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The antennal sensilla of both genders of macropterous and brachypterous adults of the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) were examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed seven types of antennal sensilla in adult L. striatellus which were not evenly distributed on all antennal segments. Sensilla chaetica, a sensillum campaniformium and a Böhm bristle were found on the scape. Sensilla chaetica, sensilla trichodea, sensilla placodea which always present as plaque organs, sensilla basiconica and a sensillum campaniformium were present on the pedicel. Three sensilla basiconica and one sensillum coeloconicum containing two sensory pegs were located on the swollen sensory region of the basal flagellum. Pores observed on the surface of s. trichodea and s. placodea suggest these organs probably play a role in olfaction, whereas the aporous s. chaetica with flexible sockets probably function as mechanoreceptors. The aporous s. basiconica with inflexible sockets are probable to be thermo‐hygroreceptors while the Böhm bristle and s. campaniformia may act as antennal proprioceptors. The function of s. coeloconicum remains uncertain. The numerical dominance of antennal olfactory receptors suggests olfaction is an important function of the antenna in L. striatellus. Although a small degree of sexual/wing dimorphism was observed in the numbers of sensilla and in the length and width of antennae and antennal segments, the basic shape and structure of the antennae and antennal sensilla did not differ between the gender or wing form in L. striatellus. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The gilthead seabream is a food fish, one of the most frequently used in aquaculture. In the species of commercial interest, feeding in captivity is very important and this process is strictly related to the morphological characteristics of the oral cavity. The aim of this study is, using the standard procedures for light and scanning electron microscopy, to analyze the morphology of the tongue dorsal surface to show if relationships are present between the tongue morphology and the nutritional habits and choices of this farmed species. The main characteristic of the gilthead seabream oral cavity floor is the presence of an apical pouch, with, probably, a protective role mainly for the apical, free part of the tongue. Three zones, like in other teleosts, an apex, a body and a root, can be clearly distinguished. In the pouch foliate‐like papillae were observed, while the whole tongue is characterized by the presence of two types of papillae, respectively with a fungiform and cylindroid aspect, both randomly distributed throughout the whole dorsal surface of the tongue. Scattered and numerous taste buds, with the typical pear‐onion shape, together with small and numerous taste pores are also present, distributed throughout the tongue surface. Our results demonstrate that in the gilthead seabream important mechanic and sensory roles are carried out by specific anatomical structures. Our anatomical data could give, together with further biochemical and physiological data, an important support with the aim of improving the nutrition of aquaculture species. Microsc. Res. Tech. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The European sea bass, a member of the Moronidae family, is a food fish, considered one of the first models for the intensive breeding in salt water. It has nowadays an important and increasing presence in the international fishing markets. Sea basses are carnivorous, feeding on little fishes and invertebrates. Considering the important role of the tongue during the intraoral transport and the swallowing of food, scarce data are present in literature about its morphology. The aim of this study was to analyze the morphology of the tongue by means of scanning electron and light microscopy. Adult sea basses were obtained from the aquarium of the Sicilian Center of Experimental Ichthyiopathology of the University of Messina. The fishes were anaesthetized with MS 222 and the heads were then quickly removed and processed for the paraffin embedding and SEM processing. Three different tongue regions could be distinguished: an apex, a body, and a root. Scanning electron and light microscopy showed the presence of numerous canine-like teeth, surrounded by taste buds and numerous fungiform and conical papillae. The teeth were curved and their tips were posteriorly oriented. The results confirm, in teleosts too, the fundamental role of the tongue in the mechanics of food ingestion. Moreover, the presence of taste buds demonstrates the interaction of food processing and taste. These data could be a potential source to identify new and better methods of nutrition in the breeding of this fish.  相似文献   

In most anatomical studies developed with mammals, the tongue is described as highly differentiated among different species. However, studies on the tongue of aquatic mammals are still limited as compared to those on terrestrial mammals. The aim of this study was to describe the tongue morphology of the Franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) using macroscopic observations, light, and scanning electron microscopy. Microscopically, the dorsal surface was covered by a keratinized stratified epithelium. Salivary gland acini were found on the middle and caudal third of the tongue. The dorsal surface was totally covered by filiform papillae with a connective tissue core and a connective tissue structure round in shape in the middle and caudal regions.  相似文献   

