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In response to water quality and quantity issues within the Stroubles Creek watershed in Blacksburg, Virginia, a retrofit bioretention cell (BRC) was installed to collect and treat runoff from an existing parking lot. The BRC was completed in July 2007, and 28 precipitation events were monitored between October 2007 and June 2008. For each storm, inflow and outflow flow-weighted composite samples were collected and analyzed for suspended sediment, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. The inflow and outflow concentrations and loads, as well as total inflow and outflow volumes and peak flow rates, were analyzed to evaluate BRC efficiency. Overall, the BRC successfully reduced flow volumes and peak flow rates leaving the parking lot by 97 and 99%, respectively. Cumulative mass reductions for sediment, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus all exceeded 99% by mass. The findings of this study have significant implications for areas with karst geology: (1)?current design recommendations of lining the bottom of BRCs with clay may not be sufficient to prevent large amounts of water from infiltrating into surrounding soils; and (2)?in areas with significant elevation changes, designing BRCs deeper than the typical 0.6–1.2?m increases the feasibility of retrofits and provides substantial water quality and quantity benefits.  相似文献   

Bioretention has significant potential for reduction of bacterial levels in urban storm-water discharge. The long-term performance of bacteria removal was evaluated using column studies over an 18-month period, during which synthetic urban storm-water runoff was loaded into conventional bioretention media (CBM) columns once every two weeks. CBM initially achieved a mean of 72% removal efficiency for Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain B6914. The removal efficiency improved over time, achieving 97% or higher efficiency after six months. The trapped B6914 cells died off rapidly between runoff application events. Mechanistic studies indicated that decreased porosity and increased hydrodynamic dispersion observed in mature CBM are favorable for improvement of physical straining of cells and for bacterial adhesion. The temporal change in surface charge on CBM may not be a key factor in the improved bacterial removal. Indigenous protozoa in the CBM grew logistically, and may play an important role in enhancement of bacterial capture and rapid decline in numbers of trapped bacteria via predation. Overall, the long-term bacterial removal process in CBM can be efficient and sustainable.  相似文献   

Bioretention Technology: Overview of Current Practice and Future Needs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bioretention, or variations such as bioinfiltration and rain gardens, has become one of the most frequently used storm-water management tools in urbanized watersheds. Incorporating both filtration and infiltration, initial research into bioretention has shown that these facilities substantially reduce runoff volumes and peak flows. Low impact development, which has a goal of modifying postdevelopment hydrology to more closely mimic that of predevelopment, is a driver for the use of bioretention in many parts of the country. Research over the past decade has shown that bioretention effluent loads are low for suspended solids, nutrients, hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. Pollutant removal mechanisms include filtration, adsorption, and possibly biological treatment. Limited research suggests that bioretention can effectively manage other pollutants, such as pathogenic bacteria and thermal pollution, as well. Reductions in pollutant load result from the combination of concentration reduction and runoff volume attenuation, linking water quality and hydrologic performance. Nonetheless, many design questions persist for this practice, such as maximum pooling bowl depth, minimum fill media depth, fill media composition and configuration, underdrain configuration, pretreatment options, and vegetation selection. Moreover, the exact nature and impact of bioretention maintenance is still evolving, which will dictate long-term performance and life-cycle costs. Bioretention usage will grow as design guidance matures as a result of continued research and application.  相似文献   

Low impact development (LID) strategies are being encouraged in many communities as an approach to reduce potential adverse impacts of development on receiving streams. Many questions exist regarding how well various LID strategies perform in different settings, just as similar questions have been raised regarding performance of traditional stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Whereas historical focus on BMP performance has been water quality concentrations or loads, characterization of volume reduction benefits for both conventional and LID practices is increasingly an objective of researchers and stormwater managers. More than a decade ago, Urban Water Resources Research Council (UWRRC) members worked to develop a set of standardized monitoring and reporting protocols for traditional BMPs and to establish a master database for the purpose of evaluating BMP performance and the factors affecting performance. This effort culminated in the International Stormwater BMP Database (www.bmpdatabase.org), which contains data for more than 360 BMPs and continues to operate as a clearinghouse for stormwater BMP data and performance analyses. During 2008–2009, the International Stormwater BMP Database project expanded to better integrate LID into the database and develop a set of metrics that can be used to characterize BMP performance with regard to surface runoff volume reduction. This paper provides a condensed overview and progress report on the LID-focused effort, including the following topics: (1)?monitoring guidance for LID at the overall site development level, (2)?an overview of recent changes to the International Stormwater BMP Database to better accommodate LID studies, (3)?a summary of LID studies currently included in the database, and (4)?a proposed approach for evaluating performance of LID studies with regard to reducing surface runoff volumes.  相似文献   

