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As the epidemic of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in sub-Saharan Africa enters its second decade, much has been learned about the distribution and determinants of the disease and its causative agent, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Over 6 million people, or 2.5% of the adult population, are thought to be infected with HIV. The distribution of HIV is largely determined by sexual behavior; as for other sexually transmitted diseases, the characteristics of sexual networks determine the extent and rate of spread of HIV. Female sex workers and their male clients are at high risk for HIV and have been important in initiating the epidemic in many African countries. The dynamics of HIV in the rest of the population are complex; men with multiple sexual partners are largely responsible for transmission of HIV to women in the general population. Other sexually transmitted diseases and lack of male circumcision may increase the probability of transmission of HIV during sexual intercourse and probably are partially responsible for the rapid diffusion of HIV in Africa. Interventions among high-risk groups are needed, but they must be accompanied by attempts to induce behavior change among men and women in the general population. Epidemiologic studies of the determinants of sexual behavior and sexual contact patterns, as well the design and evaluation of interventions, are urgently needed. Key areas for development are the study of behavioral exposures and outcomes, the evaluation of interventions, developing new methods for conducting interventions in resource-poor environments, and increasing the number of African scientists with the skills and resources to conduct epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

To date, triple drug therapies for HIV have resulted in spectacular reductions in the number of virus particles and often remarkable recovery from disease in infected people. There is still, however, a great need for improved therapies. A battery of drugs aimed at different stages in the life cycle of HIV will enable switching of treatments if resistant viruses emerge or if patients are unable to tolerate particular therapies. Intense efforts are now underway to produce drugs that target chemokine receptors used by HIV to gain entry into cells. HIV needs two receptors on the host cell surface for efficient attachment and infection. HIV first interacts with CD4 but requires a coreceptor to penetrate the cell membrane. The first coreceptor, identified in 1996, is a member of the family of chemokine receptors, members of the G-protein coupled 7TM superfamily, which are involved in the trafficking of leukocytes in immune surveillance and inflammation. Such a therapeutic approach would differ from those used successfully to date, which focus largely on proteins coded by the HIV virus itself, and which are required for the replicative cycle of the virus. Many small, orally bioavailable molecules that block various 7TM receptors are used to treat a panoply of diseases including ulcers, allergies, migraines, and schizophrenia. These molecules are the cornerstone of the pharmaceutical industry's contribution to the fight against so many diseases, and it is hoped that a small molecule inhibitor of coreceptors can be developed that will become an invaluable drug in the fight against AIDS.  相似文献   

Initially recognized in 1982, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has been the leading cause of death among young adults in the United States for much of this decade, and it has had a devastating impact on people in the developing world. It is estimated that 42 million people worldwide have been infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS, and that almost 12 million people have died from AIDS-related diseases through 1997. Among these 12 million are 3 million children. Two thirds of the more than 30 million people with HIV or AIDS reside in sub-Saharan Africa. In the United States, 641,086 patients have been diagnosed with AIDS through 1997, and at least 385,000 have died. However, for the first time, new highly active antiretroviral therapies that include multiple drugs that attack the virus at several sites have slowed the progression from HIV to AIDS and from AIDS to death for those infected with HIV. The cumulative effect of these changes has been a reduction in both AIDS incident cases and AIDS deaths. Recent epidemiologic trends indicate that the proportion of AIDS incident cases and new HIV infections are increasing among women, African-Americans, and Hispanics, and the infections are more likely to be acquired through heterosexual transmission. The clinical management of HIV infection and AIDS has become increasingly complex in recent years. In addition to complete medical and social histories and physical examinations, hematologic, biochemical, serologic, and immunologic laboratory tests are required to predict the likelihood that patients will develop opportunistic infections and other complications related to HIV infection. Among the most important laboratory tests are measurements of HIV in plasma (viral load) in conjunction with peripheral blood CD4+ helper T lymphocyte counts. These tests are potent predictors of disease progression and their results have become markers for clinical response to therapy. The development of highly active antiretroviral therapy has had a profound impact on the epidemiology of AIDS and on the lives of individual patients. Through combinations of antiretroviral drugs, especially protease inhibitors, viral suppression can be achieved. However, adherence to these complex medical regimens and drug interactions have been problems for many patients. In addition, numerous questions remain unanswered, most importantly those regarding the timing of the initiation of treatment, the durability of viral suppression and clinical response, and the optimal "salvage" regimens for patients failing therapy either clinically or virologically.  相似文献   

