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设计了一种应用于802.11a的64点FFT/IFFT处理器.采用单蝶形4路并行结构,提出了4路并行无冲突地址产生方法,有效地提高了吞吐率,完成64点FFT/IFFT运算只需63个时钟周期.提出的RAM双乒乓结构实现了对输入和输出均为连续数据流的缓存处理.不仅能实现64点FFT和IFFT,而且位宽可以根据系统任意配置.为了提高数据运算的精度,设计采用了块浮点算法,实现了精度与资源的折中.16位位宽时,在HJTC 0.18μmCMOS工艺下综合,内核面积为:0.626 7 mm2,芯片面积为:1.35 mm×1.27 mm,最高工作频率可达300 MHz,功耗为126.17 mW.  相似文献   

无线局域网IEEE802.11n标准分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
802.11n是制定中的最新的无线局域网标准.首先介绍了无线局域网以及802.11标准系列的发展历史.然后介绍了802.11n标准的特点和发展现状.通过对WWiSE和TGnSynch两大技术阵营的对比.对802.11n的核心技术进行了分析介绍.最后对未来的802.11n标准做出了预测.  相似文献   

802.11ac是新一代无线局域网技术标准,是802.11n标准的延续。在继承了已有WLAN标准中许多先进技术的基础上,802.11ac在物理层和MAC层做了一系列的技术改进,来保证高质量、高传输速率的网络服务。就像以前的每次技术标准的进步一样,802.11ac标准同样有很强的向后兼容能力,能和已有的802.11a/n网络很好的共存,为用户体验网络服务提供更多的选择。  相似文献   

侯春萍  金婕  刘丽 《电子学报》2004,32(7):1188-1190
本文提出了一种新颖的FFT/IFFT处理器结构,并用可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现了该结构.这种新型结构有效地结合了传统流水线结构和循环结构的优点,并恰当地满足了802.11a 协议要求的速率,达到了实现面积远小于其它结构的目的.在本文中,用CPLD分别实现了这种新型结构和传统流水线结构,仿真结果证明所提出的新型结构在占用面积上具有较大的优越性.  相似文献   

An overview is given of the new IEEE 802.11n standard. This is the first wireless LAN standard based on MIMO-OFDM, a technique pioneered by Airgo Networks to give a significant performance increase in both range and rate relative to conventional wireless LAN. Performance results show that net user throughputs over 100 Mbps are achievable, which is about four times larger than the maximum achievable throughput using IEEE 802.11a/g. For the same throughput, MIMO-OFDM achieves a range that is about 3 times larger than non-MIMO systems. This significant improvement in range-rate performance makes MIMO-OFDM the ideal solution not only for wireless LAN, but also for home entertainment networks and 4G networks. Richard van Nee received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Twente University in Enschede, the Netherlands, in 1990. In May 1995, he received the PhD degree from Delft University of Technology. From 1995 to 2000, he worked for Lucent Technologies Bell Labs on wireless LAN transmission techniques. He was one of the original proposers of the CCK and OFDM modulation techniques which were adopted by the IEEE 802.11b and IEEE802.11a wireless LAN standards. In 2001, he cofounded Airgo Networks that developed the first MIMO-OFDM modem for wireless LAN and which techniques form the basis of the IEEE 802.11n standard. Together with Ramjee Prasad, he wrote a book on OFDM, entitled ‘OFDM for Mobile Multimedia Communications.’ In 2002 he received the Dutch Veder award for his contributions to standardization of wireless communications.  相似文献   

对802.11n关键技术进行分析,并讨论了在组网方案、网络布署、有线网络资源需求、电源配套等方面如何利用802.11n设备组成一个建设高性能的WLAN网络。  相似文献   

蒙军  于全 《电视技术》2004,(8):27-30
首先简要介绍了WLAN的各个技术标准;其次重点分析了IEEE将要推出的最新技术标准IEEE802.11n的基本原理和物理层关键技术;最后指出IEEE802.11n标准是未来无线局域网接入技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