Increases in stream temperatures by heated storm-water runoff from impervious surfaces are a serious environmental problem. An underground detention with slow-release facility is a versatile storm-water best management practice (BMP) for buffering high flows. Temperature reductions in underground storm-water storage BMPs, however, have not been quantified. A field study on an underground detention BMP located in Maryland was undertaken to characterize its effect on storm-water runoff temperatures. In colder months, when the runoff temperature ranged from 5 to 15°C, small or no temperature change was observed. Runoff produced during summer storm events, however, with event mean temperatures over 20°C, exhibited mean temperature reductions of 1.6°C through the BMP. While statistically significant, the reductions were not sufficient to cool the summer runoff discharges below the Maryland Class III temperature standard (20°C) 100% of the time. The results indicate that underground facilities can moderate high runoff temperatures, but that more efficient designs are needed for heat transfer.  相似文献   

The water quality performance of best management practices (BMPs) has been frequently assessed by the removal efficiency metric. Recent findings show that the removal efficiency metric is flawed because it does not account for background water quality, eco-region differentiation, and background, or “irreducible,” concentrations. Additionally, the removal efficiency metric inherently assumes a definite association exists between influent and effluent pollutant concentrations. Such a relationship between influent and effluent concentrations has been minimally studied for bioretention, the most common storm-water control measure associated with low-impact development (LID). This study analyzes influent and effluent total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) concentrations from 11 bioretention cells in the mid-Atlantic United States. Pooled data showed only a slight association between influent and effluent TN. Essentially no relationship exists between influent and effluent TP concentration. Both findings indicate that the percent-removal metric is a faulty means of evaluating bioretention performance. Twelve general linear models (GLMs) were created where influent TN and TP were the predictors of respective effluent TN and TP concentrations. Only one GLM was considered to be “good,” defined as 67–90% of the variation in effluent concentrations being explained by respective influent concentrations (R2 = 0.72). In addition, there were two “fair” models, five “poor” models, and four “very poor” models. No “very good” models were found for TN or TP. Furthermore, as influent nutrient concentration in runoff increases, the removal efficiency increases for TN and TP. “Dirtier” influent TP concentrations were effectively reduced; conversely, “cleaner” TP influent concentrations increased, both tending toward a (possibly media-controlled) baseline effluent concentration (0.10 to 0.18??mg/l). TN effluent data also may have been tending toward a common concentration; however, the value was not as discernible.  相似文献   

Process Modeling of Storm-Water Flow in a Bioretention Cell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional variable saturated flow model was developed to simulate subsurface flow in bioretention facilities employing the Richards’ equation. Variable hydrologic performances of bioretention are evaluated using the underdrain outflow hydrographs, outflow volumes for 10 storms with various duration and depth, and flow duration curves for 25 different storms. The effects of some important design parameters and elements are tested, including media type, surrounding soils, initial water content, ratio of drainage area to bioretention surface area, and ratio of cell length to width. Model results indicate that the outflow volume via underdrain is less than the inflow; the flow peak is significantly reduced and delayed. Underdrain outflow volume from loamy sand media (with larger Ks) is larger than that from sandy clay loam media. The saturated hydraulic conductivity, storage capacity, and exfiltration into surrounding soils contribute to the hydrologic performance of a bioretention cell. Initial media storage capacity is affected by the hydraulic properties of media soils, initial water content, and bioretention surface area. The exfiltration volume is determined by the surrounding soil type and exfiltration area, dominated by flow through the bottom of the media.  相似文献   

