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Computer simulation results are presented of a study of delay spread on digital modulations with different constellations in a quasi-static multipath radio channel. Unfiltered 2-, 4-, and 8-PSK and 16-QAM with a rectangular signaling pulse are compared first, followed by 4- and 16-QAM with a raised-cosine Nyquist pulse. The bit error rate performances averaged over fading samples under the influence of the intersymbol interference caused by delay spread are compared for modulations of different levels. It is found that 4-level modulation is the most desired method for both performance and implementation in a quasistatic, frequency-selective fading radio channel. Both the spectral and the power efficiencies can be enhanced using Nyquist signaling pulses  相似文献   

It is well known that the famous Constant modulus algorithm (CMA) presents a large steady-state Mean square error (MSE) for nonconstant modulus sig- nals. In this paper a coordinate mapping approach for a 4-PAM nonconstant modulus signal is described which can change the signal to an Offset QPSK (OQPSK) constant modulus signal. And a new algorithm based on this ap- proach is proposed which is also suitable for a 16-QAM signal. For the 4-PAM and 16-QAM nonconstant modulus signals the proposed algorithm can achieve a zero steady- state MSE in a noiseless environment but CMA cannot, Theoretical analysis and simulations results demonstrate the high performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Hyun  S.-K. Kim  J.-K. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(18):1635-1636
An interleaved 5-binary to 2-octonary (5B20) block code is proposed to insert carrier and clock pilots in 64-QAM systems with a spectrum efficiency of about 4.5 bit/s/Hz. Its design is based on the rotated and scaled 64-QAM signal constellation. The spectral components of symbol sequences from this encoder are completely suppressed at DC and at the Nyquist frequency (NF).<>  相似文献   

“信号与系统”中三个层次教学探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"信号与系统"课程内容和结构体系的特点之一就是具有思维方式的训练和培养.本文从教学层次、教学方法以及具体的教学内容和过程,讨论了"信号与系统"教学过程中创造性思维培养的问题.本文所讨论的方式方法的效果在多年的教学实践中得到了证明,同时得到学生及专家的肯定.  相似文献   

The compensation of frequency offset for differentially encoded 16- and 64-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) in the presence of laser phase noise is investigated. Differential encoding is employed to solve the four-fold phase ambiguity problem in a nondata-aided transmission system with square QAM constellations. Simulation results show that frequency offset and phase noise can successfully be compensated using a second-order digital filter loop for the square QAM constellations.   相似文献   

为解决传统合路器体积重量与损耗不能兼顾的问题,提出了一种用于智能天线的内置一体化合路校准网络,采用微带结构,由带阻合路器和校准网络组成。实测结果表明,合路校准网络的通带插损小于0.7dB、通带回波损耗小于-15dB、阻带抑制大于30dB。该一体化合路校准网络具有集成度高、体积小、重量轻、工艺简单等特点,有利于减小智能天线的体积及重量。  相似文献   

风力发电是当今新能源应用的重要方向。包含异步电机和电力电子变换器的风力发电系统具有良好的应用前景。本文介绍了我国风力产业的现状与发展展望,分析了笼型异步电机和绕线型异步电机在大型风电基地、海上发电和离网式应用中的优势。本文网络版地址:http://www. eepw.com.cn/article/164381.htm  相似文献   

提出了一种基于分形盒维数及二次方谱特征的方法,对由CPM与PSK类信号组成的信号集进行调制识别分类。首先提取信号集内各待识别信号的分形盒维数特征,将CPM和OQPSK识别出来;然后对信号集中剩余信号提取相应的二次方谱离散谱线特征依次区分出BPSK、UQPSK和QPSK;最后根据决策树原理设计分类器,实现信号集内信号的识别。仿真结果表明,该算法对信号集内的信号在信噪比达到3 d B以上条件下正确识别率可达到90%以上。  相似文献   

It is described that novel Quasi-Optical Power (Q.O.P) Combiner of Solid State Source (S.S.S) in 3 Millimeter Wave (M.M.W) band in this paper. The paper explains with emphasis methods for design, calculation and experiment of the Q.O.P. Combiner.  相似文献   

江涛 《电子学报》2005,33(7):1218-1221
本文提出了一种新的降低OFDM信号峰均功率比的压缩扩张技术.文中通过与传统压缩扩张技术的对比,详细介绍了新压缩扩张技术的方法和计算复杂度、并从统计角度分析了对峰均功率比及其用于OFDM系统时对系统误比特率的改善等方面的性能.数值仿真说明,与传统压缩扩张技术相比较,新压缩扩张技术不仅具有更低的计算复杂度,而且可以获得更为高效的性能增益.  相似文献   

分析了多层压电电源的工作原理,导出了该电源的电压输出公式.为对压电电源的发电性能进行测试与研究,研制了压电电源发电性能测试仪.在该测试仪的设计中,利用变极距电容式微位移传感器测量压电叠堆的振幅,采用电荷放大器测量压电电源的输出电压.利用该测试仪进行初步试验,结果表明,储能电容C充上的电压与压电叠堆的层数成正比,与C的电容值成反比.试验还发现,压电叠堆的基频固有频率与外部激励源的激振频率相同时发生谐振现象,最终增大了多层压电电源的输出电压.  相似文献   