基于身份的802.11n接入认证协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党峰 《电子科技》2008,21(6):47-51
为了克服802.11n中基于公钥证书的认证机制管理复杂、不能保护用户身份的缺点,提出了一种无证书双向认证协议.新的协议采用了基于双线性对的无证书密码系统实现密钥交换和双向身份认证,因此它可以采用更短的密钥并提供更高的安全强度.同时新的协议不需要复杂的证书管理也不存在密钥托管问题,可以大大降低系统的建设及维护成本,提高系统的运行效率.另外,协议还提供了申请者身份的保护,可防止攻击者对身份信息的窃听,因而更适用于无线网络.  相似文献   

利用R22SDF算法的低复杂度的特点,在其基础上演变出一种通用的FFT算法.该方法可适用于所有的2n点FFT运算.该算法采用流水线结构,以满足数据实时性处理的要求.  相似文献   

针对多带正交频分复用超宽带(MB-OFDM UWB)系统,提出了一种高吞吐量、混合字长、混合基、4并行数据路径的128点IFFT/FFT处理器结构.该处理器采用具有误差补偿的改进Booth定长乘法器和CSD常量乘法器,有效地提高了精度和减少了硬件的复杂度.通过分析,本方案比混合基多路径延迟反馈(MRMDF)结构减少了49%的乘法器资源,在硬件开销相当的情况下,比双并行数据路径结构减少了30%的存储器资源和提高了33%的吞吐量,使该处理器在精度、硬件开销和速度上做了最好的折衷.在0.18μm COMS工艺下,该处理器的最大工作频率达到300 MHz,吞吐量为1.2 Gsamples/s,满足了吉比特无线个人域网络(WPAN)的要求.  相似文献   

提出了一种可配置高精度FFT/IFFT处理器的设计.设计中采用单蝶形混合基串行结构,降低了系统的复杂性,节省了一定的资源.提出了一种新颢的块浮点算法,有效避免了溢出问题并且提高了精度.运算点数可以通过对产生地址计数器的位选择配置为64、128、256、512、1024,实部、虚部均为16bit数据,不仅可以实现FFT运算,还可以实现IFFT运算.在SMIC0.13μm CMOS工艺下综合的面积为1.55mm<'2>,最高频率为210MHz.测试结果显示了本设计的高精度特性.  相似文献   

WLAN中IEEE802.11n标准及关键技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对WLAN中最新的802.11n标准进行探讨,从MIMO-OFDM结合的相容性及技术原理分析IEEE802.11n标准中的关键技术MIMO-OFDM,分析MIMO-OFDM中同步,信道估计、MIMO检测等关键技术,从IEEE802.11g/a产品的实践应用及对IEEE802.11n传输速率实验,指出该标准能有效解决WLAN应用中的传榆瓶颈问题,在未来WLAN的应用中将会起到主导作用.  相似文献   

Current IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) standard products can provide up to 54 Mbps raw transmission rate, while non‐standard WLAN products with 108 Mbps have already appeared in the market, and the next generation WLAN will provide much higher transmission rates. However, the medium access control (MAC) was designed for lower data rates, such as 1–2 Mbps, and it is not an efficient MAC. Furthermore, a theoretical throughput limit exists due to overhead and limitations of physical implementations, and therefore increasing transmission rate cannot help a lot. Designing efficient MAC strategies becomes critical and important. In this paper, we introduce and propose a series of efficient MAC strategies to overcome the fundamental overhead, and to improve performance. The protocols and mechanisms include Direct Link Protocol, Without Acknowledgement, Without Retransmissions, Block Acknowledgement Protocol, Concatenation, Packing, Multiple Frame Transmission (versions 1 and 2) and Piggyback. The aim of this paper is to introduce and propose these efficient new MACs not only for current IEEE 802.11 standards (.11a/.11b/.11g), but also for the next generation WLAN with higher speed and higher throughput, especially for IEEE 802.11n. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于FPGA的FFT/IFFT处理器的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙阳  余锋 《电子工程师》2002,28(12):52-54
提出一种利用并行算法来实现FFT(快速傅里叶变换)及其逆变换IFFT(快速傅里叶逆变换)的设计方法。该处理器可由用户动态配置成64、256、1024点复数FFT或其逆变换IFFT。  相似文献   