In practice, the challenge of storm-water low-impact-development (LID) design is often related to how to quantify the effectiveness of a LID layout. In this study, the watershed imperviousness was chosen as a basis to evaluate the performances of various LID designs. Often, LID designs apply cascading planes to drain the runoff flow from the upstream impervious area to the downstream pervious area. In this study, the conventional area-weighting method is revised with a pavement-area-reduction factor (PARF) to produce the effective imperviousness. PARF is employed as an incentive index to quantify the on-site runoff volume reduction and cost savings from downsized sewers. Two sets of PARF are derived: conveyance-based and storage-based LID designs. The conveyance-based LID approach is to drain runoff flows on various porous surfaces while the storage-based LID approach is to temporarily store runoff flows in an on-site basin. For a specified LID layout, the PARF provides a consistent basis to translate the infiltration and storage effects into the reduction on the area-weighted imperviousness. The nondimensional governing equation derived in this paper indicates that the PARF depends on the ratio of the soil infiltration rate to rainfall intensity, the ratio of receiving pervious area to upstream impervious area, and the on-site storm-water storage capacity. The PARF serves as a basis for the engineers, planners, and/or developers to select a LID design and also for regulatory agencies to assess meritorious credits for cost savings.  相似文献   

As an increasingly adopted storm-water best management practice (BMP) to remedy hydrology and water quality impairment from urban development, bioretention facilities need rigorous investigation to quantify performance benefits and to allow design improvements. This study examines water quality improvements [total arsenic, total cadmium, chloride, total chromium, total and dissolved copper, E. coli, fecal coliform, lead, mercury, nitrogen species, oil and grease, phosphorus, total organic carbon (TOC), total suspended solids, and total zinc] via monitoring for a 15-month period at two bioretention cells in Maryland. Both bioretention cells effectively removed suspended solids, lead, and zinc from runoff through concentration reduction. Runoff volume reduction promotes pollutant mass removal and links BMP water quality benefits with hydrologic performance. From a load perspective (kg/ha?year), all but TOC at one cell showed pollutant reduction. Bioretention effluents exhibited good water quality for all significant pollutants except for nitrate, copper, and phosphorus in one cell, the latter two of which may be attributed to media organic matter dissolution. Copper dissolved/particulate analyses showed that significant changes in copper speciation behavior result from transport through the bioretention media.  相似文献   

Fill media and excavation volume are the main costs in constructing bioretention cells, but the importance and impact of media depth in these systems is relatively unknown. Two sets of loamy-sand-filled bioretention cells of two media depths (0.6?m and 0.9?m), located in Nashville, North Carolina, were monitored from March 2008 to March 2009 to examine the impact of media depth on their performance with respect to hydrology and water quality. Construction and design errors resulted in the surface storage volume being undersized for the design event (2.5?cm). The actual surface storage volume was only 28% and 35% of the design volume for the 0.6-m and 0.9-m media depth cells, respectively. Overflow (bypass) occurred at least three times more frequently than intended. The exfiltration volume was much higher in the deeper media cells, presumably because of greater storage volume in the media and more exposure to side walls. Evapotranspiration (ET) plus exfiltration accounted for 42% of the inflow runoff in the 0.9-m media cells, while ET and exfiltration accounted for only 31% of the inflow runoff in the 0.6-m media cells. With the increase in exfiltration, the deeper media depth met a previously defined low-impact development (LID) hydrology goal of volume reduction more frequently than the shallower media system (44% of events compared to 21%). Larger outflow reduction consequently increased the reduction in pollutant loads. Estimated annual pollutant load reduction for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids were 21, 10, and 71% for the 0.6-m media cells and 19, 44, and 82% for the 0.9-m media cells, respectively. Overall, nitrogen reduction was poor owing to suspected export of nitrate from the fertilizer use, and phosphorus removal was hampered because of irreducible concentrations in the inflow. Pollutant reduction was limited because the cells were undersized as a result of construction and design errors.  相似文献   

