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介绍广电城域网IP地址规划、分配的原则和方法以及利用IP地址计算器工具软件协助实现IP地址的计算等。  相似文献   

城域网地址规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

李妍莹  高勇 《通信世界》2001,(30):35-36
随着电信技术的日新月异,宽带城域网被各大媒体和设备制造商炒得沸沸扬扬,兴建宽带城域网被电信运营商们写入了近两年的工作进程表中,大有唯“宽带”可夺天下之势。2000年业界在宽带城域网的组网技术方面,就采用IP技术还是ATM技术争论不休,而今这些声音已趋于平静,人们也已然接受了在技术革新过程中这个短暂的过渡阶段,在建设宽带城域网时考虑“鱼”和“熊掌”的兼得,从IP协议和ATM协议中找出尽可能多的共性,让技术的兼容带来网络的统一和业务的灵活。  相似文献   

路由规划是IP城域网建设中的核心问题,规划得当与否直接影响到整个城域网的可靠性及效率。本文以铁通南宁城域网为例,就路由规划问题进行探讨。1铁通南宁城域网组网说明铁通南宁城域网(见图1)采用层次化结构,以纯IP方式组网。整个网络分为骨干层、汇聚层和接入层3层。骨干层设置1个节点,配置1台路由交换机、1台宽带业务管理设备(BAS)和若干网管设备。考虑到网络建设初期城域网用户不多,运营商对成本较敏感,南宁城域网采用路由交换机替代核心路由器作为城域网的骨干层。该路由交换机上行通过千兆以太口(GE)接入铁通骨干网(CRNET)的高速…  相似文献   

从运营商角度,分析宽带网的接入瓶颈和结构问题,并对IP城域网从核心层到接入层进行分阶段的全面规划改造,形成大容量、高效率、高可靠的IP城域网架构.  相似文献   

探讨城域网内地址规划  相似文献   

一省广电网络统一规划IP地址的意义 随着全省广电网络整合完成,省级网络公司要想在管理上、运营上真正做到“全省一网、全程全网、垂直管理、三级贯通”,就必须对全省各地区的IP地址进行统一规划,而IP地址合理的规划是全网设计中极为重要的环节。IP地址规划的好坏,影响到整个网络路由协议算法的效率.影响到整个网络的性能。影响到整个网络的扩展,影响到整个网络的管理及运营.也会直接影响到各项业务的使用。  相似文献   

针对目前出现的宽带IP城域网建设需求,介绍了宽带城域网组网技术,并提出宽带IP城域网规划方法与原则,对于指导宽带网建设,有所脾益。  相似文献   

宽带IP城域网的规划和建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对宽带IP城域网如何进行规划进行了探讨,对宽带IP城域网的组网原则、IP地址规划、路由规划、用户认证和计费、网络管理进行了论述,并就宽带IP城域网规划建设提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

结合金湖地域与线路的拓扑结构情况,介绍了金湖广电宽带IP城域网的规划与实施情况,对网络设计原则,体系结构、设备造型,路由策略,IP地址分配等方面进行了总结与阐述。  相似文献   

目前,宽带IP城域网在中国已经初具规模,越来越多的用户已经认识到宽带网的好处,宽带接入成为用户的首选接入方式。中国电信、中国网通、中国联通等运营商根据其自身的用户发展情况,在许多地市都建成了自己的宽带IP城域网。目前的宽带IP城域网,其网络结构可以分为核心层、汇聚层、小区层和楼宇层4层。核心层和汇聚层可以泛指为城域网的骨干,其建设由运营商负责;小区层和楼宇层泛指为接入网,其建设可以由运营商,也可以由其他机构负责。考虑到网络的扩展性和稳定性,在网络骨干中一般采用路由技术,而交换只发生在接入网部分,用…  相似文献   

胡琳 《电信技术》2005,(6):16-18
路由器是城域IP网络的核心设备。随着城域网的发展,特别是业务需求的丰富,对路由器的要求越来越高。NGN、IPTV等QoS敏感型业务的出现,使IP核心网络的QoS控制和网络可靠性成为备受关注的问题。本文将对IP城域网的QoS控制4和网络可靠性的关键技术进行介绍,包括网络的可靠性设计、QoS保证和业务疏导的实现等。  相似文献   

