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Artificial societies—distributed systems of autonomous agents—are becoming increasingly important in open distributed environments, especially in e‐commerce. Agents require trust and reputation concepts to identify communities of agents with which to interact reliably. We have noted in real environments that adversaries tend to focus on exploitation of the trust and reputation model. These vulnerabilities reinforce the need for new evaluation criteria for trust and reputation models called exploitation resistance which reflects the ability of a trust model to be unaffected by agents who try to manipulate the trust model. To examine whether a given trust and reputation model is exploitation‐resistant, the researchers require a flexible, easy‐to‐use, and general framework. This framework should provide the facility to specify heterogeneous agents with different trust models and behaviors. This paper introduces a Distributed Analysis of Reputation and Trust (DART) framework. The environment of DART is decentralized and game‐theoretic. Not only is the proposed environment model compatible with the characteristics of open distributed systems, but it also allows agents to have different types of interactions in this environment model. Besides direct, witness, and introduction interactions, agents in our environment model can have a type of interaction called a reporting interaction, which represents a decentralized reporting mechanism in distributed environments. The proposed environment model provides various metrics at both micro and macro levels for analyzing the implemented trust and reputation models. Using DART, researchers have empirically demonstrated the vulnerability of well‐known trust models against both individual and group attacks. 相似文献
Action coordination in multiagent systemsis a difficult task especially in dynamicenvironments. If the environment possessescooperation, least communication,incompatibility and local informationconstraints, the task becomes even moredifficult. Learning compatible action sequencesto achieve a designated goal under theseconstraints is studied in this work. Two newmultiagent learning algorithms called QACE andNoCommQACE are developed. To improve theperformance of the QACE and NoCommQACEalgorithms four heuristics, stateiteration, means-ends analysis, decreasing reward and do-nothing, aredeveloped. The proposed algorithms are testedon the blocks world domain and the performanceresults are reported. 相似文献
Coordination is an essential technique in cooperative, distributed multiagent systems. However, sophisticated coordination strategies are not always cost-effective in all problem-solving situations. This paper presents a learning method to identify what information will improve coordination in specific problem-solving situations. Learning is accomplished by recording and analyzing traces of inferences after problem solving. The analysis identifies situations where inappropriate coordination strategies caused redundant activities, or the lack of timely execution of important activities, thus degrading system performance. To remedy this problem, situation-specific control rules are created which acquire additional nonlocal information about activities in the agent networks and then select another plan or another scheduling strategy. Examples from a real distributed problem-solving application involving diagnosis of a local area network are described. 相似文献
Jose Manuel Lopez‐Guede Borja Fernandez‐Gauna Manuel Graña Ekaitz Zulueta 《Computational Intelligence》2015,31(3):498-512
Multiagent systems are increasingly present in computational environments. However, the problem of agent design or control is an open research field. Reinforcement learning approaches offer solutions that allow autonomous learning with minimal supervision. The Q‐learning algorithm is a model‐free reinforcement learning solution that has proven its usefulness in single‐agent domains; however, it suffers from dimensionality curse when applied to multiagent systems. In this article, we discuss two approaches, namely TRQ‐learning and distributed Q‐learning, that overcome the limitations of Q‐learning offering feasible solutions. We test these approaches in two separate domains. The first is the control of a hose by a team of robots. The second is the trash disposal problem. Computational results show the effectiveness of Q‐learning solutions to multiagent systems’ control. 相似文献
This paper investigates the problem of fully distributed consensus for polynomial fuzzy multiagent systems (MASs) under jointly connected topologies. First, a polynomial fuzzy modeling method is presented to characterize the error dynamics that is constructed by one leader and multiple followers. Then, using the relative state information and the agents' dynamics, a distributed adaptive protocol is designed to guarantee that MASs under jointly connected topologies can achieve consensus in a fully distributed fashion. Utilizing the Lyapunov technique, a relaxed sufficient criterion is proposed to ensure consensus for fuzzy MASs under jointly connected topologies. Moreover, the adaptive coupling weights between neighboring agents can converge to certain values. The derived condition is transformed into a sum-of-squares form, which can be solved numerically. We provide an example to illustrate the proposed distributed adaptive consensus technique's validity. 相似文献
E. A. Al‐Gallaf 《Asian journal of control》2005,7(2):163-176
This research frame work investigates the application of a clustered based Neuro‐fuzzy system to nonlinear dynamic system modeling from a set of input‐output training patterns. It is concentrated on the modeling via Takagi‐Sugeno (T‐S) modeling technique and the employment of fuzzy clustering to generate suitable initial membership functions. Hence, such created initial memberships are then employed to construct suitable T‐S sub‐models. Furthermore, the T‐S fuzzy models have been validated and checked through the use of some standard model validation techniques (like the correlation functions). Compared to other well‐known approximation techniques such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems provide a more transparent representation of the system under study, which is mainly due to the possible linguistic interpretation in the form of rules. Such intelligent modeling scheme is very useful once making complicated systems linguistically transparent in terms of fuzzy if‐then rules. The developed T‐S Fuzzy modeling system has been then applied to model a nonlinear antenna dynamic system with two coupled inputs and outputs. Validation results have resulted in a very close antenna sub‐models of the original nonlinear antenna system. The suggested technique is very useful for development transparent linear control systems even for highly nonlinear dynamic systems. 相似文献
