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喇嘛甸油田北东块位于油田北东部,开发面积0、36km^2。北东块葡I1—2油层纯含油面积14.9km^2,平均有效厚度12.3m,中部深度为930~1220m。该区块96年7月开始注聚,2000年11月全部转入后续水驱。目前全区含水为95.9%,日产油只有929t,已进入后续水驱特高含水阶段。为充分利用油田的天然气资源,探索厚油层内部剩余油挖潜的有效方法,我们开展厚油层注气提高采收率可行性的数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

注CO2驱油作为一种有效提高采收率的方法,在油气田开采中已经占据越来越重要的地位。文章阐述了CO2驱油机理,介绍了对应的驱油方式,其中着重系统地总结出了现行测定及评价注CO2驱参数的各种室内试验方法。  相似文献   

针对尕斯库勒油田N1-N2 1油藏矿化度高、油层非均质严重、平面矛盾突出、水驱效果变差,油藏不具备常规聚合物驱的基本条件,通过室内研究筛选出了新型高分子量抗温耐盐聚合物一交联凝胶体系基础配方,并将其与尕斯库勒油田N1-N2 1油藏流体进行了配伍性研究,在室内开展了凝胶调驱物理模拟实验。研究结果表明,研制的新型凝胶体系对该油藏具有良好的适应性,在提高采收率方面极具应用潜力。  相似文献   

菅晓翠 《当代化工》2017,(12):2560-2562
针对海上某油藏天然气气水交替驱开发方式设计了14个开发方案,利用组分模拟器对总注气量、注气速度和气水比注入参数进行了优化研究。通过对比各种方案下的原油采出程度和换油率两个指标,结果表明气水交替驱能有效控制气体流度,形成稳定的驱替前缘,对比每个方案采油指标后优选出的该油藏的注入参数为总注气量0.25HCPV,注气速度为20 000 m~3/d,气水比为1∶2。  相似文献   

针对塔河油田油层高温高盐条件(地层水矿化度为2.4×105mg/L、温度为140℃),研制了三次采油用耐温耐盐型弱凝胶驱油剂SDQ-1。并对体系的耐温抗盐和驱替等性能进行了评价。结果表明,弱凝胶驱油剂SDQ-1具有良好的热稳定性及耐盐性,在地层水条件下,其黏度保留率可达81.8%。可视化驱替评价装置研究表明,采用SDQ-1体系能够明显降低水驱时的指进现象,且随着黏度的增大,采收率效果提高。  相似文献   

聚合物驱提高采收率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严志虎  寇磊  姬洪明 《辽宁化工》2010,39(9):945-947
聚合物驱是一种比较有效的提高原油采收率的三次采油方法。综述了聚合物驱技术在国内外的应用和研究进展,分析了聚合物驱的驱油机理。介绍了常见的聚合物驱并提出了发展聚合物驱急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

随着越来越多的油藏进入高含水开采阶段,如何提高油气采收率现已成为国内外石油行业探索研究的热点和难点。提高采收率的方法包括化学驱、气驱和热力采油等。其中,化学驱油技术具有坚实的理论基础,并已得到广泛应用。对三种常用的化学驱方法作简要介绍,并结合应用实例分析了化学驱目前面临的主要问题及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

在油田开发的过程中,聚合物驱是发展较早的提高采收率的方法,目前油田中所使用的聚驱方法较多,大部分在驱后仍有很大部分的原油残留于油田中。为了提高聚合物驱的采收效果,实际采油过程中可以使用的方法较多,本文简单介绍高浓度聚合物驱提高采收率的有关实验,供广大油田开发者参考。  相似文献   

针对聚合物驱后含油饱和度低、剩余油更加分散的问题,开展注高浓度聚合物水溶液提高采收率研究。实验结果表明:聚合物质量浓度由1000mg/L增加到2000mg/L,粘度增加96m Pa·s;而聚合物质量浓度由3000mg/L增加到4000mg/L时,粘度增加170m Pa·s,浓度增加与溶液粘度的增加幅度是不成正比的,即粘浓比是逐渐递增的。聚合物浓度越高,溶液粘度越大、粘浓比越大。实验条件下,聚驱后采用高浓度聚合物驱可进一步提高采收率6-9%,相同用药剂量条件下,高浓度小段塞提高采收率幅度好于低浓度大段塞。  相似文献   

分子膜驱油剂是一种新型驱油剂,它主要是使岩石表面亲油性转为中性,从而剥离油膜,通过自发吸附作用驱替出孔隙内的残余油。分子膜剂的优点有驱油效率好、不污染储层、价格低、投资少。本次研究结果可以看出分子膜驱能够在水驱不出油的情况下继续驱替出原油。本次实验使用了1%、0.5%、0.25%三种浓度的分子膜剂。实验表明分子膜浓度0.5%提高采收率最明显。  相似文献   

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods are mostly based on different phenomena taking place at the interfaces between fluid–fluid and rock–fluid phases. Over the last decade, carbonated water injection (CWI) has been considered as one of the multi-objective EOR techniques to store CO2 in the hydrocarbon bearing formations as well as improving oil recovery efficiency. During CWI process, as the reservoir pressure declines, the dissolved CO2 in the oil phase evolves and gas nucleation phenomenon would occur. As a result, it can lead to oil saturation restoration and subsequently, oil displacement due to the hysteresis effect. At this condition, CO2 would act as in-situ dissolved gas into the oil phase, and play the role of an artificial solution gas drive (SGD).In this study, the effect of SGD as an extra oil recovery mechanism after secondary and tertiary CWI (SCWI-TCWI) modes has been experimentally investigated in carbonate rocks using coreflood tests. The depressurization tests resulted in more than 25% and 18% of original oil in place (OOIP) because of the SGD after SCWI and TCWI tests, respectively. From the ultimate enhanced oil recovery point of view, the efficiency of SGD was observed to be more than one-third of that of CWI itself. Furthermore, the pressure drop data revealed that the system pressure depends more on the oil production pattern than water production.  相似文献   

