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A technique for NADH-diaphorase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity visualization at the light microscope level has been essentially modified by the use of a short pre-fixation of cryostat sections in a gluteraldehyde-containing fixative followed by a prolonged (18-20 h) incubation in the chilled (4-6 degrees C) standard media. Besides, for revealing NADH-diaphorase Triton X-100 is recommended to add to the incubation medium. The offered technical modifications secure a high staining intensity and specificity of both histochemical reactions tested without any substantial sophistication of the procedure.  相似文献   

Benign fetal rhabdomyoma is a tumor of striated muscle origin that rarely is seen in the extremities. Because of the similarities of fetal rhabdomyoma to its malignant counterpart, rhabdomyosarcoma, an important distinction is to be made to avoid errors in treatment. The clinical presentation, radiographic, and pathologic features of the first known case of an isolated upper extremity rhabdomyoma are described. The authors discuss, the distinction between this and rhabdomyosarcoma and also describe a unique histologic feature in rhabdomyoma, the presence of psammoma bodies.  相似文献   

This experimental work was undertaken to study the difference in cell growth due to different attachment surface. Three types of attachment surface were studied (i) collagenized surface (ii) glass surface and (iii) plastic surface. Rat tail collagen suspension was prepared and coated on culture flasks. Human breast epithelial cells and breast carcinoma cells were cultured for three weeks. Cell counts were made before and after one, two and three weeks of culture. Out of five cases only two survived for more than a week. The best survival was observed on plastic surface. Collagenized and glass surfaces had similar results. Thus plastic surface is probably the best compared to glass and collagenized surface, possibly because the plastic surface provides better adhesion to malignant cells. It was also seen that in plastic surface the cells get lined up around a basement membrane like structure growing a resemblance to ductal structure. This is contradictory to the prevalent view that collagenized surface is best for in vitro growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Bad breath plagues millions of people in the US. Because breath malodor is viewed as a social, not medical, condition, bad breath usually is not part of dental school curriculums. Desperate halitosis sufferers looking for help are turning to the dental profession for answers.  相似文献   

Cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) plasma levels physiologically increase during pregnancy. The lipid increment is respectively 23%-53% above pregravidic level for TC and two-three fold the pre-pregnancy level for TG. If the TC and TG are higher than normal values in pregnancy the patient must be carefully monitored. Acute pancreatitis is the main consequence of hyperlipidemia and it can occur either during pregnancy, in the third trimester, or in the puerperium. Mortality is high both for the mother (21%) and the fetus (20%). The authors report a case of 37-year-old pregnant woman at 35 week gestation with hypercholesterolemia (TC = 425 mg/dl) and severe hypertriglyceridemia (TG = 3315 mg/dl). The patient was admitted to the hospital for treatment with an appropriate diet and drug lowering lipid levels (gemfibrozil). The baby was delivered by cesarean section at week 36. The neonatal weight at birth was 2670 g and the Apgar score was 9 at the first minute. After delivery the maternal triglyceride levels showed a remarkable reduction. According to a review of the literature, severe hypertriglyceridemia in pregnancy should be treated with a careful restriction of calories and fat; for preventing acute pancreatitis hospitalization for intravenous fluid therapy and plasma exchange must be required.  相似文献   

Idiopathic epilepsies with generalized seizures of early childhood are based on a genetic predisposition. The onset takes place between the first and fifth years of age, boys are affected more often than girls. Dependent on the clinical symptomatology you have to distinguish: myoclonic seizures; atonic-astatic seizures; myoclonic-astatic seizures; absences; tonic-clonic seizures. In more than half of the cases a combination of these seizures can be observed. The differentiation of epilepsies with generalized seizures of multifocal origin (infantile spasms, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Pseudo-Lennox syndrome [atypical benign epilepsy]) may be difficult but is essential. Therapy of choice is valproate, often in combination with ethosuximide (in children with minor seizures) or with kaliumbromide or phenobarbital (in children with tonic-clonic seizures). Generally the prognosis is more unfavourable if epilepsy starts in the first year of life with afebrile and febrile generalized tonic-clonic or clonic seizures, if children are suffering from longlasting states of seizures and if development is disturbed before beginning of epilepsy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the association between recurrent sleep, panic, and suicidal behavior in panic disorder. We compared the recurrent sleep panickers (N = 33) with other panickers (N = 34). The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS) suicide subscale was used to rate the severity of active suicidality. We found that recurrent sleep panickers also had a higher percentage of insomnia and comorbid major depression than the others. A multivariate analysis demonstrated an association between recurrent sleep panic and suicidal tendencies in patients with panic disorder. Although recurrent sleep panic alone is not an independent risk factor for suicidal behavior, it may modify the severity of illness in patients with panic disorder.  相似文献   

