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高颖 《太阳能》2012,(1):26-29
详细介绍了太阳能干化装置在设计过程中必须注意的一些重要事项。  相似文献   

高颖 《太阳能》2013,(1):43-45
介绍了德国HUB ER公司开发的SRT太阳光干化系统及其改装的处理方案。  相似文献   

德国太阳能污泥干化处理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高颖  黄志强 《太阳能》2012,(7):21-26
详细介绍了德国太阳能干化的技术基础,通过对比桥式污泥翻滚和点式污泥翻滚装置的不同,分析了这两种翻泥装置的操作方式和用途。同时,提供了太阳能污泥干化处理系统的一些操作经验和外热利用。  相似文献   

高颖 《太阳能》2011,(1):25-28
介绍了STR太阳能污泥干化处理系统的主要组成部件以及采取辅助能源的工程运转实例。  相似文献   

介绍了50t/d市政污泥干化系统的湿污泥接收储存及输送、污泥干化机、干污泥输送、蒸汽供应及凝结水回收、尾气处理、臭气收集输送等装置设备及设计,对市政污泥干化系统的研发和优化具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为探索有效的城市生活污水污泥无害化和资源化利用途径,以杭州市6个典型净水厂产生的市政污泥样品为原料,进行基本理化特性分析,并对国内典型的污泥干化设备进行比选,推进污泥干化焚烧技术路线实施.首先,对污泥样品进行工业、元素、热值、重金属含量、pH值和主成分进行分析,并采用热重红外等方法对干化污泥的燃烧特性进行分析.实验结果...  相似文献   

采用薄层干燥的方式对嘉兴市某污水处理厂的脱水市政污泥在不同厚度和温度下的干燥特性进行实验研究,并通过引入薄层干燥模型,对薄层市政污泥干燥过程进行模拟分析。结果表明:厚度越小或干燥温度越高,污泥干燥速率越快。当温度从70 ℃上升到130 ℃时,最大干燥速率从0.025 87 g·(g·min)−1上升到0.081 58 ...  相似文献   

市政污泥干燥焚烧联合运行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据深圳宝安区污泥处理工程中的技术数据,对污泥流化床低温干燥、流化床高温焚烧系统进行能量平衡计算,对污泥含水率及其影响进行分析,得出本系统的理论工作参数,流化床干燥器入口的污泥含水率应尽量降低到70%~80%;干燥器出口的污泥含水率为10%~20%,最大不宜超过30%.为达到系统的能量平衡,可采取降低湿污泥的含水率和添加辅助燃料的措施.  相似文献   

现阶段新型污泥干化技术已经逐步成熟,将之用于印染污泥处理中时较之传统污泥挤压干化技术而言所取得效果更好.本文对新型污泥干化技术在印染污泥处理上的应用进行全面分析,并结合实际做出相应整理和总结.  相似文献   

高颖 《太阳能》2011,(11):38-39
一项目背景和要求德国Hayingen镇位于风景美丽的黑森林区域。2004年,在此镇的市政污水厂内建造了一套太阳能干化装置(图1、图2),并成功投入运转使用。原来污水处理厂产生的污泥通过脱水机可将  相似文献   

一谷物太阳能干燥 1 贮热型太阳能谷物干燥 在集热型或温室-集热混合型干燥装置中加入贮热单元便构成贮热型太阳能谷物干燥装置.图1是一种强迫循环组合式贮热型太阳能谷物干燥装置,它采用石头作为贮热元件.白天日光充足时,打开阀门8,关闭阀门9,风机将集热器中的空气吹入干燥室,同时通过集热器底部的孔板将热传到放有石头的贮热室,对石头进行加热,蓄积多余的太阳能.  相似文献   

污泥太阳能干燥试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张云月  赵磊  陈德珍 《太阳能》2007,(11):24-26
一前言城市生活污水在处理过程中产生了大量的污泥,据不完全统计,目前全国污水处理厂每年排放湿污泥500万吨以上,干重超过100万吨。随着我国污水处理设施的普及、处理率的提高,产生的污泥量将继续增大。目前污泥的主要处置方法有农用、填埋和焚烧。大量未经稳定化、无害化处理的污泥已成为污水处理厂的沉重负担,同时也对环境产生了二次污染。  相似文献   

