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In a laboratory construction for heterotrophic biological denitrification of drinking water treatment, the formation of nitrite, the potency of nitrosation and the genotoxic activity were tested. Parameter as nitrate concentration, the water flow rate in the system, nitrite and morpholine addition and the pH-value were checked. For testing the potency of nitrosation and formation of nitrite in the reactor we took morpholine, a fast nitrosing amine. The results show for the break down rate of nitrate, there is no influence of the initial nitrate concentration (80-195 mg/L), the nitrite addition (5-20 mg/L) and the water flow rate (45-100 min) in the system. pH-values below 5.5 showed a little break down rate of nitrate. There was no correlation between the starting point of nitrate concentration and the formation of nitrite, although there was a positive correlation between the length of stay and the formation of nitrite. Nitrite concentrations of 5 mg/L with morpholine concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/L didn't show detectable formation of nitrosomorpholine. The analyses of different watertests in the construction didn't show significant results for DNA damage by the sister-chromatid exchange (SCE). The results of the Salmonella microsome assay (tester strain TA1535) didn't show any mutagenic effects relating to the potency of nitrosation. According to our experiments the potency of generalising nitrosamides or nitrosamines by drinking water denitrification seems to be low. There is no final assessment of detriment to health by denitrifying drinking water.  相似文献   

The aerobic fecal flora of wintering Brent Goos (Branta bernicla), Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis), Greylag Goose (Anser anser), White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons), Pink-footed Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus), and Bean Goose (Anser fabalis) was studied. There were no specific differences between the various geese. Bacterial counts were in the range of 10(5)-10(7) CPU per gram of feces. Neither pathogenic bacteria nor rotavirus could be detected in the fecal samples of the wintering geese, so that a contamination of the environment with those pathogenic organisms could be excluded. The majority of the isolated bacteria belonged to the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas; enterobacteria and streptococci were less common. The observations are discussed regarding their epidemiological and ecological significance.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are associated with at least 80% of cervical carcinomas and are classified as high-risk or low-risk based on whether or not they are commonly found in cervical cancers. The high-risk HPVs have early gene products (E6 and E7) that immortalize human keratinocytes and are at least partially responsible for causing cervical carcinoma. E6 and E7 from the high-risk viruses interact strongly with the tumor suppressors p53 and Rb; those from the low-risk HPVs do not. Transformation involves a multi-step process and requires additional factors besides high-risk HPV infection. High-risk HPVs are capable of immortalizing primary human keratinocytes in tissue culture, but such cells become transformed only after certain chromosomal changes take place, possibly having to do with oncogene activation. The DNA of high-risk HPVs is frequently (if not always) integrated into the genome of cancer cells; it is normally episomal in premalignant lesions. Integration disrupts the E2 and E5 genes and viral gene regulation. Cells containing integrated viral DNA show excessively high levels of E6 and E7. While there is some conflicting evidence, it appears that the p53 and Rb tumor-suppressor genes are more frequently mutated in HPV-negative tumors than they are in HPV-positive tumors, suggesting that for tumor formation to proceed the p53 and Rb proteins must be inactivated either by interaction with the viral proteins or by mutation. The presence of an activated oncogene in a cell lacking functional p53 or Rb may then be sufficient to cause tumor progression.  相似文献   

Proteolytic inactivation of key regulatory proteins is essential in eukaryotic cell-cycle control. We have identified a protease in the eubacterium Caulobacter crescentus that is indispensable for viability and cell-cycle progression, indicating that proteolysis is also involved in controlling the bacterial cell cycle. Mutants of Caulobacter that lack the ATP-dependent serine protease ClpXP are arrested in the cell cycle before the initiation of chromosome replication and are blocked in the cell division process. ClpXP is composed of two types of polypeptides, the ClpX ATPase and the ClpP peptidase. Site-directed mutagenesis of the catalytically active serine residue of ClpP confirmed that the proteolytic activity of ClpXP is essential. Analysis of mutants lacking ClpX or ClpP revealed that both proteins are required in vivo for the cell-cycle-dependent degradation of the regulatory protein CtrA. CtrA is a member of the response regulator family of two-component signal transduction systems and controls multiple cell-cycle processes in Caulobacter. In particular, CtrA negatively controls DNA replication and our findings suggest that specific degradation of the CtrA protein by the ClpXP protease contributes to G1-to-S transition in this organism.  相似文献   

Plant viruses transmitted by invertebrate vectors either reversibly bind to vector mouthparts or are internalized by the vector and later secreted. Viral proteins mediate the binding of plant viruses to vector mouthparts and the transport of virus across vector-cell membranes. Both mechanisms probably involve conformational changes of virus proteins during their association with the vector.  相似文献   

