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Estimating forest canopy fuel parameters using LIDAR data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fire researchers and resource managers are dependent upon accurate, spatially-explicit forest structure information to support the application of forest fire behavior models. In particular, reliable estimates of several critical forest canopy structure metrics, including canopy bulk density, canopy height, canopy fuel weight, and canopy base height, are required to accurately map the spatial distribution of canopy fuels and model fire behavior over the landscape. The use of airborne laser scanning (LIDAR), a high-resolution active remote sensing technology, provides for accurate and efficient measurement of three-dimensional forest structure over extensive areas. In this study, regression analysis was used to develop predictive models relating a variety of LIDAR-based metrics to the canopy fuel parameters estimated from inventory data collected at plots established within stands of varying condition within Capitol State Forest, in western Washington State. Strong relationships between LIDAR-derived metrics and field-based fuel estimates were found for all parameters [sqrt(crown fuel weight): R2=0.86; ln(crown bulk density): R2=0.84; canopy base height: R2=0.77; canopy height: R2=0.98]. A cross-validation procedure was used to assess the reliability of these models. LIDAR-based fuel prediction models can be used to develop maps of critical canopy fuel parameters over forest areas in the Pacific Northwest. 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(5-6):555-581
In this paper we introduce a new family of navigation functions for robot navigation and obstacle avoidance. The method can be used for both path finding and real-time path planning. Each navigation function is composed of three parts: a proportionality term, a deviation function and a deviation constant. Deviation functions are time-varying functions satisfying certain conditions. These functions and parameters are updated in real-time to avoid collision with obstacles. Our strategy uses polar kinematics equations to model the navigation problem in terms of the range and direction between the robot and the goal. The obstacles are mapped to polar planes, and represented by the range and the direction from the robot or the final goal in polar coordinates. This representation gives a certain weight to the obstacles based on their relative position from the robot and facilitates the design of the navigation law. There exists an infinite number of navigation functions obtained by changing the proportionality constant, the deviation constant or the deviation function. This offers an infinite number of possibilities for the robot's path. Our navigation strategy is illustrated using an extensive simulation where different navigation parameters are used. 相似文献
Márcio Mendon?a Lúcia Valéria Ramos de Arruda Flávio Neves Jr. 《Applied Intelligence》2012,37(2):175-188
This study developed an autonomous navigation system using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM). Fuzzy Cognitive Map is a tool that can model qualitative knowledge in a structured way through concepts and causal relationships. Its mathematical representation is based on graph theory. A new variant of FCM, named Event Driven-Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (ED-FCM), is proposed to model decision tasks and/or make inferences in autonomous navigation. The FCM??s arcs are updated from the occurrence of special events as dynamic obstacle detection. As a result, the developed model is able to represent the robot??s dynamic behavior in presence of environment changes. This model skill is achieved by adapting the FCM relationships among concepts. A reinforcement learning algorithm is also used to finely adjust the robot behavior. Some simulation results are discussed highlighting the ability of the autonomous robot to navigate among obstacles (navigation at unknown environment). A fuzzy based navigation system is used as a reference to evaluate the proposed autonomous navigation system performance. 相似文献
Francisco G. Rossomando Carlos Soria Ricardo Carelli 《Control Engineering Practice》2011,19(3):215-222
This paper presents an approach to adaptive trajectory tracking of mobile robots which combines a feedback linearization based on a nominal model and a RBF-NN adaptive dynamic compensation. For a robot with uncertain dynamic parameters, two controllers are implemented separately: a kinematics controller and an inverse dynamics controller. The uncertainty in the nominal dynamics model is compensated by a neural adaptive feedback controller. The resulting adaptive controller is efficient and robust in the sense that it succeeds to achieve a good tracking performance with a small computational effort. The analysis of the RBF-NN approximation error on the control errors is included. Finally, the performance of the control system is verified through experiments. 相似文献
This paper addresses autonomous intelligent navigation of mobile robotic platforms based on the recently reported algorithms of language-measure-theoretic optimal control. Real-time sensor data and model-based information on the robot's motion dynamics are fused to construct a probabilistic finite state automaton model that dynamically computes a time-dependent discrete-event supervisory control policy. The paper also addresses detection and avoidance of livelocks that might occur during execution of the robot navigation algorithm. Performance and robustness of autonomous intelligent navigation under the proposed algorithm have been experimentally validated on Segway RMP robotic platforms in a laboratory environment. 相似文献
N.C. Mohanty 《Information Sciences》1983,30(2):125-150
