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《Food Control》2007,18(7):821-833
This paper presents a review of recent developments over the past 10 years that have further advanced the state of the art in improving food safety, quality and manufacturing efficiency in the canned food industry worldwide. The review focuses initially on retort control systems, and the various approaches that have been taken to help canned food processors accomplish on-line correction of unexpected process deviations, the major cause of lost productivity. Important features of each approach are discussed, along with suggested industry applications that would be appropriate for each method. The review also describes recent advances in industrial automation, including new retort systems for flexible and semi-rigid retortable packages, and automated materials handling systems for loading and unloading of batch retorts. The review concludes with a discussion of future trends to be expected in the industry.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2007,18(5):458-465
This paper describes a simple, practical and efficient (nearly precise, yet safe) strategy for on-line correction of thermal process deviations during retort sterilization of canned foods. The strategy is intended for easy implementation in any cannery around the world. Commercial systems currently in use for on-line correction of process deviations do so by extending process time to that which would be needed had the entire process been carried out at the lower retort temperature reached at the lowest point in the deviation (“commercial” correction). This method of correction often results in extensive unnecessary over-processing with concomitant deterioration in product quality, and costly interruption to the retort loading/unloading rotation schedules in retort cook room operations. These problems are addressed by a novel control strategy that takes into account the duration of the deviation in addition to the magnitude of the temperature drop. It calculates a “proportional” extended process time at the recovered retort temperature that will deliver the final specified target lethality with very little over processing in comparison to current industry practice. Results from an exhaustive “optimization” search routine using the complex method are also reported, that show the proposed strategy will always result in a corrected process that delivers no less than the final target lethality specified for the originally scheduled process.  相似文献   

孔店油田本源微生物驱油先导试验研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本源微生物采油技术利用油藏中已存在的各种细菌(本源微生物),以注水井近井地带剩余油为碳源,补充微生物基本营养物并混以空气,激活油藏中的有用菌,使之大量繁殖和代谢,并利用其降解原油、产生驱油剂、改善油藏生态系统和油水性质,以增强剩余油的流动性能,从而达到提高采收率的目的。该技术与目前多用的外源微生物采油技术有较大差别。大港油田孔二北断块为稠油、底水、高孔和高渗且无产能接替的断块,在油藏地质研究、开发状况和生化参数分析以及本源微生物驱油技术可行性分析的基础上,确定了在该断块注入混气营养物的试验方案,进行了为期近3a的现场试验。现场动态监测与生产动态跟踪结果表明:①注水井近井地带和油层深部有用的本源菌已被激活,其数量较试验前增加3~7个数量级;甲烷代谢速率较试验前增加了4~78倍,代谢产物增加16~208倍;硫酸盐还原速率增加,但没有硫化氢产生。②原油和地层水性质有所改善。③单井日产油量和气量增加(截至2005年2月累计增油17866t)。本源微生物采油技术在孔二北断块的成功应用对国内处于高含水阶段老油田进一步提高采收率具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Traditional fermentation processes are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and policy makers as a vital part of food security strategies. New opportunities provided by biotechnology are opening up possibilities to improve or upgrade traditional small-scale processes and make better use of agricultural products. A straightforward transfer-of-technology approach, characteristic for mainstream development assistance to developing countries, is inappropriate to upgrade and improve the traditional food processing sector in developing countries. In this paper, the case of soy sauce fermentation in Indonesia is presented to illustrate the dangers of narrowing traditional food processing to a sequence of operations. These processes and their operations reflect the social, political, cultural and ethnical relations in which they emerged and evolved. Successful upgrading requires that these relations are understood and that, based on such an understanding, modern technologies build upon their traditional predecessors. Any technology or project that neglects the coherence between these relations or is unable to meet social, political and cultural requirements in addition to technical ones, is doomed to fail.  相似文献   

银根盆地中的反转构造样式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
银根盆地位于我国东西部两大构造区域的交汇处,存在多种构造样式。据域区地质构造分析,该盆地自中生代以来,经历了三叠纪一侏罗纪隆起上升、白垩纪下新生代隆起三个阶段,体现了应力场的交替,有利于反转构造的形成。该区的地震资料证实有正反转构造存在。  相似文献   

