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PURPOSE: This study compared vascularized and nonvascularized bone grafts for the reconstruction of segmental defects of the mandible. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The results in 39 patients having vascularized bone grafts (38 fibulas and one iliac crest) and 29 patients having nonvascularized bone grafts (26 iliac crest [22 corticocancellous block grafts, four cancellous bone grafts in a tray] and three rib grafts) for segmental mandibular reconstruction were evaluated in terms of overall success rate, total number of surgeries performed, total blood loss, total number of hospital days, and total number of hours in the operating room. RESULTS: Of 39 vascularized bone grafts, two failed (95% success rate), whereas of 29 nonvascularized bone grafts, seven failed (76% success rate). Failure for the nonvascularized bone grafts was closely correlated to the length of the defect. Nonvascularized bone graft patients underwent an average of one more surgical procedure for total reconstruction than vascularized bone graft patients, including osseointegrated implants. However, vascularized bone graft patients spent a mean of over 14 additional days in the hospital for all of their reconstructive procedures and an additional 3 hours in the operating room as compared with nonvascularized bone graft patients. Blood loss was similar in both groups (1,100 mL). Only 20% to 24% of patients in each treatment group have completed reconstruction to include osseointegrated implants. CONCLUSIONS: The success rate for vascularized bone grafting is high and is the treatment of choice when primary reconstruction is required, when the patient has been previously irradiated, or when simultaneous replacement of soft tissue is required. Vascularized bone grafts are also the treatment of choice for mandibular replacements over 9 cm in length. Nonvascularized bone grafts create a better contour and bone volume for facial esthetics and subsequent implant insertion, and may be the treatment of choice for secondary reconstruction of defects less than 9 cm in length.  相似文献   

While many factors are conceivable, occlusal loading and plaque-induced inflammation are frequently stated as the most important ones negatively affecting the prognosis of oral implants. Currently, little is known about the relative importance of such factors. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of smoking and other possibly relevant factors on bone loss around mandibular implants. The participants were 45 edentulous patients, 21 smokers and 24 non-smokers, who were followed for 10-year period after treatment with a fixed implant-supported prosthesis in the mandible. The peri-implant bone level was measured on intraoral radiographs, information about smoking habits was based on a careful interview, and oral hygiene was evaluated from clinical registration of plaque accumulation. Besides standard statistical methods, multiple linear regression models were constructed for estimation of the relative influence of some factors on peri-implant bone loss. The long-term results of the implant treatment were good, and only three implants (1%) were lost. The mean marginal bone loss around the mandibular implants was very small, about 1 mm for the entire 10-year period. It was greater in smokers than in non-smokers and correlated to the amount of cigarette consumption. Smokers with poor oral hygiene showed greater marginal bone loss around the mandibular implants than those with good oral hygiene. Oral hygiene did not significantly affect bone loss in non-smokers. Multivariate analyses showed that smoking was the most important factor among those analyzed for association with peri-implant bone loss. The separate models for smokers and non-smokers revealed that oral hygiene had a greater impact on peri-implant bone loss among smokers than among non-smokers. This study showed that smoking was the most important factor affecting the rate of peri-implant bone loss, and that oral hygiene also had an influence, especially in smokers, while other factors, e.g., those associated with occlusal loading, were of minor importance. These results indicate that smoking habits should be included in analyses of implant survival and peri-implant bone loss.  相似文献   

We achieved functional alveolar ridge reconstruction after hemimaxillectomy using a prefabricated iliac crest flap. The iliac crest was vascularized secondarily by a long rectus abdominis muscle flap with its inferior epigastric vessels intact to obtain an ideal anatomic location between the maxillary defect and microvascular anastomosis site. The iliac crest was tightly resurfaced with a split-thickness skin graft as well. After a bony surgical delay, the prefabricated iliac crest flap was microsurgically transferred to the face. Three osseointegrated implants were placed in the prefabricated iliac crest, and a dental prosthesis was worn with immobilization and stability. Our procedure enabled recovery of a satisfactory facial appearance and excellent masticatory function.  相似文献   

Deficiency of the sixth component of human complement (C6) has been reported in a number of families from the western Cape, South Africa. Meningococcal disease is endemic in the Cape and almost all pedigrees of total C6 deficiency (C6Q0) have been ascertained because of recurrent disease. We have sequenced the expressed exons of the C6 gene from selected cases and have found three molecular defects leading to total deficiency: 879delG, which is the common defect in the Cape and hitherto unreported, and 1195delC and 1936delG, which have been previously reported in African-Americans. We also show that the 879delG and 1195delC defects are associated with characteristic C6/C7 region DNA marker haplotypes, although small variations were observed. The 1936delG defect was observed only once in the Cape, but its associated haplotype could be deduced. The data from the haplotypes indicate that these three molecular defects account for the defects in all the 38 unrelated C6Q0 individuals we have studied from the Cape. We have also observed the 879delG defect in two Dutch C6-deficient kindreds, but the 879delG defect in the Cape probably did not come from The Netherlands.  相似文献   

