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Contamination of groundwater by radioactive contaminants can be harmful to the environment. Various prediction models have been adopted to simulate the state of contaminants in the subsurface. Conventional numerical models are simplified by approximation and the model parameters are assumed to be constant, thereby introducing error to the prediction results. Particle and Kalman filters are used in this research to simulate the radioactive contaminant cobalt-57 transport in a subsurface environment by using a two-dimensional advection-dispersion model. A radioactive contaminant concentration was predicted spatially and temporally within boundary conditions. The errors in the prediction results were assessed by using the root-mean-square-error (RMSE) equation. The results show that the Kalman filter performs better than the particle filter when the prediction model is linear. Furthermore, the results from filters are closer to the true value in comparison with the numerical solution, and the filters are capable of reducing the RMSE of the numerical solution by approximately 80%.  相似文献   

The present work proposes that the incorporation of granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment model that accounts for nonequilibrium adsorption into the optimal design of pump-and-treat systems will result in more realistic costs and better-engineered remediation systems. It was found that, when nonequilibrium GAC adsorption effects are considered, the predicted cost of optimal remediation strategies increases consistently when compared to costs obtained assuming equilibrium GAC adsorption, for a wide range of cleanup goals. This finding implies that when simpler equilibrium models are used for GAC adsorption, cleanup costs will be underestimated. GAC treatment costs are shown to be particularly sensitive to the degree of mass transfer limitations in the aquifer–contaminant system, especially when nonequilibrium GAC adsorption is accounted for. Time-varying pumping rates are shown to produce more efficient remediation solutions; the increase in efficiency is even more pronounced when nonequilibrium GAC adsorption is accounted for. Further results show that the optimal remediation designs can be significantly more efficient when the number of GAC adsorber units is selected through optimization.  相似文献   

Contaminated groundwater resulting from pyrite oxidation of acid sulfate soils (ASSs) is a major environmental problem in coastal Australia. A column test was carried out for an extended period with recycled concrete to study the efficiency of the reactive materials for neutralizing acidic groundwater. Results show that the actual acid neutralization capacity of the recycled concrete could decrease to less than 50% of the theoretical value due to armoring effects. Nevertheless, the performance is good as a spot treatment in ASS Terrain using a near-zero cost waste product. Based on the test results and site characterization, a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) with recycled concrete was designed and installed in ASS terrain on the Shoalhaven River floodplain, southeastern, Australia in October 2006. The performance of the PRB was studied over two and half years to assess the potential of recycled concrete (1) to neutralize the groundwater acidity and (2) to remove the dissolved heavy metals such as iron and aluminum from in situ acidic groundwater. To date, performance monitoring of the PRB shows that recycled concrete can successfully improve the pH of groundwater from acidic to mildly alkaline. In addition, it successfully removes groundwater iron and aluminum. Results reported here also reveal a slow decrease in the performance of the PRB due to armoring effects probably caused by precipitation of iron and aluminum on the surface of the reactive recycled concrete materials.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is a common remediation practice typically implemented without a rigorous design process because of insufficient or unspecific design data. Field observations have shown that the mass of contaminant removed by SVE often tails off over time. Significant time has been spent modeling SVE to gain a better understanding of the governing processes and the cause of tailing. Studies have shown that improper mass transfer coefficients affect modeling accuracy. As a result, considerable effort has been spent studying the mass transfer coefficients directly related to the non-aqueous-phase liquid (NAPL), with less emphasis on aqueous air and sorbed-aqueous mass transfer coefficients, despite affecting the observed tailing behavior. Accordingly, a laboratory and modeling study was undertaken with toluene to determine the appropriate aqueous air and sorbed-aqueous mass transfer coefficients. SVE column data generated in laboratory experiments were used to back-calculate the mass transfer coefficients by using FRACMAT, a numerical model. The developed experimental protocol allowed the placement of toluene contamination in the unsaturated soil environment without the development of a NAPL phase. The data generated by the SVE column with soils with organic matter and without organic matter, showed that the aqueous-air mass transfer coefficient was exponential, with the aqueous concentration the independent variable. For the zero to moderate organic matter content soils tested, the aqueous-air mass transfer coefficient varied from 1??s-1 to 0.001??s-1. Some sorbed contamination was also observed, requiring a sorbed-aqueous mass transfer coefficient. Numerical modeling with FRACMAT showed that the best sorbed-aqueous mass transfer coefficient was a constant value of 0.01??s-1. The aqueous-air mass transfer coefficient was observed to be the controlling rate limitation in SVE when no NAPL was present in the soil with the zero to moderate organic matter content soil. Studies with silty loam soil showed that additional mass transfer resistances occurred, which could be attributed to the increase in organic matter content and decrease in particle size.  相似文献   