Biogenic amines in commercial fish and fish products sold in southern China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eight biogenic amines (histamine, tryptamine, putrescine, 2-phenylethylamine, cadaverine, tyramine, spermidine and spermine) were determined in 13 species of fish and 49 fish products commonly consumed in southern China. The biogenic amines were analyzed by reverse phase HPLC with a fluorescence detector following pre-column derivation with dansyl chloride. In the fish samples, the total level of biogenic amine (BA) ranged from 5.03 mg/kg to 156.17 mg/kg, with a mean value of 44.17 mg/kg. Histamine levels were less than 21.85 mg/kg. The BA levels detected were not high enough to indicate fish decomposition. Low BA levels were also found in most fish product samples. However, several samples of fermented fish products and packaged fish products showed higher levels (484.42 mg/kg of BA in lightly cured horse mackerel and 166.45 mg/kg of BA in packaged eel). Specifically, lightly cured horse mackerel, which is a traditional fish product in southern China, exhibited relatively high levels of 2-phenylethylamine (57.61 mg/kg), cadaverine (244.41 mg/kg) and tyramine (62.85 mg/kg). Such samples with relatively high BA content require careful monitoring to ensure their safety for human consumption.  相似文献   

陆内裂谷盆地的油气成藏风格   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
陆内裂谷盆地是重要的含油气盆地类型之一。在讨论裂谷盆地成因、构造样式和沉积体系的基础上,重点讨论主动型和被动型裂谷含油气系统的成藏模式差异。主动型裂谷一般边界断层较缓,沉降速率大,火山活动频繁,地热梯度高,由于多次热扰动,同裂谷期发育的粗-细-粗的沉积旋回中形成多个次级旋回,构成良好的“自生自储自盖式成藏组合”,发育滚动背斜、披覆背斜和潜山圈闭油气藏,油气储量主要分布在同裂谷期层序中。被动型裂谷通常边界断层较陡,伸展速率和沉降速率小,火山活动不发育,地热梯度低,同裂谷期沉积旋回中的次级旋回不明显,后裂谷期的辫状河砂体是主要的储集层,上覆的新生裂谷期滨、浅湖相泥岩是有效的区域盖层,形成良好的“下生上储上盖式成藏组合”,反向断块是最主要的油气藏圈闭类型,油气储量主要分布在后裂谷期层序中。图3参25  相似文献   

本源微生物驱在大港高温稠油油田的现场应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本源微生物采油不存在菌种适应性、变异退化等问题,减少了菌种的发酵、注入等操作程序,工艺简单、投资少、成本低.应用本源微生物驱油技术可以改善油藏条件,提高原油最终采收率.2001~2004年,在大港孔店油田北区块应用了营养物水驱生物技术.根据油藏地质和工程、开发状况及生化参数分析结果,确定了注入混气营养物激活本源微生物生长来提高采收率试验方案.对流体的理化参数监测以及生产动态跟踪和评价结果表明,试验是成功的,油藏生态环境发生明显变化,流体性质明显改善.现场试验期间,累计增油17 866 t.  相似文献   

内源微生物驱油物模实验及其群落演变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对胜利油田孤岛中一区Ng3地层水的性质设计激活剂配方,在物理模拟条件下有效激活内源微生物,同时将硫酸盐还原菌浓度控制在50个/mL以下。微生物经激活后代谢活跃,产乙酸达346 mg/L,产出气体中甲烷含量5%。通过变性梯度凝胶电泳及其条带测序,定性分析了激活后内源微生物群落中的15个不同内源菌属,其中以嗜热厌氧菌为主,部分种属代谢产生的低分子有机酸、CO2和H2等,被其它细菌或产甲烷古菌作为代谢底物而利用,这些微生物组成了物理模拟实验条件下的完整代谢体系。  相似文献   

为了利用微生物技术进一步提高原油采收率,针对S12区块开发现状和地质条件,通过对油藏内部的微生物群落结构组成、地层流体的性质进行分析,确定了实施内源微生物驱油技术的可行性。通过大量室内试验筛选了可以激活油藏中利于采油细菌的营养配方,并通过物理模拟试验确定了激活剂的注入浓度,物理模拟试验结果表明,在进行水驱之后,实施内源微生物驱油技术可提高采收率9个百分点以上,在室内试验的基础上进行了现场注入试验。现场跟踪测试结果表明,注入筛选的营养剂配方以后,油藏中的细菌被激活,并代谢产生了有利于提高原油采收率的物质,起到了一定的增油效果。  相似文献   