SD Makridis 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,18(5):457-60, 462, 464; quiz 466
Guided bone regeneration and bone grafting have been used to reconstruct defective alveolar ridges in preparation for implant placement. This phase of implant treatment is critical to a successful overall result. Remarkable advances that have occurred in techniques and materials enable us to place and restore implants in cases where previously it was not feasible. Three case reports are presented to illustrate successful management of different alveolar defects.  相似文献   

With the current sophisticated, multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of cleft palate, it is anticipated that most patients with this deformity will enjoy good dental health and function. However, due to the number of older adults who were not treated with primary bone grafting and orthodontic therapy, there remains a significant number of potential candidates who may benefit from dental implants and implant-supported prostheses. Although it was not necessary in this case, a pharyngeal extension may be added to the maxillary denture to further improve speech and deglutition. This case report presents a three-year follow-up of a complex reconstruction of a highly compromised, edentulous patient. Stable fixation of the maxillary prosthesis results in a complete return to function in an individual for whom traditional dental prosthetics had resulted in ten years of failure and frustration. Combining the disciplines of reconstructive surgery and implant prosthetics enables the clinician to achieve a predictable result (Figures 12 and 13). While this case represents an extreme example, there are millions of patients for whom implant dentistry can provide life-changing benefits.  相似文献   

Genomic DNAs of metallothionein I and II in Caenorhabditis elegans (CeMT-I and CeMT-II) were isolated by YAC library/polytene filter hybridization followed by subcloning of corresponding cosmid clones. Both genes are mapped at chromosome V. Although the similarities of 5'-flanking regions and coding regions have shown only 55-58%, the introns are split at the same position in both genes, indicating that these two genes are originally from the same gene. While several metal responsive elements are conserved among eukaryotes, only one metal responsive element was found in the promoter region in CeMT-II and not in CeMT-I. Indeed, neither of 5'-flanking regions of CeMT-I nor CeMT-II connected to chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene is responsive to heavy metals in mammalian culture cells by transient transfection analysis. These results would suggest that the metal regulatory factors in C. elegans might be different from those conserved in invertebrates and vertebrates, although the MTs in C. elegans revealed the similarities to mammalian MTs in several points.  相似文献   

Peri-implantitis, an inflammatory response around implants, has a poorly defined etiology and pathogenesis. To better understand the role of specific microorganisms in this disease process, clinical and microbiological parameters were examined in 24 patients with 98 osseointegrated implants. Sites were evaluated for probing depth (PD), plaque/calculus index (PI), gingival bleeding index (GBI), mobility, and crevicular fluid flow rate (CFFR). Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Prevotella intermedia in subgingival plaque were identified by latex agglutination assays. Clinically, a statistically significant correlation (P < 0.001) was observed between probing depth and the length of time an implant was present. Mobility was also significantly greater (P < 0.001) in the maxillary than in the mandibular implants. Subgingival sites harboring one of the three microorganisms had significantly greater PD, GBI, and CFFR than non-colonized sites. Implants in partially edentulous patients more frequently were colonized with P. gingivalis/P. intermedia than edentulous patients. The incidence of these microorganisms also correlated with fixture longevity. Implants present for 3 to 4 years had a significantly greater frequency of test microorganisms than implants present for 1 to 2 years. These findings suggest that microbial pathogens associated with periodontitis occur more commonly around implants exhibiting gingival inflammation (GBI) and may contribute to peri-implantitis.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of timing of an intravenous (i.v.) dose (intraoperative vs. postoperative) of ketorolac tromethamine on pain scores and overall outcome after total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) and myomectomy. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study. PATIENTS: 248 ASA physical status I and II adult female patients scheduled for elective hysterectomy or myomectomy. INTERVENTIONS: General anesthesia was administered that consisted of thiopental sodium for induction, enflurane or isoflurane in nitrous oxide-oxygen for maintenance, and small doses of fentanyl and midazolam. Patients were randomized into three groups to receive toradol/placebo on a dosing schedule of dose 1 given one-half hour prior to expected end of surgery, dose 2 given on awakening in the postanesthesia care unit, and doses 3, 4, and 5 given at 6, 12, and 18 hours, respectively, after dose 2; Group 1 patients received placebo (saline) for dose 1, ketorolac 60 mg i.v. for dose 2, and ketorolac 30 mg i.v. for doses 3, 4, and 5. Group 2 patients received ketorolac 60 mg i.v. for dose 1, placebo for dose 2, and ketorolac 30 mg i.v. for doses 3, 4, and 5. Group 3 patients received placebo for all doses. All patients were given i.v. morphine PCA postoperatively, and morphine usages, visual analog pain intensity (VAS) scores, as well as adverse events and median times to recovery milestones were recorded. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: VAS scores (mean) before dose 2 were significantly lower in Group 2 than Group 1, as were at-rest evaluations at 15 minutes and one hour. Group 2 patients also had decreased morphine requirements as compared to placebo. Both ketorolac groups (Groups 1 and 2) had significantly higher values for patient and observer overall ratings, case of nursing care, and tolerability as compared to placebo (Group 3). There were no significant differences among groups in adverse events or median times to recovery milestones. CONCLUSIONS: Although it is possible to demonstrate an improvement in early postoperative pain scores with intraoperative ketorolac and better overall ratings of ketorolac both intraoperatively and postoperatively as compared with placebo, the lack of clinically significant differences in analgesic efficacy in the two active study groups indicates the need for a careful consideration by the clinician of the risks versus benefits involved in the administration of antiplatelet medication in the perioperative period.  相似文献   