The first case of HIV infection in Russia was detected in 1987, there have since been 142 million HIV tests in the country, and 196 and 1535 new HIV cases were reported in 1995 and 1996, respectively. By 2000, the Ministry of Health forecasts that there will be 800,000 HIV-positive people in the country. It is culturally accepted in Russia to use drugs intravenously. There has been a rapid rise in the number of IV drug users in Russia, with an estimated 100,000 users in Moscow forming an important core group for HIV transmission, and similar numbers of users in Leningrad, Kalinigrad, and Rostov. Russian IV drug users are mainly aged 15-25 years who lead regular lives, attend school, and socialize freely with non-users, including having sexual relationships. Such behavior among IV drug users facilitates the rapid spread of HIV to the rest of society. Ketamine is popular among schoolchildren, who inject it intramuscularly, while homemade IV drugs also abound. High levels of IV drug use, a health system in a state of collapse, a growing incidence and prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and government inexperience with the HIV epidemic mean that an HIV epidemic in Russia is inevitable. Medecins Sans Frontieres has launched an HIV prevention campaign together with the government.  相似文献   

Because the ever-changing course of HIV disease, including AIDS, represents a continuous series of unexpected stressors, repeated crisis intervention is appropriate for people who are HIV infected. HIV disease causes situational, developmental, social, and compound crises. People with HIV may experience episodic trauma over the course of the illness and consequently move in and out of equilibrium. Crisis intervention should be offered at every hazardous juncture. This article examines ways to use crisis intervention techniques to help people living with HIV.  相似文献   

Our experience with medical students in a large inner city hospital left us concerned that students' fears affect their ability to learn about and care for HIV-positive people. Therefore, we decided to create an environment in which the students could feel safe exploring their own attitudes and feelings about HIV. To accomplish the goal, we developed a curriculum in the ambulatory care of HIV-positive people. We recruited and trained patients from an HIV support group at our hospital to work with students in one-on-one sessions to teach interviewing, physical exam, and patient counseling skills. As part of a 4-week ambulatory clerkship for third year students we developed a minicourse which included four sessions with didactic and experiential components. The first week consisted of an orientation and group discussion in which patients told the students about what its like to live with HIV. During each of the following three sessions, students met with a preceptor to learn about HIV in an ambulatory care setting. The didactic session was followed by one-on-one student/patient encounters in which students practised skills discussed that week and patients gave them feedback. At the close of the day, the entire group reconvened to discuss what had happened. As a result of this integrated approach, students are experiencing the relational aspects of providing medical care, often for the first and only time. In the process they are learning to take good social histories and are learning how patients with HIV relate to and sometimes reorganize their family and social support systems. Students have the opportunity to get to know, in depth, a relatively healthy person who is living with a chronic, stigmatizing illness. Both patients and students are talking to each other on a level of intimacy that is rare in the training environment. Patients express a new appreciation of their own role and power in the relationship and a new insight into the struggles of the provider. Faculty experience a renewed commitment to the importance of creating an environment where the students can discover for themselves the joy of the connection between doctor and patient. Students have an opportunity to relate to patients not as pathology, but as people with lives before and beyond the medical system. This model is practical and may be useful in teaching about other chronic diseases in the ambulatory setting.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from the second part of a two-stage study that used both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the communication context of school-based HIV-AIDS education in state secondary schools in metropolitan and rural areas of New South Wales. The quantitative data are here described, focusing on a sample of 1005 Year 12 students' responses to a self-administered questionnaire. The data suggest that the students strongly supported the general idea of school-based HIV-AIDS education, but found current offerings lacking in several respects. Students identified a strong need for information about how HIV and AIDS affect the body, for more information about sexually transmissible diseases other than HIV-AIDS, for people with HIV themselves and experts in the field to provide education sessions, and for more small-group discussions. Rural students and those students from schools located in the outer western suburbs of Sydney in particular reported that they had insufficient access to the modes of information that they most preferred. There were some important differences between the responses of female and male students and between the responses of students from different ethnic groups, suggesting that these factors also need acknowledgment when school-based programs are designed for young people.  相似文献   

