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多级高浓度活性污泥法在不征地、不增加处理构筑物的情况下,以提高活性污泥浓度为指导思想,对现有城市污水处理厂进行升级改造,达到脱氮除磷的目的。中试研究表明,在试验条件下,出水CODCr为33~43mg/L,去除率92%左右;NH3-N为3~5mg/L,去除率90%左右;TP为1~1.7mg/L,去除率72%左右。系统保证了良好的脱氮除磷效果。  相似文献   

城镇污水短程脱氮工艺关键技术之一是如何将氨氧化控制在亚硝化阶段。综合分析温度、pH、DO浓度、进水C/N比、进水方式、缺氧/好氧区体积比、污泥丝状菌膨胀、SRT、HRT、氨氮负荷、污泥浓度、内回流比、化学抑制剂等因素对污水短程硝化过程的影响作用,为常温连续流条件下实现城镇污水的短程脱氮提供技术参考。  相似文献   

高浓度活性污泥法处理啤酒废水   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用高浓度活性污泥法处理啤酒废水。运行结果表明 ,处理后出水水质能达标排放 ,但应注意耗电指标  相似文献   

加压曝气-序批式活性污泥反应器(P-SBR)的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一种加压曝气 序批式活性污泥反应器 (P SBR)。该反应器具有容积负荷率高( 0 8~ 1 0kgCOD/ (m3·d) )、有机物降解速度快、脱氮效率高等优点 ,适于中高浓度有机废水及含氮废水的处理。  相似文献   

傅威  章非娟 《给水排水》2002,28(10):42-45
对多种高浓度有机废水作为焦化废水生物脱氮处理补充碳源的可行性进行了研究 ,并探讨了不同种类碳源对生物脱氮反硝化速率的影响  相似文献   

大型城市污水处理厂活性污泥法污泥膨胀防控对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
详细解析了倒置A2/O工艺污泥膨胀发生前后的运行状况及活性污泥性状,通过水质数据对比和运行参数比较,探讨在大型城市污水处理厂建立污泥膨胀预警评价体系的可能性。利用工艺参数对典型工艺进行优化调控,提前预防污泥膨胀或在污泥膨胀初期进行防控。  相似文献   

碳源对人工微生物脱氮的影响研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以易被反硝化细菌分解利用的葡萄糖为碳源 ,通过室内包气带土柱模拟实验 ,研究在不加入碳源、加入不同量的碳源等条件下人工微生物脱氮的效果 ,最后得出碳氮比为 1时 ,人工细菌治理硝酸盐污染既经济又有效。  相似文献   

本文研究了“活性污泥法-上向流间歇膨胀缺氧生物滤池”脱氮系统.内容包括:通过正交试验确定系统最佳运行条件;缺氧生物滤池的脱氮机理分析及其脱氮动力学模式的建立;系统出水回用的可行性分析.正交试验选取曝气池水力停留时间HRT_曝,缺氧生物滤池水力停留时间HRT_滤两因素各三个水平,按L_9(3~4)正交表进行九组试验,并考虑因素间的交互作用.对正交试验结果进行极差、方差分析,结果表明:系统较佳运行条件为HRT_曝=9h、HRT_滤=2.76h;考虑进水水质对系统脱氮效果影响,最终确定系统最佳运行条件为HRT_曝=6h、HRT_滤=2.76h.最佳运行条件下,系统COD_(Cr)去除率为87.2 %、NO_x~-—N去除率为76.4%.缺氧生物滤池中COD_(Cr)、NH_4~+-N、NO_x~-—N浓度  相似文献   

郭劲松  刘智萍  方芳  熊勤 《给水排水》2006,32(Z1):22-26
采用活性污泥-生物滤池组合式反应器试验装置处理城市污水,考察了活性污泥段稳定运行条件下,生物滤池段在不同DO和C/N以及提高整个反应器温度条件下脱氮的性能.研究表明,滤池段DO为1 mg/L、C/N为1.32及反应器温度为20 ℃时,反应器出水CODCr、SS、NH3-N和TN均能达到<城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准>(GB 18918-2002)一级标准的B标准.  相似文献   

一体化氧化沟处理城市污水试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用一体化氧化沟技术处理城市污水。在试验运行期间 ,考察了冲击负荷、温度和污泥龄等因素对试验系统稳定运行的影响。试验结果表明 ,污泥负荷的确定应根据温度和脱氮要求 ;水温在 15℃以上时 ,可获得较好的处理效果。污泥龄 c>4 0d时 ,污泥可达到好氧稳定。  相似文献   

MBR工艺处理城镇污水处理厂污泥水中试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将平板膜组件与传统脱氮除磷工艺相结合,构建了膜生物反应器强化生物脱氮除磷中试系统,并用于处理城镇污水处理厂的污泥系统废水。结果表明,出水CODCr、BOD5、NH3—N、TN和TP的平均浓度分别为70.8 mg/L、8.7 mg/L、15.1 mg/L、29.7 mg/L和0.38 mg/L,达到或接近了《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)的一级标准。  相似文献   

A/O工艺处理含海水污水的中试研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用A/O工艺对含海水城市污水生物处理进行了中试研究。试验结果表明:在常温条件下,进水CODCr为300-500 mg/L,氨氮为40-70 mg/L,当污水中海水比例小于30%时(污水盐度为10.5 g/L),盐度对有机物及氨氮去除率均无影响;当污水中海水比例大于50%(污水盐度为17.5 g/L)时,有机物去除率下降而氨氮去除率无变化;当污水中海水比例大于70%(污水盐度为24.5g/L)时,有机物及氨氮去除率均明显下降。说明污水中盐度对氨氮去除率的影响小于对有机物去除率的影响,污水中盐度对硝化过程自养菌的影响要小于对有机物降解过程异养菌的影响。  相似文献   

