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Have the 1990 NHS and community care reforms totally divorced the national health service from its founding principles? Is commercialism compatible with public service? In the following extracts from a paper presented at the HVA 1993 annual professional conference Reg Pyne, in a presentation of his personal views, highlights short-comings in the organisation and delivery of both health and social care since the reforms were introduced. He calls on nurses and their managers to stand by their professional principles to defend standards and equity in NHS services.  相似文献   

The United States faces a rapidly growing aging population, government reforms, and policy shifts to give primary responsibility to the states for programs of community-based care for the elderly. At the same time, increasing concern is being given to the more effective use of home and community-based services, and particularly what role case management might play. Given these changes, much may be learned from the 1993 reforms to the British system of community care, which made case management the cornerstone of the system and gave primary responsibility for community care programs to local social service departments. This examination of the programs in Britain, conducted largely through site visits and personal interviews with social service staff, describes the successes and shortcomings of the implementation of the community care reforms with recommendations for program development in the United States.  相似文献   

Community hospitals have been supported by the general public and by professionals as one means of increasing choice between local, low technology, care and high technology care at the district general hospital. However, there is no information on the impact of community hospitals on district general hospital use subsequent to NHS and community care reforms. Examination of routinely gathered activity data in the Bath Health District revealed that availability of community hospital beds was associated with reduced use of central inpatient services in the city of Bath. The reduction was most apparent for medical and geriatric beds. Decrease in the use of surgical beds was small. However, total inpatient bed use (including central and community hospital beds) was higher in the population with access to community hospital beds. We conclude that community hospitals offer one option for accessible health care and, as such merit systematic evaluation of costs and benefits. This study presents some evidence that savings could be achieved through improved efficiency.  相似文献   

Volunteers are increasingly viewed as health agents. This seems to be linked to the reorientation towards primary health care and the current reforms in the health services. Seen as a way of breaking down social and cultural barriers between the formal health care system and the client community it also claims to cut the cost of services. OBJECTIVE: To know the roles of volunteers in promoting health and the practical aspects of implementation and evaluation. DESIGN: This paper is based on a review of published and sentinel papers from the bibliographic databases, MEDLINE (1991-1995), ERIC (1982-1995) and ERIC INTERNATIONAL (1965-1995). We have also reviewed the IME (until 1997) and the Spanish journals in MEDLINE to know the Spanish context (from 1995-98). RESULTS: The practical experiences from developing countries, the USA and the UK were reviewed within the framework of health promotion. A wide variety of experiences exist. There is a striking difference between activities in these countries, depending of the health service provision. In developing countries the aim is to bring primary health care services to areas with few professional resources. In developed countries, however, experiences have developed in response to failings in the formal health care system, to facilitate illness prevention and health promotion. The settings are different but the process is the same, factors fundamental to performance have therefore been identified in: recruitment, training, monitoring, continuing support and evaluation. The impact on health improvements and the quality of services in both systems, developed and developing countries, seems to be positive. We haven't found too much details from the Spanish experience, then, it emphasizes the need to know abroad experiences. CONCLUSIONS: Finally, the benefits and constraints derived from this type of voluntary action in the health field have been raised. Some specific social changes and health care system reforms contribute to establish volunteering in the health system, but we have to remark organization, coordination and community participation.  相似文献   

Dowries can be defined as lump sum payments or continuing grants which health authorities make between themselves and to local authorities or voluntary organisations in respect of people with severe mental disorders to be cared for in the community instead of in hospital. This paper has three aims. First to describe how dowries and other processes were set up to encourage the closure of two psychiatric hospitals in England. The broader financing context for mental health care (prior to the reforms in England engendered by the NHS and Community Care Act, 1990) is also described and shows some similarities to the current arrangements in Québec. Second, we abstract some information from a long-running evaluation of the reprovision programme to look at the type of services used in the community by former long-stay patients of these two hospitals and the comparative costs of hospital and community-based care. After leaving hospital, former patients require considerable inputs from other health and social care services; any development of community care for these patients should at the least mirror the facilities provided on the hospital campus. The final aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which this English system of budget reallocation ("dowries") can be employed in Québec to further reduce long-stay hospital provision. There are many similarities between the health and social care systems of the two countries but there are also organisational and political differences. It is not sensible, therefore, to transfer the English budget reallocation to Québec wholesale, but we suggest that there are important process and implementation issues which can guide the development of financing mechanisms in Québec.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate changes in primary care following recent NHS reforms. The study was carried out by home interview of random samples of people aged 65 years and over in three district health authorities; 1500 in 1990 and 1500 in 1992, before and after the introduction of the reforms. The response rate was 94% (1413 in 1990 and 1405 in 1992). Few patients (6%) changed their general practitioner (GP) in 1990 or 1992. There was an increase in the provision of written practice information in 1992, but more than 60% of patients could not recall receiving leaflets. More practices included practice nurses and appointments systems and fewer used rotas of local practices or deputizing services for 'out of hours' calls. In 1992 more patients aged 75 years and over saw their GP within the previous year and significantly more were assessed for vision, hearing, continence, foot problems and blood pressure and had their urine tested, but most of these health assessments, except blood pressure (64%), were recalled by few patients. There have been small changes in the provision and use of primary health care by older people since the introduction of the new GP contract.  相似文献   