We present a solution for the real-time simulation of artificial environments containing cognitive and hierarchically organized agents at constant rendering framerates. We introduce a level-of-detail concept to behavioral modeling, where agents populating the world can be both reactive and proactive. The disposable time per rendered frame for behavioral simulation is variable and determines the complexity of the presented behavior. A special scheduling algorithm distributes this time to the agents depending on their level-of-detail such that visible and nearby agents get more time than invisible or distant agents. This allows for smooth transitions between reactive and proactive behavior. The time available per agent influences the proactive behavior, which becomes more sophisticated because it can spend time anticipating future situations. Additionally, we exploit the use of hierarchies within groups of agents that allow for different levels of control. We show that our approach is well-suited for simulating environments with up to several hundred agents with reasonable response times and the behavior adapts to the current viewpoint. 相似文献
Jaume Jordán Stella Heras Soledad Valero Vicente Julián 《Computational Intelligence》2015,31(3):418-441
Multiagent systems are suitable for providing a framework that allows agents to perform collaborative processes in a social context. Furthermore, argumentation is a natural way of reaching agreements between several parties. However, it is difficult to find infrastructures of argumentation offering support for agent societies and their social context. Offering support for agent societies allows representation of more realistic environments to have argumentation dialogues. We propose an infrastructure to develop and execute argumentative agents in an open multiagent system. It offers tools to develop agents with argumentation capabilities. It also offers support for agent societies and their social context. The infrastructure is publicly available. Also, it has been implemented in an application scenario where argumentative agents try to reach an agreement about the best solution to solve a problem reported to the system. 相似文献
In many large‐scale distributed systems and on the Web, agents need to interact with other unknown agents to carry out some tasks or transactions. The ability to reason about and assess the potential risks in carrying out such transactions is essential for providing a safe and reliable interaction environment. A traditional approach to reason about the risk of a transaction is to determine if the involved agent is trustworthy on the basis of its behavior history. As a departure from such traditional trust models, we propose a generic, trust framework based on machine learning where an agent uses its own previous transactions (with other agents) to build a personal knowledge base. This is used to assess the trustworthiness of a transaction on the basis of the associated features, particularly using the features that help discern successful transactions from unsuccessful ones. These features are handled by applying appropriate machine learning algorithms to extract the relationships between the potential transaction and the previous ones. Experiments based on real data sets show that our approach is more accurate than other trust mechanisms, especially when the information about past behavior of the specific agent is rare, incomplete, or inaccurate. 相似文献
Security is becoming a major concern in multiagent systems, since an agent's incorrect or inappropriate behaviour may cause non‐desired effects, such as money and data loss. Some multiagent platforms (MAP) are now providing baseline security features, such as authentication, authorization, integrity and confidentiality. However, they fail to support other features related to the sociability skills of agents such as agent groups. What is more, none of the listed MAPs provide a mechanism for preserving the privacy of the users (regarding their identities) that run their agents on such MAPs. In this paper, we present the security infrastructure (SI) of the Magentix MAP, which supports agent groups and preserves user identity privacy. The SI is based on identities that are assigned to all the different entities found in Magentix (users, agents and agent groups). We also provide an evaluation of the SI describing an example application built on top of Magentix and a performance evaluation of it. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, the resource allocation problems of multiagent systems are investigated. Different from the well‐studied resource allocation problems, the dynamics of agents are taken into account in our problem, which results that the problem could not be solved by most of existing resource allocation algorithms. Here, the agents are in the form of second‐order dynamics, which causes the difficulties in designing and analyzing distributed resource allocation algorithms. Based on gradient descent and state feedback, two distributed resource allocation algorithms are proposed to achieve the optimal allocation, and their convergence are analyzed by constructing suitable Lyapunov functions. One of the two algorithms can ensure that the decisions of all agents asymptotically converge to the exact optimal solution, and the other algorithm achieves the exponential convergence. Finally, numerical examples about the economic dispatch problems of power grids are given to verify the effectiveness of the obtained results. 相似文献
The UML has been proposed as a suitable modeling language for systems engineering. There are questions, however, regarding the language's suitability. For example, the interfaces between heterogeneous systems must be precisely defined during design, and the completeness and precision of that definition is heavily dependent on the modelling language used. This article contends that the UML in its current form is insufficient for this purpose because it has no provision for the analysis of complex time‐based interactions typical of such an interface. The solution proposed here is to translate the UML models that define those interfaces into a formal method. This translation can be automated, therefore “hiding” the formalism from the user, but still providing the analytical benefits. The formal method used is the Q‐model. This is a mathematically based computational model used primarily in the design of time‐critical systems and includes support for sophisticated temporal analysis. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Syst Eng 5, 213–222, 2002 相似文献
