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如何评价现代经济中的黄金储备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖云辉 《黄金》2001,22(10):50-52
20世纪70年代后,黄金储备在储备体系中的地位逐步下降,黄金储备已不是货币稳定的基础,各国中央银行减持黄金储备已成为必然,而且现有的黄金储备对黄金市场金价的走势也会产生巨大的影响。  相似文献   

黄金储备变动与黄金货币地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周洁卿 《黄金》2005,26(3):4-6
自黄金非货币化后,各国央行调整黄金储备。其调整的目的分为二类:一类是把黄金作为商品,降低黄金储备量;另一类是充分利用黄金货币作用,使用黄金进口紧缺物资、贷款、偿还债务等。从金融机构调整黄金储备的动机与目的分析,笔者认为大部分央行并非刻意减少黄金储备,而是运用黄金货币职能,调整经济发展。  相似文献   

<正>金价暂处于长线空头中不能自拔,预计2014年一季度金价有望跌破前期低点1180美元/盎司一线,刷新新的年度低位。若届时此价位附近尚不能站稳,则二季度可进一步下看930~1000美元/盎司一线。随后受低位买盘支撑,金价有望迎来反弹,上方压力则看1260美元/盎司一线。若金价在一季度尚未跌破1180美元/盎司一线,预计金价将陷入宽幅震荡整理格局。  相似文献   

近年来,黄金矿山现金成本逐步攀升。由于企业规模、矿石品位不同,生产成本也会存在巨大差异,4月份的金价暴跌已十分接近一些企业的成本。未来,1300美元/盎司的高成本线将被突破,黄金可能在1250美元/盎司和1160美元/盎司获得支撑。  相似文献   

李宜三 《黄金》2015,(2):7-11
随着中国黄金市场的开放,国内黄金价格与国际黄金价格接轨,曾经在计划经济体制下的黄金企业进入一个价格瞬息万变的市场经济环境;企业经营的不确定性增强,面临的市场风险也不断增多,尤其是具有金融属性和商品属性的黄金,在全球经济背景下,其价格波动风险是黄金企业面对的首要风险。该文通过揭示黄金企业面临的金价波动风险,提出了黄金企业交易风险控制管理的建议,以促进企业的可持续经营和健康发展。  相似文献   

据《加纳时报》近日报道,2009年第四季度C.C. Global Investments公司将在加纳首都阿克拉兴建1500万美元的黄金精炼厂。该厂将是西非地区最大的黄金精炼厂,每天可炼黄金300千克以上。  相似文献   

展望黄金4月份的走势,金价有望在美元强势以及欧元区债务危机的影响下得到指引,后期金价仍然有望维持高位震荡格局。  相似文献   

回顾12年的"黄金时代"(见图),我们发现,本轮黄金牛市的真正上涨始于2001年。此后的12年里,国际金价从253美元/盎司飙升,到2011年最高值达到1921.2美元/盎司,涨幅高达657.46%。然而,今年4月12日、15日,纽约金市突遭血洗,两天暴跌超13.3%,创下30年来之最,同时亦宣告,12年的"黄金时代"到头了。  相似文献   

12月28日,英美公司(Anglo American)一位高级官员在接受巴西一家报纸的访问时透露,未来两年中,公司计划投资10亿美元,提高在巴西的工厂的镍和黄金的产量。他称,公司将投资月7亿美元开发Barro A1to镍矿。正式提案将于2005年底提交公司董事会。  相似文献   

An analysis of job titles, salary ranges, education and experience requirements, working hours, etc., of clinical psychology positions requiring supervisory and/or administrative duties. It was concluded that the APA "could assist in standardization of titles and duties, equalization of salaries, and the definition of proper training for such roles." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

张若钦  江新国 《黄金》2011,32(5):9-13
以2000年9月至2010年9月的月度数据为基础,实证研究了在美元持续贬值背景下黄金价格的影响因素,发现黄金价格呈现出持续上涨过程,其中美国消费者价格指数、美元指数对其有显著影响,全球黄金储备与黄金价格的关系正在经历方向性的改变,美国联邦基金利率对黄金价格影响有限.总之,世界黄金价格有可能进一步上升,建议中国货币当局增...  相似文献   

通过对美元指数和伦敦金属交易所(LME)铜价走势图的观察,分析了美元指数与金属铜价之间的相关性.美元作为国际贸易结算的主要货币,在世界金融还是以美元为领导地位的前提下,铜价的走势变化与美元的指数波动密切相关,并且以负相关为主导.  相似文献   

"Scores of a group of 135 Navy yeomen on the Office Worker key of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank and on the Yeoman and Shipping-Stock Clerk keys of the Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory were analyzed to determine the validities of these keys for yeomen." Both the Yeoman and Shipping Clerk keys appeared to have high validity, as determined by mean differences and percent of overlapping of scores of the present yeoman group with scores of criterion and reference groups for each key. The Office Worker key of the Strong VIB did not seem to be as satisfactory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the use of a particular discourse practice--continued questioning and discussion after a correct answer was provided, which they called extended discourse--and examined the frequency and content of this practice in 17 Chinese and 14 U.S. elementary mathematics classes. They found that the Chinese classrooms had more, and spent more time in, extended discourse than did the U.S. classrooms. The content of these episodes differed: The Chinese classrooms focused more on rules and procedures than did the U.S. classrooms, whereas the U.S. classrooms focused more on computation than did the Chinese classrooms. These findings shed light on interesting practices of discourse in both countries and also have implications for current U.S. reforms in mathematics pedagogy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluation of construction claims history can provide an understanding of improvement opportunities in a capital projects portfolio. This study analyzed cases of construction litigation involving the U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) for the period of 1982–2002, extracted from the historical trial decision record of the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA). The study provides trend data for all “first time” construction litigation cases brought before the Board over the last 21?years and a total of 666 cases involving NAVFAC construction contracts were identified over this period. The characterization of these cases was accomplished through a review and tabulation of ASBCA identified “primary” causes and a subjective analysis of “root” causes from a random sample extracted from the total population. The random sample data set totals 30 cases and was taken from cases litigated in the last 10?years (1993–2002). Findings and recommendations based on root causes, including specific recommendations are provided for NAVFAC and practitioners in other organizations.  相似文献   

王启  王学忠  李旺生  王秋林 《钢铁》2003,38(6):20-23
为进一步开发国际市场,特对美标高强度钢筋进行了开发和生产,并取得成功。从生产的角度分析了生产工艺各环节对力学性能的影响,通过直方图和回归分析,重点分析了化学成分与力学性能的关系,确定了化学成分含量,为今后生产高强度钢筋提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

国际黄金价格走势分析与预测方法   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
方超逸 《黄金》2009,30(11):4-7
布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,黄金从官方限价转变为市场定价,金价走势也一直起伏不定。由于黄金的特殊属性和历史地位,以及政治、经济等各方面因素都会影响金价,所以金价走势一直难以预测。文中从分析黄金合理价格标准入手,探求判断金价走势的新方法,并且得出结论:通过黄金期货持仓量增减把握短期金价走势;根据美元指数和石油价格评估中期金价走势;按照美元购买力大小推算长期金价走势。  相似文献   

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