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2003年3月,″动感地带″正式上市。同年底,其用户规模即跨越1000万大关。中国移动披露,到2004年年中,每3秒钟就会有一个新的″动感地带″用户产生。2004年12月底,″动感地带″的用户数已超过3500万。在15-25岁的目标受众中,″动感地带″的品牌知名度和美誉度分别达到了73%和80%  相似文献   

“动感地带”品牌营销之道探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古松 《通信世界》2003,(41):42-42
“动感地带”是中国移动2003年面向年轻人推出的移动通信品牌,也是我国通信业首个电信业务品牌,“动感地带”力求达到的目标,是给一个特定群体提供特定的移动通信服务,在年轻人这个群体建立专署的地盘;动感地带的客户定位是15到25岁的年轻人,故其所有的推广,传播、产品,包括渠道、定价都是围绕15岁到25岁的年轻  相似文献   

崔晓娟 《通信世界》2006,(38A):34-34
差异化营销是现代市场营销组合策略中最常用的一种。差异化营销所追求的“差异”是产品或服务的“不完全替代性”,即在产品功能,质量.服务、营销等方面,本企业为客户所提供的内容是竞争对手不可替代的。从某种意义上来说,有差异才能占有市场。[编按]  相似文献   

董震 《电视技术》2005,(11):4-7,15
数字电视服务营销体系及其竞争优势的构建是当前我国数字电视产业发展面临的核心课题,本文在阐述数字电视概念、产业背景基础上,分析了在我国发展数字电视产业的优势条件,并结合竞争优势理论对其进程进行讨论,提出了构建付费电视产业链可持续发展的若干可行性建议。  相似文献   

何可 《通信世界》2003,(18):32-33
“动感地带(M-ZONE)”是国内第一个以15~25岁年轻群体为目标客户的移动通信业务品牌,是中国移动提升市场竞争层次,开发业务品牌营销的新举措,该举措在移动通信市场引起普遍关注,并受到学生和年轻白领的高度认同。  相似文献   

构筑数字电视服务营销竞争优势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展数字电视的意义超出了数字电视本身,它在引发一场信息技术革命的同时,也面临着信息服务市场激烈竞争的紧迫挑战,针对过去两年我国数字电视客户市场发展中出现的困难和障碍,作者运用竞争理论分析了构筑数字电视服务营销竞争优势的战略意义和现实需求.  相似文献   

发展数字电视的意义超出了数字电视本身 ,它在引发一场信息技术革命的同时 ,也面临着信息服务市场激烈竞争的紧迫挑战 ,针对过去两年我国数字电视客户市场发展中出现的困难和障碍 ,作者运用竞争理论分析了构筑数字电视服务营销竞争优势的战略意义和现实需求  相似文献   

发展数字电视的意义超出了数字电视本身,它在引发一场信息技术革命的同时,也面临着信息服务市场激烈竞争的紧迫挑战,针对过去两年我国数字电视客户市场发展中出现的困难和障碍,作者运用竞争理论分析了构筑数字电视服务营销竞争优势的战略意义和现实需求.  相似文献   

杜娟 《通信世界》2003,(33):12-12
进入10月,街舞成了高校里最热门的话题,火暴的热舞场而,在全国200多所高校中轮翻上演,而令街舞空降校园、令600万大学生如此兴奋的导演就是中国移动,这个热闹非凡的活动就是“2003动感地带M—ZONE中国大学生街舞挑战赛”。怍为中国移动推出的第一个客户细分品牌.“动感地带”目标直指青年时尚族一群,代表着时尚、探索、特立独行这些最流行的元素。“动感地带”的推出,立刻受到年轻人的追捧,而中国移动的这一成功营销被业内认为是电信业进入品牌竞争时代  相似文献   

王建国       《通信世界》2005,(28):39-39
生意是一个通过产生创意整合资源无中生有的创造财富的过程。就像果农和养蜂人之间的联盟合作能同时增加水果和蜂蜜的产量一样,一种优势互补的资源整合和战略联盟常常能产生意想不到的多赢局面。最近动感地带与NBA的合作,就是这样一种资源整合和战略联盟的双赢安排。一、体育营销之兴起尽管我们尚无法确切考证体育营销的具体历史,但是体育营销已经并将越来越成为我们生活中无法回避的组成部分,我们几乎随时随地都能够看到体育营销的身影。当然,这日日都见的景观中也有诸多变化在悄悄发生,最明显的就是映入我们眼帘的不再仅仅是耐克、可口…  相似文献   

Survivability has an expensive price tag. The reliability and continuing improvements in accuracy, cost effectiveness (cost/kill) and speed of precision guided munitions (PGM) will ultimately change warfare gaming tactics and techniques in the near future. This paper identifies, analyzes and classifies various warfare campaigns with respect to strategy, techniques and tactics.  相似文献   