The aerobic flora of 2 groups of children (normal and with malnutrition) with acute diarrhoea was studied, by intubation of the upper and middle small intestine and by stool culture. All the 27 children studied presented bacterial concentrations of 10(5) germs/ml at one or both levels studied. In 9 cases enteropathogen bacteria e were isolated from stools, and in 6 of these they were also found in the small intestine. The results show the elevated incidence of overgrowth of the small intestinal aerobic flora in children with acute diarrhoea. This fact is mentioned as another etiological factor to be taken into consideration in this pathology.  相似文献   

Folding pattern diversity of integral membrane proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The objective of this study is to analyze volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in Taiwan's drinking water supply. Focusing on Taiwan's three major metropolitan areas--Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung (in the north, middle and south, respectively)--171 samples were taken from tap water and 68 from boiled water. Tests showed VOC concentrations were highest in Kaohsiung. This is due to different water sources and methods of treatment. Except for bromoform, trihalomethane (THM) concentrations were highest. Detection rates of toluene and 1,2-dichloroethane were slightly higher than other VOC compounds. VOC concentrations decreased significantly after water was boiled. THMs had a removal rate from 61% to 82%. The authors conclude that the three metropolitan areas contain significantly different levels of VOCs and that boiling can significantly reduce the presence of VOCs. Other sources of pollution that contaminate drinking water such as industrial plants and gas stations must be further investigated.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that PEST sequences act as proteolytic recognition signals within polypeptides. PEST sequences are rich in proline (P), glutamic acid (E), serine (S), and threonine (T) and can be identified by the PEST-FIND program. Both the catalytic and regulatory subunits of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase have been shown to have conditional PEST sequences which are exposed upon cAMP binding to the enzyme. cAMP binding leads to rapid dissociation of C- and R-subunits, and both subunits have increased sensitivity to proteolysis. It is not known whether other proteins that participate in the cyclic nucleotide signalling pathway have PEST regions in their amino acid sequences. Therefore, we have screened amino acid sequences of proteins that are directly involved in cyclic nucleotide cascade, including cGMP-dependent protein kinases, anchoring proteins for cAMP-dependent protein kinase, cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels, and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, for PEST sequences using the PEST-FIND program. Many PEST sequences with high scores have been identified in these proteins. The occurrence of the PEST sequences is very high in proteins involved in cyclic nucleotide signalling pathways (approximately 80%). This value is much higher than the percentage (10%) of PEST sequences that can be found in the primary structures of the proteins listed in the data bank. This frequent occurrence of PEST sequences in proteins involved in cyclic nucleotide action and metabolism suggests an important role of proteolysis of these key proteins of signal transduction.  相似文献   

Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a new technique that enhances the antitumor effect of various anticancer agents by delivering high-voltage electrical impulses to the tumor. A rat squamous cell carcinoma and a hepatocellular carcinoma were transplanted into the tongues of rats and subjected to a) high-voltage electrical impulses 30 min after the injection of bleomycin, b) bleomycin treatment alone, and c) electrical treatment alone. A non-treated control group was also included. Following ECT, the tongue tumors were no longer visible from the 3rd day after treatment and histological examination revealed complete regression, whereas tumors that received either high-voltage impulses alone or bleomycin alone showed no detectable changes. The healing process following ECT progressed smoothly, including that of the normal tissue within the electrical field that was seriously damaged. ECT was shown to be an efficient therapy for treating tumors of the tongue, and it is expected to be suitable for the treatment of human oral cancers as soon as problems related to ECT damage of normal tissue are overcome.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the human TLS protein, also termed FUS, is located at the site of chromosomal translocations in human leukemias and sarcomas where it forms a chimeric fusion gene with one of several different genes. To identify interacting partners of TLS, we screened a yeast two-hybrid cDNA library constructed from mouse hematopoietic cells using the C-terminal region of TLS in the bait plasmid. Two cDNAs encoding members of the serine-arginine (SR) family of proteins were isolated. The first SR protein is the mouse homolog of human splicing factor SC35, and the second SR member is a novel 183-amino acid protein that we term TASR (TLS-associated serine-arginine protein). cDNA cloning of human TASR indicated that mouse and human TASR have identical amino acid sequences. The interactions between TLS and these two SR proteins were confirmed by co-transfection and immunoprecipitation studies. In vivo splicing assays indicated that SC35 and TASR influence splice site selection of adenovirus E1A pre-mRNA. TLS may recruit SR splicing factors to specific target genes through interaction with its C-terminal region, and chromosomal translocations that truncate the C-terminal region of TLS may prevent this interaction. Thus TLS translocations may alter RNA processing and play a role in malignant transformation.  相似文献   

