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OBJECTIVE: To compare the experiences of patients with breast cancer who were conventionally monitored with those in whom routine follow up was restricted to the time of mammography. DESIGN: Randomisation to conventional schedule of clinic visits or to visits only after mammography. Both cohorts received identical mammography and were invited to telephone for immediate appointments if they detected symptoms. SETTING: Combined breast clinic, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. SUBJECTS: 211 eligible outpatients with a history of breast cancer. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Acceptability of randomisation, interim use of telephone and general practitioner, satisfaction with allocation to follow up. RESULTS: Of 211 eligible patients, 196 (93%) opted for randomisation in the study. Of these, 55 were under 50 years, 78 were diagnosed fewer than five years before, 90 had stage T2-4 tumours, and 71 had involved axillary nodes. Patients who did not participate were more likely to be under 50 years, to be two to five years after diagnosis, and to have had aggressive primary disease. Twice as many patients in both groups expressed a preference for reducing rather than increasing follow up. No increased use of local practitioner services or telephone triage was apparent in the cohort randomised to less frequent follow up by specialists. CONCLUSIONS: Reducing the frequency of routine follow up has so far proved popular among patients with breast cancer at standard risk in this cohort. A multicentre study is needed to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine follow up with respect to disease outcomes.  相似文献   

Twelve cases of tumours of the nose and sinuses misdiagnosed at the first time as nasal polyp are reported. Of them, 4 were benign and 8 malignant. The endoscopic technique is helpful to differential diagnosis of benign or malignant lesions and polyps in these areas.  相似文献   

Tg measurements were performed regularly in 96 thyroid carcinomas in order to evaluate metastases and local recurrencies. Elevated Tg level was detected in 11 patient. 7 of them were operated on because of local recurrencies and lymph node metastases. All patients that needed reoperation had elevated Tg level. During the follow up period no patient needed reoperation who had elevated Tg level or metastases detected by other diagnostic procedures. Summarising the results they found the Tg level measurements valuable in the follow up of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. The Tg level measurements can supplement or sometimes replace 131J thyroid scanning.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine Helicobacter pylori (HP) positive chronic duodenal ulcer patients completed the 4 weeks treatment of triple therapy (Denol, Metronidazole and Amoxil). Of these 29 showed healed duodenal ulcer and negative CLO test at 8 weeks (eradication). They were followed at 3,6 and 12 months and at each follow-up, endoscopy and CLO testing were repeated. At 12 weeks, 54% showed a healed ulcer and negative CLO and these figures reached to 69 and 66% at 6 and 12 months respectively. Thirty percent relapsed within 1 year. The present study indicates a prolonged remission of duodenal ulcer following HP eradication.  相似文献   

A small pilot survey (n = 113) by questionnaire of the fathers of a sample of children under one year of age was undertaken in order to investigate the involvement of fathers with infant feeding and their attitudes to the method of feeding adopted. The response rate was 72% overall and 79% when the partners of 'single parent' mothers were excluded. Nearly 30% of respondents had not discussed the method of feeding with anyone, but over 60% had discussed it with their partner. 64% of fathers sometimes helped with feeding their child and 17% said that they always helped. The majority of fathers did not mind their partner breast feeding in front of friends or relatives but 42% did not like them feeding in front of strangers and over half did not like them breast feeding in a public place. From this study, based on relatively small numbers, we conclude that fathers may feel left out of infant feeding. They should be given more opportunity to become involved from an early stage and take part in the decision about the method of infant feeding to be adopted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine what is attainable when treating urinary incontinence in women in general practice. DESIGN: Observational study with 12 months' follow up. Interview and clinical examination before, during, and after treatment of women seeking help for urinary incontinence in general practice. SETTING: General practice in the rural district of Rissa, Norway. SUBJECTS: 105 women aged 20 or more with urinary incontinence. INTERVENTIONS: Treatment with pelvic floor exercises, electrostimulation, oestrogen, anticholinergic drugs, bladder training, and protective pads. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Subjective and objective measures of urinary incontinence; number of patients referred to a specialist. RESULTS: After 12 months' follow up 70% (69/99) of the women were cured or much better; the mean score on a 100 mm visual analogue scale decreased from 37 to 20 mm; and the proportion of women who were greatly bothered by their incontinence decreased by 62%. 20% (20/98) of women became continent, and the percentage of women with severe incontinence decreased from 64% (63/99) to 28% (27/98). Mean leakage per 24 hours measured by a pad test decreased from 28 g at the start of treatment to 13 g after 12 months. The number of light weight pads or sanitary towels decreased from 1.6 to 0.6 a day. In all, 17/105 (16%) patients were referred to a specialist. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary incontinence in women can be effectively managed in general practice with fairly simple treatment. Most women will be satisfied with the results.  相似文献   

UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 2B9, isolated from a cynomolgus monkey liver cDNA library, is 89% identical to human UGT2B7 in primary amino acid sequence, and the two expressed enzymes were previously shown to catalyze the glucuronidation of many common endogenous substrates. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the reactivity of expressed UGT2B9 with important therapeutic agents and other xenobiotics. UGT2B9, stably expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, catalyzes the 3-O- and 6-O-glucuronidation of morphine and the 6-O-glucuronidation of codeine. A number of other morphinan (e.g. naloxone, naltrexone, and nalorphine) and oripavine (e.g. buprenorphine) derivatives are substrates for this enzyme. In general, morphinan derivatives are glucuronidated at higher rates, compared with oripavines; however, glucuronidation efficiency values (Vmax/KM) for the compounds are similar. Stably expressed UGT2B9 also catalyzes the glucuronidation of profen nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, fibrate hypolipidemic agents, and straight-chain fatty acids at the carboxylic acid moiety. Monoterpenoid alcohols and propanolol are glucuronidated at aliphatic hydroxyl positions. Expressed UGT2B9 exhibits enantioselective glucuronidation for (R/S)-ibuprofen, (R/S)-propanolol, and (+)/(-)-menthol. The data suggest that monkey UGT2B9 and human UGT2B7 are functionally similar.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the long term effects of the use of oral contraceptives on mortality. DESIGN: Cohort study with 25 year follow up. Details of oral contraceptive use and of morbidity and mortality were reported six monthly by general practitioners. 75% of the original cohort was "flagged" on the NHS central registers. SETTING: 1400 general practices throughout Britain. SUBJECTS: 46 000 women, half of whom were using oral contraceptives at recruitment in 1968-9. Median age at end of follow up was 49 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Relative risks of death adjusted for age, parity, social class, and smoking. RESULTS: Over the 25 year follow up 1599 deaths were reported. Over the entire period of follow up the risk of death from all causes was similar in ever users and never users of oral contraceptives (relative risk=1.0, 95% confidence interval 0.9 to 1.1; P=0.7) and the risk of death for most specific causes did not differ significantly in the two groups. However, among current and recent (within 10 years) users the relative risk of death from ovarian cancer was 0.2 (0.1 to 0.8; P=0.01), from cervical cancer 2.5 (1.1 to 6.1; P=0.04), and from cerebrovascular disease 1.9 (1.2 to 3.1, P=0.009). By contrast, for women who had stopped use >/= 10 years previously there were no significant excesses or deficits either overall or for any specific cause of death. CONCLUSION: Oral contraceptives seem to have their main effect on mortality while they are being used and in the 10 years after use ceases. Ten or more years after use ceases mortality in past users is similar to that in never users.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the difference in outcome among elderly people with major depression who do and do not have severe white matter lesions on magnetic resonance imaging. DESIGN: Follow up study. SETTING: Two psychiatric and two general hospitals in Melbourne, Australia. SUBJECTS: 60 depressed subjects aged over 55 referred to hospital psychiatric services with major depressive disorder meeting American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IIIR) criteria. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Proportion with good outcome as determined by full recovery from initial illness and no evidence of depressive relapse or cognitive decline during follow up among those with and without lesions. RESULTS: Mean (SD) follow up was 31.9 (9.9) months. Survival analysis showed a significant effect of severe lesions on time to poor outcome (P=0.04), with median survival 136 days in those with severe lesions compared with 315 days in those without. CONCLUSION: Severe white matter change on magnetic resonance imaging is associated with poor outcome in elderly depressed subjects.  相似文献   