Computer simulations often are used to design and to optimize groundwater remediation systems. We present a new computationally efficient approach that calculates the reliability of remedial design at every location in a model domain with a single simulation. The estimated reliability and other model information are used to select a best remedial option for given site conditions, conceptual model, and available data. To evaluate design performance, we introduce the nodal failure index (NFI) to determine the number of nodal locations at which the probability of success is below the design requirement. The strength of the NFI approach is that selected areas of interest can be specified for analysis and the best remedial design determined for this target region. An example application of the NFI approach using a hypothetical model shows how the spatial distribution of reliability can be used for a decision support system in groundwater remediation design.  相似文献   

The coexistence of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at many of the contaminated sites poses a severe threat to public health and the environment. Very few technologies, such as soil washing/flushing and stabilization/solidification, are available to remediate such sites; however, these technologies are ineffective and expensive to treat contaminants in low permeability clayey soils. Previous studies have shown that electrokinetic remediation has potential to remove heavy metals and organic compounds when they exist individually in clayey soils. In the present study, the feasibility of using surfactants and organic acids sequentially and vice versa during electrokinetic remediation was evaluated for the removal of both heavy metals and PAHs from clayey soils. Kaolin was selected as a model clayey soil and it was spiked with phenanthrene and nickel at concentrations of 500 mg/kg dry each to simulate typical field mixed contamination. Bench-scale electrokinetic experiments were performed with the sequential anode conditioning with: (1) 1 M citric acid followed by 5% Igepal CA-720; (2) 1 M citric acid followed by 5% Tween 80; and (3) 5% Igepal CA-720 followed by 1 M citric acid. A periodic voltage gradient of 2 V/cm (with 5 days on and 2 days off cycles) was applied in all the tests. A removal of about 96% of phenanthrene was observed in the test with 5% Igepal CA-720 followed by 1 M citric acid sequence. Most of the nickel (>90%) migrated from anode to cathode in this test; however, it precipitated in the section very close to the cathode due to the high pH conditions. Conversely, the removal efficiency of nickel was about 96 and 88% in the tests with 1 M citric acid followed by 5% Igepal CA-720 sequence and 1?M citric acid followed by 5% Tween 80 sequence, respectively. However, the migration and removal efficiency of phenanthrene in both of these tests were very low. Overall, it can be concluded that the sequential use of 5% Igepal CA-720 followed by 1 M citric acid may be an effective remedial strategy to remove coexisting heavy metals and PAHs from clayey soils.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests using ultraviolet radiation and sonocation energy were found to kinetically enhance an iron-mediated aeration (IMA) process under development to remove chelated metals and radionuclides and associated organics, from groundwater and soils. A model inorganic contaminant (Cd2+) chelated with ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) was used. The IMA process breaks the complex, releasing the target metal for removal. Overall experimental results indicate that the EDTA degradation mechanism can be accelerated compared to nonenergized IMA, by a factor of 2 using sonocation energy and by a factor of 3–4 using photochemical energy at circumneutral pH. No differences in the by-products were indicated in chemical analyses. For both sonocation and photochemical tests, the major breakdown products detected were glyoxylic acid and formaldehyde. Only minor amounts of larger molecular weight species (iminodiacetic acid, nitrilotriacetic acid, and ethylenediamine triacetic acid) were detected.  相似文献   