The determination of the orbit of high altitude satellites with an accurate horizontal charge coupled device (CCD) sensor is considered using the extended Kalman filter. The measurement nonlinearity is removed by using a coordinate transform, and the corresponding steady state error is less than the steady state error in the Cartesian coordinate system. The performance of both of the navigational filters is evaluated for a reference geosynchronous orbit as a function of measurement error. The reduction of measurement uncertainty decreased steady state errors in position and velocity. 相似文献
E. L. Akim A. P. Astakhov R. V. Bakit’ko V. P. Pol’shchikov V. A. Stepan’yants A. G. Tuchin D. A. Tuchin V. S. Yaroshevskii 《Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International》2009,48(2):295-312
An autonomous navigation system for near-Earth spacecraft is described; this system allows determination of the satellite orbit and prediction of its motion parameters. Radio navigation measurements of GLONASS and GPS satellite systems are used for this purpose. The autonomous navigation system is designated for operation on near-Earth orbits which do not go beyond the navigation areas of GLONASS and/or GPS and on orbits with large eccentricity whose apocenter is at a distance of 50–70 thousand km from the Earth’s surface. The developed methods and algorithms for orbit determination are based on the application of laws of motion dynamics of a spacecraft directly at processing primary phase measurements of the carrier frequency and code pseudo-range using an extended measurement base. Algorithms for determination of motion parameters of the spacecraft and results of simulation and operation of a model system are presented. The possibility of creation of an onboard autonomous navigation system with precision and reliability higher than those of the ground measuring complex is demonstrated. 相似文献
Research focused on the development and experimental validation of intelligent control techniques for autonomous mobile robots able to plan and perform a variety of assigned tasks in unstructured environments is presented. In particular, an autonomous mobile robot, HERMIES-IIB intelligence experiment series, is described. It is a self-powered, wheel-driven platform containing an onboard 16-node Ncube hypercube parallel processor interfaced to effectors and sensors through a VME-based system containing a Motorola 68020 processor, a phased sonar array, dual manipulator arms, and multiple cameras. Research on navigation and learning is examined 相似文献
Hodge Victoria J. Hawkins Richard Alexander Rob 《Neural computing & applications》2021,33(6):2015-2033
Neural Computing and Applications - Mobile robots such as unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) can be used for surveillance, monitoring and data collection in buildings, infrastructure and... 相似文献
Wen Shuhuan Hu Xueheng Ma Jinrong Sun Fuchun Fang Bin 《Intelligent Service Robotics》2019,12(4):359-369
Intelligent Service Robotics - This paper proposes an improved Retinex theory based on a weighted guided filter method to enhance images in low-light conditions. The captured images under low... 相似文献
Kozorez D. A. Krasilshchikov M. N. Kruzhkov D. M. Sypalo K. I. 《Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International》2015,54(5):798-807
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International - This paper is the first in a series of works devoted to the problems of a spacecraft in the geostationary orbit autonomous operation. The... 相似文献
基于四叉树划分的地面激光雷达数据简化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在分析地面激光雷达的数据特性和现有数据简化方法的基础上,提出了一种基于四叉树划分的地面激光雷达数据简化方案,给出了算法的基本思想和实现方法。实验表明该算法对于呈平面分布的点云数据简化能达到很高的压缩比,并具有良好的边缘保持性能。 相似文献
We present a framework to segment cultural and natural features, given 3D aerial scans of a large urban area, and (optionally) registered ground level scans of the same area. This system provides a primary step to achieve the ultimate goal of detecting every object from a large number of varied categories, from antenna to power plants. Our framework first identifies local patches of the ground surface and roofs of buildings. This is accomplished by tensor voting that infers surface orientation from neighboring regions as well as local 3D points. We then group adjacent planar surfaces with consistent pose to find surface segments and classify them as either the terrain or roofs of buildings. The same approach is also applied to delineate vertical faces of buildings, as well as free-standing vertical structures such as fences. The inferred large structures are then used as geometric context to segment linear structures, such as power lines, and structures attached to walls and roofs from remaining unclassified 3D points in the scene. We demonstrate our system on real LIDAR datasets acquired from typical urban regions with areas of a few square kilometers each, and provide a quantitative analysis of performance using externally provided ground truth. 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(3-4):395-420
We present a method for wheeled mobile robot navigation based on the proportional navigation law. This method integrates the robot's kinematics equations and geometric rules. According to the control strategy, the robot's angular velocity is proportional to the rate of turn of the angle of the line of sight that joins the robot and the goal. We derive a relative kinematics system which models the navigation problem of the robot in polar coordinates. The kinematics model captures the robot path as a function of the control law parameters. It turns out that different paths are obtained for different control parameters. Since the control parameters are real, the number of possible paths is infinite. Results concerning the navigation using our control law are rigorously proven. An extensive simulation confirms our theoretical results. 相似文献
M. Lamboley C. Proy L. Rastel T. Nguyen Trong A. Zashchirinski S. Buslaiev 《Autonomous Robots》1995,2(4):345-351
