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In this part II, the comparison of physical mechanisms between tungsten inert gas (TIG) and active TIG (A-TIG) welding is shown. The plasma was monitored by a high speed camera to present the arc constriction phenomena while passing from TIG to A-TIG. The elemental analysis and the arc temperature measured by optical emission spectroscopy were performed according to the type of welding and the different fluxes in A-TIG welding. The two-dimensional axial symmetric model presented in part I was used to simulate the flow behaviour in the melting pool realised on a stainless steel disc (304L) melted by a stationary heat source and to study the influence of energy density.  相似文献   


In the present work, the chemical mechanism was shown for tungsten inert gas (TIG) and active TIG (A-TIG) welding. The results obtained with a two-dimensional axial symmetric model developed to simulate the flow behaviour in the meting pool on a stainless steel disc (304L) melted by a stationary heat source were presented to show the influence of Marangoni convection combined with Lorentz forces. This study shows the influence of the addition of an activating flux on the geometric characteristics of the weld beads in A-TIG welding.  相似文献   

利用熔池振荡及熔池谐振信号的检测,以熔池自身固有振荡频率与熔池尺寸的内在关系测定熔池金属表面张力,研究了薄板SUS304不锈钢TIG焊不同熔池尺寸的表面张力变化以及活性剂对熔池表面张力的影响。实验研究方法为焊接熔池表面张力测定中的最初应用。  相似文献   

在变动焊接电流下检测电弧电压,考察A-TIG焊电弧收缩及活性剂的影响。结果表明,A-TIF焊电弧收缩是焊接熔深增加的一项重要原因,电弧是否产收缩与所使用的活性剂有前关,然而,既使在电弧未产生收缩情况下,表面活性剂仍然对焊接熔深的增加有较大作用。  相似文献   

以TiO_2和CaCl_2为活性剂,研究了传统活性焊以及活性焊丝焊接中熔深的增加作用,并分析了焊接过程中的电弧光谱行为。结果表明,采用传统活性焊方法以及活性焊丝焊方法均可以显著增加镁合金TIG焊的熔深,不同种类的活性剂增加熔深的效果不同,并且活性剂所处的位置不同,其增加熔深的效果也不相同。当使用TiO_2活性剂时,不管是涂敷在母材表面,还是涂敷在焊丝表面,均没有观察到其一次离子的谱线。而在活性焊丝焊接电弧中,观察到了Ca元素的一次离子的谱线,说明CaCl_2活性剂主要通过影响焊接电弧来增加焊接熔深,而TiO_2,活性剂增加焊接熔深的机理主要是影响熔池行为,对焊接电弧作用较小。  相似文献   

The main advantage of the TIG with flux process (A-TIG welding) is the possibility of obtaining greater penetration of the weld bead while employing the same welding parameters as conventional TIG welding. Various studies have shown the influence of active fluxes on the geometric characteristics of stainless steel austenitic welds. However, little is known about the influence of this process on the geometric and metallurgical characteristics of the weld beads in ferritic stainless steels. In this work, different types of flux are applied when welding ferritic stainless steel with the objective of verifying possible influences on the weld bead's profile, on its visual appearance, on the microstructure, on the hardness of the welded zone and on the impact resistance (Charpy test). The bead-on-plate welds were produced without using any addition metal. Six types of flux were used – one being an oxide produced in a laboratory (TiO2) and five commercial fluxes. The results showed that use of the flux allows an increase in penetration with significant changes in the appearance of the weld bead. It was also confirmed that the microstructure and the hardness of the weld bead for the steel studied were not affected by the type of flux used, with the microstructure analysed under an optical microscope. The steel in the study showed a high degree of fragility at ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Orthogonal experiment is employed to study a new kind of multiplex flux for nickel-base superalloy. This activated TIG welding flux is composed of NaF, MgF2 and CaF2, and their proportion is 5:4:1. Compared with conventional TIG welding, the penetration increases 164% by the action of the flux. Tensile test result indicates that the fracture strength of the mixed flux A-TIG weld bead is higher than base metal, and it increases along with the decrement of the welding current. The average extensibility of the weldment is beyond 100%, which means perfect ductility. MetaUographs elucidate that there exist lots of deep and evenly distributed dimples on the fiacture section of weld bead while on that of base metal there only exists a few shallow dimples and massive tearing ridge.  相似文献   