Atmospheric reaeration at the free surface of lakes and streams is a relevant process for water quality, thus the amount of oxygen transferred to the water body should be carefully estimated. Recent studies have demonstrated that available equations for estimation of the reaeration rate offer a poor fit with field data different from those for which each equation was originally developed. Thus, none of the available equations is applicable to all stream hydrodynamic conditions; on the contrary, they remain stream-specific, probably since some parameters involved in the process have been neglected in their formulation and their expressions are too simplistic. This paper proposes a comprehensive approach to the mass-transfer process at the air-water interface that is based on dimensional analysis. Careful inspection of equations in the literature shows that the mass-transfer process at the air-water interface has been affected by 14 different parameters. The application of dimensional analysis produces, for a wide rectangular section if wind speed is negligible, a dimensionless equation for the mass-transfer rate, where this rate is a function of the Froude number, channel slope, Reynolds number, Sherwood number, Weber number, and relative roughness. This expression is further developed to address the reaeration process in streams and rivers. As a result, at a fixed temperature, the dimensionless reaeration rate KaND (where ND denotes nondimensional) is finally a function of only the Froude number, channel slope, Reynolds number, and relative roughness. Moreover, the application of the Darcy-Wiesbach equation allows this dimensionless rate KaND to be considered as a function of only three of the aforementioned parameters. This result provides a comprehensive approach to the reaeration process that can also explain the unreliability of the literature equations available up to now.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction is a popular soil remediation technology that is hampered by less than optimal performance in the field due to mass transfer limitations. Therefore, laboratory column venting experiments were completed to quantify mass transfer limitations for the removal of multicomponent nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) contaminants from a silt loam soil at three water contents. The observed mass transfer limitations were quantified using a four phase multicomponent, nonequilibrium contaminant transport model based on first-order mass transfer kinetics. The overall mass transfer coefficient Kga was treated as a variable and modeled as a linear function of the NAPL volumetric fraction using two adjustable parameters (m, the slope parameter and Kgamin, the intercept). Both were back calculated from column venting data. The agreement between the calibrated model and experimental results were favorable for the removal of single and binary contaminants under conditions ranging from near equilibrium to severe mass transfer limitations and extended tailing. A strong dependency of Kga on water content was evident by the differences in Kgamin and to a lesser extent, m, at the three water contents investigated. A single expression Kga captured the performance of both components in the binary mixture. For the quaternary venting experiments a single expression for Kga captured the performance of all four components well under air dry conditions. However, the agreement between the hexane model versus the experimental result deteriorated significantly as the water content increased. This difference is attributed to hexane’s lower affinity for the water phase relative to the other three components in the mixture.  相似文献   

Wet detention basins are among the most common best management practices (BMPs) being implemented as means of complying with United States Phase II storm-water rules and impending Total Maximum Daily Load limits. The effectiveness of these basins for removal of microbial contaminants, one of the most frequent causes of water quality impairment, may be significantly affected by the degree to which microbes associate with particles in storm water. Little is known with regard to where microbial-particle associations are initiated within the storm-water transport chain as flow travels from upland sources (e.g., lawns, parking lots) through storm sewer systems and BMPs and finally on to receiving waters. A similar lack of information exists on the relative concentrations of microbes at each point in the transport chain. Both of these factors have important implications for the location of wet detention basins within a watershed, as well as their anticipated effectiveness. This study tracked the concentrations and partitioning behavior of three indicator organisms (fecal coliform, E. coli, and enterococci) at several locations in the transport chain and also explored the impacts of partitioning on wet pond removal efficiency. Results suggest that microbial-particle association is primarily initiated at upland sources and the degree of microbial partitioning does not vary greatly throughout the transport chain; therefore, treatment ponds will likely be most effective if located near upland contaminant sources. The overall reduction in microbial concentration brought about by the ponds was less than that assumed by most regulatory agencies, but the ponds did show some evidence of preferentially removing particle-associated fecal coliform and E. coli, suggesting that sedimentation is a key removal process. These findings should provide insights useful in the design and implementation of storm-water management strategies.  相似文献   