Budget constraints, technological advances and a growing elderly population have resulted in major reforms in health care systems across Canada. This has led to fewer and smaller acute care hospitals and increasing pressure on the primary care and continuing care networks. The present system of care for the frail elderly, who are particularly vulnerable, is characterized by fragmentation of services, negative incentives and the absence of accountability. This is turn leads to the inappropriate and costly use of health and social services, particularly in acute care hospitals and long-term care institutions. Canada needs to develop a publicly managed community-based system of primary care to provide integrated care for the frail elderly. The authors describe such a model, which would have clinical and financial responsibility for the full range of health and social services required by this population. This model would represent a major challenge and change for the existing system. Demonstration projects are needed to evaluate its cost-effectiveness and address issues raised by its introduction.  相似文献   

Thirty patients suffering from new episodes of depression or anxiety disorders seen by a hospital-based psychiatric service were matched for severity of illness with 30 patients seen by a community mental health team based upon primary care. These patients were drawn from a total of 108 such patients seen in the community and 57 seen by the hospital service. Clinical and social outcomes were similar in both groups, and neither was clearly superior in terms of quality of clinical information recorded. However, patients treated in the community were seen more quickly, had more continuity of care and were more satisfied with the service. Health services costs were less for those patients treated in the community, because patients were less likely to be admitted. With one atypical patient excluded, treatment by the community team is more cost effective. The greater number of patients seen by the primary-care-based service means that there is no overall cost saving to the NHS.  相似文献   

General hospital mental health programs in large inner city communities face challenges in developing responsive services for populations facing high rates of serious mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness, and poverty. In addition provincial political pressures such as Mental Health Reform and hospital restructuring have caused general hospital mental health programs to reevaluate how services are delivered and resources are allocated. This paper describes how one inner city mental health service in a university teaching setting developed successful strategies to respond to these pressures. Strategies included: (a) merging two general hospital mental health services to pool resources; (b) allocating resources to innovative care delivery models consistent with provincial reforms and community needs; (c) fostering staff role changes, job transitions, and the development of new professional competencies to complement the innovative care delivery models; and (d) developing processes to evaluate the effects of these changes on client.  相似文献   

The Labour government's 1997 plans for Britain's National Health Service (NHS) have been presented as a reaction to the reforms introduced by its Conservative predecessor in 1991. But to a large extent they build on the Conservative legacy. The centerpiece of the Labour reform--managed care organizations based on groups of primary care physicians--is based on the Conservative experiment with general practitioner fund holding. Welcomed when published, Labour's plans may arouse opposition in implementation, for they imply greater central control and threaten medical autonomy. If the political costs are to be contained, Labour may have to choose between increasing spending on the NHS or making concessions to the medical profession--and quite possibly have to do both.  相似文献   

The Americans with Disabilities Act bars discrimination in public accommodations, housing, employment and health care for people with disabilities. Efforts to "mainstream" (in housing and education) many of the individuals with mental retardation have altered the setting for dental services and place demands for services by dental practitioners in the community. These developments should be considered within the jurisdiction of this new legislation. Demographic characteristics and dental needs of children with mental retardation are reviewed to provide a background for this discussion.  相似文献   

The British National Health Service has recently undergone the most profound reforms since it was conceived some 50 years ago. In an attempt to contain the rising cost of spending the principles of market competition have been introduced. Similar developments are occurring internationally. This paper describes briefly the history of the reforms in the United Kingdom. It outlines the rationale for a market in health services which is largely publicly funded. The paper then provides an analysis of the serious impact of the new business culture on the control of nurses and nursing work in hospitals. In doing so, it identifies the threats which confront the future well-being of the nursing profession. It concludes with a brief resumé of opportunities which the profession must seize if it is to retain its identity.  相似文献   

