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海上风力发电技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
风力发电是一种清洁的能源利用方式。随着风力发电技术的发展,海上风力发电已逐渐成为风电发展的新领域。因为海上风资源丰富,而且不会受土地使用的限制。目前,一些欧洲国家已成功建立了自己的海上风电场,证实了海上风力发电是可行的。中国具有很长的海岸线,邻近海域具有丰富的风资源,如能充分利用这些风能,将有助于解决我国的能源和环境问题。我国的海上风力发电技术刚刚起步,开发设计适合我国海域特点,并具有自主知识产权的海上风力发电设备,对我国的风力发电技术及能源战略具有重大意义。  相似文献   

我国农、牧、渔区能源短缺严重,风力发电作为补充能源,在这些地区有着广阔的发展前途。本文叙述了我国风力发电研究简史,分析了风力发电技术中存在的主要问题,指出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

我国风力发电发展现状和问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源危机的日趋严重,优化能源结构、发展清洁环保的可再生能源迫在眉睫。风能是一种清洁环保的可再生能源,随着国家政策的支持和风力发电技术的不断发展,风力发电越来越得到人们的重视,并将在新能源发电中扮演重要的角色。概述了我国风能资源的储量和分布,介绍了近年来我国风力发电的总体情况、各省(自治区)风力发电的发展概况以及我国风电企业的发展现状,最后指出了我国风力发电目前出现的一些问题,并进行了分析。  相似文献   

众所周知,风能是一种比较清洁、实用并且对环境比较友好的可替代性能源。在未来的能源战略发展中,风力能源将具备越来越重要的作用。着眼于风力发电新型能源在生产过程中的运行系统和操作方法,针对风力发电的运行系统和可控制问题进行了探讨与研究。  相似文献   

风力发电面临的问题和政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风力发电是我国目前商业化程度较高的可再生能源产业之一。上个世纪90年代风力发电取得了可喜的成绩,但也面临着一些问题和障碍,如不能妥善地解决,必将严重制约风力发电的进一步发展。本文分析了我国风力发电面临的主要问题和障碍,并提出了一些激励风力发电行业发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

风力作为可再生能源,它对环境的保护以及能源结构的调整有着十分重要的意义.首先对中国的风能发布做了简单介绍,然后分析了中国风力发电的现状,最后指出了中国风力发电的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

浅析风力发电可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了风力发电技术及风力发电行业发展,对我国风电发展前景进行了预测,提出随着技术进步和环保事业的发展,风能发电在商业上将完全可以与燃能发电竞争,风力发电可能成为世界未来重要的替代能源。  相似文献   

近十年来 ,德国大力提供使用可再生能源 ,并制定专门法律 ,扶持可再生能源的发展。据德国可再生能源法 ,德国的电力公司必须无条件以政府制定的高价收购可再生能源装置所生产的电力。目前 ,德国的风力发电电力收购价格为每千瓦时 17 8芬尼 (约合人民币 0 6元 ) ,虽比十年前有所下降 ,但仍比常规电厂高出近 5 0 %。由于风力发电的投资收益高 ,而且是可再生能源中技术最成熟、应用前景最广的一种 ,德国风力发电发展异常迅速。过去十年来 ,德国用于风力发电的投资每年都有大幅度增加 ,仅 2 0 0 0年一年 ,投资额就达 3 4 5亿马克 ,新建了近 15 …  相似文献   

经济、金融危机没有影响到风力发电。最近,世界风力能源协会(GWEC)公布的2009年年报《Global Wind 2009 Report》)显示,2009年世界风力发电开发与当初的预期相反。市场规模达到41.5%、发电设备容量达到31.7%的高增长。在供应不稳定的可再生能源中,风力发电再次成为人们关注的现实选择。  相似文献   

风能是一种绿色能源,随着能源危机和环境保护的双重压力,风力发电技术的不断发展,设备成本的不断降低,风能已成为除水能外最具经济利用和产业化开发价值的可再生能源,其发电成本已接近常规能源。目前,可再生能源法的实施和政府的支持,国内的一大批企业纷纷介入风电行业,特别是兆瓦级大型风力发电技术引进和研制快速发展,风电产业已成为国内迅速发展的新兴产业。最后,就大型陆上风力发电技术的国内外发展现状和关键技术进行综述。  相似文献   