The present study is focused on the detailed foliar epidermal anatomy of some selected wild edible fruits (WEFs) from Pakistan using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The studied species are Ficus racemosa L., Solanum nigrum L., Capparis spinosa L., Physalis divaricata D.Don, Rosa moschata Herrm. and Ribes orientale Desf. collected from various localities of Pakistan. The objective of the present study is to investigate qualitative and quantitative anatomical characters for the identification and differentiation of collected wild edible fruits. The characters studied are shape and size of epidermal cells, anticlinal wall pattern, trichome type and shape, average number of stomata, length and width of stomata and pore. The detailed microscopic investigation and variations in the characters recorded have a key role in the determination and authentication of wild edible fruits. This study possesses great potential for plant taxonomists to further evaluate the species at molecular and genetic levels.  相似文献   

“Snow lotus” is a famous Chinese Materia Medica derived from species of the genus Saussurea (Compositae). To differentiate three representative easily‐confused snow lotus herbs, namely, Saussurea involucrata (Kar. et Kir.) Sch.‐Bip, Saussurea laniceps Hand.‐Mazz., and Saussurea medusa Maxim., macroscopic features of the three herbs were systemically observed, and microscopic features were compared by using ordinary light microscopy, polarized light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicate that, as for macroscopic identification, capitula situation and arrangement, and as for microscopic identification, pollen grains, nonglandular hairs, glandular hairs, and cells of inner surface of the microdiodange can be used to authenticate the three snow lotus herbs. Comprehensive table comparing the characteristics were presented in this study. SEM has been found to provide a number of unique characteristics of pollen grains. Based on the observation of pollen grains, evolution sequence of the three species was speculated. The present method was proven to be efficient, convenient, simple, and reliable, which was successfully applied to the authentication of three snow lotus herbs. Microsc. Res. Tech.1 77:631–641, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The current study has designed to investigate the morphological characteristics of the gills of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) by gross morphology, scanning electron microscopy, and morphometric analysis. The study was carried out on 10 fresh fish. The fish has four-gill arches on each side. The lengths of the first-, second-, third-, and fourth-gill arches were 5.27, 4.2, 3.2, and 2.8 cm. The gill arches carried a longitudinal band, the bases of the gill filaments, and gill rakers that varied from rectangular to circular shapes. Each gill arch had two main lateral and medial rows and two accessory rows of gill rakers in an alternative manner with each other. The dusky grouper fish had long rakers, whereas the longest one was the lateral rakers of the first arch, which were 467 and 1271.9 μm in width and length. Three types of spines appeared on the gill arches and rakers. The long spine had detected on the apex of the short rakers. Each gill arch carried on its ventral side two rows of gill filaments. The long filaments were at the middle of the gill arch, while the short ones were at the rostral end of the gill arch. The study has demonstrated the taste buds, mucous, chloride cells, and significant features of the epithelial covering of the gill arches and rakers. The morphology of the gills of the dusky grouper indicates the adaptation to their marine environment.  相似文献   

It is likely that superficial corneal epithelial cells (SCECs) of the dromedary camels have a significant role in their survival at arid and semiarid regions. To the best of our knowledge, SCECs of camels' eyes have not been characterized previously using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), combined with morphometric analysis. Therefore, in the current study, we aim to describe the shape, topographical distribution, and density of SCECs associated with morphometric analysis using SEM. Twelve healthy adult camels' corneas were obtained immediately after slaughter. Each cornea has been divided into nine parts: central (C), middle dorsal (MD), middle ventral (MV), middle nasal (MN), middle temporal (MT), peripheral dorsal (PD), peripheral ventral (PV), peripheral nasal (PN), and peripheral temporal (PT). SCECs were distinguished and characterized into light, medium, and dark mosaics. The polygonal cells have been externally covered with microplicae that were more numerous above the light cells. The topographic distribution of light, medium, and dark cells revealed a well-defined concentration of light cells in excess of other cells in all parts as follows: PV (92.5%), PN (78.5%), MN (78%), MT (74.7%), PD (73.8%), PT (70.7%), MV (68.7%), MD (66.3%), and C (19.3%). The PV part recorded the highest density of light cells, while the C portion showed the lowest density for the same cells. We concluded that the light cells extensively predominate in all parts of the camels' cornea except the C part, indicating an adaptive modification to the harsh environment. Additionally, the PV and PN parts represent the permanent and endogenous source as well as a proliferative reserve for SCECs in dromedary camel.  相似文献   

