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Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) have been widely investigated over the last decade. Recently researchers have extended SMT to the optimization problem over linear arithmetic constraints. To the best of our knowledge, Symba and OPT-MathSAT are two most efficient solvers available for this problem. The key algorithms used by Symba and OPT-MathSAT consist of the loop of two procedures: 1) critical finding for detecting a critical point, which is very likely to be globally optimal, and 2) global checking for confirming the critical point is really globally optimal. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on the Simplex method widely used in operation research. Our fundamental idea is to find several critical points by constructing and solving a series of linear problems with the Simplex method. Our approach replaces the algorithms of critical finding in Symba and OPT-MathSAT, and reduces the runtime of critical finding and decreases the number of executions of global checking. The correctness of our approach is proved. The experiment evaluates our implementation against Symba and OPT-MathSAT on a critical class of problems in real-time systems. Our approach outperforms Symba on 99.6% of benchmarks and is superior to OPT-MathSAT in large-scale cases where the number of tasks is more than 24. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach has great potential and competitiveness for the optimization problem.  相似文献   

We present bsp-why, a tool for deductive verification of bsp  algorithms with subgroup synchronisation. From bsp  programs, bsp-why generates sequential codes for the back-end condition generator why and thus benefits from its large range of existing provers. By enabling subgroups, the user can prove the correctness of programs that run on hierarchical machines—e.g. clusters of multi-cores. In general, bsp-why is able to generate proof obligations of mpi programs that only use collective operations. Our case studies are distributed state-space construction algorithms, the basis of model-checking.  相似文献   

A degree-constrained graph orientation of an undirected graph G is an assignment of a direction to each edge in G such that the outdegree of every vertex in the resulting directed graph satisfies a specified lower and/or upper bound. Such graph orientations have been studied for a long time and various characterizations of their existence are known. In this paper, we consider four related optimization problems introduced in reference (Asahiro et al. LNCS 7422, 332–343 (2012)): For any fixed non-negative integer W, the problems MAX W-LIGHT, MIN W-LIGHT, MAX W-HEAVY, and MIN W-HEAVY take as input an undirected graph G and ask for an orientation of G that maximizes or minimizes the number of vertices with outdegree at most W or at least W. As shown in Asahiro et al. LNCS 7422, 332–343 (2012)).  相似文献   

Given a simple undirected graph G = (V, E) and an integer k < |V|, the Sparsest k-Subgraph problem asks for a set of k vertices which induces the minimum number of edges. As a generalization of the classical independent set problem, Sparsest k-Subgraph is ????-hard and even not approximable unless ?????? in general graphs. Thus, we investigate Sparsest k-Subgraph in graph classes where independent set is polynomial-time solvable, such as subclasses of perfect graphs. Our two main results are the ????-hardness of Sparsest k-Subgraph on chordal graphs, and a greedy 2-approximation algorithm. Finally, we also show how to derive a P T A S for Sparsest k-Subgraph on proper interval graphs.  相似文献   

Given a real world graph, how can we find a large subgraph whose partition quality is much better than the original? How can we use a partition of that subgraph to discover a high quality global partition? Although graph partitioning especially with balanced sizes has received attentions in various applications, it is known NP-hard, and also known that there is no good cut at a large scale for real graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for graph partitioning. Our first focus is on finding a large subgraph with high quality partitions, in terms of conductance. Despite the difficulty of the task for the whole graph, we observe that there is a large connected subgraph whose partition quality is much better than the original. Our proposed method MTP finds such a subgraph by removing “hub” nodes with large degrees, and taking the remaining giant connected component. Further, we extend MTP to gb MTP (Global Balanced MTP) for discovering a global balanced partition. gb MTP attaches the excluded nodes in MTP to the partition found by MTP in a greedy way. In experiments, we demonstrate that MTP finds a subgraph of a large size with low conductance graph partitions, compared with competing methods. We also show that the competitors cannot find connected subgraphs while our method does, by construction. This improvement in partition quality for the subgraph is especially noticeable for large scale cuts—for a balanced partition, down to 14 % of the original conductance with the subgraph size 70 % of the total. As a result, the found subgraph has clear partitions at almost all scales compared with the original. Moreover, gb MTP generally discovers global balanced partitions whose conductance are lower than those found by METIS, the state-of-the-art graph partitioning method.  相似文献   

