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还原/氢化厂房是多晶硅装置最重要的单元之一,分析四种不同风格的工艺包炉型(GT,PPP,MSA,SOLIMIC)的布置,找出值得研究的问题,归纳出厂房布置设计优化方案的要点。  相似文献   

New approaches for facility distribution in chemical plants are proposed including an improved non-overlapping constraint based on projection relationships of facilities and a novel toxic gas dispersion constraint. In consideration of the large number of variables in the plant layout model, our new method can significantly reduce the number of variables with their own projection relationships. Also, as toxic gas dispersion is a usual incident in a chemical plant, a simple approach to describe the gas leakage is proposed, which can clearly represent the constraints of potential emission source and sitting facilities. For solving the plant layout model, an improved genetic algorithm (GA) based on infeasible solution fix technique is proposed, which improves the globe search ability of GA. The case study and experiment show that a better layout plan can be obtained with our method, and the safety factors such as gas dispersion and minimum distances can be well handled in the solution.  相似文献   

高藻水的预氯化技术优化探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对预氯化过程中的投氯量、反应时间等反应条件的控制以及当原水中藻类数量、酚类物质含量特别高时,预氯化、粉末活性炭的联用等作了论述。认为如果能很好地控制预氯化的反应时间、投氯量,预氯化不会明显增加水厂出水中三致物质的量;预氯化与粉末活性炭联用时,两工艺之间应间隔适当的时间,以减轻氯对粉末活性炭吸附的影响。  相似文献   

黄道  蒋慰孙 《化工学报》1988,39(3):335-346
本文探讨了以天然气为原料,日产千吨合成氨装置的数学模型.仿真计算表明,计算值与相应的实测值相一致.本文成功地将大系统分解-协调法用于该系统,经验证明:结果是令人满意的.本文对在线计算机控制方案进行了探讨.  相似文献   

以重庆鸡冠石污水处理厂为例,介绍了在高差较大的山区地形地貌基础上污水厂竖向设计的优化方法。利用数学模拟分析的方法进行土石方平衡,获得最佳竖向设计目标;按照优化的结果考虑阶梯式的平面及竖向布置,实现了工程投资和实施效果的最优。  相似文献   

以PVC悬浮聚合工艺为基础,结合现场实际情况,从引发剂加料阀开孔、主反应设备聚合釜配管以及管道支架等几个方面就管道布置部分需要注意和容易发生的问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

根据药品制剂生产的特点,分析了综合制剂厂房的设计形式,探讨该布置的技术可行性与经济可行性,提出了综合制剂厂房的合理布置方案。  相似文献   

结合大型氮肥厂工程设计实践,阐述了在工厂总平面布置时应注意解决的安全防护、节约能源,减少占地和环境保护等问题的方法和措施。  相似文献   

结合工程实例介绍装置内管廊的布置原则,如管廊宽度、高度等的确定;管廊上管道的设计原则,如支架、补偿弯的设置方法和注意事项。  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了大容量注射剂的生产工艺流程及主要设备,以2010版GMP为依据,分析了大容量注射剂生产厂房的平面布局设计。  相似文献   

本文探讨焦屑制浆,当采用的A种阴离子表面活性剂其用量为2.24%时,可制得焦浓度为72%(wt)的焦屑浆,其粘度450mPa·s,稳定天数12天以上。  相似文献   

所谓生产车间总平面设计,就是合理布置生产设备和辅助生产设备以使其发挥整体功能,因此,设计者往往力求协调各种不同的、有时甚至是彼此对立的外界条件以取得最佳效果。 生产车间总平面布置不是一门可以由公式和定理来套用的精确学科,为了把许多相互矛盾的外界条件加以协调,在很大程度上需要的是经验。这一个创造性的、直观的过程,它首先需要折衷方案,同时也需要丰富的操作和设计经验。一般是在厂址确定、物料  相似文献   

结合实际工程经验,从壳牌煤气化装置的管道布置进行总结和探讨,供后续同类装置设计参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

分析了高油价下资源优化配置过程中存在的问题,提出了以"高硫渣油焦化-高硫石油焦造气-汽电联产"组合工艺实现资源的有效利用,并对实施效果进行了分析.  相似文献   

注塑车间布局设计应以工艺流程为基础,根据生产物流的特点建立合理的车间物理布局。本文还进一步阐述了注塑车间布局优化的方法,以及节能和环境保护的措施。  相似文献   

通过对比国内同类型180万t/h煤制甲醇合成装置的工艺设计,分析其实际生产情况中出现的问题及产生的原因,提出相应的技术改造和调整方案,对笔者所在公司甲醇合成装置进行了改造和优化,取得了显著的效果。  相似文献   


Above a given temperature, referred to as the inversion temperature, superheated steam is a more effective drying agent than humid air or even than dry air. However, no agreement has been reached in what concerns the definition of both the inversion temperature and its numerical value. Recent works attempted to clarify the different definitions of the inversion temperature, taking into account the obtained different numerical values. In this work, some of the ideas presented recently are developed and worked out in such a way that new graphical presentations of data are obtained, leading to a better understanding of the inversion temperature and of its value. The issues concerning the influence of the steam content of the drying agent on the evaporation rate, for different drying conditions and for a given inlet temperature of the drying agent, are clarified. The present results provide useful information on what concerns the influence of the convective drying conditions and parameters over the evaporation rate.  相似文献   

Above a given temperature, referred to as the inversion temperature, superheated steam is a more effective drying agent than humid air or even than dry air. However, no agreement has been reached in what concerns the definition of both the inversion temperature and its numerical value. Recent works attempted to clarify the different definitions of the inversion temperature, taking into account the obtained different numerical values. In this work, some of the ideas presented recently are developed and worked out in such a way that new graphical presentations of data are obtained, leading to a better understanding of the inversion temperature and of its value. The issues concerning the influence of the steam content of the drying agent on the evaporation rate, for different drying conditions and for a given inlet temperature of the drying agent, are clarified. The present results provide useful information on what concerns the influence of the convective drying conditions and parameters over the evaporation rate.  相似文献   

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