Zero-valent iron particles are an effective remediation technology for ground water contaminated with halogenated organic compounds. In particular, nanoscale zero-valent iron is a promising material for remediation because of its high specific surface area, which results in faster rate constants and more effective use of the iron. An aspect of iron nanoparticle reactivity that has not been explored is the impact of anions present during iron metal nanoparticle synthesis. Solutions containing chloride, phosphate, sulfate, and nitrate anions and ferric ions were used to generate iron oxide nanoparticles. The resulting materials were dialyzed to remove dissolved by-products and then dried and reduced by hydrogen gas at high temperature. The reactivity of the resulting zero-valent iron nanoparticles was quantified by monitoring the kinetics as well as products of carbon tetrachloride reduction, and significant differences in reactivity and chloroform yield were observed. The reactivity of nanoparticles prepared in the presence of sulfate and phosphate demonstrated the highest reactivity and chloroform yield. Furthermore, substantial variations in the solid-state products of oxidation (magnetite, iron sulfide, goethite, etc.) were also observed.  相似文献   

In the present note, the susceptibility to necking of a subsurface barrier installed by the vibrating beam method in fine-grained soils is investigated by physical model tests. Two soils are investigated, a clayey soil and a silty soil. The model soil is prepared by moist tamping. The recipe of slurry in the model tests is widely used in the foundation engineering industry. The dynamic loading exerted by the vibration of the adjacent panel is simulated by a shake table. The test results show that soil plasticity and water content are the major influence factors on the susceptibility to necking. The plasticity index can be used as an indicator for the susceptibility to necking of subsurface barrier installed by the vibrating beam method in fine-grained soils. Other influence factors on necking are also investigated and their implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of alkaline hydrolysis as an alternative ex situ technology for remediating groundwater contaminated with hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX). Treatment in both batch reactor and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) was investigated. RDX reactivity was strongly dependent on the reaction pH investigated (11–13). The batch system achieved pseudo-first-order RDX reaction rates in the range of (0.8–27.7)×10?3?min?1, corresponding to half-life periods of 17.9?to?0.5?h, respectively. In the CSTR system operated at the initial RDX concentration of 4.5×10?3?mM, 99% RDX removal was achieved with the hydraulic retention time of 2?days and the reaction pH of 11.9. Formate and nitrite were produced as the major hydrolysates in the CSTR system, indicating a simultaneous reaction mechanism involving RDX ring cleavage and elimination of the ring nitrogen. The net OH? demand used only for RDX removal in the CSTR was found to be 1.5, 390, and 130?M OH?/M RDXremoved at pH values of 11.9, 11.5, and 11.0, respectively. A conceptual cost analysis indicated that the expense of alkaline treatment may be comparable to the expense of granular activated carbon treatment for long treatment periods (30?years or more), due to the potentially lower annual operational cost of alkali treatment.  相似文献   

The remediation measures taken for an abandoned gypsum mine in the Italian Alps are presented. The mine consists of four levels, excavated by the room-and-pillar method in an evaporitic formation. The two lower levels were flooded by water coming from adjacent strata after mining ended about 30 years ago. The dissolution process affecting the submerged pillars can jeopardize the long term stability of the entire mine. An overview of the problem is given, and experimental results of dissolution tests are shown. An analytical model developed to simulate the laboratory data is applied to determine the time to failure of the mine. It is demonstrated that the expected collapse time is relatively short. Remedial measures consisting of chamber filling with an appropriate mixture of cement, water, and silty clay are proposed. A theoretical analysis of their effects in delaying time to failure and minimizing its consequences is presented. The analysis allowed the optimal mechanical characteristics of the filling mixture to be determined. The results of a full-scale field test to check the validity of the remedial action are highlighted.  相似文献   

