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在加工过程中,机床会因热变形而产生误差,这将严重影响加工精度。减少加工过程的热误差是提高加工精度的有效途径,而确定关键温度测点不仅能提高计算效率,还可避免温度数据间复共线性问题,提高热误差模型的预测精度。提出基于改进模糊聚类和最大信息系数(MIC)的温度测点选择方法,通过改进模糊聚类对温度测点进行分类;根据MIC方法选择每类温度数据中的关键温度测点;使用BP神经网络对热误差进行建模。结果表明:与传统温度测点选择方法相比,利用所提方法改进的热误差模型精度更高。 相似文献
在数控机床热误差补偿技术中,温度测点的选择与优化是一个难点。文章采用逐步线性回归方法对核电轮槽铣床主轴箱的温度测点进行优化与建模。首先利用瞬态热-结构耦合分析了主轴箱在粗加工时的温升和热变形,再通过逐步线性回归方法对温度测点进行优化,利用优化后的温度测点建立了主轴X,Y,Z三个方向的热误差模型,最后对主轴箱在精加工运行时对所建立的模型进行了验证,结果表明:该方法不仅可以有效减小温度测点数目,还能保证模型的预测精度,三个方向的热误差均减小到5μm以下。 相似文献
为了降低铣床主轴旋转受温度影响而产生的位移变形量,提高铣床对零件的加工精度,采用了模糊C均值聚类法和多元线性回归理论对铣床主轴的热误差进行建模,实现铣床主轴加工误差值最小化;分析了模糊C均值聚类法筛选最优值的迭代过程,对铣床上不同位置的测量温度值进行分组,筛选出每组的最优温度值;采用多元线性回归理论,对铣床热误差理论预测模型进行了推导,通过实验验证多元线性回归理论所创建的热误差预测模型。实验结果表明:补偿前,铣床主轴Y方向和Z方向受温度影响产生的热误差最大值分别为45.0μm和28.0μm;补偿后铣床主轴Y方向和Z方向受温度影响产生的热误差最大值分别为3.2μm和3.8μm,误差范围都在4μm以内。采用模糊C均值聚类法和多元线性回归理论对铣床热误差进行补偿,铣床主轴运转受温度影响所产生的误差明显降低,从而提高了主轴定位精度。 相似文献
热关健点的选择和热误差建模技术是决定热误差补偿是否有效的关键,对提高数控机床的加工精度至关重要.为了实现对数控机床热误差的补偿控制,文章利用模糊C均值(FCM)聚类方法,对机床上布置的温度测点进行优化筛选,将温度变量从20个减少到4个,然后给出了基于RBF热误差补偿建模方法.通过建模实例表明,文章提出的建模方法,在保证补偿模型精度的同时有效减少了温度测点,降低了变量耦合影响,并提高了补偿模型的鲁棒性. 相似文献
Thermal error caused by the thermal deformation is one of the most significant factors influencing the accuracy of the machine tool. Among all the heat sources which lead to the thermal distortions, the spindle is the main one. This paper presents an overview of the research about the compensation of the spindle thermal error. Thermal error compensation is considered as a more convenient, effective and cost-efficient way to reduce the thermal error compared with other thermal error control and reduction methods. Based on the analytical calculation, numerical analysis and experimental tests of the spindle thermal error, the thermal error models are established and then applied for implementing the thermal error compensation. Different kinds of methods adopted in testing, modeling and compensating are listed and discussed. In addition, because the thermal key points are vital to the temperature testing, thermal error modeling, and even influence the effectiveness of compensation, various approaches of selecting thermal key points are introduced as well. This paper aims to give a basic introduction of the whole process of the spindle thermal error compensation and presents a summary of methods applied on different topics of it. 相似文献
Simulation of thermal behavior of a CNC machine tool spindle 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Zhao Haitao Yang Jianguo Shen Jinhua 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2007,47(6):1003-1010
The thermal deformations of a CNC machine tool spindle are the major contributor of thermal error. It is very significant both theoretically and practically to study how to accurately simulate the thermal error of the spindle. Firstly, this paper proposes a method for computing the coefficient of convection heat transfer of the spindle surface by referencing the theory on computing the coefficient of convection heat transfer of a flat plate when air flows along it. Secondly, the temperature field and thermal errors of the spindle are dynamically simulated under the actions of thermal loads using the finite element method. Thirdly, the characteristics of heat flow and thermal deformation within the spindle are analyzed according to the simulation results. Fourthly, the selection principle of thermal key points, which are indispensable for building a robust thermal error model, is provided based on the thermal error sensitivity technology. At last, a verification experiment is implemented on a CNC turning center, and the results show the simulation results are satisfying to replace the experiment results for further studies. 相似文献
为建立更加准确的电主轴热误差预测模型,以某台电主轴为实验对象,测得10 000 r/min转速时的温升和热伸长数据。利用模糊聚类结合灰色关联度分析(FCM-GRA)理论,优化温度测点。采用鲸鱼优化算法(WOA)和支持向量回归(SVR)相结合的方法,建立电主轴的热误差预测模型。对比多元线性回归、SVR和WOA-SVR预测模型预测效果。结果表明:鲸鱼算法优化后的支持向量回归预测模型可以更有效预测电主轴的热误差,将拟合误差最大值降低到3.72μm,均方根误差降低至1.33μm,验证了所提方法的可行性。 相似文献
文章先提出了一种最优模糊逻辑系统,它能使样本中所有的输入-输出数据对都拟合到任意给定的精度(在此意义上的最优);然后将这种最优模糊逻辑系统推广到大样本问题,为此,将样本数据用最近邻聚类算法进行分组,将每一组数据(一个聚类)视为一个数据对,用最优模糊逻辑系统来进行拟合.还给出了学习算法并进行了仿真实验,结果说明其控制效果非常理想. 相似文献