Although street sweeping is commonly regarded as a cost-effective storm-water best management practice, there is little quantitative evidence that street sweeping directly improves runoff water quality. In this paper, several previous street sweeping studies were reevaluated using statistical power analysis. Two-group, independent-sample one-sided t-test power analyses were performed using log-transformed event mean concentrations (EMCs) of total suspended solids, suspended sediment concentration or chemical oxygen demand. The effect size between the two groups was estimated using the sweepers’ pickup efficiency, which showed that the failure to detect the difference between mean EMCs of the two sample groups (i.e., unswept and swept groups) is likely due to limited sample numbers. Too few samples, which also resulted in a high coefficient of variation, were analyzed to detect the likely difference between swept and unswept observations. In addition, the temporal gap between street sweeping and subsequent storm events was not controlled to improve statistical power.  相似文献   

Settling velocity is an important constitutive parameter of particulate matter (PM) transported by runoff. Settling velocity is either explicitly or implicitly utilized when designing or modeling unit operations, and in situ or watershed controls for urban rainfall-runoff. Utilizing two common settling devices, a settling column and an Imhoff cone, settling velocities of discrete noncolloidal particles in source area urban rainfall-runoff were measured. A comparison of settling models applicable to discrete (Type I) PM settling was developed. Models were compared to measured results across the noncohesive silt- and sand-size PM gradation from 2 to 2,000?μm, utilizing measured particle-size distributions (PSDs) and specific gravity. Results indicate that Newton’s Law can reproduce measured settling velocity when measured inputs of PM diameter, specific gravity, and temperature are utilized. Alternative models to Newton’s Law (in the Stokesian regime) did not improve agreement with measured settling velocities determined using PSDs from laser diffraction. Settling velocity distributions using Newton’s Law were applied for two limiting classes of storm events loading a screened hydrodynamic separator (HS) at an urban watershed. Results indicate that for a low flow and high flow event, Newton’s Law and a simple ideal overflow model of the HS could reproduce PM separation and the PSD of eluted PM (2 to ~ 250?μm) within 17% of measured results on a gravimetric basis.  相似文献   

Storm-water management strategies increasingly focus on the implementation of infiltration-based best management practices (BMPs) such as swales, bioretention basins, and rain gardens. The surface vegetation and underlying soil in these BMPs remove a variety of pollutants including heavy metals and nutrients from urban storm-water runoff. The successful attenuation of these storm-water stressors is largely influenced by the physical and chemical properties of the soils used in these systems. Controlled-condition research is being conducted using pilot-scale swales and rain gardens at U.S. EPA’s Urban Watershed Research Facility in Edison, N.J. to evaluate their performance and collect data that would help in understanding the engineering design. The first phase of this research was to evaluate and select the most appropriate soil media for use in infiltration-based BMPs for the efficient removal of heavy metals and nutrients. The objective of this laboratory incubation study was to determine how the acidic pH of an engineered infield soil media could be improved to the target pH range (5.5–7.0) suitable for heavy metals adsorption using dolomitic limestone amendments (CaCO3.MgCO3). Lime additions to the acidic infield mix resulted in neutral or slightly basic soil conditions after only 48?h of incubation. The soil response to various lime additions appeared to stabilize after more than 100?h of incubation. These results could potentially be applied to bioretention facilities to improve the sorption characteristics of the soil media.  相似文献   