The c-fps/fes proto-oncogene encodes a 92-kDa protein-tyrosine kinase that is expressed at high levels in macrophages. We have previously shown that overexpression of c-fps/fes in a CSF-1-dependent macrophage cell line (BAC1.2F5) partially released these cells from their factor dependence and that this correlated with the tyrosine phosphorylation of a subset of proteins in a tissue-specific manner. We have now identified one of the macrophage substrates of Fes as the crk-associated substrate (Cas) and a second substrate as a 130-kDa protein that has been previously described as a T cell activation-dependent substrate and is unrelated to Cas. Both of these proteins, which have optimal consensus sequences for phosphorylation by Fes, were tightly associated with this kinase through its SH2 domain, suggesting that they were direct substrates of Fes. Remarkably, when the Fes SH2 domain was used as an affinity reagent to identify potential substrates of endogenous Fes in control BAC1.2F5 cells, the phosphotyrosyl proteins that were recognized were the same as those that were specifically phosphorylated when Fes was overexpressed in the same cells. We conclude that the substrates we identified may be structurally related or identical to the physiological targets of this kinase in macrophages. The known functions of Cas and p130 suggest that Fes kinase may play a role in signaling triggered by cell adhesion and cell-cell interactions during immune responses of macrophages.  相似文献   

The catastrophe at Chernobyl Atomic Power Station (ChAPS) of 1986 has created a natural model for studying the after-effects of prolonged action of radiation on the biota. Our work is aimed to estimate the variability of heterotrophic bacteria in the soil of 10-km zone of ChAPS which have formed as affected by prolonged action of radiation, as well as to create the corresponding collection of bacteria. Microbiological analysis of soils was carried out in 1993-1994 (in spring, summer, autumn), allowing for bacteria destroying different organic substance (in soil). It is shown that in the surface layer of soils (at the depth of 0-2 cm) the total number of cells of heterotrophic bacteria as well as the number of found species of bacteria is considerably less than in the control samples. Atypical distribution of bacteria in the soil profile was established. Indices of the species diversity of bacteria in these soils permit one to consider that microbe content of soil of the 10-km zone of the ChAPS has become considerably less after the disaster at the ChAPS in 1986 and has not recovered by 1993. A collection of various physiological groups of bacteria including representatives of Methylobacterium genus has been created. They have been isolated from the soils of 10-km zone of the ChAPS for following genetic investigations.  相似文献   

The popular image of a world full of pollutants mutating DNA is only partly true since there are relatively few agents which can subtly and directly change base coding; for example, some alkylating agents alter guanine so that it pairs like adenine. Many more mutagens are less subtle and simply destroy coding altogether rather than changing it. Such mutagens include ultraviolet light, X-rays, DNA cross-linkers and other agents which make DNA breaks or large adducts. In Escherichia coli, mutagenesis by these agents occurs during a DNA repair process which increases cell survival but with an inherent possibility of changing the original sequence. Such mutagenic DNA repair is, in part, encoded by the E. coli umuDC operon. This article reviews the structure, function, regulation and evolution of the umuDC operon and similar genes found both in other species and on naturally occurring plasmids.  相似文献   

In 14 patients with atopic dermatitis the superficial bacteria from unaffected skin were extracted with the scrub method, aerobically cultured, and analysis qualitatively and quantitatively. For comparison, 12 healthy subjects served as control group. Staphylococcus aureus, as well as coagulase-negative staphylococci were significantly increased in patients with atopic dermatitis. It is assumed that special characteristics of the horny layer in atopic dermatitis favor the growth of aerobic bacteria. The qualitative biotyping and phage typing gave no support to the claim that special bacteria dominate the microbial flora of the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

Coliform bacteria are the most frequently reported bacteria to translocate after hemorrhage. We investigated the correlation between composition and diversity of the cecal coliform flora and the degree of translocation in a rat model of hemorrhagic stress. Two groups of nine rats each were bled to 60 and 50 mm Hg mean arterial blood pressure, respectively. A sham-operated group without bleeding (n = 9) and a noninstrumented group (n = 6) served as controls. From each rat, 40 coliform isolates from the cecum and up to 16 from positive mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cultures were tested with an automated biochemical fingerprinting method. The phenotypic diversity of coliforms in each cecal sample was calculated as Simpson's diversity index (DI), and similarities between bacterial types in different samples were calculated as population similarity coefficients. Three rats in the sham-operated group and seven in each of the bled groups showed bacterial translocation. Of the different biochemical phenotypes (BPTs) found in the cecum of bled rats (mean, 6.5 BPTs), only a few were detected in MLNs (mean, 1.9 BPTs per MLN), with Escherichia coli being the dominant species. The translocating E. coli strains were mainly of two BPTs. Rats showing no translocation either did not carry these strains or had a high diversity of coliforms in the cecum. Furthermore, translocation of these coliform types was independent of their proportion in the cecum. In bled rats, the diversity of coliforms (mean DI, 0.53) was significantly higher than that in control groups (mean DI, 0.30; P = 0.004), suggesting that hemorrhage stimulates an increase in diversity of cecal coliforms. Rats with similar coliform flora and subjected to the same treatment showed similar patterns of translocation. Our results suggest that the composition of the coliform flora is an important factor in translocation and that certain coliform strains have the ability to translocate and survive in MLNs more easily than others.  相似文献   

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