The paper studies three fundamental problems in graph analytics, computing connected components (CCs), biconnected components (BCCs), and 2-edge-connected components (ECCs) of a graph. With the recent advent of big data, developing efficient distributed algorithms for computing CCs, BCCs and ECCs of a big graph has received increasing interests. As with the existing research efforts, we focus on the Pregel programming model, while the techniques may be extended to other programming models including MapReduce and Spark. The state-of-the-art techniques for computing CCs and BCCs in Pregel incur \(O(m\times \#\text {supersteps})\) total costs for both data communication and computation, where m is the number of edges in a graph and #supersteps is the number of supersteps. Since the network communication speed is usually much slower than the computation speed, communication costs are the dominant costs of the total running time in the existing techniques. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm based on graph decomposition to compute CCs and BCCs with O(m) total communication cost. The total computation costs of our techniques are also smaller than that of the existing techniques in practice, though theoretically almost the same. Moreover, we also study distributed computing ECCs. We are the first to study this problem and an approach with O(m) total communication cost is proposed. Comprehensive empirical studies demonstrate that our approaches can outperform the existing techniques by one order of magnitude regarding the total running time.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the implementation of deformable ring gears in Multi-Body-Simulation-Models (MBS-Models) of planetary gearboxes using the example of a Wind Turbine (WT). For this purpose an add-on to the MBS-Software Simpack was developed and tested by the project partners Bosch Rexroth and the Institute for Machine Elements and Machine Design at Rwth-Aachen University (Ime).The presented research includes a measurement campaign on a test rig owned by Bosch Rexroth to obtain data for a validation of the newly developed add-on.  相似文献   

How do the k-core structures of real-world graphs look like? What are the common patterns and the anomalies? How can we exploit them for applications? A k-core is the maximal subgraph in which all vertices have degree at least k. This concept has been applied to such diverse areas as hierarchical structure analysis, graph visualization, and graph clustering. Here, we explore pervasive patterns related to k-cores and emerging in graphs from diverse domains. Our discoveries are: (1) Mirror Pattern: coreness (i.e., maximum k such that each vertex belongs to the k-core) is strongly correlated with degree. (2) Core-Triangle Pattern: degeneracy (i.e., maximum k such that the k-core exists) obeys a 3-to-1 power-law with respect to the count of triangles. (3) Structured Core Pattern: degeneracy–cores are not cliques but have non-trivial structures such as core–periphery and communities. Our algorithmic contributions show the usefulness of these patterns. (1) Core-A, which measures the deviation from Mirror Pattern, successfully spots anomalies in real-world graphs, (2) Core-D, a single-pass streaming algorithm based on Core-Triangle Pattern, accurately estimates degeneracy up to 12 \(\times \) faster than its competitor. (3) Core-S, inspired by Structured Core Pattern, identifies influential spreaders up to 17 \(\times \) faster than its competitors with comparable accuracy.  相似文献   

The Planar Feedback Vertex Set problem asks whether an n-vertex planar graph contains at most k vertices meeting all its cycles. The Face Cover problem asks whether all vertices of a plane graph G lie on the boundary of at most k faces of G. Standard techniques from parameterized algorithm design indicate that both problems can be solved by sub-exponential parameterized algorithms (where k is the parameter). In this paper we improve the algorithmic analysis of both problems by proving a series of combinatorial results relating the branchwidth of planar graphs with their face cover. Combining this fact with duality properties of branchwidth, allows us to derive analogous results on feedback vertex set. As a consequence, it follows that Planar Feedback Vertex Set and Face Cover can be solved in \(O(2^{15.11\cdot\sqrt{k}}+n^{2})\) and \(O(2^{10.1\cdot\sqrt {k}}+n^{2})\) steps, respectively.  相似文献   