All prisons provide healthcare services which aim to meet the needs of prisoners. The goal of the service is to give prisoners access to the same quality and range of health care as the NHS gives the general public. However, within the prison environment priorities centre around order, control and discipline and therefore an ethos of health care needs to be developed. Custody reduces the prisoner's opportunity for self-care and independent action as inmates have to consult nursing or medical staff for even the most simple remedies. Nursing staff in the prison service can play a significant part in primary health care, mental disorder and health promotion. Nurses have the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to deal with this diverse and vulnerable prison population and to promote a positive interface between custody and care.  相似文献   

Challenges within the emerging area of primary mental health care, in contrast with secondary or tertiary care, are discussed. A review including British and Canadian research in this area is provided. Some attention is given to employer-subsidized services that are available in the workplace. Special consideration is given to mental health services provided in pediatric and family medicine settings. Some suggestions are made in regard to organized psychology's response to these issues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Association of Metropolitan Authorities has recently proposed that responsibility for the NHS should pass from health authorities to local authorities. One of the fiercest debates at the outset of the NHS was whether the hospitals should be run by local authorities. In the end the minister for health, Aneurin Bevan, decided against local democracy and in favour of a national health service. His arguments included the fact that equality of treatment could not be guaranteed if facilities varied with local finances and that even the largest authorities were not big enough to pool risks and expertise. All these arguments still apply today, and the recent changes in community care provide an insight into how a market model of local authority control might work. The changes have been accompanied by a shift from public to private sector provision and the introduction of charges for services that the NHS once provided free. As important, the willingness and ability of local authorities to raise extra revenue from local taxes and charges affect the service they can provide, so leading to inequalities of provision. Local authorities have yet to make the case that they can preserve the fundamental principles and benefits of the NHS, including its reliance on central taxation and unified funding formulas.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the costs of primary maternity care services at the Diepkloof Community Health Centre (DK) in Soweto. DK, the Soweto community health centre system as a whole and numerous other non-hospital settings provide a wide range of maternal health services to substantial numbers of women, and relieve hospitals of a major potential clinical burden. However, no research has been done in South Africa on the relative costs of the provision of these services in different settings and by different types of health worker. The cost structure of these services at DK is presented and the costs of antenatal care, deliveries in midwife-run labour wards, postnatal care (at the health centre and at home) and family planning services detailed. Some comparisons are made with existing data for another community health centre and with Baragwanath Hospital. These results are relevant to policy and planning of maternal health services. They are also shown to be of relevance to management and several areas of potential improvement of these services are noted.  相似文献   

Meeting the mental health needs of Veterans returning from recent deployment requires the coordinated effort of partnerships across Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and state and local communities. Although the proportion of Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who have accessed VA health care has grown, the majority of these new combat Veterans have yet to present for VA care. The stigma associated with reporting a deployment-related mental health problem may be one factor in this, but access to treatment may also be an important concern among the one third of American Veterans who live in rural or highly rural areas. As these Veterans are more likely to present to a primary care, faith-based or mental health provider in their own community, partnerships between community providers, DoD, and VA are of critical importance in ensuring appropriate care, regardless of treatment setting. In an effort to improve services and access to services, especially to rural Veterans, an educational public health initiative was created to educate community providers about military culture, deployment-related mental health issues, VA resources, and evidence-based treatments. We describe the development, dissemination and evaluation of this initiative, as well as lessons learned for future similar endeavors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper examines primary health care (PHC) development with an emphasis on community participation in Ethiopia under the feudal regime of emperor Haile Sellassie, the socialist/military rule of Mengistu Haile Mariam and the sprouting democracy and free market economy of Meles Zenawi. In spite of the rapid expansion of primary care under Mengistu, community participation was hampered by the protracted war and centralized, urban-based, bureaucratic approaches and attitudes that failed to promote an enabling environment for community participation. The socialist government, although implementing various community programs and expanding the rural health services, did not succeed in revolutionizing the health services. A comparative examination of the democratized rebel health services of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) illustrates the inconsistencies between stated policies of the Ethiopian government and actual strategies, and identifies factors promoting and impeding participatory health care development in a war environment. Achievements, opportunities and potential dangers to PHC and community participation in the post-war era characterized by economic progress, democratization, decentralization, lingering ethnic conflict and private initiatives are briefly described.  相似文献   

The role of general practitioners is changing and expanding. Doctors have more control over the treatment received by their patients but remain largely unaccountable to the public and management. This article proposes an organisational model for integrating primary and secondary care which retains the advantages of fund-holding while giving management control over overall strategy. It proposes that general practitioners control funds for all primary and secondary care. Secondary care will be contracted through a joint team of managers and an elected general practice executive committee. A new health care purchasing authority will contract for primary services with individual practices or primary care provider units. General practitioners will have local contracts reflecting their desire to provide an expanded range of services and the needs of the community.  相似文献   

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