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After years of expedition in the journey of standardiza-tion, we've conquered miles and miles to be standing here. With China's entry into WTO and the trend of global economic integration, there's still a long way to go. Now that China is making its way to the world, we people specializing in standardization are con-fronted with the opportunity to stride out again on the journey together with our colleagues all over the world. The launch of ChinaStandardizationat this time is to constr…  相似文献   

Established in 1950 as a Junior College of English, Tamkang, first, offered a two-year program and then a three-year program. It was not until 1958 that Tamkang, after it was reinstituted as a College of Arts and Sciences, awarded bachelor‘s degrees to its graduates. In 1980, Tamkang was elevated to university status. After more than fifty years of growth,  相似文献   

The model of hydrogen diffusion formerly de-veloped [1] has been applied successfully to thehydrogen permeation experiment results of threekinds of materials,α—Fe,Fe—Ti alloy and Fe—Ti—Calloy by the mathematical fitting method.From thefitting results it was shown that the model can re-fiect well the diffusion of hydrogen in the materialswith trapping.The obtained trapping parameters(αand β)can be used to explain well the diffusion ofhydrogen in the samples with trapping.  相似文献   

An analysis is given of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (henceforth referred to as the Guide) and of the report EURACHEM: Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurements, Version 6 which is based on the Guide. Particular attention is devoted to considering the basic proposals of the Guide according to which the idea of error is abandoned and the new idea of uncertainty is introduced in its place. The contradictory nature of a whole range of its provisions is considered. In a number of examples taken from the Guide it is shown that its concept is inapplicable to the system of providing for the unity of measurements which relies on the centralized reproduction of the units of physical quantities and the transfer of their quantitative determination. Spheres of application of this conception following its revision are proposed.  相似文献   

Most parents remember the first time they drove with a newborn child in the car. Feeling the need to protect the infant, they avoided sharp turns and drove more slowly and carefully than normal. But how long do these behaviors persist? Do parents ultimately revert to their previous driving patterns, or does some of the early protectiveness and caution continue to characterize their driving as their infant grows into a toddler and preschooler? In an attempt to answer these questions, two studies were conducted on parents of young children: a qualitative study consisting of personal interviews (16 parents); and a quantitative study in the form of a national telephone survey (165 parents). The results show that the most dominant reported effect of the transition to parenthood on driving is increased apprehension of traffic crashes and a stronger sense of responsibility. However, these changes were found to influence the reported actual driving behavior of only a portion of the parents. Possible explanations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Justas the them e ofthis year’s W orldStandards D ay,“Standards for a SaferW orld”,the W orld Standards D ay thisyear is unusual because the role of stan-dards is becom ing m ore and m ore im por-tant and irreplaceable.Standard,one ofthe key w ays to build a safe w orld isfound by years’collaborative efforts ofexperts w orldw ide w ho are engaged instandardization w ork.W e believe thatthere should be no lim it for standard.Standard is the base of w ide cooperationand com m unication f…  相似文献   


The characteristics of the S‐curve in a symbol (bit) synchronizer are important in evaluating the timing‐variance performance. However, the calculation of S‐curve is so tedious and complicated that almost all the S‐curves in the literature are drawn by computer simulations. A simple and quick graphic approach to draw the S‐curve for a symbol synchronizer is proposed in this paper, which can provide exactly the same S‐curve as that with the conventional method for high SNR case.  相似文献   

The reaction course of urea synthesis from NH3 and CO2 was discussed on the basis Of bimolecular reaction mode. It was considered probable that amino-formic acid is a vigorously corrosive intermediate product. An electrochemical corrosion mechanism of stainless steels and titanium in the urea medium was proposed.  相似文献   

N ano-m aterials are the new ly em erged m aterialsdeveloped since the end ofeightiesand the beginning ofninetiesoflastcentury by a frontierand cross-disciplinetechnology-nanotechnology. N anom aterial research in-volves m any unknow n processes and w onderful phe-nom ena,w hich can hardly been explained using tradi-tional term inology and standards. To guide and stan-dardize the developm entofnanom aterials,in the yearof2002,the M inistry ofScience and Technology listed theprojectofdevelopin…  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the skill to predict the development of traffic situations. A stop-controlled intersection was filmed over several days, and 12 scenes with varying traffic complexity were selected. In half of the scenes, the traffic rules were violated, in half of the scenes, the rules were observed. A total of 36 participants were asked to watch the scenes and predict how the scene would most likely develop in the 2s after the film was paused. Additionally, the participants rated how certain they were about their prediction, and how complex and dangerous they assessed the scenes to be. With the method used here, experienced drivers were not found to make more correct predictions of situational development, and no difference in skill to predict could be found between genders. Nevertheless, more experienced drivers were more certain in their judgements and evaluated the situations on average as less complex and dangerous than did less experienced drivers. Scenes in which the traffic rules were violated were more difficult to predict correctly. The scenes in which the participants predicted violations were rated as more complex and dangerous. It is concluded that the low-cost method used here is more useful for examining which scenes are generally easy or difficult to predict and how they are experienced subjectively than to investigate differences in performance for different driver categories.  相似文献   

We propose a method for the investigation of the limiting equilibrium of an elastoplastic orthotropic cylindrical shell with cracks. The idea of this method is to reduce the elastoplastic problem, by using an analog of the c -model, to the problem of elastic equilibrium of an orthotropic shell with cracks of unknown length whose lips are subjected to the action of unknown forces and moments satisfying the conditions of plasticity of thin shells. The equations of the Timoshenko-type theory of shells and the methods of generalized functions are used to reduce the elastic problem to the system of singular integral equations with unknown limits of integration and discontinuous right-hand parts. We construct a numerical solution of this system and study the dependence of the crack-tip opening displacement and the sizes of the plastic zones on the geometric and mechanical parameters of the orthotropic and transversely isotropic shell.  相似文献   

We report the performance of calibration laboratories in the pneumatic pressure region (0 to 5) MPa through a recently conducted inter-laboratory comparison. Six NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) accredited laboratories participated in the program. The proficiency testing program was organized and piloted by CSIR-National Physical Laboratory. The program started in June 2010 and was completed in October 2011. The artifact used was a high precision pressure dial gauge. The reference values were generated by the pilot laboratory. The deviations for each participating laboratory were estimated against the reference pressure values and the compatibility of the results was calculated using the conventional method. Out of the total measurements made, all but two were found to be in good agreement with the reference values. The normalized error values (E n) of five laboratories out of the total six were found well within ± 1 over the entire pressure range.  相似文献   

Google Scholar and Scopus are recent rivals to Web of Science. In this paper we examined these three citation databases through the citations of the book “Introduction to informetrics” by Leo Egghe and Ronald Rousseau. Scopus citations are comparable to Web of Science citations when limiting the citation period to 1996 and onwards (the citation coverage of Scopus)—each database covered about 90% of the citations located by the other. Google Scholar missed about 30% of the citations covered by Scopus and Web of Science (90 citations), but another 108 citations located by Google Scholar were not covered either by Scopus or by Web of Science. Google Scholar performed considerably better than reported in previous studies, however Google Scholar is not very “user-friendly” as a bibliometric data collection tool at this point in time. Such “microscopic” analysis of the citing documents retrieved by each of the citation databases allows us a deeper understanding of the similarities and the differences between the databases.  相似文献   

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