In this study, ananatomical and histological study was conducted on the alimentary canal of Tanymecusdilaticollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which is an economic polyphagous pest species, to study the relationship between the structure of the alimentary canal and the feeding habit. Therefore, the structure of the alimentary canal of T. dilaticollis was examined using light and electron microscopies. Results have shown that the alimentary canal in T. dilaticollis is consisted of three separate regions as foregut, midgut, and hindgut structurally between the mouth and the anus, which pass from head, thorax, and abdomen. The foregut consists of pharynx, esophagus, crop and proventriculus and in the crop part, expansion is seen compared to other foregut parts. Midgut of T. dilaticollis is the largest part of digestion system. The anterior region of midgut is twofolds wider than the posterior region. The posterior midgut extends tubularly and it is connected to eightgastric caeca. The hindgut of T. dilaticollis consists of fourparts as pylorus, ileum, colon, and rectum. Well‐developed muscle layers are found near the rectum and genital chamber. These results contribute to further studies on the ecology and biological control agents of Coleoptera and to provide a broad comparison of alimentary canal of Coleoptera species.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 11 species distributed in seven genera belonging to family Cucurbitaceae has been studied using light microscopy (LM) as well as scanning electron microscopy. Pollen morphology of this family is diverse and is almost europalynous. Nearly all types of pollen belonging to different size class and shape class with a variety of exine sculpturing are found in the family. Pollen grains are usually triporate to tricolporate, prolate, oblate‐spheroidal, spheroidal, to suboblate, radially symmetrical, and isopolar. The common exine pattern is reticulate of various forms ranging from finely reticulate to coarsely reticulate with some species having echinate type of exine ornamentation, for example, Cucurbita pepo and Praecitrullus fistulosus. Most of the studied species are somewhat triangular with respect to equatorial outlook and circular to elliptic in polar outlook. The palynological characteristics of the members of the family are useful in identification of taxa at generic level mostly. Based on the present study it is not recommended to wholly solely depend upon the pollen morphology for the identification of taxa especially at specific levels because very minor differences regarding pollen characters exist among the species of the same genera.  相似文献   

The intention of the current study is to provide an account on the palynological features of Brassicaceae from Central Punjab‐Pakistan as a basis for future studies. Different morpho‐palynological characteristics both qualitative and quantitative were analyzed during this research which includes shape of pollen, diameter of pollen, P/E ratio, exine sculpturing, thickness of exine, type of pollen, shape and size of lumens, and thickness of murus. Taxonomic keys were also constructed based on pollen morphological characters for correct identification of species. This study aims to provide detailed information of pollen diversity and their exine structure based on both qualitative and quantitative characters by using Light microscopy and Scanning electron microscopy. Shape of pollen is mostly prolate, but some species also have sub‐prolate to spheroidal prolate types. Exine ornamentation in most species was reticulate, whereas micro reticulate (one species) and coarsely reticulate (one species) exine also observed in some pollen. All the pollen mentioned in this study have tricolpate apertures. Variation found in thickness of exine and other characters proved to be helpful at generic and specific level. The results reinforced the significance of pollen morphological features of family Brassicaceae and aid for valuable taxonomic tool in plant systematics.  相似文献   

