sway by 32.4%. The RMS (root mean square) of COP after training was reduced by 24% and 33% in the ML (medio-lateral) and AP (anterior-posterior) directions. The training also caused a 25% reduction in the results of the Timed Up and Go test. The PTBW (peak torque/body weight) value was increased by 31% and 17.5% in the knee and ankle joints. The experimental results suggest that this postural control training system using an unstable platform could be applied to training to improve postural control ability in elderly adults. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Eung-Soo Shin Yong-Jun Piao received the M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Chonbuk National University in 2005. His research interests include Postural control, Sensory integration Rehabilitation engineering. Tae-Kyu Kwon received the Ph.D. degree from Tohoku University in 1999. His research interests include Rehabilitation engineering, Bio-mechatronics. Dong-Wook Kim received the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Hokkaido University in 1995. His research interests include Silver engineering, Sensory information engineering. Nam-Gyun Kim received the Ph.D. degree from University of Strasbourg in 1987. His research interests include Postural control, Rehabilitation engineering.  相似文献   

冲压模具凸凹模间隙控制与调整方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模具凸模和凹模之间的间隙将直接影响制件的质量和模具的使用寿命,合理控制凸、凹模间隙并使其均匀是装配的关键。笔者深入探讨了冲压模具装配前需注意的问题,分析研究了凸、凹模间隙的控制与调整方法,并提出了模具使用后间隙变化的调整修配措施,对模具装配生产实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Image analysis and morphometry in the diagnosis of breast cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Image Analysis, a complicated field still in the early stages of application to Pathology, has the capability of rendering major contributions to the diagnosis, prognosis, and management of malignancies of the breast. The present review summarizes the main problems and the general approach to the use of this technique for quantitating immunohistochemical stain results, obtaining DNA histograms, and making de novo diagnoses in routine materials of the Pathology service. In the case of diagnosis, the main steps are sampling, segmentation, and measures of chromatin texture. Currently, the limiting factor for all routine applications of image analysis is probably the absence of a reliable automatic nuclear segmentation.  相似文献   

体外培养的不同亚型肺癌细胞株差异蛋白的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析体外培养的不同亚型肺癌细胞株蛋白质表达差异,筛选肺癌细胞的标志蛋白并与肺癌病人血清中的标志蛋白进行对比分析。采用SELDI(Surface Enhanced LaserDesorption/Ionization)蛋白质芯片技术检测了三种肺癌细胞株A549(肺癌)、Calu-6(腺癌)和PG(大细胞癌)以及人胚肺二倍体成纤维细胞(2BS)的蛋白质谱。结果显示与2BS细胞比较,肺癌细胞有24个蛋白质表达发生明显改变。  相似文献   

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