802.11n标准的众多可选特性增加了其组网规划的复杂性.本文从802.11n关键技术人手,分析了影响802.11n组网规划中网络覆盖、容量、双流工作模式、信道捆绑等关键问题,并结合实际测试,给出了802.11n实际组网规划中应注意的问题和规划设计建议.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present 64/128/256/512‐point inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT)/FFT processor for single‐user and multi‐user multiple‐input multiple‐output orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing based IEEE 802.11ac wireless local area network transceiver. The multi‐mode processor is developed by an eight‐parallel mixed‐radix architecture to efficiently produce full reconfigurability for all multi‐user combinations. The proposed design not only supports the operation of IFFT/FFT for 1–8 different data streams operated by different users in case of downlink transmission, but also, it provides different throughput rates to meet IEEE 802.11ac requirements at the minimum possible clock frequency. Moreover, less power is needed in our design compared with traditional software approach. The design is carefully optimized to operate by the minimum wordlengths that fulfill the performance and complexity specifications. The processor is designed and implemented on Xilinx Vertix‐5 field programmable gate array technology. Although the maximum clock frequency is 377.84 MHz, the processor is clocked by the operating sampling rate to further reduce the power consumption. At the operation clock rate of 160 MHz, our proposed processor can calculate 512‐point FFT with up to eight independent data sequences within 3.2~μs meeting IEEE 802.11ac standard requirements. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

下一代WLAN技术标准802.11ac/ad   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于IEEE802.11n标准的WLAN能够支持高达600 Mbit/s的传输速率,但在支持无线高清视频传输等高吞吐量无线数据业务时仍然会遇到瓶颈。面对这一挑战I,EEE已启动下一代WLAN技术标准802.11ac和802.11ad的制定工作,数据吞吐量将达到几个Gbit/s,能够更好地满足快速增长的市场需求。  相似文献   

提出了一种针对IEEE 802.11n准循环非规则LDPC译码器VLSI的设计方法.设计使用了交互信息存储器最小化设计策略,交互信息存储器与基矩阵有值点一一对应原则,最大程度减少了存储器的开销.校验节点处理采用了一种层次化偏置的最小项算法来降低复杂度,并选出合适的偏置量来提高译码器性能.采用SMIC 0.13μmCMOS工艺设计并实现了该译码器,在时钟频率为133.3MHz时,最大数据吞吐率为100Mb/s,功耗为73mW.  相似文献   

王江  黑勇  郑晓燕  仇玉林   《电子器件》2007,30(2):475-480
针对基8算法提出一种无冲突地址生成方法,设计了802.11a专用FFT处理器,整体采用流水处理,实现了一种高性能FFT硬件架构,各级RAM采用乒乓操作,每个RAM均由8个独立的SRAM存储体组成,通过对循环移位寄存器译码,蝶算单元并行无冲突读写RAM操作数,8通道输入数据并行处理,每级运算所需的时钟周期大幅度降低.FFT运算连续输入、输出,数据运算精度通过块浮点得到保证.整体具有高速、高精度的特征.本文提出的无冲突地址生成方法也可以扩展至高点数FFT的应用.  相似文献   

The Doppler dependent pre-Doppler STAP method can obtain better performance than the Doppler independent pre-Doppler STAP method at the cost of increased computational complexity. A computationally efficient way of carrying out the Doppler dependent pre-Doppler STAP method is developed without performance degradation. It evaluates all Doppler filter outputs by two groups of FFT, which avoids the need to evaluate the adaptive weight vector and to carry out Doppler processing independently for each adaptive space-time filter.  相似文献   

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