Alternative methods to describe water quality using an aggregate index consisting of subindices for individual water quality variables are examined. Most aggregation methods suffer from three shortcomings: Ambiguity, eclipsing, and rigidity. Ambiguity problems exist when all the subindices indicate acceptable water quality for a given use, but the aggregated index does not. Eclipsing problems exist when the aggregated index fails to reflect poor water quality of one or more water quality variables. Rigidity problems exist when additional variables are included in the index to address specific water quality concerns, but the faulty aggregation function might artificially reduce the value of the water quality index such that it does not accurately reflect the true water quality. As the number of water quality variables increases, the magnitude of the aggregated index decreases raising the issue of ambiguity again. The writers developed a mathematical formulation for aggregate indices that avoids the problems of ambiguity, eclipsing, and rigidity with respect to the number of water quality variables required to be aggregated in a given index.  相似文献   

A model to calculate the quantity and quality of river flows by simulating hydro-chemical processes in soil and the spatial/temporal distribution of irrigation return flows is introduced. By simulating the hydro-chemical processes, the quantity and quality of the deep percolating water can be predicted. The spatial and temporal distribution of the deep percolating water is simulated by constructing a groundwater flow path and calculating the groundwater travel time using response functions. A probabilistic approach was developed to calculate the groundwater travel time taking into account the fact that some irrigated fields have subsurface drainage which shortens travel times. All related hydrological components are integrated into the computation of river flow quantity and quality including groundwater return flow, irrigation tail water, tributary inflow, river diversion, phreatophyte consumption, river channel losses, and river depletion due to pumping. An illustrative example is included to demonstrate the capabilities of the model. The results of this example show that river salinity is lower during the irrigation season and higher during the off season. Due to salts carried by return flows, downstream reaches have higher salinity levels than upstream reaches.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis is used to determine how a system state or a model output changes due to a change in the value of a system parameter or a model input. We present the adjoint approach for determining the sensitivity of the concentration of a contaminant in a water distribution system to a change in a system parameter such as the location of the source of contamination, the reaction rate of the contaminant, and others. With the adjoint method, the sensitivity of the model output to any number of parameters can be obtained with one simulation of the adjoint model. If the number of parameters of interest exceeds the number of model outputs for which the sensitivity is desired, the adjoint method is more efficient than traditional direct methods of calculating sensitivities. We develop the adjoint equations for water quality in a water distribution system, verify the adjoint-based sensitivity equation using an analytical example, and demonstrate the numerical calculation of adjoint sensitivities using EPANET.  相似文献   

The current practice for monitoring of subsurface plumes involves the collection of water samples from sparsely distributed monitoring wells and laboratory analysis to determine chemical concentrations. In most field situations, cost and time constraints limit the number of samples that could be collected and analyzed for continuous monitoring of large, transient plumes. With the development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), that allow sensors to be incorporated into a distributed wireless communication and processing system, the potential exists to develop new, efficient, economical, large-scale subsurface data collection and monitoring methods. This paper presents a proof-of-concept study conducted in a two-dimensional synthetic aquifer constructed in an intermediate scale test tank to demonstrate the feasibility of using WSN for subsurface plume monitoring. The tank was packed to represent a heterogeneous aquifer, and a sodium bromide tracer was used to create a plume. A set of ten wireless sensor nodes (motes) equipped with conductivity probes to measure electrical conductivity formed the network. Software for automated data acquisition was developed and tested. Results of two experiments conducted using this test system are presented. The lessons learned from the first experiment were used to make modifications to the way the sensors were placed, how they were calibrated and how the sensors were interfaced with the data acquisition system. The findings are used to identify future research directions and issues that need to be addressed before field implementations of a WSN based data collection system for plume monitoring.  相似文献   

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