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In this paper thermal fatigue of magnesium base alloy AZ31 in the temperature range between +50°C and +290°C is investigated. Experiments were carried out under constant total deformation (out‐of‐phase loading) and the resulting stress amplitudes as well as the plastic strain amplitudes were recorded as a function of the number of thermal loading cycles. In particular the consequences of mechanical surface treatments (deep rolling) and of hold‐times were investigated. In both cases no particular influence compared with untreated specimens loaded without hold‐times was observed, which is due to the interaction of deformation and recrystallization processes during thermal fatigue.  相似文献   

Cyclic deformation behaviour of quenched and tempered 42 CrMo 4 (AISI 4140)at two-block push-pull-loading The behaviour of steels in the course of two- and multi-block cyclic loading has been investigated up to now almost exclusively regarding the fatigue life. According to this, only a few papers exist, dealing with the cyclic deformation behaviour at two- and multi-block-push-pull-loading. Therefore, in stress- and total strain-controlled experiments with a single change of the amplitude (two-block-experiments) and multiple changes between two blocks of different lengths and amplitudes (multi-block-experiments) the cyclic deformation processes have been investigated for the quenched and tempered steel grade 42 CrMo 4 (equivalent to AISI 4140). Using the data of stress- and strain-Wöhler-curves determined in usual fatigue tests, damages defined according to Miner's rule were adjoined to the blocks. The Miner-damages at failure observed in the two-black-experiments with changes from high to low amplitudes were smaller than one and at inverse changes of amplitudes larger that one. In contrast to this, in multi-block-experiments no universally valid correlations were observed between the Miner-damages at failure and the test-parameters applied. At all tests cyclic work-softening was observed as in single-step-experiments. However, work-softening processes at high amplitude loadings yield to much larger plastic strain amplitudes after changing to smaller amplitudes than in single-step tests. Contrarily, in multi-block-tests work-softening at higher amplitude loadings reduces with decreasing block-length and increasing portion of the blocks with the smaller amplitude. This is attributed to effects of static strain-ageing. Total-strain-controlled two-block cyclic deformation experiments yield to similar effects as in stress-controlled tests. However, the behaviour at high strain-amplitudes was influenced by distinct work-softening in the first cycles and by self-unloading due to the applied strain-control, which promotes quasi-stabilization-effects.  相似文献   

Twinning at thermal fatigue of magnesium alloy AZ31 In this paper results of thermal fatigue tests of the magnesium base alloy AZ31 carried out in a temperature range between ‐50 °C and +290 °C are presented. Specimens were loaded under constant total strain and uniaxial homogeneous stresses. The resulting materials behaviour is described by stress amplitudes, plastic strain amplitudes and mean stresses as a function of the number of thermal loading cycles. It is well known that AZ31 shows different stress‐strain behaviour during tensile and compressive loading resp. at lower temperatures due to the fact that mechanical twinning depends on the loading direction. However untwinning processes may occur during unloading and reloading in the opposite direction. As a consequence, during the first thermal loading cycles, typical consequences of the formation and the dissolution of twins are observed. The interaction of deformation, recovery and recrystallization processes, characteristic for individual temperature ranges are discussed in detail to analyze the damage progress during thermal fatigue.  相似文献   

Near surface properties of Mg-alloy AZ 31 after mechanical surface treatments Near surface materials properties are investigated for Mg-alloy AZ 31 after different shot peening or deep rolling treatments resp. Surface topography as well as depth distributions of hardness, residual stresses and X-ray interference line half-width values are analysed for individual process parameters. In addition, stability of residual stress distributions during fatigue loading is investigated.  相似文献   

This paper examined the impact of the number of thermal cycles and augmented strain on hot cracking in AZ31 and AZ61 magnesium alloy. Statistical analyses were performed. Following observation using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) was used for component analysis. Results showed that Al content in magnesium alloy has an effect on hot cracking susceptibility. In addition, the nonequilibrium solidification process produced segregation in Al content, causing higher liquid Mg-alloy rich Al content at grain boundaries, and resulting into liquefied grain boundaries of partially melted zone (PMZ). In summary, under multiple thermal cycles AZ61 produced serious liquation cracking. AZ61 has higher (6 wt%) Al content and produced much liquefied Mg17Al12 at grain boundaries under multiple thermal cycles. The liquefied Mg17Al12 were pulled apart and hot cracks formed at weld metal HAZ due to the augmented strain. Since AZ31 had half the Al content of AZ61, its hot-cracking susceptibility was lower than AZ61. In addition, AZ61 showed longer total crack length (TCL) in one thermal cycle compared to that in three thermal cycles. This phenomenon was possibly due to high-temperature gasification of Al during the welding process, which resulted in lower overall Al content. Consequently, shorter hot cracks exhibited in three thermal cycles. It was found the Al content of AZ31 and AZ61 can be used to assess the hot-cracking susceptibility.  相似文献   

