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Digital holographic interferometry (DHI), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the effects of gamma irradiation on the physical and structural properties of basalt fibers. For this purpose, set samples of basalt fibers were subjected to different doses of gamma irradiation (3, 10, 25, and 40 kGy). The Mach–Zehnder interferometer was used to capture holographic patterns which are used then to determine the unwrapped phase. From the unwrapped phase distributions, the optical path difference within the irradiated basalt samples was determined. Thus, refractive indices, and birefringence of irradiated basalt fibers were determined at different irradiation doses using DHI method. XRD technique was used to investigate the effect of irradiation doses on the crystalline behavior of fibers. FTIR was performed to each of the basalt samples to evaluate the changes in the surface chemical properties due to radiation exposure doses. The morphology of irradiated fibers was examined using SEM. The results indicate that basalt fiber has a resistance to gamma radiation. There are no significant effects on the physical, structural and chemical properties were demonstrated of basalt fibers in the doses range of irradiation. 相似文献
Afaf M. Ali 《Microscopy research and technique》2022,85(3):875-881
Polylactic acid (PLA) is a prominent biomaterial for plentiful applications in medicine and industry. The main goal of using this new material is replacing polymers based on petrochemical. Different thermal and structural properties of PLA fibers were studied after the thermal treatment using two different conditions (taut and free ends). Different techniques were used to study the effect of the thermal treatment conditions on the crystallinity and molecular orientations for PLA fibers such as differential scanning calorimetry technique, X-ray diffraction technique, and polarized light microscopy. The impact of the thermal annealing treatment on both the crystallinity and crystalline orientation was calculated. In case of taut ends thermal annealing treatment method, the measured parameters were higher than the case of free ends thermal annealing condition. The oriented segment relaxation due to the thermal annealing results an increase in the crystallinity values, but it does not indicate that the molecular orientation will be high. Results showed that the orientation of crystal and crystallinity was improved after thermal treatment. The taut conditions of annealing show significant improvement of crystallinity than free conditions. 相似文献
用水热合成法得到了3个具有A位掺杂的Nd1-xCaxMnO3的样品,SEM照片显示样品具有高的纯度和结晶度,ICP分析样品的阳离子掺杂比例,x=0.8,0.7,0.6。XRD分析样品的结构,显示样品为正交晶系,Pnma空间群。 相似文献
Saba Rasool Mehwish Faheem Uzma Hanif Saraj Bahadur Sehrish Taj Fareeha Liaqat Leonel Pereira Iram Liaqat Shabnam Shaheen Muhammad Shuaib Sadia Gulzar 《Microscopy research and technique》2022,85(3):848-860
Nanoparticles in aquatic bodies cause serious harm to the aquatic organisms when accumulated in high amounts. However, green nanoparticles synthesized using plants can be less toxic as compared to chemical nanoparticles. Hence, we designed our study to investigate the toxicological effects of chemical and green zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on the biological activity of juvenile Cyprinus carpio. The green ZnO NPs were synthesized from Solieria robusta, and chemical ZnO NPs were synthesized using zinc chloride solution and ammonium hydroxide. Characterization was done by using light microscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transmission infrared radiation, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The highest absorbance of nanoparticles was observed at 360 which confirmed the synthesis of ZnO. The SEM analysis showed that green nanoparticles were hexagonal while the chemical nanoparticles were spherical to cubic in shape. Definite peaks were observed in XRD of green and chemical NPs at 2θ angles 45.84° and 32.18°, respectively. Oxidative stress was determined by chemical analysis of catalase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione (GSH), and lipid peroxidation (LPO) activities. The toxicological effects of chemical ZnO NPs on the catalase, LPO, GST, and GSH activities were more than green ZnO NPs. The histopathological investigation proved that the effect of chemical nanoparticles was worse than green ZnO NPs. More tissue damage was found in chemical nanoparticles than green synthesized nanoparticles. It was concluded that chemical nanoparticles can be replaced by green nanoparticles, as green nanoparticles are eco-friendly with less toxicological effects. This replacement can limit the toxic effect of nanoparticles when they get accumulated in high amounts in water bodies. 相似文献
以纯聚四氟乙烯(Pure PTFE)和14%玻璃纤维增强聚四氟乙烯(PTFE GF)为对象,研究了在0~300 kGy的辐射剂量范围内,PTFE的耐磨性随电子束辐射剂量的变化情况。分析认为由电子束辐射引起的聚四氟乙烯结晶度和密度的提高,使聚四氟乙烯的细晶强化和分子力增大,耐磨性提高。 相似文献
用KH550硅烷偶联剂表面改性的硅灰石纤维(WF)填充PTFE,在MPX-2000型磨损试验机上研究复合材料的摩擦磨损性能,并与经典的炭纤维(CF)填充PTFE复合材料进行比较。采用SEM对磨损面和对偶面进行分析。结果表明:较高载荷(200和300 N)下复合材料摩擦因数随WF含量变化的幅度不大,较稳定地维持在较低值;细小尺寸WF填充PTFE复合材料的耐磨性能较好,在WF质量分数为10%时,复合材料的磨损量只有相同含量CF填充PT-FE复合材料的81%;细小尺寸WF填充PTFE复合材料的磨损面较为平整,存在轻微黏着磨损,其对偶面转移膜平整光滑、结构致密;而CF/PTFE复合材料磨损面存在许多裸露和碎断的CF,犁削和磨粒磨损是主要的磨损形式。 相似文献