基于面向对象着色Petri网的多Agent系统建模 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了一种基于面向对象着色Petri网(OOCPN)的多Agent建模方法,与其它建模方法相比,OOCPN可以全面地刻画出Agent的个体行为特征和多Agent间复杂、并行的动态交互,讨论了利用OOCPN进行个体Agent和多Agent间交互协议的建模,并通过对网上智能购物系统的实例分析,展示了OOCPN对多Agent系统的建模能力。 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the application of orthogonal transforms and fuzzy competitive learning to extract fuzzy rules from data. The least square algorithm with orthogonal transforms is proposed to supervise the progress of fuzzy competitive learning. First of all, competitive learning takes place in the product space of system inputs and outputs and each cluster corresponds to a fuzzy IF–THEN rule. The fuzzy relation matrix, confirmed by fuzzy competitive learning, is studied by the orthogonal least square algorithm. The validity of fuzzy rules is obtained by analyzing the effect of orthogonal vectors in the fuzzy model, and subsequently removing less important ones. The structure identification and parameter identification of the fuzzy model are simultaneously confirmed in the proposed algorithm. Using simulation results as an example, the fuzzy model of non‐linear systems can be built by using the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society 相似文献
Chris Thornton Ori Cohen Jörg Denzinger Jeffrey E. Boyd 《Computational Intelligence》2015,31(3):465-497
Modern surveillance systems for practical applications with diverse and mobile sensors are large, complex, and expensive. It is known that unexpected behaviors can emerge from such systems, and when these behaviors correspond to weaknesses in a surveillance system, we call them emergent vulnerabilities. Given their cost and importance to security, it is essential to test these systems for such vulnerabilities prior to deployment. To that end, we automate the testing process with multiagent systems and machine learning. However, the conventional—and most intuitive–approach is to focus the machine learning on the subject system, which leads to a high‐dimensional problem that is intractable. Instead, we demonstrate in this paper that learning attacks on the system is tractable and provides a viable testing method. We demonstrate this with a series of studies in simulation and with a small‐scale model system featuring elements typically found in real physical surveillance systems. Our machine learning method finds successful attacks in simulation, which we can duplicate with the physical system. The method is scalable, with the implication that it could be used to test larger, real surveillance installations. 相似文献
Guozeng Cui Shengyuan Xu Xinkai Chen Frank L. Lewis Baoyong Zhang 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
In this paper, the problem of distributed containment control for pure‐feedback nonlinear multiagent systems under a directed graph topology is investigated. The dynamics of each agent are molded by high‐order nonaffine pure‐feedback form. Neural networks are employed to identify unknown nonlinear functions, and dynamic surface control technique is used to avoid the problem of explosion of complexity inherent in backstepping design procedure. The Frobenius norm of the ideal neural network weighting matrices is estimated, which is helpful to reduce the number of the adaptive tuning law and alleviate the networked communication burden. The proposed distributed containment controllers guarantee that all signals in the closed‐loop systems are cooperatively semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, and the outputs of followers are driven into a convex hull spanned by the multiple dynamic leaders. Finally, the effectiveness of the developed method is demonstrated by simulation examples. 相似文献
We develop a mixed graph and optimal control theoretic formulation to design a robust cooperative control protocol for a large‐scale multiagent system with partially known interconnected first‐, second‐, or mixed first‐ and second‐order dynamics. In each case, we transform the control protocol design task to a robust communication graph design problem, which, from a cyber‐physical perspective, is interpreted as the control layer design problem for an interconnected system with unknown agent layer dynamics. According to this viewpoint, each state variable has its own control layer communication topology separate from the other state variable's communication topology and the unknown agent layer interconnection topologies. We prove that all cooperative, decentralized, and centralized tracking protocols can be treated as a single design problem and, by deriving closed‐form solutions for the robust control layer topologies, we further provide a simpler design procedure, which is only based on the matrix manipulations. Aside from the linear implementation of the protocol and the connection of the proposed formulation to the well known rules‐of‐thumb in optimal control theory, this creates a higher potential to transfer ideas to industry. Modeling uncertainties tolerable by a given control layer topology is analyzed, and a preliminary performance‐oriented analysis and design approach for large‐scale interconnected systems is discussed. We show that exactly the same steps can be followed to design appropriate control layers for both tracking and stabilization. 相似文献
This paper considers a novel distributed iterative learning consensus control algorithm based on neural networks for the control of heterogeneous nonlinear multiagent systems. The system's unknown nonlinear function is approximated by suitable neural networks; the approximation error is countered by a robust term in the control. Two types of control algorithms, both of which utilize distributed learning laws, are provided to achieve consensus. In the provided control algorithms, the desired reference is considered to be an unknown factor and then estimated using the associated learning laws. The consensus convergence is proven by the composite energy function method. A numerical simulation is ultimately presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed control schemes. 相似文献