The current work gives concern to study the morphology of the Merluccius merluccius gills by using gross morphology, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and light microscopy. The findings of the present study revealed that the gill system consisted of four pairs of gill arches which carry the gill filaments on the convex border and gill rakers on the concave border of them. SEM results revealed that the rakers and the spines distribution on the first gill arch differed from that of the other three gill arches on the lateral and medial surfaces. On the surface the gill filaments, there were longitudinal ridges that carried pores of chloride cells and mucous cells. The histological examination revealed that, the gill arch composed of hyaline cartilage that presented in the form of cups. Each cup consisted of central cartilagenous core and peripheral cartilagenous matrix. The gill filaments composed of cartilaginous bar of peripheral cartilaginous matrix and central cartilaginous core extended from the gill arches and covered by an epithelial layers with a few mucous cells permeate it, and chloride cells were straggly in the interlamellar epithelium. Each gill filament carried several leaves like secondary lamellae on both sides of it. The epithelium, which lined the secondary lamellae, composed of epithelial pavement cells, some mucous cells, and pillar cells.  相似文献   

We report here a new microscopic technique for imaging and identifying sedimentary organic matter in geologic materials that combines inverted fluorescence microscopy with scanning electron microscopy and allows for sequential imaging of the same region of interest without transferring the sample between instruments. This integrated correlative light and electron microscopy technique is demonstrated with observations from an immature lacustrine oil shale from the Eocene Green River Mahogany Zone and mid‐oil window paralic shale from the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa Group. This technique has the potential to allow for identification and characterization of organic matter in shale hydrocarbon reservoirs that is not possible using either light or electron microscopy alone, and may be applied to understanding the organic matter type and thermal regime in which organic nanoporosity forms, thereby reducing uncertainty in the estimation of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources.  相似文献   

Stadtländer CT 《Scanning》2006,28(4):212-218
The aim of this study was to investigate by light microscopy as well as by scanning and transmission electron microscopy the deciliation process which takes place on the respiratory epithelium of tracheal explants after experimental infection with Mycoplasma fermentans strain incognitus. Time-point photography allowed distinguishing five phases which occurred during the infection on the epithelial cell surface: (1) Attachment of M. fermentans to the cilia causing clumping of the cilia tips; (2) matting of cilia into bundles; (3) formation of abnormally shaped and shorter cilia; (4) collapse of cilia onto the epithelial cell surface; and (5) widespread loss of cilia. Based on the photographic images, a schematic model of the deciliation process was developed. Various potential factors contributing to the cilia destruction are discussed, including the release of mycoplasmal toxins, the physical presence of a high number of M. fermentans cells attached to the cilia, and the depletion of culture medium components by the mycoplasmas. This model of M. fermentans strain incognitus infection of respiratory epithelium is important for understanding mycoplasmal pathogenicity on a comparative level.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to highlight a detailed account of morphology of pollen chosen species of Lamiaceae through scanning electron microscopy, and the anatomical characteristics of leaf epidermis of seven species using simple light microscopy. In results, Anisomeles indica and Otostegia aucheri belong to subfamily Lamioideae because it has tricolpate pollen while the rest eight species belong to subfamily Nepetoideae (hexacolpate pollen). The exine sculpturing of pollen of studied species was found to be reticulate. In the family Lamiaceae, four kinds of stomata were found anomocytic, anisocytic, diacytic, and actinocytic, respectively. The cell wall patterns of epidermal cells were irregular or polygonal with straight or undulate walls. It was noted that the variety of the epidermal trichomes seems of taxonomically important for the identification of species of Lamiaceae. Both nonglandular and glandular trichomes were analyzed. The nonglandular trichomes were characterized with long, thin, and pointed apical unicellular cells. The nonglandular trichomes were A‐shaped in Thymus linearis. In Perovskia abrotanoides, stellate glandular trichomes were observed whereas in A. indica and Mentha royleana both glandular and nonglandular trichomes were found. In A. indica, the nonglandular trichomes were sessile and peltate in M. royleana. For the first time in this study, pollen and foliar micromorphological features of selected species of this area are carried out. These taxonomic characters were found to be important in discrimination of species from each other. In future, the detailed study with comprehensive morphology coupled with other important characters is required for delimitation of taxa at various levels.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the rectum in Poecilimon cervus Karaba?, 1950 (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) were analyzed by light microscope, scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopes (TEM). The rectum is the final part of the digestive tract that plays an important role in water reabsorption in insects and so provides osmoregulation. In the transverse sections, six rectal pads and columnar epithelium can be distinguished. The cuticular intima lines the lumen at the apical side of the epithelium. In the cytoplasm, there are numerous mitochondria, some endocytic vesicles, secreting vesicles whose sizes differ according to the area in the cell, and a nucleus with globular in shape. With this study, we aimed to demonstrate the ultrastructure of the rectum of P. cervus and differences or similarities of with other species.  相似文献   