IP城域网业务演进对设备、组网的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网业务和数据业务的发展普及,运营商城域网逐步划分出PSTN(通常称为本地网)、传输、基础数据和IP几大类城域网。  相似文献   

弓有辉 《信息技术》2013,(8):155-157
从以太网体系结构入手,重点阐述了以太网数据链路层的作用与功能,并引入了MAC地址的概念,分别介绍了MAC地址与IP地址的作用与功能。从而重点阐述了计算机网络中IP地址与以太网MAC地址的相互关系和作用。  相似文献   

校园网IP地址防盗用策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IP地址盗用是网络管理中一个亟待解决的问题,它严重影响了合法用户的权益,影响了网络的正常运转。防范IP地址盗用变得越来越重要。给出了一个新的IP地址防盗用的方法,较好解决了这个问题。  相似文献   

In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), communication takes place between vehicles to vehicles, the vehicles to the road side units, and vice-versa. The basic purpose of these communications is to share and exchange tremendous amount of data and information. For efficient information sharing, a systematic and structured connection establishment algorithm is needed. In VANETs, each connected node of the network need to be assigned a unique address. Hence, an algorithm is needed for the proper assignment of unique address to all nodes in the network. This paper explains different types of IP address protocols in VANETs. We have also explained advantage and disadvantage of existing IP address allocation protocols in VANETs.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) address assignment architecture for heterogeneous wireless IP devices network. The IP device could be a sensor device, a laptop, a cell phone, or any wireless device using IP communications. The proposed architecture introduces security and service reliability to the consumer while reducing the operational expenditure for the service providers. According to the proposed scheme, each node maintains an IP address pool storing the current occupancy of each IP address. Each node advertises its database whenever the ratio of negative acknowledgments from the domain name server to the total number of requests at a given node exceeds a certain threshold. We evaluate our IP assignment scheme under two traffic intensity scenarios, namely the uniform traffic intensity and the heterogeneous traffic intensity. Performance evaluation is carried out with respect to blocking probability and average IP list utilization. We define three types of blocking probability for the user requests as follows: The real blocking, the unjustified acceptance, and the unjustified rejection. We observe that the proposed scheme outperforms the uniform assignment as long as the threshold is below 1.5% for the uniform intensity scenario and 1% for the heterogeneous scenario. Furthermore, this architecture considers the security aspect of the wireless network by allowing only registered devices to communicate with other registered devices. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High speed IP address lookup architecture using hashing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the most important design issues for IP routers responsible for datagram forwarding in computer networks is the route-lookup mechanism. In this letter, we explore a practical IP address lookup scheme which converts the longest prefix matching problem into the exact matching problem. In the proposed architecture, the forwarding table is composed of multiple SRAM, and each SRAM represents an address lookup table in a single prefix. Hashing functions are applied to each address lookup table in order to find out matching entries in parallel, and the entry matched with the longest prefix among them is selected. Simulation using data from the MAE-WEST router shows that a large routing table with 37000 entries is compacted to a forwarding table of 189 kbytes in the proposed scheme and achieves one route lookup every two memory accesses in average.  相似文献   

Survey and taxonomy of IP address lookup algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the rapid growth of traffic in the Internet, backbone links of several gigabits per second are commonly deployed. To handle gigabit-per-second traffic rates, the backbone routers must be able to forward millions of packets per second on each of their ports. Fast IP address lookup in the routers, which uses the packet's destination address to determine for each packet the next hop, is therefore crucial to achieve the packet forwarding rates required. IP address lookup is difficult because it requires a longest matching prefix search. In the last couple of years, various algorithms for high-performance IP address lookup have been proposed. We present a survey of state-of-the-art IP address lookup algorithms and compare their performance in terms of lookup speed, scalability, and update overhead  相似文献   

基于IP地址表的网络拓扑自动发现算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络拓扑自动发现是现代网管系统的必备功能。根据本文定义的网络层(N,R)拓扑模型,仅需要访问路由器的IP地址表即可直接得到路由器、子网间拓扑关系。通过总结现有基于IP地址表的拓扑发现算法及其不足,本文重新设计出一个更加简便有效的发现算法II及数据结构。分析表明,算法II在时间复杂度和自动化程度上均优于算法I。  相似文献   

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