Mg‐wrought alloys recently became an engineer material of constantly increasing interest. The mechanical properties of extruded Mg‐feedstock of the alloys AZ80 and AZ31 indicate their suitability for automotive applications in form of high‐quality forgings. Therefore a detailed knowledge about the forming behaviour is of particular importance. In order to compare mechanical properties of available Mg‐feedstock qualities compression tests at room temperature have been carried out by applying batches of AZ31‐ and AZ80‐feedstock. Cylindrical specimens were made out of received continuously casted as well as extruded AZ31‐ and AZ80 ‐ rods. A quantitative analysis of Mg‐feedstock’s microstructure has been carried out. The characterization of the deformability of applied Mg‐feedstock under hot working conditions could be performed by means of uniaxial plain strain upsetting tests at temperatures between 300 and 450 °C as well as logarithmic strain rates of 10‐1, 1 and 10s‐1. It is shown that the chosen parameter range ensures an enhanced deformability of continuously as well as extruded Mg‐feedstock. The subsequently carried out determination of microstructural evolution could be related to obtained flow stress curves of applied batches of Mg‐feedstock. Furthermore, FVM/FEM‐systems have been employed in order to design a simplified geometry of heated forging dies suitable for forging tests. The tests have been carried out by means of a hydraulic press. During the tests their punch velocity has been varied between 1 and 40 mm/s. Hence numerically simulated results could be confirmed by practical tests. Exemplary forgings of a simplified shape were made out of all applied batches of Mg‐feedstock. No remarkable failures have been detected.  相似文献   

Influence of burnishing operations on surface‐ and subsurface properties of AZ31 and AZ91 A mechanical surface treatment on magnesium‐alloys can be used to improve surface and subsurface characteristics after the cutting process. Investigations show, that the grooves, resulting from the turning process, are planed. The hardness of the surface rises. Compared to turned and polished samples, the increased strength and the induced residual stress of burnished samples cause an increased fatigue strength under rotating bending stresses. The corrosion resistance of AZ31 is enhanced by roller burnishing.  相似文献   

The plastic flow behaviour and formability of friction stir welded AZ31 magnesium alloys were widely investigated. Flow curves were obtained in extended ranges of temperature (250–350 °C) and strain rate (0.001–0.1 s−1) by means of uniaxial tensile tests; furthermore, forming limit curves were determined using the hemispherical punch method in the same range of temperature but with a constant crosshead speed of 0.1 mm/s. The results were compared with those obtained, under the same experimental conditions, on the base material. The flow stress levels of joint and base material are very similar up the peak of the flow curve although the equivalent strains at the peak and to failure are usually lower than those of base material. However, at the highest temperature and lowest strain rate investigated (350 °C and 0.001 s−1), the flow behaviour of the welded joint tends to be similar to the one of the base alloy. Finally, formability of the friction stir welded material, evaluated in terms of forming limit curves, is usually lower than the one of the base material.  相似文献   

Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Service Loaded 42CrMoS4 In dem Beitrag wird das Wechselverformungsverhalten von vergütetem 42CrMoS4 bei Betriebsbeanspruchung beschrieben. Dazu wird ein neues Prüfkonzept auf der Basis von Dehnungs‐, Temperatur und Widerstandmessungen angewendet, das Hysteresismessungen zur Beschreibung des Ermüdungsverhaltens unter variablen Amplituden ermöglicht. Alle gemessenen Größen hängen in eindeutiger Weise von mikrostrukturellen Veränderungen ab, die während der Schwingbeanspruchung auftreten und beschreiben somit den aktuellen Ermüdungszustand. Die Grundidee des Prüfkonzeptes besteht darin, einstufige Messsequenzen mit Amplituden unterhalb der Dauerfestigkeit mit Random‐ oder Betriebsbeanspruchungen zu kombinieren. Dies bietet die Möglichkeit bei Random‐ und Betriebsbeanspruchung das Wechselverformungsverhalten quantitativ zu beschreiben und Methoden der Lebensdauervorhersage anzuwenden, die sonst nur bei Einstufenversuchen Anwendung finden.  相似文献   

The mechanical behaviour of two hot rolled magnesium alloys, namely the AZ31 and AZ61, has been evaluated experimentally under both monotonic and cyclic loading. Both longitudinal (L) and long transverse (LT) directions were evaluated. The tensile behaviour of the L and LT directions is similar and differs only in the offset 0.2% yield strength for both materials. This difference is attributed to the angular spread of basal poles toward the rolling direction and is more pronounced for the case of AZ31. A distinct hardening response is obvious in both directions. Twinning formation was observed; it is more pronounced in the longitudinal direction while the fracture mode is intergranular and equiaxed facets are present in the fracture surfaces of the specimens. The S–N curves exhibit a smooth transition from the low to high cycle fatigue regime. AZ61 exhibits an overall better fatigue behaviour compared to AZ31. A transgranular crack initiation mode is observed in all tested specimens while the propagation of the cracks is characterized as intergranular.  相似文献   