Partial seizures and asymmetric abnormalities seen on electroencephalogram (EEG) are infrequent in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, but when present, can lead to a misdiagnosis of partial seizures. We report four patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy who had generalized spike or polyspike and wave discharges on EEG in addition to clinical and EEG evidence of focality. The clinical course and response to therapy was similar to that in typical juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.  相似文献   

Treatment of interdigital tinea pedis often involves long-term therapy with topically applied preparations. Effective oral preparations, such as the allylamine terbinafine (Lamisil), taken over a shorter period, could provide a useful therapeutic alternative. A total of 269 patients from five centres with clinically diagnosed interdigital tinea pedis were entered into this double-blind, randomized, double-dummy, parallel-group study comparing oral terbinafine 250 mg once daily for 1 week with 1% clotrimazole (Canesten) cream applied twice daily for 4 weeks. Of these, 137 patients were evaluable for efficacy (confirmed dermatophyte infection by microscopy and culture): 63 terbinafine and 74 clotrimazole. At week 4, the mycological cure rates (negative culture at week 1 and negative results on microscopy and culture at week 4 onwards) were very similar (71% for clotrimazole and 72% for terbinafine). There was a faster response rate in the terbinafine group with respect to signs and symptoms at week 1. Both treatments were equally well tolerated; adverse events occurred equally in the two groups. In conclusion, oral terbinafine in a single daily dose of 250 mg for 1 week is as effective and as well tolerated as 1% clotrimazole cream applied twice daily for 4 weeks in the treatment of interdigital tinea pedis.  相似文献   

Pyomyositis is a primary infection of skeletal muscle. We report the case of a previously healthy six-year-old who suffered from pyomyositis in the right lower back. He presented with lower back pain and low-grade fever for one week. After a series of laboratory and imaging studies, the diagnosis of right multifidus muscle pyomyositis with abscess formation was made. The patient recovered rapidly after incision and drainage therapy, accompanied by antibiotic treatment. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from the abscess discharge. It was strongly suspected that herbal medicines and common cold medication the patient had been prescribed before admission to our hospital produced a masking effect that delayed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

We report an exceptional case of ovarian leiomyoma in 73 years old patient. Leiomyoma of the ovary is a very rare tumor. Most cases are asymptomatic, this benign neoplasm is usually found incidentally on routine pelvic examination, at surgery or at autopsy. The available literature is reviewed. The possible histogenesis of ovarian leiomyoma was discussed.  相似文献   

Demonstration of the full extent of abnormality in patients with the Struge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is important for prognosis and in planning surgery to remove the seizure focus. We compared single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), MRI and CT in nine children under the age of 4 years with seizures as part of SWS, in an attempt to determine the optimal method of imaging in different clinical settings. Seven unilateral and two bilateral cases were studied by interictal 99mtechnetium hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime (HMPAO) SPECT, and contrast-enhanced CT and MRI, giving information on 11 abnormal hemispheres. All imaging modalities showed abnormalities in every child. Perfusion imaging showed focal regions of decreased uptake in 9 of 11 (82%) abnormal hemispheres and demonstrated a widespread decrease but no focal defect in 2; it also revealed crossed cerebellar diaschisis in 2 cases. CT demonstrated typical gyriform calcification in 9 of 11 (82%) affected hemispheres. Contrast-enhanced MRI showed more extensive involvement than contrast-enhanced CT in 5 of 11 (45%) cases. The area of hypoperfusion shown by SPECT was smaller than the area of contrast enhancement on MRI in 6 of 11 cases (55%), comparable in 3 (27%) and larger in 2 cases (18%). CT is sufficient to confirm the clinical diagnosis of SWS, but MRI frequently shows more extensive abnormal areas. 99mTc HMPAO imaging is a useful addition when it is important to know the full extent of the disease, for example prior to surgery. It is likely to detect areas of hypoperfusion, representing ischaemic regions, which may act as an epileptogenic focus and may not be shown by CT or MRI.  相似文献   