在对造成原有废水处理工艺出水不达标的原因分析基础上,采用水解+A/O工艺进行高浓度化工废水处理改造工艺中试试验研究。化工废水进水水质为:COD 1200 mg/L,NH_3-N 50mg/L,SS 150mg/L,石油类100 mg/L;地区工业生活污水进水水质为:COD 350 mg/L,NH_3-N 40mg/L,SS 80 mg/L,石油类30 mg/L;经水解+A/O工艺处理后出水水质为:COD 85.3 mg/L,NH_3-N 12.04mg/L,SS 70 mg/L,石油类10 mg/L,实现达标排放。  相似文献   

零价铁强化活性污泥法处理高浓度中药废水试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用活性污泥法处理高浓度中药废水 ,在曝气池内安装零价铁复合填料 ,进行强化处理试验研究。研究结果表明 ,进水COD ,BOD分别为 2 6 0 0~ 35 0 0mg/L ,10 0 0~ 180 0mg/L的高浓度中药废水经厌氧水解酸化 -强化活性污泥法处理后 ,出水COD降至 6 4 3mg/L ,COD去除率比对照处理试验普通活性污泥法高 16 3% ,强化活性污泥法可获得更高的MLSS ,约 5 42 9mg/L ,比对照处理试验高 16 17mg/L。  相似文献   

A full-scale wastewater treatment plant where municipal and winery wastewaters were co-treated was studied for five years. The experimental results showed that suspended solids, COD, nitrogen and phosphorous were effectively removed both during the treatment of municipal wastewater and the cotreatment of municipal and winery wastewater. The sludge production increase from 4 tons to 5.5 tons per day during the harvesting and wine making period. In any case the specific sludge production was 0.2 kgMLVSS per kgCOD(removed) despite the organic loading increasing. About 70% of the COD was removed through respiration. Also the energy demand increased from 6,000 to 7,000 kWh per day. The estimated costs for the treatment of the winery wastewater was 0.2-0.3 Euros per m3 of treated wastewater. With reference to the process efficiency, the nitrogen removal was just 20%. The co-treatment of municipal and winery wastewater in conventional activated sludge processes can be a feasible solution for the treatment of these streams at relatively low costs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop an automatic control system for dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH of the activated sludge process in a coke wastewater treatment plant. A discrete type autotuned proportional-integral (PI) controller using an auto-regressive exogenous (ARX) model as a process model was developed to maintain the DO concentration in aerators by controlling the speed of surface aerators. Also a nonlinear pH controller using the titration curve was used to control the pH of influent wastewater. This control system was tested in a pilot scale plant. During this pilot plant experiment, there was small deviation of pH and the electric power consumption of surface aerators was reduced up to 70% with respect to the full operation when the DO set point was 2 mg/1. For real plant operation with this system, the discrete PI controller showed good tracking for set point change. The electricity saving was more than 40% of the electricity consumption when considering surface aerators. As a result of maintaining the DO constantly at the set point by the automatic control system, the fluctuation of effluent quality was decreased and overall improvement of the effluent water quality was achieved.  相似文献   

活性污泥数学模型在污水处理中的研究和应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了国际水协会(IWA)推出的活性污泥1号(ASMI)、2号(ASM2)、2D号(ASM2D)、3号(ASM3)模型各自的机理和功能,介绍了ASM数学模型的改进及应用,最后分析讨论了模型研究与应用中存在的问题,并针对以上困难指出了模型在我国的发展前景。  相似文献   

Coarse pore filtration activated sludge process is a type of hybrid process in which the secondary settling tank of the conventional activated sludge process is replaced by non- woven and coarse pore filter modules. The filter has pores, which are irregular in shape, and much bigger than micro-filtration membrane pores in size. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of the microbial community structure on filter clogging in the coarse pore filtration activated sludge process under high MLSS concentration in aerobic and anoxic/aerobic (A/A) conditions. Filter clogging started from day 65 and 70 in the A/A and aerobic process, respectively, but it was more severe in the A/A process compared to that in the aerobic process. EPS contents of sludge did not change significantly during the operation in both processes, and did not have a crucial effect on the observed filter clogging. There was no strong evidence for direct effect of the type and number of metazoa on filter clogging. The main difference between aerobic sludge and A/A sludge during the filter clogging period was the relative abundance of filamentous bacteria. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that a higher presence of filamentous bacteria could reduce the severity of filter clogging in a coarse pore filtration activated sludge process.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel process for organic acids and nutrient recovery from municipal sludge was introduced and evaluated based on laboratory-scale studies. An economical estimation for its practical application was also performed by mass balance in a full-scale plant (Q=158,000 m3 d(-1)). This novel process comprises an upflow sludge blanket-type high performance elutriated acid fermenter (5d of SRT) for organic acids recovery followed by an upflow-type crystallisation (3 h of HRT) reactor using waste lime for nutrient recovery. In the system, the fermenter is characterised by thermophilic (55 degrees C) and alkaline conditions (pH 9), contributing to higher hydrolysis/acidogenesis (0.18 g VFA(COD) g(-1) VSS(COD), 63.3% of VFA(COD)/COD produced, based on sludge characteristics of the rainy season) and pathogen-free stabilised sludge production. It also provides the optimal condition for the following crystallisation reactor. In the process, the waste lime, which is an industrial waste, can be used for pH control and cation (Ca and Mg) sources for crystallisation reaction. A cost estimation for full-scale application demonstrates that this process has economic benefits (about 67 dollars per m3 of wastewater except for the energy expense) even in the rainy season.  相似文献   

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