Implantation with one-stage repair of a tooth crown using helioprogram has been conducted in 42 patients with single frontal defects of the teeth. A 2.5-3-year follow-up enables the conclusion on this method's safety, good functional and cosmetic results. Thus, it is worth introduction into wide practice.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important regulatory role in airway function and seems to be implicated in the pathophysiology of several airway diseases. We studied the presence of NO synthase activity in human nasal mucosa and nasal polyp tissues obtained from patients undergoing septoplasty or polypectomy, respectively. NO synthase activity was quantified in tissue homogenates using citrulline release assay and was located in tissue sections using NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry. The results indicated that nasal polyps contain higher levels of total NO synthase activity than nasal mucosa tissue. In addition, nasal polyps contained mainly inducible NO synthase activity whereas all NO synthase activity detected in the nasal mucosa was in constitutive form. In both cases, NO synthase activity was localized in epithelial cells. In view of these results, we conclude that NO may be an important inflammatory mediator in the respiratory system and that the epithelium may be a source of NO production.  相似文献   

O Bahat 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,17(12):1161-8, 1170; quiz 1172
Success in using osseointegrated dental implants-optimal function, esthetics, and phonetics-requires selection of the treatment modality that is optimal for the patient, protection of tissue blood supply, and adherence to a plan based on a thorough analysis of all deviations from the normal anatomy. The options for correction of hard-tissue deficiencies are mechanical modification of the implants and reconstructive surgery. Mechanical approaches reduce the time needed for reconstruction but direct the occlusal forces in unnatural directions. Surgical reconstruction is preferable. Any bone graft must be precisely fitted to the recipient site to facilitate revascularization. Restoration of hard-tissue dimensions usually requires soft-tissue coverage and augmentation. There are two basic options: (1) flaps with or without inlay or onlay grafts and (2) controlled tissue expansion. An onlay graft can help restore soft-tissue height and width. Inlay grafts have greater vascularity than onlay grafts, and the color matching is better. Controlled tissue expansion creates "like" tissue without a secondary defect, and fewer tissue transfers are needed. However, the technique is difficult, and the patient must make multiple visits to the office. For implant placement to be successful, the patient's expectations must be understood, and the benefit-to-risk ratio should be extremely high.  相似文献   

An analysis method for volatile organic compounds in blood based on purge-and-trap extraction coupled with gas chromatography-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (GC-FTIR) was developed. The sample volume was 5 mL, and the internal standard was diethyl ketone. The chromatographic separation was carried out on a PoraPLOT Q capillary column, and the effluent was first directed to the FTIR and then to a flame ionization detector (FID). FTIR identification limits were measured for 27 volatile organic compounds; the criteria for the limit were that the first hit-list position should be obtained against the Sadtler library, which contains 3240 spectra, and that the correlation value should exceed 0.5. It was required that the peak be seen by FID but not necessarily by a Gram-Schmidt chromatogram. The FTIR identification limits, ranging from 0.01 mg/L for ethyl acetate, methylethyl ketone, and sevoflurane to 24 mg/L for methanol, generally allowed the detection of volatile-substance exposure at a lower level than is acutely toxic. Quantitative calibration data were presented for selected substances, based on the FID response, which shows that the method is also amenable to quantitative analysis. The throughput of the method without additional automation is five samples per day, the purge-and-trap stage being the limiting factor.  相似文献   

Free vascularized fibular grafts were employed in seven patients with large tibial defects following trauma or resection of tumour. All patients were followed for more than 5 years. Tibial union and excellent functional results were achieved in all seven patients. Free vascularized fibular transfer seems to be an effective method of treatment for massive segmental bone defects.  相似文献   