This work introduces a new imaging technique, Rotated Image with Maximum Average Power Spectrum (RIMAPS), for use in determining orientation and characteristics of surface topography. It consists of computing the maximum value of the averaged power spectrum, given by one step of the two‐dimensional Fourier transform, for each angle of rotation of a digitized image. The basic measurement science of this technique is described and different cases are studied. The characterization of simple geometrical figures explains the meaning of peaks and their angular positions given by RIMAPS analysis. A known surface pattern made on a sample of pure copper, mechanically ground, is used to study reproducibility, dependence on image quality and topography scale relative to pixel size and magnification. Samples of pure zinc, mechanically ground and chemically etched, were used to show the main features of RIMAPS analysis when characterizing a more complicated pattern on a real surface. All the studies performed under different conditions for observation and acquisition of images give strong evidence of the stability and robustness of RIMAPS as a technique for the characterization of topography.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 11 species of family Fabaceae that is, Trifolium alexandrinum, Trifolium resupinatum, Arachis hypogaea, Lathyrus aphaca, Medicago lupulina, Vicia sativa, Lathyrus odoratus, Pongamia pinnata, Melilotus indicus, Medicago polymorpha, Medicago sativa from Pakistan has been investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen were generally tricolporate, radially symmetrical, isopolar, elliptic in equatorial view and triangular in polar view under LM. Results showed that pollens were per‐prolate (T. alexandrinum), prolate (T. resupinatum, V. sativa, L. odoratus, Melilotus indicus, M. polymorpha, M. sativa) and sub‐prolate (A. hypogaea, L. aphaca, M. lupulina, P. pinnata). The larger polar/equatorial (P/E) ratio was found in T. alexandrinum (2.26 μm) and the smallest was found in M. lupulina (1.21 μm). The exine of T. resupinatum was 3.00 μm in thickness while others posses smaller exine thickness. The larger pore diameter was found in P. pinnata (16.01 μm) while others have smaller. The length of colpi was larger in Arachis hypogaea (32.24) while others posses smaller. Eight types of surface ornamentation (Psilate, faintly rugulate). Perforate and rugulate to verrucate have been observed under SEM. The pollens were europalynous type. Pollen morphology proved to be useful for the specific delimitation and serve as a tool for the identification and classification of taxa at specific and generic levels and can also be used as a key for the taxonomic features. Diversity in exine sculpture is helpful indicative characters for the isolation of closely related species. Hence, it is clear that both qualitative and quantitative characters of pollen can be useful for differentiating between taxa at specific level.  相似文献   

This study used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to observe the morphology and sensilla of the labial and maxillary palps of adult Callidiellum villosulum Fairmaire between sexes. Combining behavioral activities may provide an effective control target for this pest. In this study, the results showed that there were three segments on the labial palps and four segments on the maxillary palps. The length and width of each segment of the labial and maxillary palps were significantly larger in females than in males. Four types of sensilla were found on the labial and maxillary palps of both sexes of adult C. villosulum: sensilla basiconica (SB I, II, III, and IV), sensilla chaetica (SCh I and II), sensilla placodea (SP), and sensilla campaniformia (SCa). SB IV, SCa, and Sh II were significantly more developed on female labial and maxillary palps than on males', which may be related to their oviposition behavior. By contrast, SB I was more significantly developed on males than on females, which may be related to their mating selection. At the same time, for both sexes, the numbers of Sh I and Sh II on the maxillary palps were significantly higher on labial palps. Maxillary palps could be inferred to potentially play a more important role than the labial palps in the activities of adult C. villosulum. Results will help us further understand the host selection and egg-laying behavior of adult C. villosulum. Such an understanding shall greatly promote the information-based design of pest control methods.  相似文献   

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