This paper describes the Russian rover Marsokhod, designed by Babakin Center for Mars exploration and the navigation sub-system based on stereovision developed by the French Space Agency C.N.E.S. to provide the rover with autonomous motion ability, improving thus its exploration range on the surface of Mars. Tests of the complete vehicle, including autonomous locomotion, has been recently fulfilled on a Mars-like area build in C.N.E.S. for this purpose by a joined Russian-French team; the main results and conclusions of these test are related. 相似文献
Wildfire is an important disturbance agent in Canada's boreal forest. Optical remotely sensed imagery (e.g., Landsat TM/ETM+), is well suited for capturing horizontally distributed forest conditions, structure, and change, while Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data are more appropriate for capturing vertically distributed elements of forest structure and change. The integration of optical remotely sensed imagery and LIDAR data provides improved opportunities to characterize post-fire conditions. The objective of this study is to compare changes in forest structure, as measured with a discrete return profiling LIDAR, to post-fire conditions, as measured with remotely sensed data. Our research is focused on a boreal forest fire that occurred in May 2002 in Alberta, Canada. The Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), the differenced NBR (dNBR), and the relative dNBR (RdNBR) were calculated from two dates of Landsat data (August 2001 and September 2002). Forest structural attributes were derived from two spatially coincident discrete return LIDAR profiles acquired in September 1997 and 2002 respectively. Image segmentation was used to produce homogeneous spatial patches analogous to forest stands, with analysis conducted at this patch level.In this study area, which was relatively homogenous and dominated by open forest, no statistically significant relationships were found between pre-fire forest structure and post-fire conditions (r < 0.5; p > 0.05). Post-fire forest structure and absolute and relative changes in forest structure were strongly correlated to post-fire conditions (r ranging from − 0.507 to 0.712; p < 0.0001). Measures of vegetation fill (VF) (LIDAR capture of cross-sectional vegetation amount), post-fire and absolute change in crown closure (CC), and relative change in average canopy height, were most useful for characterizing post-fire conditions. Forest structural attributes generated from the post-fire LIDAR data were most strongly correlated to post-fire NBR, while dNBR and RdNBR had stronger correlations with absolute and relative changes in the forest structural attributes. Absolute and relative changes in VF and changes in CC had the strongest positive correlations with respect to dNBR and RdNBR, ranging from 0.514 to 0.715 (p < 0.05). Measures of average inter-tree distance and volume were not strongly correlated to post-fire NBR, dNBR, or RdNBR. No marked differences were found in the strength or significance of correlations between post-fire structure and the post-fire NBR, dNBR, RdNBR, indicating that for the conditions present in this study area all three burn severity indices captured post-fire conditions in a similar manner. Finally, the relationship between post-fire forest structure and post-fire condition was strongest for dense forests (> 60% crown closure) compared to open (26-60%) and sparse forests (10-25%). Forest structure information provided by LIDAR is useful for characterizing post-fire conditions and burn induced structural change, and will complement other attributes such as vegetation type and moisture, topography, and long-term weather patterns, all of which will also influence variations in post-fire conditions. 相似文献
This paper presents a gesture recognition system for visualization navigation. Scientists are interested in developing interactive settings for exploring large data sets in an intuitive environment. The input consists of registered 3-D data. A geometric method using Bezier curves is used for the trajectory analysis and classification of gestures. The hand gesture speed is incorporated into the algorithm to enable correct recognition from trajectories with variations in hand speed. The method is robust and reliable: correct hand identification rate is 99.9% (from 1641 frames), modes of hand movements are correct 95.6% of the time, recognition rate (given the right mode) is 97.9%. An application to gesture-controlled visualization of 3D bioinformatics data is also presented. 相似文献
《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》2007,20(1):49-61
The last two decades have shown an increasing trend in the use of positioning and navigation technologies in land vehicles. Most of the present navigation systems incorporate global positioning system (GPS) and inertial navigation system (INS), which are integrated using Kalman filtering (KF) to provide reliable positioning information. Due to several inadequacies related to KF-based INS/GPS integration, artificial intelligence (AI) methods have been recently suggested to replace KF. Various neural network and neuro-fuzzy methods for INS/GPS integration were introduced. However, these methods provided relatively poor positioning accuracy during long GPS outages. Moreover, the internal system parameters had to be tuned over time of the navigation mission to reach the desired positioning accuracy. In order to overcome these limitations, this study optimizes the AI-based INS/GPS integration schemes utilizing adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) by implementing, a temporal window-based cross-validation approach during the update procedure. The ANFIS-based system considers a non-overlap moving window instead of the commonly used sliding window approach. The proposed system is tested using differential GPS and navigational grade INS field test data obtained from a land vehicle experiment. The results showed that the proposed system is a reliable modeless system and platform independent module that requires no priori knowledge of the navigation equipment utilized. In addition, significant accuracy improvement was achieved during long GPS outages. 相似文献