Tumors of the meninges in infancy and childhood are unusual; childhood meningiomatosis is thought to be more common in neurocutaneous diseases. The case presented here is one of multiple recurrent and de novo benign meningeal tumors in a child who has no other signs or symptoms of a neurocutaneous syndrome.  相似文献   

This case concerns an arc welder who presented suppurative bronchiectasis and episodes of purulent left side pleurisy in relation to cystic bronchiectasis of the left lower lobe and a very severe stenosis at the origin of the main left bronchus. The medicolegal problem was to assess the causal relationship between these lesions and occupational exposure. They do not come under the heading of table 44 of the General List and we made this the aim of discretionary award in front of a regional committee of compensation for occupational disease.  相似文献   

We present a patient who had benign symmetrical lipomatosis. He was treated surgically (6 operations), and the results were satisfactory. we discuss various factors in this disease and suggest the possibility of a nonsurgical treatment being developed in the future.  相似文献   

A case report is presented of a 15-year-old girl with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). She was referred to hospital because of left upper limb pain. Her left upper limb was cold, edematous and blue with a limited active range of movement. The serum concentration of noradrenaline was lower on the painful side than on the healthy side, and neurotropin, which has an antinociceptive effect to hyperalgesia, was clearly effective. Early diagnosis and management is essential in the treatment of RSD and administration of neurotropin is a useful and non-invasive treatment without severe adverse effects.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic operation has been an alternative method in not only adults but children. We presented two children with true hermaphroditism who were performed by open gonadectomy and laparoscopic gonadectomy respectively. Both patients at the age of 4, and 2 years showed karyotypes of 46, XX, and were raised as girls. In the first case left ovary and right ovotestis were revealed by open gonadal biopsy and right ovotestis was removed by open surgery. In another case bilateral ovotestes were revealed by laparoscopic gonadal biopsy and resected by laparoscopic procedure. Laparoscopy was very useful for detecting the gonadal structures to confirm the diagnosis in intersex patients. True hermaphrodite is one of uncommon intersex anomalies, therefore the diagnosis should be made to demonstrate the coexistence of both ovarian and testicular tissues definitely. We estimated laparoscopic gonadectomy in pediatric true hermaphrodite and concluded that laparoscopic gonadectomy was as profitable as open gonadectomy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of lamotrigine (LTG) on several humoral and cellular immune functions in children with epilepsy and the change in immunological status in patients with LTG-induced rash. METHODS: Sixteen children with epilepsy of unknown origin or secondary to various etiologies undergoing treatment with LTG participated in the humoral and cellular immunological study. Of these, 2 patients developed a rash during LTG treatment and are described in detail. RESULTS: No modifications of humoral or cellular immunity (measured at 1 and 3 months) were noted in 14 of the 16 patients during this treatment. In the 2 children who manifested rash, basal immune function was normal. In both, immediately after the skin rash appeared, there was a high increase in the percentage of activated T-helper lymphocytes (CD4-DR) and activated T-suppressor lymphocytes (CD8-DR), a slight increase in percentage of B lymphocytes (CD19), and a greater increase in serum concentration of IgE. In 1 of the 2 patients, reevaluation of immunity 20 days after the rash appeared and after LTG suspension showed normal percentages of CD4-DR, CD8-DR, and CD19, whereas the serum concentration of IgE had decreased. CONCLUSIONS: The observed immunological results indicate that LTG-induced rash may be considered an immune-mediated hypersensitivity reaction.  相似文献   

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