Bioretention is a stormwater treatment practice that has gained popularity due to its aesthetics, potential to reduce flooding, and early documented improvements to stormwater quality. A bioretention cell in an urban setting was examined in Charlotte, N.C. from 2004 to 2006. Flow-weighted, composite water quality samples were collected for 23 events and analyzed for TKN, NH4-N, NO2-3-N, TP, TSS, BOD-5, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Pb. Grab samples were collected from 19 storms for fecal coliform and 14 events for Escherichia coli (E. coli). There were significant reductions (p<0.05) in the concentrations of TN, TKN, NH4-N, BOD-5, fecal coliform, E. Coli, TSS, Cu, Zn, and Pb. Iron concentrations significantly increased (p<0.05). NO2-3-N concentrations were essentially unchanged. Efficiency ratios for TN, TKN, NH4-N, TP, and TSS were 0.32, 0.44, 0.73, 0.31, and 0.60, respectively. Fecal coliform and E. coli efficiency ratios were 0.69 and 0.71, respectively. Efficiency ratios for Zn, Cu, and Pb were 0.77, 0.54, and 0.31, respectively. Concentrations of Fe increased by 330%. The peak outflow of the bioretention cell for 16 storms with less than 42?mm of rainfall was at least 96.5% less than the peak inflow, with a mean peak flow reduction being 99%. These results indicated that in an urban environment, bioretention systems can reduce concentrations of most target pollutants, including pathogenic bacteria indicator species. Additionally, bioretention can effectively reduce peak runoff from small to midsize storm events.  相似文献   

Vegetated storage-infiltration best management practices (BMPs) have become an increasingly popular means of attenuating and treating runoff from developed land. However, the hydrologic and pollutant removal performances of these facilities can be highly variable. A mathematical model of an idealized BMP was developed in order to quantify the impact of variable hydrologic and pollutant concentration input on BMP performance by simulating the treatment performance of the model system during 1,250 non-steady-state storm events generated based on historic Maryland rainfall data. The model BMP was effective in attenuating volume (42% total volume reduction) and peak flow (median peak output to peak input flow ratio was 0.058). The simulated mean effluent pollutant event mean concentration was much less than the influent (0.284 compared with 1.51 mg/L) and the overall mass load reduction was 92%. However, the performance parameters demonstrated significant variability. Consequently, the results suggest a need to incorporate into BMP performance guidelines the impact of the variable influent hydrologic and pollutant concentration characteristics. Emphasis should be placed on discharge water quality and statistical distributions rather than on single-percent removal values.  相似文献   

This paper explores the performance and relative pollutant removal of several common best management practices (BMPs) using data contained in the International Stormwater BMP Database. These BMPs include retention (wet) ponds, extended detention basins, vegetated swales, and sand filters. Although the database contains numerous studies with varying amounts of detail, this comparison is based on the performance of only those sites with reported basic design characteristics and water quality data (event mean concentrations) so that constituent concentrations can be accurately determined and related to the design of the individual BMP. The use of selected BMPs has a number of advantages. Some of the variability in performance observed for facilities of a specific type can be explained by differences in design and/or watershed characteristics; consequently, the expected performance for a given set of conditions can be predicted more accurately. In addition, the differences in performance among BMP types for a given set of conditions can also be established with a higher degree of certainty. The principle measure for comparing the performance between the selected BMPs is their discharge quality, which was found to be a function of the influent concentrations for many constituents. A comparison of the discharge quality as a function of the concentration in untreated runoff demonstrates substantial differences in performance among these BMPs for many constituents.  相似文献   

This research presents an initial study of the impacts of storm-water infiltration on a shallow unconfined aquifer at a bioinfiltration best management practice (BMP) on the campus of Villanova University. The study site is a vegetated infiltration basin with a 0.52?ha drainage area consisting of parking areas and recreational fields and features approximately 35% directly connected impervious area. The research utilized continuous monitoring of precipitation, groundwater elevation, and groundwater temperature in conjunction with surface water hydrologic modeling to assess the duration, magnitude, and extent of groundwater mounding at a storm-water infiltration BMP. Results indicate that precipitation greater than 1.80?cm causes increased mounding at wells adjacent to the site. In addition, it was found that precipitation less than approximately 1.80?cm leads to larger increases in groundwater elevation at an upgradient control well located near the edge of a large grass field. The extent of groundwater mounding is observed to be localized to the BMP and does not extend a significant distance downgradient. In addition, the magnitude and duration of groundwater mounding is related to both infiltration rate and groundwater temperature, such that cooler temperatures correlate to increased mounding. This study demonstrates the utility of groundwater monitoring for the purpose of BMP hydraulic performance assessment, and recommends that additional research be conducted in the future and that groundwater monitoring be considered for site monitoring plans.  相似文献   

