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Digital holographic interferometry (DHI), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the effects of gamma irradiation on the physical and structural properties of basalt fibers. For this purpose, set samples of basalt fibers were subjected to different doses of gamma irradiation (3, 10, 25, and 40 kGy). The Mach–Zehnder interferometer was used to capture holographic patterns which are used then to determine the unwrapped phase. From the unwrapped phase distributions, the optical path difference within the irradiated basalt samples was determined. Thus, refractive indices, and birefringence of irradiated basalt fibers were determined at different irradiation doses using DHI method. XRD technique was used to investigate the effect of irradiation doses on the crystalline behavior of fibers. FTIR was performed to each of the basalt samples to evaluate the changes in the surface chemical properties due to radiation exposure doses. The morphology of irradiated fibers was examined using SEM. The results indicate that basalt fiber has a resistance to gamma radiation. There are no significant effects on the physical, structural and chemical properties were demonstrated of basalt fibers in the doses range of irradiation.  相似文献   

The development of crystallinity and orientation during the melt spinning of polyamides (nylon 66) was investigated. This study reports the question of the orientation and crystallinity determination of nylon 66 by means of differential scanning calorimetry, optical polarized microscope, and X‐ray diffraction techniques during the cold drawing process. The different structural properties such as crystallinity, crystal size, birefringence, and different orientation functions were measured as a function of the draw ratio. From the obtained thermogram, it is clear that the melting temperature of the drawn nylon 66 fibers did not show a significant change due to the cold drawing process. As the draw ratio increase, the crystallinity and crystal size increase. The drawing process improves the chain orientations along the fiber axis of nylon 66 fibers. The orientations of the chain segments enhanced due to the cold drawing process of nylon 66 fibers.  相似文献   

This article presents a dynamic opto‐thermo‐mechanical stress testing device to characterize fiber properties. The device has multi‐modes and consists of many functions. These modes include stretching, bending, rotating, twisting, and heating processes. Every process can be controlled by micro‐controller unit via software programs specially designed for this purpose. The micro‐controller unit can execute two different processes at the same time. Such as, dynamic stretching process under the effect of thermal treatment, dynamic stretching process and relaxation, bending process under the effect of thermal treatment, and so forth. Software programs with their flow charts are designed for the application of these processes. The advantage of this device is that it can be done statically and dynamically to characterize all types of fibers (polymer and optical). The device is designed to be attached with two‐beam polarizing interference microscope to investigate the dynamic opto‐thermo‐mechanical properties of the tested fiber under the effect of different applied stresses. Isotactic polypropylene, iPP, fiber is used for some applications of this device, as examples, in stretching, rotation, and twisting modes. Interferograms and graphs are given for illustration.  相似文献   

销类件摆辗精密成形及三维有限元模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍销类件冷拔摆辗精密成形工艺,对工艺参数的确定、产品质量和变形机理的有限元模拟等问题进行了研究。实验表明采用摆辗工艺生产销类件,金属流线不被破坏,表面硬度略有升高,尺寸精度和表面粗糙度达到有关标准要求,综合机械性能有所提高,是一种先进的销类件精密成形工艺。采用三维有限元模拟摆辗变形过程,可以获得接触区和工件内部应力应力场等信息,为控制变形过程,保证产品质量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Pluta microscope used to throw light on the effect of heat treatment time on the different properties of poly (ethylene terephthalate) PET fibers. PET fibers were annealed at times ranged from 5 to 30 min at different temperatures (150, 170, 190, 210°C) using two different processes (fast cooling and slow cooling processes) in air. The refractive indices, the shrinkage, orientation factor and crystallinity of PET fibers were determined for different annealing temperature during the short time treatment. The shrinkage percentage and degree of crystallinity increased with increasing the temperature and time of annealing. Microinterferograms are given for illustration.  相似文献   

The development of the use of interferometric techniques in the study of the optical properties of materials encouraged many researchers to work on the derivation and development of the theoretical considerations and the equations used in the calculations of those properties. The form of these equations depends on the technique used and the cross section of the sample, and also on the method of calculating the optical path difference of light across the sample studied. A modified formula to calculate the three‐dimensional birefringence distribution of the fiber, without the need to determine the refractive indices of the fiber in the parallel and perpendicular directions, was presented. The phase distribution of the simulated and experiment interferograms was obtained using subfringe integration method. The results obtained from the new method were compared with the calculated results of a well‐known method (Z method) and the figures presented showed that the results of the two methods were close to each other.  相似文献   

