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我国属于铜消费大国,同时也是铜资源贫乏的国家。对废杂铜资源进行再生利用,是缓解我国铜原料供给紧张的重要方面。本文对我国废杂铜市场的发展现状进行了简要的分析,在此基础上提出了目前我国废杂铜市场中存在的一些问题,并对市场发展趋势进行了简要的阐述。  相似文献   

废铝(Al)的回收与再利用是铝加工制造业可持续发展的必然要求。废铝再生不仅可以节省能源达95%以上,而且二氧化碳(CO2)等有害排放物也大大减少[1],具有良好的社会效益和经济效益,世界各国都把再生铝作为重点发展的产业。全球每年近1200万t废铝通过加工成为再生铝合金,约占全球铝市场总需求量的45%[2]。十八大报告中提出,建设生态文明社会,对我国今后社会发展中资源、能源及环境等方面提出了更高的要求。在这种形势下,再生铝作为二次资源,成为国家大力提倡的可持续发展经济模式之一。  相似文献   

再生铝是铝工业可持续发展不可缺少的资源。与原铝生产相比,废铝再生利用可节省水电等能源达95%,对环境的污染也大大降低,而且还可以降低铝合金制品的生产成本,具有良好的社会效益和经济效益。因此,再生铝利用已成为世界各国重点发展的技术领域之一。全世界每年有近1200万t废杂铝被加工成再生铝合金,  相似文献   

中国金属导体“以铝节铜”前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“以铝节铜”是国际性趋势,进程各国有所不同,但只能是渐进式的。我国铝和铝合金在电力电缆上的应用与国外有较大差距,铝合金在架空线路上的应用尚有较大提升空间。铜包铝导体的应用有所发展,有关标准正在报批或制订之中,有待在使用中进一步考验,但回收时的铜、铝分离尚未找到具有技术经济效果的方法。铝包钢线近些年市场旺盛,生产日趋成熟,铝漆包线的生产近些年已有增长,通信领域的“光进铜退”将毫无悬念地继续推进。飞机上的“以铝节铜”已有实质性的进展。废杂铜和电工用废铝直接再生利用对节能环保具有重要意义。全国建立废旧铜、铝线的回收网络已势在必行。  相似文献   

介绍了现有黄铜棒材生产技术的现状,阐述了我公司利用废杂铜水平连铸生产黄铜棒材的工艺流程、工艺参数、工艺原理,并对该黄铜棒材组织结构及机械性能进行了分析。结果表明,利用废杂铜水平连铸生产黄铜棒材迎合了国家循环经济发展要求,节约了生产成本,棒材综合性能达到了水暖五金卫浴用黄铜棒材行业标准水平。  相似文献   

我国是世界第一铜消费大国,但我国铜资源储量极为贫乏,废杂铜再生利用为满足我国铜消费需求作出了重要贡献。废杂铜再生利用还具有良好的节能减排效果,据测算,与生产原生金属相比,每生产1t再生铜相当于节能1054kg标煤、节水395m3、减少固体废物排放380t、减少二氧化硫排放0.137t。经过几十年的发展,我国已形成以广东南海、清远、浙江台州、宁波、  相似文献   

我国是世界第一铜消费大国,但我国铜资源储量极为贫乏,废杂铜再生利用为满足我国铜消费需求作出了重要贡献.废杂铜再生利用还具有良好的节能减排效果,据测算,与生产原生金属相比,每生产1t再生铜相当于节能1054kg标煤、节水395m3、减少固体废物排放380t、减少二氧化硫排放0.137t.经过几十年的发展,我国已形成以广东南海、清远、浙江台州、宁波、永康、天津静海为代表的珠江三角洲、长江三角洲和环渤海地区3个再生铜产业集聚区,产业技术装备和清洁生产水平持续进步,金属熔炼回收率不断提高,产品结构不断优化,产业规模已超过千亿元.  相似文献   

<正>铝及铝合金密度小、比强度高、耐腐蚀性和抗氧化性好,易于加工和再生利用,被广泛应用于建筑、运输、国防、包装等行业和日常生活领域。近年来中国铝产量突飞猛进,消费量以年平均增长率为7.2%的速度增加,已成为全球  相似文献   

再生铝——适应可持续发展的绿色产业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了再生铝产业的现状和营销市场,指出规模经济是再生行业的主流,再生铝的产品结构在逐渐向变形铝合金的方向发展。市场需求和技术创新是推动再生铝产业发展的两个主要因素。  相似文献   

针对电缆带以铝节铜的市场需求和超薄铜铝复合板带制备技术缺乏的现状,提出了包含叠轧的多道次累积轧制复合工艺,同时采用快速在线退火工艺成功制备了厚度为0.12 mm的超薄铜铝复合电缆带,并对其不同道次和不同退火工艺下的拉伸力学性能进行了分析.研究表明:采用高温短时在线热处理可以达到低温长时退火处理的效果;超薄铜铝复合带的力学性能对厚度特别敏感;改变初始坯料状态和降低中间退火温度可以改善最终复合带的力学性能.  相似文献   