Water quality degradation due to pathogen pollution is a major concern in the United States. Storm-water runoff is an important contributor to the transport of indicator bacteria from urbanized watersheds to nearby surface waters. With total maximum daily loads being established to reduce the export of indicator bacteria to surface waters, storm-water best management practices (BMPs) may be an important tool in treating indicator bacteria in runoff. However, the ability of these systems to remove indicator bacteria is not well established. A study in Charlotte, N.C., monitored nine storm-water BMPs (one wet pond, two storm-water wetlands, two dry detention basins, one bioretention area, and three proprietary devices) for fecal coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli). A wet pond, two wetlands, a bioretention area, and a proprietary device all removed fecal coliform with an efficiency higher than 50%; however, only the wetlands and bioretention area had significantly different influent and effluent concentrations (p<0.05). For E. coli, only one of the wetlands and the bioretention area provided a concentration reduction greater than 50%, both of which had a significant difference in influent and effluent concentrations (p<0.05). Only one of the nine BMPs had a geometric mean effluent concentration of fecal coliform lower than the U.S. EPA target value, while four of the nine BMPs had geometric mean effluent concentrations lower than the U.S. EPA standard for E. coli. This study showed that some BMPs may be useful for treatment of indicator bacteria; however, other BMPs did not perform well. Because wet, nutrient-rich environments exist in many storm-water BMPs, there is a potential for indicator bacteria to persist in these systems.  相似文献   

The pollutant removal efficiency of a bioretention area and a level spreader-grass filter strip implemented at North Carolina highway facilities was assessed. The assessment consisted of monitoring inflow, outflow, and on-site rainfall for at least 13 storm events. Monitoring included continuous discharge measurement and collecting and analyzing flow-proportional samples for each event. All samples were analyzed for solids, turbidity, and nitrogen and phosphorus forms and selected samples were analyzed for metals. The level spreader-grass filter strip had the best overall efficiency with load reduction efficiencies in all pollutants ranging from 24 to 83% and the highest reduction for total suspended solids (TSS). Much of the efficiency of this best management practice can be attributed to the 49% reduction in runoff volume from inflow to outflow. Pollutant reduction efficiencies for the bioretention area ranged from ?254 to 76% with the highest reduction for TSS. The lowest or large negative efficiency was for nitrate+nitrite nitrogen (NO2+3–N). The increase in NO2+3–N likely resulted from a combination of nitrogen additions within the cell and conversion of other forms of nitrogen to NO2+3–N. Statistical analyses suggested that all of the mass reductions for the grass filter strip and many of those for the bioretention area were significant.  相似文献   

Volumetric clarification is a common storm-water unit operation for hydrologic attenuation that couples particulate matter (PM) separation. Recent volumetric clarification can also include integrated filtration. This study examines the unsteady hydraulic and head loss response of a volumetric clarifying filter (VCF) system to urban source area hydrologic loadings in Baton Rouge, La for 19 fully captured events. The rainfall-runoff response of the 1,088?m2 paved watershed is examined as a direct VCF loading. Watershed responses yielded two classes of behavior; high volume events with an equilibrium volumetric runoff coefficient from 0.6–0.8 while low volume events were 0.4–0.6. Runoff PM as suspended sediment concentration (SSC) yielded coarse heterodisperse influent particle-size distributions (PSDs); transformed to finer and more monodisperse PSDs after treatment. While event-mean head loss is less than 25 mm, instantaneous values up to 200 mm were dependent on instantaneous flow to the filters. Without backwashing, filter ripening head loss is small due to the coarse uniform filter media and radial filter configuration, with a loss of 2% porosity across the series of 19 events. Despite filter ripening an Ergun model was capable of predicting head loss across the entire flow rate range. Head loss and flow frequency distributions were exponential. Results indicate that a volumetric clarifier, filter geometry, and engineered media combination are capable of reducing effluent SSC to <30?mg/L through serial mechanisms of sedimentation followed by filtration.  相似文献   

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