KJ Pansegrau  KL Fridrich  D Lew  JC Keller 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,56(9):1067-73; discussion 1073-4
PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to compare the rate and degree of osseointegration of dental implants when placed into either autogenous corticocancellous chip or freeze-dried corticocancellous chip bone grafts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The canine ilium was used as the model site. Thirty experimental and 15 control implants were placed in 15 dogs: autogenous versus freeze-dried corticocancellous chip bone grafts around the exposed implant surfaces. In addition to the placement of control implants, the apical portion of the grafted implants acted as their own control. The implants were harvested at 1, 2, and 3 months. The evaluation of the integration process was performed by means of light microscopy, microradiography, and histomorphometry. RESULTS: Using this model, the results indicate that at 1 month there was no statistical difference in the degree of osseointegration in the two bone grafts. At 2 months, there was a statistically greater degree of osseointegration noted in the autogenous corticocancellous chip sites than in the freeze-dried bone grafts. At 3 months, the degree of osseointegration in the two groups was 70% and 33%, respectively. At 3 months, there was virtually 100% integration with trabecular bone at the control implant sites. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that at 2 months postoperatively implants placed in an autogenous bone chip graft osseointegrate to a significantly greater degree than implants placed in a freeze-dried bone chip graft, and this difference remains at 3 months.  相似文献   

The development of approaches to screening of hospital patients for harmful drinking frequently encounters resistance from both patients and hospital staff. A contributing factor could be the discomfort both feel about talking specifically about drinking. One approach to reducing this discomfort has been to mask concern about alcohol consumption into a general focus on other health and lifestyle issues. One-hundred and eighty-two patients admitted to an emergency department were presented randomly with either a straight alcohol screening questionnaire or a general health and lifestyle questionnaire with alcohol questions embedded amongst items on smoking exercise and diet. The number of returns was equal for both questionnaires which suggests the masked questionnaire does not improve the acceptability of alcohol screening in hospital environments.  相似文献   

Luteal-phase estrogen and progesterone concentrations were measured every other day and used to monitor the corpus luteum activity. The patterns of estrogen and progesterone concentrations were compared relative to the day of endogenous human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) detection (defined as the day of implantation). The relationship between estrogen and progesterone and hCG concentrations was studied in 71 viable pregnancies, 12 clinical abortions, five preclinical abortions and 84 non-pregnant cycles after IVF/ET. Although all patients received luteal-phase progesterone support (25-50 mg/ml), low late luteal-phase progesterone concentrations of < 30 ng/ml from day + 11 to day + 15 were found in 64 patients (17% of viable pregnancies, 33.3% of clinical abortions, 60% of preclinical abortions and 53.6% of non-pregnant cycles) day + 1 was the day of retrieval). Implantation always occurred before or on day + 13 and 86% of pregnant cycles implanted on day + 8 to day + 11. Viable pregnancies had significantly higher mean progesterone concentrations on day + 3 to day + 7 (pre-implantation) and on day + 9 to day + 15 (postimplantation) than those of non-pregnant cycles or abortions. On the day of implantation, the mean +/- standard of deviation of estrogen (pg/ml) and progesterone (ng/ml) levels for viable pregnancies, clinical abortion and preclinical abortions were 314 +/- 210, 40.5 +/- 25; 226.7 +/- 246, 48.7 +/- 31; and 39.6 +/- 24.5, 28.6 +/- 24.5, respectively. On the same day, 73.2% of viable pregnancies, 41.7% of clinical abortions, and 20% preclinical abortions had a progesterone concentration > 30 ng/ml; 73.2% of viable pregnancies, 41.7% of clinical abortions and 20% of preclinical abortions had an estrogen concentration > 100 pg/ml. Although not precluding implantation completely, late luteal-phase hormonal deficiencies may impair endometrial growth and might ultimately lead to failure or abnormal implantation. A viable pregnancy requires not only a functional corpus luteum in the early luteal phase to develop a receptive endometrium, but also a responsive corpus luteum in the late luteal phase to support pregnancy. The time of implantation is critical. Implantation that occurs before the demise of the corpus luteum will facilitate a normal pregnancy.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to find out the degree of attenuation when the x-ray entrances the skin and reaches the film at the bone area near the mandibular premolar root apex. In this study we used thermaluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) to measure the entrance dose and exit dose directly at the area of interest and calculated the penetration value P. We also simulated the attenuation process and calculated the P value in similar conditions. The results indicate that the mean P value of direct measurement from patient is 0.071 +/- 0.018 (60kVp, HVL = 1.5mm Al), while that for theoretical calculation is 0.06458 at 27keV. We concluded that P value of direct measurement can match with the theoretical value and further studies in jaw bone density and other related portions is worthwhile.  相似文献   

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