《Food Control》2010,21(9):1219-1226
In order to obtain the level of biogenic amines in fish and fish products, a reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic method was used for the quantitation of 12 biogenic amines in 300 fish and 80 fish products in Korea. Biogenic amines were extracted with hydrochloric acid, derivatized with dansyl chloride, separated using gradient elution, and detected by photodiode array and all detected biogenic amines were identified by UPLC/MS/MS. The detection levels of biogenic amines in the sample ranged from ND (not detected) to 30.6 mg/kg for agmatine, from ND to 390.0 mg/kg for cadaverine, from ND to 19.8 mg/kg for dopamine, from ND to 70.1 mg/kg for histamine, from ND to 17.8 mg/kg for noradrenaline, from ND to 29.7 mg/kg for 2-phenylethylamine, from ND to 43.0 mg/kg for putrescine, from ND to 11.9 mg/kg for serotonin, from ND to 9.5 mg/kg for spermidine, from ND to 13.5 mg/kg for spermine, from ND to 12.8 mg/kg for tryptamine, and from ND to 67.7 mg/kg for tyramine. Anchovy samples showed the high levels of histamine from 15.2 to 70.1 mg/kg, putrescine from 9.1 to 43.0 mg/kg, cadaverine from 152.2 to 90.0 mg/kg, and tyramine from 27.1 to 67.7 mg/kg. Agmatine was found at 30.6 mg/kg in cuttlefish. In the others fish samples agmatine detection levels were in the range from ND to 27.2 mg/kg. Spermidine and dopamine were detected about more than 85% samples in the range from ND to 19.3 mg/kg. Most of fish product samples showed less than 20 mg/kg of each biogenic amine. The maximum histamine and tyramine detection levels were respectively less than those of the regulation and recommendation.  相似文献   

西湖凹陷反转构造分布与样式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西湖凹陷位于东海陆架盆地东部坳陷带,新生代经历了早期裂陷和晚期挤压的构造作用,挤压反转产生一系列反转构造。反转构造样式包括简单反冲反转或Y字型反转构造、地堑式背冲或对冲反转构造、高角度叠瓦状逆冲构造、后断叠瓦式逆冲构造、反冲叠瓦式逆冲构造、"似花状"背冲构造等。凹陷内发育东缘、中央反转构造带、西部斜坡等3个反转构造带。中央反转构造带反转作用最强,东缘次之,西部斜坡最弱。构造反转样式及其动力学过程主要与半地堑断陷陡坡犁形大断裂带的反转有关。  相似文献   

针对胜利油田辛68区块埋藏深、高温高盐,不适合化学驱和转热采提高采收率的开发矛盾,开展了内源微生物驱油技术研究。在对区块微生物群落结构分析的基础上,通过室内研究,获得了长链碳源类激活剂体系,能够激活不同种类功能菌达到10~8个/mL以上,乳化原油粒径小于10μm。物理模拟实验表明,提高驱替效率8.5%。现场激活吞吐试验后收到了明显效果,油藏中微生物被有效激活,产出液表面张力降低,乳化油滴增加,原油黏度降低,油井产油量由试验前的1.0t/d提高到1.8t/d,含水率降低14%,增油降水效果显著。  相似文献   

《Food Control》2007,18(5):554-557
The incidence of Listeria spp. in the salt-water edible fish and in the environment of fish markets in Thessaloniki, Northern Greece was studied. One hundred and twenty raw/fresh fish bought at the fish markets of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece), were sampled and tested for presence of Listeria species using a two step enrichment procedure, followed by plating on two selective agars and subsequent biochemical identification of the isolates. Five fish samples were positive for Listeria spp. and in only one sample L. monocytogenes was detected. Also, 100 samples of knives, hands, boxes etc were sampled and 18 samples were positive for Listeria spp. and five for L. monocytogenes. L. innocua was more common being detected in four fish samples and 13 environmental samples. L. seeligeri was detected only in one environmental sample. Our findings indicate that only a few fish were contaminated with Listeria spp., while the level of contamination of the environment of fish markets was higher.  相似文献   