李鹏飞 《云南化工》2020,(2):82-83+87
气藏中可流动天然气的总量就是气藏动储量,它可以将气藏的动态特征充分的展现出来,从而更好地为地质储量起到贡献作用。从现阶段的研究情况来看,主要的气藏动储量的研究方式主要有压降法、弹性二相法、压力恢复法、产量递减法和数值模拟法等等。就根据目前国内外储量的评价方法进行了深入的研究,并在此技术上根据气藏特征变化参数建立了新的储量计算方式,希望可以为气藏的高效开发提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that relatively little is known about the ultimate resource potential of natural gas hydrates, it is certain that gas hydrates are a vast storehouse of natural gas and significant technical challenges need to be met before this enormous resource can be considered an economically producible reserve. In this theoretical study, a simulation scheme was suggested to produce NGH in an industrial scale using pure water as a carrier and seawater as a cooling source. Parametric study was carried out and rigorous design calculations for different operating parameters were investigated. Further more and economical evaluation was done taken data of locally produced LNG as a comparison. Production rates, storage and transportation from production region to consumer's ends were investigated. Results obtained suggested that NGH with little consideration can be a good alternative for fuel gas carrier.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the improvement of soybean oil stability by addition of additives and blending with more stable oils. The methods for evaluation of oil deterioration include changes in dielectric constant (DC), total polar (TP) compounds, refractive index (RF), fritest (FT), acid value (AV), iodine value (IV), anisidine value (AnV), carbonyl value (COV), viscosity and color. Statistically significant correlations were obtained between changes in DC and increase in the TP compounds, RF, FT, AV, AnV, COV and the decrease in the IV, respectively. Food oil sensor reading of 4 as a measure of changes in DC of oil has been suggested as the criterion of low oil quality. Consequently, the cut-off level for straight and blended soybean oils were thereby identified by using the above parameters. To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Food Industry Research and Development Institute, P.O. Box 246, Hsinchu 30099, Taiwan, R.O.C.  相似文献   

分析了天然气管网建设生态影响评价的现状及存在的主要问题,阐述了生态影响评价工作的基本程序、主要方法和生态保护措施。结合天然气管网建设项目生态影响评价实际提出,应强化生态影响现场调查、构建生态影响评价指标体系和创新生态影响评价模式。  相似文献   

In the present work, the conventional natural gas dehydration method (CDM) and stripping gas method (SGM) are technically and economically analyzed, utilizing Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA), respectively. To optimize the CDM and SGM, the sensitivities of the water content of dry gas, reboiler duty and raw material loss are analyzed against solvent rate and stripping gas rate. The optimized processes are set to achieve a targeted value of water content in dry gas and analyzed at optimized point. The analysis shows that SGM gives 46% lower TEG feed rate, 42% lower reboiler duty and 99.97% pure regenerated TEG. Moreover, economic analysis reveals that SGM has 38% lower annual operating cost compared to CDM. According to results, from both technical and economic point of view, SGM is more feasible for natural gas dehydration compared to CDM.  相似文献   

易群  吴彦丽  范洋  胡长淳  褚琦  冯杰  李文英 《化工学报》2014,65(3):1003-1011
与煤制甲醇和天然气制甲醇工艺相比,焦炉煤气制甲醇不仅可以有效利用焦炉煤气中的氢,而且具有低成本的优势。在焦炉煤气制甲醇工艺基础上,文中提出了3种具有发展潜力的焦炉煤气综合利用方案:①气化煤气-焦炉煤气制甲醇生产方案;② 焦炉煤气-乙炔-甲醇下游产品方案;③ 气化煤气-焦炉煤气-乙炔-甲醇下游产品方案。以200×104 t焦炭的生产规模分析了3种方案经济性,其毛利润分别为24.21亿元,18.92亿元和28.74亿元;内部收益率分别为28.29%、24.34%和27.11%。气化煤气-焦炉煤气-乙炔-甲醇下游产品方案充分发挥了规模效应和产品高附加值的特点,具有明显的经济优势;系统灵活性高,抵御市场风险能力强。  相似文献   

The possibility of removing H2S from natural gas by applying a pressure swing sorption (PSS) process was experimentally proven. The key technique of the PSS process relies on using a special type of sorbent where solid grains were coated by a layer of liquid. It was shown that the solubility of H2S in the layer of liquid enlarged the concentration of H2S at the solid surface and, hence enhanced the adsorption of H2S on adsorbent. The solubility of H2S is very sensitive to the partial pressure above the layer of liquid, therefore, the saturated sorbent could be easily regenerated by sweeping the bed of sorbent with nitrogen at ambient temperature and pressure. The sorption capacity as well as the coated sorbent was stable during the operation cycles of sorption/desorption. The new PSS technology of sweetening natural gas is advantageous over the prevailing technologies of today in that both savings of investment and energy cost could be expected.  相似文献   

A modified gas‐translation (GT) model based on a GT mechanism was successfully applied to the pore‐size evaluation and gas transport behavior analysis of microporous membranes with different pore‐size distributions. Based on the gas permeation results of three microporous membranes derived from different alkoxides, the effects of activation energy and the selection of a standard gas on the pore‐size evaluation were discussed in a comparative study. The presence of nano‐sized defects had an important influence on the gas permeation performance of microporous membranes, depending largely on the original pore size of the membrane in question. Moreover, the gas‐separation effect of the pore‐size distribution in a silica membrane was theoretically studied and revealed a significant increase in gas permeance for relatively large gas species but not for small ones. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 2268–2279, 2015  相似文献   

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