While the incidence of general paralysis of the insane (GPI) has declined, AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) has emerged as a new illness. Today, in England and Wales, as many elderly people die from AIDS as from neurosyphilis, although both diagnoses are rare in this age group. Both are serious medical conditions with psychiatric manifestations. For both, serological tests may identify the disease, and treatment may be of benefit, but there is considerable social stigma attached to the diagnoses. Ethical guidelines for serological testing for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) have been available for over a decade. In view of the similarities between the diseases, it may be unethical to test patients for syphilis routinely. Epidemiology, risk factors, neurological and neuropsychiatric features and ethics must be considered before testing for both syphilis and HIV.  相似文献   

More than 6 million people are under some form of criminal justice supervision in the United States on any given day. The vast majority are arrested in and return to urban, low-income communities. These are men, women, and adolescents with high rates of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and tuberculosis (TB), as well as substance abuse and other health problems. A review of recent literature indicates that an increasing problem for these populations is that they have had little prior access to primary health care or health interventions, and many are returning to their communities without critical preventive health information and skills, appropriate medical services, and other necessary support. Periods of incarceration and other criminal justice supervision offer important opportunities to provide a range of health interventions to this underserved population, and general evaluations show the potential for this strategy. Public health and criminal justice agencies have the expertise and should collaborate to provide interventions needed by incarcerated populations. Moreover, many recently released inmates require primary care for HIV/AIDS, other STDs, and TB. Consequently, timely discharge planning is essential, as are linkages with community-based organizations and agencies that can provide medical care, health education, and necessary supportive services.  相似文献   

Many publications on the knowledge, practice, and attitudes of oral health care providers can be found in the literature. This paper is a synthesis of literature on their compliance with infection-control procedures and their attitudes toward patients with HIV/AIDS. The literature indicates increased compliance with infection-control procedures. While some oral health care providers report negative attitudes toward treating patients with HIV/AIDS, their fear is decreasing, possibly due to their increased compliance with infection-control procedures and increased access to care for those with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

More than 40 different oral diseases and conditions have been described in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The recognition of the oral manifestations of HIV disease is of great significance because they may represent the first signs of the disease and have been shown to be highly predictive markers of severe immune deterioration and disease progression. Although some oral diseases and conditions have a weak association with HIV disease, others are strongly linked with the disorder, and a few are acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining in nature. The spectrum of oral manifestations of HIV disease is reviewed with emphasis on clinical recognition, diagnosis, and treatment.  相似文献   

A patient admitted to your unit this morning presents a dauntingly complex clinical picture. Maria DeJesus, 34 years old, has HIV infection, which progressed to AIDS last year with an episode of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. She's also experienced recurrent vaginal and esophageal candidiasis and cryptococcal meningitis, and her more recent history includes peripheral neuropathy, causing pain and numbness, as well as cognitive and motor function problems. Her admission was prompted by diarrhea that has persisted despite outpatient treatment. To provide the best care for patients like Ms. DeJesus, you need to understand HIV infection and the diseases associated with it. Yet that's a challenging task, given that the possible manifestations of advanced infection are so many and varied. Though your approach to care is holistic, you may find it helpful to consider the numerous facets of the patient's illness individually. In the following pages, we'll examine how HIV enters the body, infects immune cells, and eventually cripples the immune system. We'll look at some of the more common opportunistic infections preying on people with HIV. And we'll explore the less well-charted territory of complications attributed to HIV infection of the central and peripheral nervous systems.  相似文献   