The stir zone microstructures and mechanical properties of dissimilar AZ91/AZ31 friction stir spot welds made using different tool designs and tool rotational speed settings are investigated. Intermingled AZ91 and AZ31 lamellae are formed in the stir zones of dissimilar spot welds made using threaded, three-flat/0.7 mm/threaded and three-flat/no-thread tools and tool rotational speeds ranging from 1500 to 3000 rpm. The intermingled lamellae have chemical compositions, which are similar to those of the upper and lower sheets in the dissimilar sandwich. The flats on the rotating tool facilitate the downward transfer of upper and lower sheet materials in the location close to the pin periphery and therefore intermingled AZ91 and AZ31 lamellae are formed in the stir zones of dissimilar spot welds produced using a three-flat tool without a thread.The distance (Y) from the tip of the hook region to the keyhole periphery has a dominant influence on the mechanical properties of dissimilar AZ91/AZ31 spot welds, since the hook regions are curved inwards towards the axis of the rotating tool. The highest failure load properties and largest Y-values are found in dissimilar spot welds made using threaded and three-flat/0.7 mm/threaded tools and tool rotational speeds from 1500 to 3000 rpm. Dissimilar spot welds made using a rotational speed of 1000 rpm have the smallest Y-values and the lowest failure load properties.  相似文献   

对AZ31镁合金在400℃条件下的轧制工艺进行了研究,在不同压下量、不同道次条件下分别进行了轧制实验,并对轧制后AZ31板材的组织和力学性能进行了研究。实验结果表明:在400℃条件下,以小变形量轧制,每道次压下量为1mm时,较好的加工工艺条件为轧制到第8道次,累积变形量50%;每道次轧制压下量为2mm时,较好的加工工艺条件为轧制到第2道次,累积变形量为25%;AZ31镁合金在大变形量下轧制易产生裂纹,裂纹的产生可能是由于随着累积变形量增加,内应力激增,在难变形的硬取向晶粒区或第二相处产生应力集中,萌生裂纹。裂纹尖端扩展经过的区域变形量较大,因而裂纹两侧存在再结晶细晶区域。  相似文献   


Mg alloy AZ31 was spray-formed using an indigenously developed spray atomisation and deposition unit under protective atmosphere and various processing parameters were optimised. The microstructural features of the bell shaped AZ31 spray-formed deposit were characterised using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray diffraction and high resolution transmission electron microscope. It was observed that the microstructural features are critically dependent on location in the spray-formed deposits. Under optimised processing conditions, the central region of the bell shaped deposit exhibited minimal porosity and a uniform fine grained equiaxed microstructure with fine Mg17Al12 intermetallics preferably located at the grain boundaries. However, the peripheral regions of the spray-formed deposit indicate higher porosity with distinct microstructural characteristics different from those in the central region. These microstructural features, observed at different locations in the spray-formed deposit, have been analysed and their evolution is discussed in the light of variations in thermal and solidification conditions of the droplets in flight, during impingement as well as those of the deposition surface.  相似文献   

AZ31B镁合金板材的织构   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了AZ31B镁合金热轧、冷轧和热处理状态板材织构的特征以及对机械性能各向异性的影响.结果表明:轧制镁合金板材具有主要以基面织构为主的板织构,其基面平行于板面,其他织构组分相对较弱;冷轧后的基极密度中心围绕板横向向轧制方向旋转约18°;冷轧后在300℃热处理对织构分布特征影响不大.冷轧后的基面向轧制方向倾斜使该方向的塑性指标得到改善.  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金非等温拉深性能的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
针对AZ31镁合金等温拉深性能差的问题,提出了AZ31镁合金的非等温拉深工艺.通过平底杯形冲头拉深试验研究了不同冲头温度和板料温度对AZ31镁合金非等温拉深性能的影响,确定了使AZ31镁合金具有最佳拉深性能的板料和冲头温度范围.实验结果表明,除了板料和冲头温度之外,拉深速度和润滑条件对AZ31镁合金的非等温拉深性能也有重要影响.  相似文献   

研究了在AZ31镁合金表面依次进行浸锌、化学镀镍、电镀铜、电弧离子镀Cr/CaN的复合镀膜工艺.结果表明,在此复合镀工艺条件下,可以在AZ31镁合金表面形成致密度高、结合强度好、耐蚀性好且硬度高的复合合金镀层.AZ31镁合金镀膜后的显微硬度形成一个梯度,由71 HK提高到2225 HK;耐蚀性明显提高,在3.5%NaCl溶液中腐蚀电位从-1481 mV提高到-382 mV.  相似文献   

采用TIG焊对AZ31与AZ61镁合金薄板进行连接,分别采用了AZ31和AZ61焊丝,比较焊接效果的影响.通过显微镜、扫描电镜、X-ray物相检测等实验方法,分析了两种焊丝焊接接头的外观形貌、显微组织、焊缝析出相及力学性能等差异.研究结果表明:采用AZ31和AZ61两种焊丝都能完成AZ31与AZ61镁合金薄板的对焊,获...  相似文献   

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