We present two parameterized algorithms for the Minimum Fill-in problem, also known as Chordal Completion: given an arbitrary graph G and integer k, can we add at most k edges to G to obtain a chordal graph? Our first algorithm has running time \(\mathcal {O}(k^{2}nm+3.0793^{k})\), and requires polynomial space. This improves the base of the exponential part of the best known parameterized algorithm time for this problem so far. We are able to improve this running time even further, at the cost of more space. Our second algorithm has running time \(\mathcal {O}(k^{2}nm+2.35965^{k})\) and requires \(\mathcal {O}^{\ast}(1.7549^{k})\) space. To achieve these results, we present a new lemma describing the edges that can safely be added to achieve a chordal completion with the minimum number of edges, regardless of k.  相似文献   

bsp is a bridging model between abstract execution and concrete parallel systems. Structure and abstraction brought by bsp allow to have portable parallel programs with scalable performance predictions, without dealing with low-level details of architectures. In the past, we designed bsml for programming bsp algorithms in ml. However, the simplicity of the bsp model does not fit the complexity of today’s hierarchical architectures such as clusters of machines with multiple multi-core processors. The multi-bsp model is an extension of the bsp model which brings a tree-based view of nested components of hierarchical architectures. To program multi-bsp algorithms in ml, we propose the multi-ml language as an extension of bsml where a specific kind of recursion is used to go through a hierarchy of computing nodes. We define a formal semantics of the language and present preliminary experiments which show performance improvements with respect to bsml.  相似文献   

In the framework of parameterized complexity, exploring how one parameter affects the complexity of a different parameterized (or unparameterized problem) is of general interest. A well-developed example is the investigation of how the parameter treewidth influences the complexity of (other) graph problems. The reason why such investigations are of general interest is that real-world input distributions for computational problems often inherit structure from the natural computational processes that produce the problem instances (not necessarily in obvious, or well-understood ways). The max leaf number ml(G) of a connected graph G is the maximum number of leaves in a spanning tree for G. Exploring questions analogous to the well-studied case of treewidth, we can ask: how hard is it to solve 3-Coloring, Hamilton Path, Minimum Dominating Set, Minimum Bandwidth or many other problems, for graphs of bounded max leaf number? What optimization problems are W[1]-hard under this parameterization? We do two things:
  1. (1)
    We describe much improved FPT algorithms for a large number of graph problems, for input graphs G for which ml(G)≤k, based on the polynomial-time extremal structure theory canonically associated to this parameter. We consider improved algorithms both from the point of view of kernelization bounds, and in terms of improved fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) runtimes O *(f(k)).
  2. (2)
    The way that we obtain these concrete algorithmic results is general and systematic. We describe the approach, and raise programmatic questions.

In this paper we consider both the maximization variant Max Rep and the minimization variant Min Rep of the famous Label Cover problem. So far the best approximation ratios known for these two problems were \(O(\sqrt{n})\) and indeed some authors suggested the possibility that this ratio is the best approximation factor for these two problems. We show, in fact, that there are a O(n 1/3)-approximation algorithm for Max Rep and a O(n 1/3log?2/3 n)-approximation algorithm for Min Rep. In addition, we also exhibit a randomized reduction from Densest k-Subgraph to Max Rep, showing that any approximation factor for Max Rep implies the same factor (up to a constant) for Densest k-Subgraph.  相似文献   

Spectral measures have long been used to quantify the robustness of real-world graphs. For example, spectral radius (or the principal eigenvalue) is related to the effective spreading rates of dynamic processes (e.g., rumor, disease, information propagation) on graphs. Algebraic connectivity (or the Fiedler value), which is a lower bound on the node and edge connectivity of a graph, captures the “partitionability” of a graph into disjoint components. In this work we address the problem of modifying a given graph’s structure under a given budget so as to maximally improve its robustness, as quantified by spectral measures. We focus on modifications based on degree-preserving edge rewiring, such that the expected load (e.g., airport flight capacity) or physical/hardware requirement (e.g., count of ISP router traffic switches) of nodes remain unchanged. Different from a vast literature of measure-independent heuristic approaches, we propose an algorithm, called EdgeRewire, which optimizes a specific measure of interest directly. Notably, EdgeRewire is general to accommodate six different spectral measures. Experiments on real-world datasets from three different domains (Internet AS-level, P2P, and airport flights graphs) show the effectiveness of our approach, where EdgeRewire produces graphs with both (i) higher robustness, and (ii) higher attack-tolerance over several state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