Outpatient Clinic and hospital department for HIV infected person have been working in Chair and Department of Infectious Diseases CM UJ since september, 1st, 1989. The aim of the study was to estimate the progression of HIV infection in patients of our clinic during the four years of observation. The 183 persons with confirmed HIV infection were enrolled in this study. Data for 114 were closely analysed. The diagnoses and stage of the diseases were establish according to the objective and subjective criteria we considered: medical history of patient, especially complaints associated with HIV infection, as objective-physical examination and laboratory investigations, especially the number of CD4 lymphocytes. The stage of the disease were establish according the criteria of Center for Diseases Control. The course of the diseases was compared according to risk group, sex, social condition. The results were evaluated statistically and compared with other medical publications. Judging from the obtained results it can be clearly concluded that there are no differences in course of the diseases associated with life condition. In some cases diseases associated with life condition. In some cases disease has rapid progression, sometimes slowly. Most of evaluated patients were injecting drug users. In the cohort of homosexual and bisexual men we often observed advance form of HIV infection. No differences were found in the course of HIV infection concerning sex and life condition. Illness observed in our patients with HIV infection was typical and compared with that which are presented in other medical publications, only some of them were observed rare or never.  相似文献   

WITH CURRENT TRENDS in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) early intervention moving more toward primary care, more and more advanced practice nurses (APNs) are providing primary care to people with HIV. Because almost half of new cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome continue to have homosexual or bisexual contact as a risk factor, the APN must be prepared to address the processes that are specific to the psychosocial development of homosexual persons. The most universal of these is coming out. Coming out is a stress-inducing process that can be magnified when combined with HIV infection. Moreover, with growing recognition of the presence and needs of gay and lesbian clients in the health care system, this challenge of helping people cope with the transitions of coming out extends beyond HIV care, from adolescence through old age.  相似文献   

Training designed to improve AIDS knowledge, attitude, and practice was delivered to 96 traditional healers in the Central African Republic. The training (17 to 36 hours) was conducted by traditional healers with the assistance of staff from the Ministry of Health. Training included the following topics: prevention of HIV transmission during traditional practice; diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases; condom promotion; AIDS education at the community level; psychosocial support for people with AIDS; and promotion of a positive image for traditional healers. The evaluation of the training consisted of a prospective assessment of knowledge and attitude immediately prior to and after training. These assessments were conducted using structured interviews. Improvement in knowledge and/or attitudes was observed in all areas assessed except for prevention of HIV transmission during traditional practice. We concluded that AIDS training can be successfully delivered to traditional healers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: People who abuse drugs suffer from a host of medical problems that impose costs on both the abusers and society as a whole. Drug-abuse treatment and other interventions can help alleviate these medical problems, leading to health status improvements for chronic drug users and reduced social costs. The authors' dual purpose here is to (1) propose a theoretically rigorous yet easy-to-apply methodology for estimating the health-related costs of drug abuse and (2) demonstrate the methodology by estimating the potential dollar value of avoiding adverse health consequences as a result of successful drug-abuse interventions. METHODS: The authors' proposed multiattribute quality-adjusted life year methodology for estimating the value of avoiding morbidity and mortality involves eight steps to be followed sequentially. The framework is based on developing a common unit of well-being (i.e., quality-adjusted life year) that can be applied to all types of health conditions. If all health states can be denominated in this common unit, then the process of valuation is straightforward and consistent across all types of illnesses and diseases. The methodology is relatively inexpensive to execute because the estimation procedures are not complicated technically and the data demands are modest. Also, this approach incorporates elements from several disciplines, including psychology, epidemiology, medicine, and economics. Finally, the proposed methodology is flexible enough to cover a wide range of illnesses and diseases so that consistent and comparable estimates can be generated. RESULTS: The authors estimate the dollar value of avoiding acute hepatitis B, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), hypertension, bacterial pneumonia, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis for a white male aged 32 years. The authors' results illustrate that estimated avoided morbidity values can vary significantly across the range of health consequences associated with drug abuse. At the upper end of the range, the value of avoiding only the morbidity associated with a single case of HIV/AIDS is approximately $157,811 for the period beginning with transmission of HIV, through late-stage HIV and AIDS, and ending just before death. CONCLUSIONS: People who abuse drugs suffer from many medical problems in addition to their addiction. The proposed approach for estimating the dollar value of avoiding adverse health consequences provides policy analysts, evaluators, and researchers a method to calculate theoretically based benefit estimates for use in a benefit-cost analysis of drug-abuse interventions.  相似文献   