The direct-type solar dryer is characterized by very simple construction, less maintenance, cost-effectiveness, and is easy to handle. The present study aims to enhance the performance of a direct-type solar dryer. To achieve this, the photovoltaic (PV) panels with thermal energy recovery and solar air collector were integrated with the direct-type solar dryer. In this study, the PV panels with thermal energy recovery and solar air collector were utilized as preheating units to raise the air temperature before entering the direct solar dryer. Moreover, the PV panels were utilized to drive the air blower. In this study, three incorporated models are suggested to study the performance of the solar dryer integrated with PV panels with thermal energy recovery and solar air collector. The model of each component was validated by the previously recorded empirical data. The results confirmed that the dual utilization of the PV panels with thermal energy recovery and solar air collector as a preheating unit raised the air temperature entering the direct solar dryer by the rate varying between 29°C and 42°C within the period 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Also, the moisture content of banana samples inside the direct solar dryer reduced from the initial value of 72% (wb) to the value of 33.4% (wb) within 7 h (9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.). During this operating period, moisture removal from the banana samples varied between 110 and 400 g/h.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a thermal conversion process that converts high-moisture biomass into hydrochar. HTC was applied to stabilize and process sludge collected from septic tanks into hydrochar for practical energy recovery. Experiments were conducted with a 1-L high-pressure reactor operating at different temperatures and reaction times in which the sludge was mixed with catalysts and biomass at different ratios. The effects of catalysts (i.e., acetic acid, lithium chloride, borax, and zeolite) and biomass (i.e., cassava pulp, dried leaves, pig manure, and rice husks) mixing with sludge for hydrochar production were investigated. The experimental data showed acetic acid and cassava pulp to be the most effective catalyst and biomass, respectively, increasing energy contents to the maximum value of 28.5 MJ/kg. The optimum HTC conditions were as follows: sludge/acetic acid/cassava pulp mixing ratio of 1/0.4/1 (by weight), at a temperature of 220 °C, and reaction time of 0.5 h. The relatively high energy contents of the produced hydrochar suggest its applicability as a solid fuel.  相似文献   

针对我国半干旱地区太阳能资源丰富和农村生活用能紧缺的特点,基于生态学、环境学和建筑学等方法原理,集被动式太阳房、太阳能热水器、太阳暖圈一沼气池、高效预制组装架空炕连灶等多项技术为一体,提出了基于太阳能和生物质能综合利用的半干旱地区农村生态住宅设计理念,并对生态住宅的热量供需平衡进行分析。结果表明:此类基于太阳能和生物质能综合利用的农村生态住宅模式,年可提供热量68070.24MJ,完全可满足半干旱地区农户日常生活中炊事、采暖、热水、照明以及家电使用等各种能耗需求。  相似文献   

一中药饮片的太阳能干燥 1 设备组成 中药饮片太阳能干燥装置的基本结构如图1所示. 2 特点 (1)太阳能空气集热器与太阳能温室相结合.为充分利用太阳能,操作图1中5~8四个阀门控制气流,实现集热器温室开式通风、温室内部闭式循环通风和介于两者之间的多种方式配合通风,可满足不同物料、干燥阶段、干燥工艺的要求.  相似文献   

Field level experiments on solar drying of pineapple using solar tunnel drier were conducted at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The drier consists of a transparent plastic covered flat plate collector and a drying tunnel connected in a series to supply hot air directly into the drying tunnel using two dc fans operated by a solar module. This drier has a loading capacity of 120–150 kg of pineapple and a total of eight drying runs were conducted. In all the cases the use of the solar tunnel drier leads to considerable reduction of drying time in comparison to sun drying. The pineapple being dried in the solar tunnel drier were completely protected from rain, insects and dust, and the quality of the pineapple dried in the tunnel drier was of quality dried products as compared to sun dried products. Proximate analysis also indicates that the pineapple dried in the solar tunnel drier is a good quality dried product for human consumption.  相似文献   

储热技术有利于提高太阳能的利用率,降低传统木材干燥的能耗,对木材工业的可持续发展具有重要意义。本文系统地阐述了储热技术的基本原理,简要介绍了其应用概况;结合国内外研究现状,分析了储热技术在木材太阳能干燥中的应用,并指出了储热技术在木材太阳能干燥中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A Gas Recirculation Solar Hybrid Technique developed at the University of New Hampshire for the gasification of carbonaceous materials using solar energy is discussed. The cost of substitute natural gas (SNG) manufactured from conventional and hybrid units of 7.08×106 m3 per day (250 MM SCF/D) capacity from various feed stocks has been computed and compared. It is estimated that by 1995 the cost of SNG from a hybrid system will be competitive with conventional gasification systems. The size of the hybrid plant versus gas cost has also been studied and it is found that for plants smaller than 0.566×106 m3 per day (20 MM SCF/D) of SNG, the gas cost increases exponentially. A bench scale unit of the UNH Gas Recirculation System for coal carbonization has been tested using an electric heater to simulate solar energy with nitrogen as the heat carrier gas. This study shows the successful carbonization of coal by indirectly transferring simulated solar heat, using the gas recirculation technique. The products obtained are similar to those from a conventional carbonization unit. Our results obtained so far show the UNH Gas Recirculation Solar Hybrid process is economically and technically feasible.  相似文献   

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