The Surjective Homomorphism problem is to test whether a given graph G called the guest graph allows a vertex-surjective homomorphism to some other given graph H called the host graph. The bijective and injective homomorphism problems can be formulated in terms of spanning subgraphs and subgraphs, and as such their computational complexity has been extensively studied. What about the surjective variant? Because this problem is NP-complete in general, we restrict the guest and the host graph to belong to graph classes \({{\mathcal G}}\) and \({{\mathcal H}}\), respectively. We determine to what extent a certain choice of \({{\mathcal G}}\) and \({{\mathcal H}}\) influences its computational complexity. We observe that the problem is polynomial-time solvable if \({{\mathcal H}}\) is the class of paths, whereas it is NP-complete if \({{\mathcal G}}\) is the class of paths. Moreover, we show that the problem is even NP-complete on many other elementary graph classes, namely linear forests, unions of complete graphs, cographs, proper interval graphs, split graphs and trees of pathwidth at most 2. In contrast, we prove that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable in k if \({{\mathcal G}}\) is the class of trees and \({{\mathcal H}}\) is the class of trees with at most k leaves, or if \({{\mathcal G}}\) and \({{\mathcal H}}\) are equal to the class of graphs with vertex cover number at most k.  相似文献   

Let a program-predicate t testing another program p with respect to a given postcondition be given. Concrete tests d (data of the program p) are input data for t. Let us consider the program t when values of its argument d are unknown. Then a proof of the fact that the prediate t is true for all input data of the program p is verification of p with respect to the given postcondition. In this paper, we describe experiments on automatic verification of a number of cache coherence protocols with the SCP4 supercompiler (an optimizer of programs written in the REFAL-5 functional language).  相似文献   

We study the unextendible maximally entangled bases (UMEB) in \(\mathbb {C}^{d}\bigotimes \mathbb {C}^{d}\) and connect the problem to the partial Hadamard matrices. We show that for a given special UMEB in \(\mathbb {C}^{d}\bigotimes \mathbb {C}^{d}\), there is a partial Hadamard matrix which cannot be extended to a Hadamard matrix in \(\mathbb {C}^{d}\). As a corollary, any \((d-1)\times d\) partial Hadamard matrix can be extended to a Hadamard matrix, which answers a conjecture about \(d=5\). We obtain that for any d there is a UMEB except for \(d=p\ \text {or}\ 2p\), where \(p\equiv 3\mod 4\) and p is a prime. The existence of different kinds of constructions of UMEBs in \(\mathbb {C}^{nd}\bigotimes \mathbb {C}^{nd}\) for any \(n\in \mathbb {N}\) and \(d=3\times 5 \times 7\) is also discussed.  相似文献   

The task assignment on the Internet has been widely applied to many areas, e.g., online labor market, online paper review and social activity organization. In this paper, we are concerned with the task assignment problem related to the online labor market, termed as ClusterHire. We improve the definition of the ClusterHire problem, and propose an efficient and effective algorithm, entitled Influence. In addition, we place a participation constraint on ClusterHire. It constrains the load of each expert in order to keep all members from overworking. For the participation-constrained ClusterHire problem, we devise two algorithms, named ProjectFirst and Era. The former generates a participationconstrained team by adding experts to an initial team, and the latter generates a participation-constrained team by removing the experts with the minimum influence from the universe of experts. The experimental evaluations indicate that 1) Influence performs better than the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of effectiveness and time efficiency; 2) ProjectFirst performs better than Era in terms of time efficiency, yet Era performs better than ProjectFirst in terms of effectiveness.  相似文献   

We study the computational complexity of the existence and the verification problem for wonderfully stable partitions (WSPE and WSPV) and of the existence problem for strictly core stable coalition structures (SCSCS) in enemy-oriented hedonic games. In this note, we show that WSPV is NP-complete and both WSPE and SCSCS are DP-hard, where DP is the second level of the boolean hierarchy, and we discuss an approach for classifying the latter two problems in terms of their complexity.  相似文献   

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