The copper consumption by the Chinese Cable Industry amounted to 3.54 million tons in 2006, taking over 70% of the total copper consumption in China in that year. At present, making copper rod directly from recovered scrap copper and saving copper with aluminium have become topics of general interests in the Chinese Cable Industry. The quality of the copper conductors in the Industry is declining, resulting in sharp decrease in the rate of qualified wire and cable products. More and more copper wires are drawn from the rods made directly from scrap copper. The manufacturers know well some of the wires or rods are unqualified products though, they continue to use or produce products not complying with standards in order to make profits. Now the consumption of copper-clad-aluminum and copper-clad-steel is growing gradually. In 2006, the consumption of copper-clad-aluminum in China amounted to ca. 50 000 tons. But in some applications, neither the common understanding between buyer and supplier nor the results of feasibility study are achieved in the product orientation and technical/economic feasibility in terms of saving copper with aluminium. This paper presents the status-quo, problems arisen and suggestions in terms of making copper rod directly from recovered scrap copper and saving copper with aluminium, in a view to promote these two topics of general interests to go toward a virtuous circle.  相似文献   

研究了Al-Si-Cu-Mg系中富铜的W(AlxSi4Mg5Cu4)相与Al2Cu相的金相显示鉴别法,并用化学染色试剂彩色显示区分铸造铝硅铜镁系合金(α+Si+Al2Cu+W)四元共晶中的W相及Al2Cu相。  相似文献   

王安 《中国工程科学》2009,11(10):143-147
提升煤炭工业产业技术水平,转变煤炭生产增长方式,不仅是解决煤炭工业健康发展的需要,也是改善国家能源供给,保障能源安全的关键所在.煤炭产业升级总的方向和途径主要在结构优化和技术升级两个方面.神东以"四化"为基本特征的大型煤炭基地建设的成功实践,在"规模、模式、装备"3个方面带动了我国煤炭工业的发展,对煤炭产业升级具有重要的示范意义.要加快制定煤炭产业政策配套措施,积极引导产业升级,建立有利于统一管理的能源管理体制,推广神东模式,提高资源的采出率和矿产资源的利用率.  相似文献   

On the use of risk acceptance criteria in the offshore oil and gas industry   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Risk acceptance criteria, as upper limits of acceptable risks, have been used for offshore activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf for more than 20 years. The common thinking has been that risk analyses and assessments cannot be conducted in a meaningful way without the use of such criteria. The ALARP principle also applies, but the risk acceptance criteria have played a more active role in the assessment processes than seen for example in the UK. Recently there has, however, been a discussion about the suitability of risk acceptance criteria to assess and control risks. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to this discussion by presenting and discussing a risk analysis regime that is not based on the use of risk acceptance criteria at all. We believe that we can do better if cost-effectiveness (in a wide sense) is the ruling thinking rather than adoption of pre-defined risk acceptance limits. This means a closer resemblance with the ALARP principle as adopted in the UK and other countries, but is not a direct application of this practice. Also the building blocks of the common way of applying the ALARP principle are reviewed. The Norwegian offshore oil and gas industry is the starting point, but the discussion is to large extent general.  相似文献   


The addition of ultra-fine and nano-sized particles in composite materials influences their properties. In order to understand the influence of the nano-size of metal particles on the oxidation behaviour, a series of in situ studies by thermogravimetry (TG) and high temperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed on Al, Fe and Cu during heating with post oxidation analysis by field emission – scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). The oxidation reaction depends, for all three studied metals, on the particle size both in regard to transient oxide formation and formation temperatures. On a nano-scale Al forms θ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 simultaneously at 500°C, but both of these oxides transform to α-Al2O3 at 975°C producing nano-scaled oxide particles. Aluminium particles with sizes from 2 to 25 μm form α-Al2O3 only, starting at temperatures close to the melting point. Nano-sized Fe forms on heating from 340°C α-Fe2O3 only and no other oxides. On nano-sized Cu particles the formation of Cu2O starts at 140°C, transforming completely to CuO at 300°C.  相似文献   

超长大规格主缆单元索股成圈束股运输技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合主跨1650m西堠门大桥主缆索股的运输技术,以及规格5.1×169丝×4250m重120t的主缆单元索股的实例,介绍了超长大规格悬索主缆成圈束股的运输技术。  相似文献   

Al/Cu键合界面金属间化合物的形成是导致微电子器件失效的重要因素之一,总结了微电子器件生产和使用过程中Al/Cu键合界面金属间化合物的生长规律,分析了Al/Cu键合系统的失效机制。热超声键合过程中,Al焊盘上氧化铝层的破裂使金属间化合物的形成成为可能,键合及器件使用过程中,金属间化合物和柯肯德尔空洞的形成和长大最终导致键合失效。采用在Al焊盘上镀覆Ti过渡层的方法,可有效降低键合系统中Cu原子的扩散速度,抑制金属间化合物的生长,从而提高电子元器件的可靠性。  相似文献   

依据2006年的行业统计数据,对我国工商制冷空调行业部分产品变化情况进行分析,并针对我国制冷空调行业发展现状提出几点建议,为今后企业的规划与发展提供依据.  相似文献   

本文通过分析汉信码技术和研究快消产品在生产、流通、消费、监管方面的特点,提出一套基于汉信码技术的快批行业防伪系统,并重点介绍了汉信码的数据格式设计及防伪系统的架构。通过系统的设计与应用,快批企业可以较好的提高防伪能力。  相似文献   

铝合金表面激光熔敷铜基复合材料涂层的工艺和组织   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在ZL104铝合金表面激光熔敷铜基混合粉末(w(B)/%:20Ni,8.0Co5.0Fe,6.8Mo,1.5Cr,3.5Si,0.2RE,其余为Cu),制备了高硬度铜基复合材料涂层。研究发现,熔敷层稀释率随光宽度和扫描速度增大而减小,随激光束产大而显著增大;  相似文献   

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