T. Z. N. Sokkar K. A. El‐Farhaty M. A. El‐Bakary A. M. Ali A. A. Ahmed 《Microscopy research and technique》2018,81(3):283-291
Pluta microscope used to throw light on the effect of heat treatment time on the different properties of poly (ethylene terephthalate) PET fibers. PET fibers were annealed at times ranged from 5 to 30 min at different temperatures (150, 170, 190, 210°C) using two different processes (fast cooling and slow cooling processes) in air. The refractive indices, the shrinkage, orientation factor and crystallinity of PET fibers were determined for different annealing temperature during the short time treatment. The shrinkage percentage and degree of crystallinity increased with increasing the temperature and time of annealing. Microinterferograms are given for illustration. 相似文献
《Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces》2013,7(2):59-64
AbstractThe wear behaviour of polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) filled with 25% glass and 40% bronze particles was studied on a pin on disc test rig. Solid lubricant composite materials were prepared by compression moulding technique. The wear parameters considered for the study were applied load, sliding speed and sliding distance. The experimental results indicate that the weight loss increases with increasing load, sliding speed and sliding distance, as expected. Sliding distance has more effect on weight loss followed by applied load. The 40% bronze+PTFE composite exhibits better wear resistance compared to other types. The dominant interactive wear mechanisms during sliding of PTFE and its composites are discussed in this paper. 相似文献
The influences of the nature and the extent of M(III) ion substitution on the structure, morphology and surface properties of layered double hydroxides, LDHs [Mg1?x M(III)x(OH)2](CO3)x/n·mH2O, M(III) being Al or/and Fe and x= M(III)/[(Mg+M(III)], and derived mixed oxides were investigated. Three series: Mg?Al, Mg?Al?Fe and Mg?Fe were synthesized using low supersaturation co‐precipitation method at constant pH, with different Mg : Al : Fe ratio and x in the wide range from 0.15 to 0.7 in order to obtain complex, multi‐phase systems with disordered structure, developed surface area, acid–base and redox properties favourable for catalytic application. The morphology of LDHs and their derived mixed oxides did not change considerably although pronounced changes in structural and surface properties occur by thermal decomposition. The increase in Al amount, as well as the deviation of M(III) content from the optimal range for the single LDH phase synthesis, causes the formation of smaller particles and decrease of mixed oxide crystallite size. The nature and amount of M(III) influence the development of surface area, after thermal treatment, depending mainly on the presence of smaller mesopores, not visible by scanning electron microscope. Although the particle size has no considerable influence on the value of the surface area, it was observed that the samples with smaller particles (Mg–Al and Mg–Al–Fe series) have also higher surface area compared with the samples with larger particles (Mg–Fe series). 相似文献
To investigate the effects of specific porous microstructure of diatomite on the hydrogen storage properties of MgH2, a two‐step preparation was carried out. The first step was decrepitation of MgH2 particle size during 10 h of milling. The second step was additional 1 h of milling with diatomite. The microstructure and phase composition of materials was characterized by X‐ray diffraction, whereas the powder morphology and degree of additive dispersion were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The hydrogen desorption behaviour of nanocomposites was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. The results show that addition of porous diatomite structure leads to decrease in desorption temperature, since there was no other effect that can have an influence on kinetics, such as formation of the metastable γ‐phase, reduction of oxides to the native metal and/or homogeneous dispersion of the catalyst. This indicates that the microstructure of added material plays the main role in the enhancement of desorption properties of composites. 相似文献
Afaf M. Ali 《Microscopy research and technique》2019,82(11):1922-1927
The development of crystallinity and orientation during the melt spinning of polyamides (nylon 66) was investigated. This study reports the question of the orientation and crystallinity determination of nylon 66 by means of differential scanning calorimetry, optical polarized microscope, and X‐ray diffraction techniques during the cold drawing process. The different structural properties such as crystallinity, crystal size, birefringence, and different orientation functions were measured as a function of the draw ratio. From the obtained thermogram, it is clear that the melting temperature of the drawn nylon 66 fibers did not show a significant change due to the cold drawing process. As the draw ratio increase, the crystallinity and crystal size increase. The drawing process improves the chain orientations along the fiber axis of nylon 66 fibers. The orientations of the chain segments enhanced due to the cold drawing process of nylon 66 fibers. 相似文献