In recent years, many peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction techniques have been proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. Among various techniques, the iterative clipping and filtering (ICAF) technique has been considered as a practical scheme, and widely used owing to its non-expansion of bandwidth, low computational complexity, and simplicity in implementation without receiver-side cooperation. However, the performance of conventional ICAF technique is degraded, because the same signals are iteratively clipped with a fixed clipping threshold (CT) in every clipping operation. In this paper, we analyze the performance of conventional ICAF technique, and then propose an adaptive ICAF scheme, which clips the signal with an adaptively modified CT in every clipping operation to achieve enhanced PAPR reduction of OFDM signals. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms the conventional scheme, in PAPR reduction of OFDM signals at the same number of iterations.  相似文献   

针对目前研究较少的混合激光制导信号批次分选和码型识别问题,在分析激光制导信号编码特点的基础上,提出一种新的分选与解码算法.该算法首先采用序列差值直方图法(SDIF)识别骨架周期,然后利用已知编码规律采用变步长序列搜索法识别常规编码信号,最后根据脉冲序列独立性判断准则识别未知编码信号.仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

场板与场限环是用来提高功率FRED抗电压击穿能力的常用终端保护技术,本文分别介绍场板与场限环结终端结构原理和耐压敏感参数,然后采取场板和场限环的互补组合,通过Synopsis公司MEDICI4.0仿真工具优化设一款耐压1200V的FERD器件终端结构,最后通过实际流片验证此终端结构具有良好的电压重复性及一致性。  相似文献   

场板与场限环是用来提高功率MOSFET抗电压击穿能力的常用结终端保护技术,文章将分别介绍场板与场限环结终端保护技术各自的特点和耐压敏感参数,通过场板和场限环的互补组合来优化设计一款高耐压的VDMOS器件结构,最后采用ATHENA(工艺模拟)和ATLAS(器件模拟)工具来仿真验证优化设计的结果。  相似文献   

三代半导体功率器件的特点与应用分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以S i双极型功率晶体管为代表的第一代半导体功率器件和以GaAs场效应晶体管为代表的第二代半导体功率器件为雷达发射机的大规模固态化和可靠性提高做出了贡献。近年来以S iC场效应功率晶体管和GaN高电子迁移率功率晶体管为代表的第三代半导体--宽禁带半导体功率器件具有击穿电压高、功率密度高、输出功率高、工作效率高、工作频率高、瞬时带宽宽、适合在高温环境下工作和抗辐射能力强等优点。人们寄希望于宽禁带半导体功率器件来解决第一代、第二代功率器件的输出功率低、效率低和工作频率有局限性以至于无法满足现代雷达、电子对抗和通信等电子装备需求等方面的问题。文中简要介绍了半导体功率器件的发展背景、发展过程、分类、特点、应用、主要性能参数和几种常用的半导体功率器件;重点叙述了宽禁带半导体功率器件的特点、优势、研究进展和工程应用;对宽禁带半导体功率器件在新一代雷达中的应用前景和要求进行了探讨。  相似文献   

采用电荷控制理论和载流子速度饱和理论的物理分析方法,并结合Statz、Angelov等经验模型的描述方法,提出了常温下针对4H-SiC射频功率MESFET的大信号非线性电容模型.此模型在低漏源偏压区对栅源电容Cgs强非线性的描述优于Statz、Angelov等经验模型,计算量也远低于基于器件物理特性的数值模型,因而适合于大信号的电路设计与优化.  相似文献   

采用电荷控制理论和载流子速度饱和理论的物理分析方法,并结合Statz、Angelov等经验模型的描述方法,提出了常温下针对4H-SiC射频功率MESFET的大信号非线性电容模型.此模型在低漏源偏压区对栅源电容Cgs强非线性的描述优于Statz、Angelov等经验模型,计算量也远低于基于器件物理特性的数值模型,因而适合于大信号的电路设计与优化.  相似文献   

The paper describes a new method of linear control for transfer of optimum power from a Solor Cell Array (SCA) to the distribution network. It is shown that the current corresponding to the optimum power varies almost linearly with the level of illumination. By connecting a storage battery in parallel to the SCA, the charging current to the battery is continuously adjusted by sensing the illumination level and current simultaneously. Variation of the charging current keeps the operating point on the optimum power locus. In the ac distribution network the power is to be fed through a current-source inverter and a step up/down transformer.  相似文献   

基于均匀圆阵的信号源DOA和多普勒频率估计算法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
黄浩学  吴嗣亮 《电子学报》2001,29(5):619-621
本文研究均匀圆形阵列的信号处理问题 ,提出了一种同时估计空间非相关信号源方位角、俯仰角和多普勒频率的算法 .该方法对均匀圆形阵列的输出信号进行模式激励 ,使其阵列流形具有类似于均匀线性阵列的形式 ;在此基础上 ,特征分解构造的波达矩阵 ,由特征值获得各信号的多普勒频率 ,由各特征值对应的特征向量处理得到对应信号的到达方向 .该方法不需进行谱峰搜索 ,运算量小 ,能实现信号的方位角、俯仰角和多普勒频率的自动配对 ,且具有相当高的分辨率 .给出的计算机仿真结果证实了该方法的有效性 .  相似文献   

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