低碳钢A-TIG焊活性剂的焊接性   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
张瑞华  樊丁 《焊接学报》2003,24(1):85-87
利用自行研制的低碳钢A-TIG焊活性剂进行了各种焊接工艺试验。内容包括焊缝外观形貌、熔深效果、接头微观组织、化学成分及接头力学性能分析。结果表明,使用本活性剂可以使焊缝熔深比常规的TIG焊增加3倍,对12mm以下的低碳钢板对接无需开坡口可一次焊接完成,且单面焊双面成形,焊缝表面成形良好,接头微观组织、焊缝的化学成分、接头力学性能均不受影响。焊接电流、弧长、焊接速度、涂层厚度和保护气体种类等,对焊接熔深的增加产生影响。  相似文献   

黄勇  樊丁  樊清华 《焊接技术》2005,34(4):9-11
分别以TiO2,SiO2,V2O5,CaF2和NaF作为试验用表面活性剂,研究了表面活性剂对铝合金直流反接A-TIG焊熔深的影响,初步分析了表面活性剂增加铝合金A-TIG焊熔深的机理。试验发现,这些活性剂都能不同程度地增加熔深,TiO2增加熔深的效果不明显.而SiO2可使熔深达到传统TIG焊熔深的3.5倍,并且使电弧电压显著增加。研究认为,除SiO2外,其它活性剂增加熔深的主要因素均不是热输入。  相似文献   

黄勇  邵锋  樊丁  林涛 《焊接》2007,(5):47-49
针对铝合金材料,提出了一种新型活性焊接方法--FZ-TIG焊(Flux Zoned TIG Welding).在传统TIG焊接前,在待焊焊道表面中心区域涂敷低熔沸点低电阻率活性剂,在两侧区域分别涂敷高熔沸点高电阻率活性剂,然后进行正常焊接,可以同时保证焊接熔深显著增加和焊缝表面成形良好.以自行研制的FZ108活性剂进行了FZ-TIG焊,并与传统TIG焊、采用FZ108作为活性剂的A-TIG焊、采用SiO2作为活性剂的FB-TIG焊进行了对比.发现在相同参数下,采用FZ-TIG焊进行焊接,焊缝熔深明显大于传统TIG焊、A-TIG焊和FB-TIG焊,达到TIG焊熔深的3倍以上,并且焊缝成形良好,焊缝组织细化,力学性能改善.  相似文献   

根据A-TIG焊对AZ31B镁合金活性剂在焊缝熔深、焊缝表面成形质量、焊缝力学性能、焊缝强化机理、工艺可行性和环保无毒等方面的要求,选取4种组元(TiO2,SrCl2,ZrO2和Y2O3)活性剂.采用均匀设计法的拟水平法设计复合活性剂配方.根据焊缝熔深和焊缝表面成形质量的试验结果建立数学模型,通过对不同数学模型对比分析,确定活性剂各组元的最佳配比,并验证配方的正确性.结果表明,采用均匀设计法设计活性剂配方,焊缝可获得最大熔深和较好的表面成形质量,并且焊接接头具有良好的力学性能.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTheactivatingTIGwelding (A TIG)wasfirstlydevelopedbyPatonWeldingInstitute ,Ukraine ,inthe 196 0s[1,2 ] .Itisnotuntiltheendof 1990sthatA TIGweldinghasbeenwidelyresearchedinEuropeandUS ,forexample ,TWIandEWI[3] .Thefluxes ,whichweredevelopedbyEWI ,havebeenappliedintheUSNavyshipbuildingindustry[4 ] .Theprincipleofthistechniqueisthatathincoatingofactivatingfluxiscoatedonthesurfaceofthebasemetalbeforeweld ing .ComparedwiththeconventionalTIGwelding ,the penetrationca…  相似文献   

0IntroductionTheTIGweldingissuitedtoweldingoperationsrequiringconsiderableprecisionorahighlevelofweldquality.Moreoveritisanidealweldingmethodformaterialssuchasstainlesssteel,titaniumalloy ,aluminumalloyandhightemperaturealloysteel.Howevertheprincipaldis…  相似文献   

用数字化仿真技术,基于Navier-Stokes方程和重整化群k-ε湍流模型,采用贴体坐标和交错网格系统,并运用网格自适应技术对核电燃料棒周边的网格进行自动加密与生成,用SIMPLEC算法对核电燃料棒以及焊接腔体进行了联合计算.通过对焊接腔体内部的周边流场情况的分析,发现了原有结构存在的不足,并针对此缺陷提出了优化的设计方案.  相似文献   