The antioxidation properties of methylene bis(di‐n‐butyldithiocarbamate) (V 7723)‐ and tolutriazole derivative (V 887)‐containing poly‐α‐olefin (PAO)‐derived lubricants were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and modified penn state micro‐oxidation test (PMOT). The DSC test measured the onset temperature (OT) and induction time (IT) of the lubricant at high temperatures, and oxidation stability of oil by weight loss was measured by the PMOT. The DSC test showed that the OT and IT of V 7723‐containing PAO were improved significantly by the addition of V 887. The PMOT indicated that when combined with V 7723 antioxidants, V 887 could also effectively reduce the increase in the weight loss of PAO. These results suggested that the V 887 showed a good oxidative synergism with the V 7723 antioxidant. In addition, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) results from the PMOT confirmed that the addition of V 887 could significantly enhance the oxidation IT of oils and inhibit the formation of oxidation products containing carbonyl bonds or hydroxyl group. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Nosheen Feroze Bushra Arshad Muhammad Younas Muhammad Irfan Afridi Saddam Saqib Asma Ayaz 《Microscopy research and technique》2020,83(1):72-80
Nanoparticles as biomedicine has made a crucial role in health biotechnology. Different transition metals in various forms playing role in nanotechnological advances and biological applications. Silver as one of the nontoxic, safe inorganic antibacterial agents and can serve as replacement of antibiotics. Present research is based on biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag‐NPs) as potential antibiotics from fungal metabolites of Penicillium oxalicum. We used different analytical techniques X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for characterization of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles. Furthermore, the antibacterial activity of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles was checked against Staphylococcus aureus, S. dysenteriae, and Salmonella typhi by using well diffusion method and UV visible spectrophotometer. Maximum zone of inhibition recorded against S. aureus, Shigella dysenteriae was 17.5 ± 0.5 mm (mm) for both species and 18.3 ± 0.60 mm for Salmonella typhi. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles of P. oxalicum showed excellent antibacterial activity. It was concluded from our results that biosynthesized silver nanoparticles have significant potential and might be useful for a wide range of biological applications such as bactericidal agent against resistant bacteria, preventing infections, healing wounds, and anti‐inflammation. 相似文献
The effect of a rare earth (RE) surface treatment on the mechanical and tribological properties of carbon fiber (CF) reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) composites was experimentally investigated. The tensile properties of the CF reinforced PTFE (CF/PTFE) composites treated with air oxidation and RE modifier were superior to those of untreated CF/PTFE composites, while RE treatment was most effective in promoting the tensile strength and strain at break of the CF/PTFE composite. The bending strength of the RE treated CF/PTFE composite was improved by about 16% compared with that of untreated composites, while 2% improvement was achieved by air oxidation. Under oil-lubricated conditions, RE treatment was more effective than air oxidation to reduce the friction coefficient and wear of PTFE composite. RE treatment effectively improved the interfacial adhesion between CF and PTFE. The strong interfacial coupling of the composite made CF not easy to detach from the PTFE matrix, and prevented the rubbing-off of PTFE, accordingly improved the friction and wear properties of the composite. 相似文献
Evaluation of the effect of food and beverages on enamel and restorative materials by SEM and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Mustafa Erhan Sari Aliye Gediz Erturk Alp Erdin Koyuturk Yunus Bekdemir 《Microscopy research and technique》2014,77(1):79-90
Objectives To examine different types of restorative materials used in children as well as primary and permanent teeth enamel when affected by erosive foods. Materials and Method Buttermilk, fruit yoghurt, Coca‐cola, fruit juice, Filtek Z‐250, Dyract Extra, Fuji II LC, and Fuji IX and tooth enamel were used. Measurements were performed on 1‐day, 1‐week, 1‐month, 3‐month, 6‐month time periods by using ATR‐FTIR technique and surface of the specimens were examined with SEM. Results Permanent tooth showed the least change among human tooth samples when compared to restorative materials. Among filler materials, the most change was observed in Fuji IX. In terms of beverages the most changes on absorption peaks obtained from spectra were seen on the samples held in Coca‐Cola and orange‐juice. Conclusion The exposure of human enamel and restorative materials to acidic drinks may accelerate the degradation process and so reduce the life time of filler materials at equivalent integral exposure times longer than three months. Clinical Relevance Erosive foods and drinks having acidic potential destroy not only tooth enamel but also restorative materials. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:79–90, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献