高殿奎 《工具技术》2001,35(6):24-26
讨论了硬质合金镶套冷拔拉模的优势和缺陷 ,分析了采用Cr12MoV钢固体渗硼工艺和采用 45钢复合热处理工艺制作冷拔拉模的工艺路线并对二者进行了比较。试验结果证明 ,用加工性能好、价格低廉的 45钢经复合热处理后制作的冷拔拉模其内孔具有很高的硬度和耐磨性 ,完全可以代替硬质合金冷拔模具  相似文献   

A specific microinterferometric method, referred to as variable wavelength interferometry (VAWI), and its object-adapted version (AVAWI) are proposed for measuring the spectral dispersion of birefringence and/or spectral dispersion of the refractive indices n and n⊥ of textile fibres. The method uses monochromatic light with variable wavelength (Λ). The only parameters that are directly measured are the inter-fringe spacings (b) and the fibre thickness (or diameter), while other quantities are observed, read from the calibration graph b(Λ), and derived from quite simple formulae. A double-refracting interference microscope fitted with a tungsten-halogen lamp (12 V/100 W) and a wedge interference filter are used. No liquid immersion is required, and the fibre under study can simply be surrounded by an air medium. Results of measurements made on PPT and PA-6 fibres are given as an example.  相似文献   

Modulation techniques for measuring changes in optical birefringence, such as the rotating-polariser method (Wood & Glazer, 1980, J. Appl. Crystallogr . 13, 217), allow one to determine |sin δ|, δ = 2π L Δ n /λ, Δ n = double refraction, L  = light path and λ = wavelength. However, they generally suffer from not providing absolute values of the optical retardance or are limited to relatively low retardance values. In addition, knowledge of the absolute phase is required when establishing the correct values of optical orientation information. In this paper, it is shown how the phase δ, and thus optical retardance, can be extracted from combining measurements of |sin δ| at different wavelengths. The new approach works on each single point of a 2-D picture without the need to correlate with neighbouring points. There is virtually no limit to the retardance, and the computational efforts are small compared with other methods (e.g. Ajovalasit et al. 1998, J. Strain Analysis 33 , 75). When used with imaging techniques, such as the rotating polariser method of Glazer, Lewis & Kaminsky 1996 ( Proc. R. Soc. London Series A452 , 2751) this process has the potential to identify automatically optically anisotropic substances under the microscope. The algorithm derived in this paper is valid not only for birefringence studies, but can be applied to all studies of interfering light waves.  相似文献   

对截面减小率为80%的冷拉拔纯铁丝分别在723,823,923 K进行退火处理,采用精确线材织构测定方法测定了纯铁丝在退火前后的织构组成,并研究了纯铁丝在退火过程中的显微组织与织构演变.结果表明:退火前纯铁丝的主要织构组分为(110)丝织构,取向分布函数(ODF)分析发现<110>丝织构主要包括{001}<110>,{113}<110>,{112}<110>,{111}<011>,{233}<011>等织构类型;退火后,纯铁丝的织构类型与拉拔织构相同,主要织构组分仍为<110>丝织构;随着退火温度的升高,织构强度有增加趋势,同时织构强度沿着线材径向分布呈现一定规律的变化;在退火处理过程中,纯铁丝的显微组织由纤维状逐渐向多边形块状转变.  相似文献   

用扫描电子显微镜和拉伸试验机研究了SWRH72A、SWRH82B珠光体钢丝在不同冷拔应变量下的显微组织与力学性能。结果表明:不同冷拔应变量的钢丝在低应变量范围时,随着应变的增大,抗拉强度均随之升高,抗拉强度与真应变基本上都呈线性关系;但在大应变量下,抗拉强度与应变量的关系与低应变时不一致;在低应变量时珠光体钢丝中的珠光体团均发生转动,且珠光体团长轴取向逐渐趋向于钢丝轴向方向;钢丝在拉拔过程中形成平行于拉拔方向的〈110〉丝织构,并随着应变量的增大该丝织构逐渐增强。  相似文献   

20SiMnTi钢的复合强化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用亚温淬火热处理和冷拉形变强化对20SiMnTi钢进行复合强韧化处理,分析随冷拉形变过程中金相组织、力学性能的变化规律。结果表明:20SiMnTi钢进行复合强韧化处理后,可获得良好的强韧化效果。  相似文献   