通过研究SiO2活性剂TIG焊焊接不锈钢过程中电弧形态、电弧电压及焊缝几何形状的变化,分析了SiO2活性剂钨极氩弧焊电弧等离子体形态、电弧空间电场强度、电弧温度、电弧电流密度及电弧力的影响.结果表明,SiO2活性剂使TIG焊电弧等离子体收缩,加热区域及电弧力更加集中,同时电弧空间电场强度、电弧温度及电流密度显著提高,导致焊缝几何形状变化,但焊道熔宽未发生明显变化.  相似文献   

进行了TC18钛合金手工TIG焊和电子束焊工艺试验,对该合金在两种不同性能焊接工艺下焊接接头的组织和性能进行对比分析。结果表明,在相同的热处理条件下,TC18钛合金TIG焊焊缝得到口基体上分布着片状α组织,接头强度达到母材的80.5%,断后伸长率为母材的23.6%,焊缝具有较高的冲击性能,达到母材的95.2%,其热影响区的韧性为母材的44.7%;电子束焊焊缝得到β晶粒内分布着短片状α相组织,其接头强度与母材等强,断后伸长率为母材的29.7%,焊缝与热影响区具有相同水平的冲击性能,分别达到母材的55.5%和55.8%。  相似文献   

黄勇  李涛  王艳磊 《焊接学报》2014,35(1):101-104
针对铝合金,提出了一种气体输送活性钨极氩弧焊,即GTFA-TIG焊(gas transfer flux activating TIG welding).该方法改变了活性元素的引入方式,通过自动送粉装置将活性剂输送到保护气体中,由保护气体将其引入电弧-熔池系统进行施焊,使得电弧收缩,熔池金属流态改变,熔深增加,同时省却了涂覆活性剂工序,实现了焊接过程自动化.进行了普通交流TIG焊和8种单组元活性剂的GTFA-TIG表面熔焊,分析了不同活性剂对焊缝成形、拉伸性能以及缺陷的影响.结果表明,大多数卤化物和氧化物活性剂都能使熔深增加到传统TIG焊的2.5~3倍以上,单质碲增加熔深效果较差.采用V2O5的焊缝抗拉强度接近母材金属,而采用MnCl2和AlF3的焊缝有一定程度降低.焊缝X射线探伤结果表明,采用V2O5,MnCl2和AlF3的焊缝评片结果均为Ⅰ级,而采用碲的焊缝为Ⅲ级.  相似文献   

We investigate, how welding conditions affect the arc in TIG welding with a constricted nozzle by numerical simulation using an axial-symmetric two-dimensional model. When helium is used as a shielding gas, the effect of the constricted nozzle is more remarkable than argon. The heat flux to the centre of the anode surface increases more with a higher welding current. This feature is suitable for pulsed welding. Even if an electrode is consumed and its tip angle is changed, a stable arc plasma and heat intensity are obtained.  相似文献   

表面活性剂对铝合金直流正接A-TIG焊熔深的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
黄勇  樊丁  樊清华 《焊接学报》2004,25(5):60-62
试验利用铝合金直流正接A-TIG焊分别以CaF2、TiO2、SiO2和自行研制的AF305铝合金A-TIG焊活性剂作为试验用表面活性剂,研究了表面活性剂对焊接熔深的影响,初步分析了表面活性剂增加铝合金A-TIG焊熔深的机理。发现焊接熔深变化随活性剂的不同而不同,并且与焊接电压变化一致。认为热输入变化是影响熔深变化的重要因素,尤其对于SiO2,焊接熔深与熔宽同步变化,热输入增加是熔深增加的主要因素。  相似文献   

何丽君  林三宝 《电焊机》2011,41(7):43-46
活性化TIG(A-TIG)焊已成为近年来的研究热点,但主要集中在不锈钢和钛合金两种材料,在铝合金中的应用较少.针对铝合金A-TIG焊进行了初步的研究和探索,选择四种单一成分的活性剂,采用表面两侧涂敷方式,通过2A14铝合金的平板堆焊实验,研究了在相同规范下不同活性剂对焊缝熔深、焊缝成形、气孔和微观组织的影响.实验结果表...  相似文献   

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