Wind energy, as a reliable, natural and renewable electrical power supply, produces no emissions and so it is an excellent alternative to conventional, more heavily polluting fuels in the long term based on the worldwide concern about the environment and energy supply. Wind energy resources in China are affluent, but its distribution are uneven, centralized, and far from both the utility and the high electricity demand markets. This made China's onshore wind power development have such characteristics as large scale, high centralization and far transmission, which is different with that in Europe, where the characteristics are even distribution, decentralized. In past two decades, considering the economic, technical and environmental benefits of wind power, China has given priority to its development. Besides the dramatic growth of large scale grid-connected wind power, household-scale wind power has been used most successfully in remote rural regions in China. Therefore, the development of wind power will be of great importance to alleviate the energy crisis and environmental pollution resulting from the rapid economic growth of China in the future. In this paper, the current development of wind energy utilization in China is investigated, and some critical barriers are discussed. Finally, the perspective of wind energy utilization is presented, where focuses are placed on seven wind power bases.  相似文献   

Wind energy has been identified in China as an important alternative energy source to balance its energy mix. By the end of 2012, wind power (2%) has surpassed nuclear power to become China's 3rd largest energy resource of electricity, only behind thermal power and hydropower. The rapid growth of China wind power industry in recent years has made China become the biggest market in the world. Meanwhile, it has created a big market for educational institutions to provide wind energy related education and training. The main objective of this study is to review current wind energy education and training in Chinese universities and training centers. Most of wind energy courses are provided by public universities because they have been accredited by Ministry of Education of China to offer students different options, including full-time and part-time degrees in Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. On-the-job training also has tremendous demand from the professionals who prefer short-term courses or on-site courses. Generally, the development of wind energy education and training lags behind the growth of wind power industry. Our study highlights the major opportunities and future challenges in China wind energy education and training.  相似文献   

风电与火电打捆外送相关问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汪宁渤 《中国能源》2010,32(6):18-20
在中国风电连续四年翻番高速发展的大好形势下,风电发展较快的地区首先遭遇到风电消纳能力不足的市场"瓶颈",与此同时2010年年初华中、华东地区先后遭遇了煤电油气紧缺,如何摆脱风电消纳与能源供应能力不足"瓶颈"的影响,成为国内外广泛关注的焦点。本文分析了中国能源以及风电发展问题,以酒泉风电基地为例研究了能源资源与市场逆向分布、风电消纳和能源输送问题,通过输电与输煤的技术经济对比分析,得出了输电替代输煤是国家能源战略的合理选择。  相似文献   

China has set an ambitious target to increase its wind power capacity by 35 GW from 2007 to 2020. The country’s hunger for clean power provides great opportunities for wind energy investors. However, risks from China’s uncertain electricity market regulation and an uncertain energy policy framework, mainly due to uncertain Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) benefits, prevent foreign investors from investing in China’s wind energy. The objectives of this paper are to: (1) quantify wind energy investment risk premiums in an uncertain international energy policy context and (2) evaluate the impact of uncertain CDM benefits on the net present values of wind power projects. With four scenarios, this study simulates possible prices of certified emissions reductions (CERs) from wind power projects. Project net present values (NPVs) have been calculated. The project risk premiums are drawn from different and uncertain CER prices. Our key findings show that uncertain CDM benefits will significantly affect the project NPVs. This paper concludes that the Chinese government needs revising its tariff incentives, most likely by introducing fixed feed-in tariffs (FITs), and re-examining its CDM-granting policy and its wind project tax rates, to facilitate wind power development and enable China to achieve its wind energy target.  相似文献   

In this study, the potential of wind energy and assessment of wind energy systems in Turkey were studied. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the wind energy potential and future wind conversion systems project in Turkey. The wind energy potential of various regions was investigated; and the exploitation of the wind energy in Turkey was discussed. Various regions were analyzed taking into account the wind data measured as hourly time series in the windy locations. The wind data used in this study were taken from Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIEI) for the year 2010. This paper reviews the assessment of wind energy in Turkey as of the end of May 2010 including wind energy applications. Turkey's total theoretically available potential for wind power is around 131,756.40 MW and sea wind power 17,393.20 MW annually, according to TUREB (TWEA). When Turkey has 1.5 MW nominal installed wind energy capacity in 1998, then this capacity has increased to 1522.20 MW in 2010. Wind power plant with a total capacity of 1522.20 MW will be commissioned 2166.65 MW in December 2011.  相似文献   