采用电子背散射衍射技术分析了冷拔高碳钢丝在600℃退火过程(0~4 h)中的织构变化,并采用扫描电镜和显微硬度计研究了此过程中钢丝的显微组织和显微硬度的变化.结果表明:该钢丝在600℃退火过程中,随着退火时间的延长,显微组织由纤维状转变为等轴晶,硬度显著下降;不同时间退火后的织构与拉拔态的织构类型相同,以<110>丝织...  相似文献   

传动轴冷拔模具结构参数优化仿真设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用有限元法对传动轴冷拔过程进行模拟仿真,通过正交实验法研究模具结构参数(工作锥半角a、过渡圆弧半径R、定径带长度t)对传动轴冷拔成形的影响,模拟分析得到最小拉拔力、最小径向压应力及最小等效残余应力条件下最优模具参数组合为-'Or=5。、尺:5mm、L。=4mm。在此基础上对优化方案和传统的设计方案进行了模拟比较分析,结果表明优化的模具结构比传统的方案更好,有利于提高冷拔制品质量,延长模具寿命。  相似文献   

The nonlinearity of heterodyne interferometers is mainly influenced by the nonorthogonality and ellipticity of the linearly polarized partial beams of the laser and by the limited extinction capability of the polarizing beam splitters. The phase errors at the interferometer output can be detected by measuring the phase difference between the two orthogonal directions in the output beam. This arrangement can be used to check an interferometer setup for causes of nonlinearity and to eliminate them by adjustment, replacement, etc. The arithmetical mean value of the phases of the two orthogonal output signals is linear, except for a residual error. These detection and compensation capabilities of the proposed phase measurement arrangement are demonstrated by experimental investigations.  相似文献   

Polarization based interferometers for single snap-shot measurements allow single frame, quantitative phase acquisition for vibration insensitive measurements of optical surfaces. Application of these polarization based phase sensors requires the test and reference beams of the interferometer to be orthogonally polarized. As with all polarization based interferometers, these systems can suffer from phase dependent errors resulting from systematic polarization aberrations. This type of measurement error presents a particular challenge because it varies in magnitude both spatially and temporally between each measurement. In this article, a general discussion of phase calculation error is presented. We then present an algorithm that is capable of mitigating phase-dependent measurement errors on-the-fly. The algorithm implementation is non-iterative providing sensor frame rate limited phase calculations. Finally, results are presented for both a high numerical aperture system, where the residual error is reduced to the shot noise limit, and a system with significant birefringence in the test arm.  相似文献   

由于学生看图能力较差,不能满足岗位技能的要求,影响了就业。画轴测图是辅助提高看图能力的有效手段,能解决画图难、看图难的实际问题,是目前制图教学的当务之急。  相似文献   

This paper presents a contactless system for automatic gauge blocks calibration based on combination of laser interferometry and low-coherence interferometry. In the presented system, the contactless measurement of the absolute gauge block length is done as a single-step operation without any change in optical setup during the measurement. The optical setup is combined with compact gauge block changer with a capacity of 126-ga blocks, which makes the resulting system fully automatic.The paper also presents in detail a set of optimization steps which have been done in order to transform the original experimental setup into the automatic system which meets secondary length metrology requirements. To prove the measurement traceability, we conducted a set of gauge block length measurement comparing data from the optimized system and the established reference systems TESA NPL A.G.I. 300 and TESA–UPC operated in Czech Metrology Institute Laboratory.  相似文献   

Interferometry has been widely utilized in elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) film measurement since the 1960s. In-depth optical analyses are required to get more fundamentals of optical EHL film tests. In this paper, a stratified-layer model of optical EHL contact is numerically analyzed by the multi-beam interference approach. It is revealed that the high reflectance of the beam-splitter and the steel interface generate a deviation of the intensity profile from the two-beam interference. Previous experimental results about fringe contrast are reproduced, and the determination of the beam-splitter layer is theoretically clarified. Furthermore, some characteristics of spectrometry for ultra-thin film measurement are studied, and the dependence of the interference spectrum on the spacer layer thickness is displayed. The measurement simulation has theoretically confirmed the constant initial phase change assumed in practical measurement. It is theoretically demonstrated that in the spectrometry approach, TiO2 layer can generate spectrum with high finesse and may be used in the future application. The theoretical results in this paper are correlated with previous experimental practices, and the optical EHL technique can therefore be much better theoretically understood.  相似文献   

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