As you may have observed, various people in any group bring diverse gifts to a project. Some folks tend to be very strategic in their thinking while others get into the smallest of details. Some engineers are focused necessarily on "making it work," while a manager will be watching the cost through perhaps a more tactical or even strategic perspective. A lot of conflict can occur when one considers the fact that upper management is charged to maximize shareholder value and an engineering team is trying to make it work. Of course, issues can become complicated because the engineering team can well argue that it will most certainly maximize shareholder value if the product works. Therefore, in any company or market-driven project the various points of view coupled with corporate goals need to be recognized, appreciated, and managed. Hence, the need for a chart. A lot of the systems and procedures that companies put in place are designed to manage the various levels and issues even if it is not recognized that this is what is being done. This is why companies end up with very bureaucratic systems where it becomes cumbersome and annoying to everyone at all levels. This paper has introduced the idea that people within the same company see things at different levels: detail, tactics, and strategy. Also introduced are some ideas that will circumvent problems and help people to function together in all three levels. In the next columns, some examples are given on how to implement these ideas and pave the way to synergistic relationships.  相似文献   

The growing availability of powerful encryption has in effect rewritten the rule book for creating, storing, and transmitting computer data. People everywhere rightly regard confidentiality as essential for conducting business and protecting personal privacy. But governments worldwide have been sent into a spin, for fear secret encryption keys will add to the weapons of terrorists and other criminals. Some nations have even attempted to control the technology by constructing a maze of regulations and laws aimed at blocking its import, export, and/or use. Such bans have largely failed. The war over encryption has moved beyond controlling the technology itself. Now, some governments are granting law enforcement agencies new powers and funding the development of new tools to get at computerized data, encrypted or otherwise. Rising to that challenge, privacy proponents are striking back with new techniques for hiding data and preserving anonymity in electronic communications. A number of countermeasures have been engineered to augment or replace encryption. Among them are anonymizers, which conceal the identity of the person sending or receiving information, and steganography, which hides the information itself. The paper describes these techniques  相似文献   

While networks have become ubiquitous, fast, and cheap, the carriers and vendors face serious challenges in making networks more reliable and secure. Rapid technical evolution, market pressures, and complexity have contributed to large outages in both data and voice networks in the USA. The unreliable deployment and operation of otherwise fault-tolerant communication technologies and architectures are causing severe disruptions to thousands of users and enterprises. Network reliability growth is difficult in an environment that bundles rapidly emerging services and concentrates infrastructure to realize economies of scale  相似文献   

由《信息安全与通信保密》杂志社主办的“信息安全市场2004年发展趋势交流会”于11月21日在北京圆满结束。针对2004年信息安全市场发展战略、渠道合作、区域开发、竞争与合作以及企业市场角色定位,与会的安全厂商进行了深度交流。  相似文献   

This paper examines the competitive dynamics in a standard-based industry through a historical observation of the US home video game industry. The paper focuses on the theoretical issues of switching costs, installed base and complementary goods as critical factors of dominant designs and firm success in a network-based industry. The authors' analysis reveals multiple stages of technological innovations and changes of market leadership and industry standards during a relatively short history of the industry. The industry exhibits six generations of technological changes in video game consoles and complementary products, with each generation represented by a new set of competitors, dominant designs, and market leaders out-competing the leaders of the prior generation. Their analysis confirms the efficacy of traditional tenets of successful strategic management in a network-based industry, such as the importance of technological innovation, building entry barriers, protecting firm-specific assets, competitive pricing, brand recognition and effective channel management. These traditional strategies, however, should be geared to achieve new strategic goals, such as building installed base and a network of complementary products, that are critical success factors in competing in a network-based industry  相似文献   

基于购物网站的竞争情报分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了购物网站的概念、分类标准与发展现状.竞争情报的基本概念与网络环境下的特点。围绕购物网站竞争情报分析活动中对竞争环境、竞争对手与竞争策略的分析进行具体的展开。从电子商务角度讨论企业外部环境和自身内部环境,分析竞争对手的步骤与方法.提出适用于购物网站的竞争策略.目的是为企业掌握竞争环境和提高核心竞争力起一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

The problem of radiation-produced defects in n-Ge before and after np conversion is discussed in the light of electrical data obtained by means of Hall effect measurements as well as Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy. The picture of the dominant radiation defects in irradiated n-Ge before np conversion appears to be complicated, since they turn out to be neutral in n-type material and unobserved in the electrical measurements. It is argued that radiation-produced acceptors at ≈E C – 0.2 eV previously ascribed to vacancy-donor pairs (E-centers) play a minor role in the defect formation processes under irradiation. Acceptor defects at ≈E V + 0.1 eV are absolutely dominating in irradiated n-Ge after np conversion. All the radiation defects under consideration were found to be dependent on the chemical group-V impurities. Together with this, they are concluded to be vacancy-related, as evidenced positron annihilation experiments. A detailed consideration of experimental data on irradiated n-Ge shows that the present model of radiation-produced defects adopted in literature should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

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