克拉玛依油田内源微生物驱油机理探索   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
将复合激活剂W6-3在无需注入空气的情况下应用克拉玛依试验区块8-10和6-3井组进行矿场试验。对试验区块内源微生物各类菌群及其产物进行了检测分析,以揭示其驱油机理。施工后6口采油进的原油产量由试验前的平均7.2t/d增加到13.8t/d,采出液中含水率明显下降。复合激活剂W6-3应用于矿场试验,有效地激活了矿场地层中的有益内源微生物菌群(反硝化菌、石油烃降解菌和产甲烷菌等),并抑制了有害内源微生物菌群(铁细菌、硫细菌和硫酸盐还原菌),最终达到提高原油采收率的目的;而且对曾采取过聚合物驱措施的8-10井组进行内源微生物驱依然有增油降水的效果。  相似文献   

沾3区块内源微生物激活及现场试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
分子生物学技术在石油微生物研究过程中凸显了其重要作用。利用物理模拟的手段在高温高压条件下模拟了胜利油田沾3区块的地层条件,并利用分子生物学的方法考察了不同激活剂对内源微生物的激活效果。实验以区块的注入水和产出水为激活对象,以葡萄糖、淀粉、玉米浆干粉、蔗糖作为激活碳源,以微生物激活的可行性作为目标,进行了微生物的激活优化。结果表明,微生物种群在激活以后发生了明显变化,其中葡萄糖为碳源激活效果尤为突出。另外现场单井吞吐试验表明,激活剂注入后含水下降明显,其中沾3-26井含水下降5%,原油日产由3.4t提高到10.4t,产生了明显的驱油效果。  相似文献   

在对经过露头资料和钻井资料标定的地震剖面解释之后,发现在库车前陆诏皱冲断带库姆格列木背斜下面存在一种特殊的断层结构,致使新老地层互相嵌入,形成互嵌构造。本文依据橹皱冲断带的构造理论及盐岩的流变机制,并运用平衡剖面的观点,对互嵌构造的形成机制进行了探讨,同时给出了与互嵌构造有关的断层平面组合方法。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西南部新生代构造样式及其动力学特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对柴达木盆地西南部构造样式类型与展布的研究,阐述了盆地新生代的动力学特征。研究认为:①柴达木盆地西南部新生代的构造样式总体可划分为挤压—走滑构造样式和伸展—走滑构造样式2种一级类型。其中前者可进一步划分为逆冲叠瓦构造、走滑对冲构造、走滑背冲构造、同沉积背斜、断展背斜、断滑背斜、正花状构造和双重构造等8种二级构造样式类型;后者可划分为走滑—伸展构造样式和同沉积—走滑构造样式2种二级类型。②新生代期间,盆地动力学特征不仅具有时间上的差异性,而且在区域上也存在一定的差别。其中,古新世—始新世沉积期间,盆地总体处于伸展—走滑的动力学环境;渐新世—全新世沉积期间,则总体处于挤压—走滑的动力学环境,且这一环境在盆地中的表现很不均匀,以英北断裂为界,研究区南部的主要动力来源于东昆仑山的挤压作用,从南西向北东方向,推覆作用逐渐减弱,走滑作用逐渐增强;北部则主要受控于阿尔金山的挤压作用,总体表现为中推覆—中走滑作用的动力学特征。  相似文献   

《Food Control》2010,21(8):1143-1149
This paper is aimed to show in a quantitative way the tech-economic advantages of applying a HACCP-based system in fish processing plants with a focus on the quality costs methodology. Quality costs before and after HACCP implementation at three fish processing plants located in Latin America are analyzed. The problems encountered and the resulting benefits are also described. Some of the findings demonstrate that a HACCP-based system implementation reduces failure costs, improves quality, and allows for better knowledge of production planning and control, showing that in the first years of HACCP implementation, when failure costs are over 80% of TQC, each dollar expended in controllable costs returns more than two dollars in failure savings.  相似文献   

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