In an epidemiological study of the incidence of ulcerative colitis (UC) in the county of Stockholm between 1955 and 1979, 1274 patients with UC were discovered. Almost all these patients had regularly been investigated with liver function tests; 142 (11%) of them showed signs of hepatobiliary disease. A follow up study on all 142 patients with abnormal liver function and UC was made between 1989 and 1991 to evaluate the cause of the liver abnormality and to find out if the liver disease had affected the survival rates. At follow up, eight patients were reclassified as having Crohn's disease, 60 had developed normal liver function as judged from test results, while the remaining 74 still had signs of hepatobiliary disease. The most common explanation for a transient abnormality in liver function was active colitis. The temporary signs of liver injury were not associated with changes in survival rates for these patients. Infections, especially those because of hepatitis B and C virus transmitted by blood transfusions accounted for the abnormalities in liver function in 21 patients, nine of which had a chronic, but non-fatal course. Twenty nine (2.3%) of the patients developed primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and 12 of them died during the study period four because of cholangiocarcinoma and eight because of hepatic failure; one patient had a transplant. The estimated median time of survival from the first presentation of evidence of a liver function, compatible with the diagnosis of PSC, to death or liver transplantation was 21 years. A comparison of survival rates in patients with UC and patients with UC and concurrent PSC showed, a significant reduction in survival in the PSC group (p<0.0001). The number of patients with UC who developed PSC remained constant during the study period. Thus, although evidence of abnormal liver function is a common finding in UC, a spontaneous return to normal levels is common. In this study, which did not have a selection bias, the median time of survival among PSC patients was far longer than previously described although development of PSC among patients with UC does significantly reduce the estimated median time of survival.  相似文献   

Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a difficult clinical problem that is commonly found in patients with diffuse neurological or local laryngeal disorders. Gastroenterologists are frequently consulted regarding management of these patients. Diagnosis of specific pathophysiology is best accomplished with a combined approach, including barium video radiography and solid-state manometry. Therapy includes specific modalities where appropriate and mechanical manipulations aimed at prevention of aspiration, in consultation with a speech language pathologist.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the uterine mucosa of women with breast cancer in order to evaluate the frequency of endometrial diseases. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Prospective, controlled study carried out from January to December 1996. SURROUNDINGS: Patients with breast cancer and normal controls from 4 out-patient university services in Porto Alegre, Brazil. PATIENTS: Postmenopausal women without hormonal therapy were compared: 67 of them with breast cancer and 101 normal controls. METHODS: Hysteroscopy followed by endometrial biopsy carried out in both groups as an out-patient procedure. RESULTS: In patients with breast cancer, 29.85% abnormal biopsies were found as follows: 10 endometrial polyps (15.0%), 8 with proliferative changes (11.9%), 1 case of cancer (1.5%), and one case of hyperplasia (1.5%). In the control group 8% abnormal morphological findings were found, as follows: 4 (4%) with endometrial polyps and 4 (4%) with proliferative changes. The differences in abnormal biopsies were statistically significant, mainly in patients with corporal mass index above 27.3. The sensibility of hysteroscopy was 82.14%; its specificity 97.16%; its predictive positive value 85.18% and its predictive negative value 96.48% in detecting endometrial activity, for a prevalence of 16.7% of endometrial activity. CONCLUSIONS: Endometrial evaluation must be included in the initial evaluation of patients with breast cancer, mainly if they were obese. Hysteroscopy, performed in out-patient basis, showed to be an adequate method to evaluate the uterine mucosa, helping to select the area of this cavity for biopsy.  相似文献   