Zhen Yu Zhao  Ji Hu  Jian Zuo 《Renewable Energy》2009,34(12):2883-2891
A reliable supply of energy is essential to maintain and to improve human being's living conditions. Compared to the conventional coal-fired approach, renewable energy (RE) helps to mitigate the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions to a large extent. As a newly developed sector with large resource potential and good commercial prospects, China's wind power industry is exceeding expectations. By 2008, installed capacity of wind power in China totaled over 12 GW, making China the fourth largest wind market in the world. However, China has to admit the gap with foreign leading countries, mainly in technical R&D for large-scale wind turbine generation units. This paper attempts to formulate an analytical model for studying and assessing factors that have significant impacts on the local industry. An improved dynamic Diamond Model is developed to help the international community to understand the status quo of the Chinese wind power industry. In order to build a stronger wind power industry, the elements identified in the model need to be strengthened.  相似文献   

Jiangsu Province is one of the planned strategic areas for wind power development in China, but its current development of wind power industry is not so outstanding. Since, Jiangsu would encounter little market resistance, this paper focuses on the evaluation of resource capacity for wind power development in Jiangsu Province, including the wind energy capacity, land resources capacity and power grid capacity, in order to find their supportive or restrictive effects on the development of wind power industry. The results show that the wind energy resource in Jiangsu Province are sufficient to meet the needs of the development of wind farms; the extensive mudflat in the coastal areas also provides ideal site conditions for wind farms; but the power grid capacity is insufficient for the wind power development in Jiangsu. Therefore, from the aspect of enhancing the capacity of power grid for carrying wind power and from the other aspect of combining the non-grid-connected utilization and the large-scale storage of wind power, this paper suggests some strategies to overcome the constraints of grid capacity and promoting the wind power development in Jiangsu Province.  相似文献   

风能资源是清洁的可再生能源,风能发电是新能源领域中技术最成熟、最具规模开发条件和商业化发展前景的发电方式之一,也是目前清洁能源中利用最方便、最快捷、最少投入的可再生能源之一。已经成为世界能源可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。因此本文从风的形成原因、影响风速大小的因素、佳木斯风能资源的分布状况和可建风电规模(发展目标)等方面予以阐述,为佳木斯的风电发展提供理论参考根据。  相似文献   

Status and prospects of Chinese wind energy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Chinese government is paying considerable attention to the utilization of renewable energy, especially wind energy, because of problems such as low per capita energy consumption, heavy environment pollution, low energy efficiency, and small proportion of renewable energy. The utilization of wind energy, whose resources are very abundant in China, is undergoing rapid development; however, there are still a lot of barriers to overcome. Recently, the Chinese government made a series of policies to promote the wind power industry and the construction of wind farms, which accelerated the technology development simultaneously. The study presents a brief introduction to the resource, status and prospect of wind energy in China, which shows that with the support of the government, China will accelerate the cultivation of professionals, increase the investment of scientific research, establish a national public technical service platform to enhance self-innovation capability and to integrate domestic and oversea resources, and finally establish a complete industrial system that involves manufacture, consultation and service.  相似文献   

Wind characteristics and wind turbine characteristics in Taiwan have been thoughtfully analyzed based on a long-term measured data source (1961–1999) of hourly mean wind speed at 25 meteorological stations across Taiwan. A two-stage procedure for estimating wind resource is proposed. The yearly wind speed distribution and wind power density for the entire Taiwan is firstly evaluated to provide annually spatial mean information of wind energy potential. A mathematical formulation using a two-parameter Weibull wind speed distribution is further established to estimate the wind energy generated by an ideal turbine and the monthly actual wind energy generated by a wind turbine operated at cubic relation of power between cut-in and rated wind speed and constant power between rated and cut-out wind speed. Three types of wind turbine characteristics (the availability factor, the capacity factor and the wind turbine efficiency) are emphasized. The monthly wind characteristics and monthly wind turbine characteristics for four meteorological stations with high winds are investigated and compared with each other as well. The results show the general availability of wind energy potential across Taiwan.  相似文献   

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