This study examines the hypothesis that people who have more contact with PWAs (people living with AIDS) are more tolerant than those who have no contact with them. Four provinces with different incidence of AIDS in 4 different regions of Thailand were selected. Structured questionnaire interviews were conducted with village people, asking about their history of contact with PWAs, and knowledge and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS and PWAs (n = 434). An 'Attitude Score', which indicates an accepting attitude (or tolerance) toward HIV/AIDS and PWAs, was developed using the results of the questionnaire on attitudes. Six factors: sex, education, age, province, knowledge, and history of contact with PWAs were positively correlated with the Attitude Score. After a multiple regression analysis, contact with PWAs was significantly associated with Attitude Score. This study is one of the first analytical studies conducted in a non-Western country to show that people's tolerant attitudes towards HIV/AIDS and PWAs are positively related to their history of contact with HIV/AIDS and PWAs. This findings should have important implications for future educational programmes and preventative intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Policy for the care of people suffering from HIV and AIDS has changed over the past decade. Schemes for shared primary and secondary care have been met with varying success, and patients may be reluctant to become involved. No systematic evaluation comparing the views of primary care providers and users in areas of varying HIV prevalence has been published. AIM: To examine the role of general practice in areas of England with low and high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence and to compare barriers to general practice care in each area. METHOD: We used focus groups, semistructured questionnaires and interviews in north London (high HIV prevalence) and Nottingham (low HIV prevalence). RESULTS: Four focus groups took place in London. A total of 411 general practitioners (GPs) in London and 405 in Nottingham replied to postal questionnaires. Overall, 121 primary care staff in 40 London practices and 26 staff in five Nottingham practices were interviewed. In all, 54 people infected with HIV were interviewed in London and 20 in Nottingham. Providers and users regarded the 24-hour availability and the familiar environment of general practice as its key assets. Lack of expertise and time were its disadvantages. Providers were concerned about inadequate communication with specialist services. Although providers were concerned about confidentiality, whether they had liberal and sympathetic attitudes was more important in deciding whether people with HIV used the service. In the low-prevalence area, general practice involvement was the result of individual initiatives, and practices were not integrated into specialist care. In the high-prevalence area, HIV care was more usual in general practice, but there was also little integration with HIV services. CONCLUSIONS: In high-prevalence districts, a strategy to make HIV care routine for all GPs may be appropriate. In low-prevalence areas, a network of selected, strategically located, relatively high-involvement practices may be more effective in meeting the primary care needs of people with HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

Although clinical experience and preliminary research suggest that some transgender people are at significant risk for HIV, this stigmatized group has so far been largely ignored in HIV prevention. As part of the development of HIV prevention education targeting the transgender population, focus groups of selected transgender individuals assessed their HIV risks and prevention needs. Data were gathered in the following four areas: (1) the impact of HIV/AIDS on transgender persons; (2) risk factors; (3) information and services needed; and (4) recruitment strategies. Findings indicated that HIV/AIDS compounds stigmatization related to transgender identity, interferes with sexual experimentation during the transgender 'coming out' process, and may interfere with obtaining sex reassignment. Identified transgender-specific risk factors include: sexual identity conflict, shame and isolation, secrecy, search for affirmation, compulsive sexual behaviour, prostitution, and sharing needles while injecting hormones. Community involvement, peer education and affirmation of transgender identity were stressed as integral components of a successful intervention. Education of health professionals about transgender identity and sexuality and support groups for transgender people with HIV/AIDS are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Concern about possible transmission of bloodborne pathogens during medical procedures is growing among patients and healthcare workers alike. This fear has primarily been focused on nosocomial transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but other bloodborne infectious agents may also be transmitted during procedures. Chief among these are the hepatitis viruses, particularly hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), both of which are significantly more widespread than HIV. Although radiology is not traditionally thought of as a field with significant risk for exposure to or transmission of pathogens, the expanding role of interventional procedures in recent years belies that perception. The potential for exposure to blood or other possibly infectious material exists in virtually any invasive radiological procedure, from arteriography to image-guided biopsy. Fortunately, the risk of such exposure is low, and the risk of actual transmission of a bloodborne pathogen, whether from patient to healthcare worker or vice versa, is even lower. Nevertheless, it is important for all radiologists who perform invasive procedures to be aware of these risks and to observe pertinent safety and infection control recommendations. This article will review these topics.  相似文献   

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