Groups of children with different IQ levels were trained to discriminate between stimulus cards containing two or more pictures. In subsequent testing the pictures were presented singly in order to determine how many pictures the child had responded to during discrimination training. The data showed that the lower the IQ, the fewer pictures the child responded to. We speculated that intellectually retarded functioning may be related to problems in overselective attention; the lower a person's IQ level, the less of the environment becomes functional in controlling his behavior.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To describe the relationship between risk factors, risk behaviours, symptoms and mortality from cardiorespiratory diseases in an urban area with high levels of socioeconomic deprivation. A cohort study of 15,411 men and women aged 45-64, comprising 80% of the general population of Paisley and Renfrew, Scotland. OUTCOMES: Mortality after 15 years from coronary heart disease(ICD 410-4), stroke(ICD 430-8), respiratory disease(ICD 460-519) and all causes. MAIN RESULTS: Mortality rates from all causes were 19% in men aged 45-49, 31% in men aged 50-54, 42% in men aged 55-59 and 57% in men aged 60-64. The rates are considerably higher than those reported in previous UK prospective studies. For women the rates were 12%, 18%, 25% and 38% respectively. In general men and women showed similar relationships between risk factor levels and mortality rates. People in manual occupations had higher mortality rates. Raised levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were associated with increased coronary, stroke and all cause mortality rates. Plasma cholesterol had no such association with all cause mortality rates. High and low levels of body mass index were associated with higher mortality rates than intermediate levels. A relationship between short stature and increased mortality rates was observed in men and women. FEV1 expressed as a percentage of the expected value showed the strongest relationship with mortality rates, particularly for respiratory disease, but also for deaths from coronary heart disease, stroke and all causes. CONCLUSIONS: A similar pattern of relationship between risk factor levels and mortality rates exists in men and women in Renfrew and Paisley. Respiratory impairment as measured by FEV1% predicted appears to be the most likely explanation of the observed high all cause mortality rates in this population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical benefit of routine follow up of women after treatment for endometrial adenocarcinoma. DESIGN: Retrospective case analysis. PARTICIPANTS: All cases diagnosed and treated for endometrial adenocarcinoma in Tayside, Scotland during 1982 to 1984 inclusive. METHODS: Case-note and cancer registration document review. RESULTS: Of 102 patients, 97 had complete follow up for 10 years or until death. Recurrent disease was diagnosed in 17 women, only six of whom were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. There was no difference in survival between cases with symptomatic and asymptomatic recurrences. No recurrences were diagnosed more than six years after initial diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of asymptomatic recurrent endometrial carcinoma was not associated with improved long term survival. This small study showed no evidence of improved survival from the current practice of routine clinical review following treatment for endometrial adenocarcinoma. The effect of follow up on patient anxiety remains to be assessed.  相似文献   

During a period of 9 years, four male patients with HIV and Hansen's disease were detected in Tamil Nadu, South India. The sequence as to which infection came first is not known. All had high-risk sexual behavior with commercial sex workers and a past history of genital ulcer disease. Their spectrum of leprosy was multibacillary. Patient no. 1 had pure neural leprosy of the lepromatous type, which is rare. He also had a single episode of type 1 reaction which did not require steroid therapy. Despite having taken inadequate treatment, patient no. 2 remained clinically and bacteriologically quiescent after 4 years of follow up. He had a low CD4 count of 330 cells/mm3. The third patient completed a full course of multibacillary multidrug therapy, and a year later is clinically and bacteriologically inactive. The fourth patient died of AIDS within 2 months of the dual diagnosis.  相似文献   

Complementary DNAs encoding the heavy and light chains of the Fab fragment of mouse agglutinating monoclonal antibody against human red blood cells were cloned by polymerase chain reaction and their nucleotide sequences were determined. The sequence analysis showed that the variable regions of the heavy and light chains were the members of mouse heavy-chain subgroup IIa and kappa light-chain subgroup I, respectively. A few unusual amino acids in the constant regions of the heavy chain were also recognized.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological studies, including electrooculogram (EOG), and simultaneously recorded flash and pattern evoked electroretinograms (FERG and PERG) and visually evoked potentials (FVEP and PVEP) were made in 1988 on 10 newly diagnosed untreated Parkinson's patients at Stage 1 of the Hoehn and Yahr scale. Follow up studies were made on five out of the 10 patients when their disease had progressed to Stage 2 during 1993. The earliest and only sign of abnormality detected in the Stage 1 of Parkinson's patients in 1988 was a delay in the time to reach the peak light rise in the EOG. When the disease had progressed to Stage 2, not only a delay in the time to reach the peak light rise but also a reduction in the amplitude of the peak light rise in the EOG, together with changes in PERG, FERG and PVEPs were demonstrable. These changes observed in PERG, FERG and PVEPs were generally consistent with those reported by previous studies. It is suggested that the reason for the susceptibility of pigment epithelial function to dopamine deficiency in Parkinson's disease may be due to the pigment epithelium being at the extremity of the diffusion pathway from dopamine release sites at the inner plexiform layer.  相似文献   

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